Louise Hay_Overcoming fears

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hello this is Louise hey and I would like to explore some ideas with you and share some affirmations about leaving through fears in ways that are empowering to you doing affirmations that is repeating positive statements is a way to erase old negative messages in the dark of the night we hear sounds and we are afraid of the unknown in the dark of our minds we think scary thoughts and we become afraid we replay long gone childhood terrors and we cringe we hear the sounds of our parents fearful voices warning us of dangers real and imagined the world tells us to be afraid that life is unsafe and we the obedient children listen and believe and tremble we learn to see a fearful world and we learn to believe that the world is a fearful place as we believe so we experience ween in our minds create the fear and then we keep it going by the experiences we have that mirror our fears and yet it is all only thoughts that we are talking about and thoughts can be trained the thoughts we think the ideas we believe create our experiences fearful thoughts create fearful experiences yes it may be true that your childhood was a fearful you may have been terrorized at that time you may even today have fear in your life but do you want to continue to live that way or would you like to now create a world for yourself that is safe peaceful and secure you can join me in changing your thoughts from fear to safety it's worked for me and I'm sure it can work for you let's begin by taking a deep breath and as you exhale let the fear imagine that every time you exhale now you are releasing old fees some a little at a time and some all at once in a big big exhale [Music] now affirm and declare with me I release and I let go I let go of fears old and new there is no longer any need for me to scare myself I forgive all those who have ever hurt me I forgive myself for hurting others [Music] I forgive myself for blaming and punishing myself I forgive my parents for their fears and limitations and I now declare for myself that I am safe I sleep and wake and move in complete safety each person creates their own reality I now create a reality for myself of oneness and security I create an island of safety around me I can see this island and my mind's eye it is safe and serene it is beautiful and green I walk freely everywhere on this island in perfect peace this island becomes my world and everyone on this island enjoys the same safety we are all peaceful everyone in my world is peaceful I am safe I am secure I am at peace every corner of my world is a safe place I am safe in the daytime I am safe at night I walk in peace my inner intelligence always leads me into peaceful bond with my bed is a safe place I release the day with love and I embrace sleep I am safe when I am asleep I am safe during the night my dreams our dreams of joy I awaken feeling safe and secure I enter the new day with joyous anticipation for it is a day that has never been lived before I know an affirm that I am safe in this new day I am always safe in my home and all who enter my home do so and safety and peace my food is safe and helpful and nourishing every room in my dwelling place is safe and peaceful my home is a peaceful shelter I am relaxed at home I radiate love wherever I am I surround myself with loving people only love goes out from me and only love comes back to me I forgive others and move on I am forgiven and I am free all forms of transportation I use are safe I am safe in cars and buses in trains and planes even on bicycles and skateboards no matter what form of transportation I use I am safe and secure I am able to relax when traveling I am a peaceful traffic I know I am safe at work I work in a place that is harmonious I love the work that I do I am safe with my coworkers I am safe with my boss my job is safe and mine as long as I wanted I am relaxed and peaceful and I am working even when working to a deadline I feel peaceful and the more peaceful I am the more efficient I am I do my best work when I relax I create a relaxed joyful atmosphere wherever I am my boss appreciates me and loves the way I work I am calm and secure at all times wherever I go in this world I take my island of safety with me this island of safety also protects my family every member of my family is safe and protected I release all worries about my family I surround each member of my family with thoughts of safety and peace from the smallest to the largest from the youngest to the oldest from home to school to work to play and home again each one is moving through life in peace and harmony I free my family to be who they are and to live life in their own way knowing that no harm can befall my family also allows me to be Who I am and to live my life in the way I think is best we are all safe and free I relax in this knowledge and I am happy I feel safe and secure in my spiritual beliefs I feel it one with my Creator I know my Creator has only my joy and my well-being in mind I trust in the power that created me to protect me at all times and under all circumstances I was created to be all that I can be I am safe with life all my lessons are easily learned II's aliy release that which no longer works it is safe for me to learn I approach new lessons with joy and anticipation it is easy for me to learn I am willing to learn I love to learn new things I am relaxed while studying studying is a joy i soak up new information like a sponge life gives me easy lessons I am harmless to others and others are harmless to me I feel safe with the young and with the old I feel safe with those who are like me and those who are different I feel safe with animals I am relaxed with them I live in harmony with all and the weather is my friend I am in harmony with all of life the Sun the Moon the wind the rain the earth and the movement of you I am with the elements I am always comfortable in any weather my body of just to the outer temperature and I am beneath the dark is my friend the dark is comforting to me I move through the dark with ease I am safe in the dark there is nothing in the dark for me to feel I am always safe and well protected I feel safe in my body I am healthy and safe and secure all beliefs in disease and pain and suffering are now released I now choose to be healthy and I now radiate vibrant health I take loving care of my body and my body loves me food is my friend exercise is my friend I am safe when exercising I enjoy the feeling of exercise my body loves to be stretch and exercise and I choose exercise that is a joy I have also learned to be tranquil in the midst of chaos I can be tranquil tranquility is a movie I practice being peaceful when others are agitated I do not have to buy into other people's agitation for me peace of mind and loving myself is the most important state I can experience relationships are safe for me all of my relationships are loving it is safe for me to be open and honest in a relationship and I allow others to be open and honest with me it is safe for me to love it is safe for me to take care of myself in a relationship and it is safe for me to be myself with others [Music] it is safe for me to learn and grow I am willing to change I am willing to become more of Who I am it is safe for me to be all that I can be I threaten no one when I am myself and all my relationships support me in my growth I am safe with my friend I am safe with my acquaintances I am safe with the public and I am even safe with so-called enemy I now attract only loving people into my life I am safe at every age it is safe for me to be young and it is safe for me to grow old I look forward to living a long and healthy life every age holds its own joys and treasures and I will enjoy my life to its last minute and Beyond and when I leave this world I know I will be safe in my next blue it when it is time to make my transition I will pass from this life in peace and harmony at the time that is perfect for me death is a natural experience and I am safe life gives me all of my experiences at the perfect time I am in harmony with this process called life and even though sometimes I do not understand why certain things happen I am willing to see beyond it and know that life is always unfolding for my highest good I no longer choose to scare myself with my own thoughts I love myself too much to frighten myself ever again by changing my thoughts I now create peace in my world peace replaces fear terror is replaced with tranquillity scariness becomes serenity uncertainty becomes confidence love replaces hate and repression makes way for freedom I bless all people with love I surround the planet with you I know we are safe all is well and so it is I love [Music]
Channel: Louise Hay
Views: 76,240
Rating: 4.8316126 out of 5
Keywords: Louise Hay_Overcoming fears, louise hay, louise, hay, audio, book, audiobook
Id: doOdoQFMio0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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