LOUD live @ Boom Festival 2014 - Full Set [HD]
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Channel: LOUD
Views: 5,188,066
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Keywords: Boom Festival 2014, Boom 2014, LOUD, LOUD Boom Festival, LOUD Boom 2014, Boom Festival (Recurring Event), DJ Set, Psychedelic Trance (Musical Genre), psytrance, Hallucinogen, Infected Mushroom, Space Cat, Domestic, Astrix, Shpongle (Musical Group), Shpongle - DMT, Cat on Mushroom, Son Kite, Son Kite - Let Us Be, Shulman, LOUD - Small Talk, Psycedelic, Trance, X-Dream - Telegram (LOUD remix), X-Dream, loud mix, loud dj set, trance mix, trance set, LOUD full set
Id: HxbnlpX9U0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 51sec (4731 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 25 2014
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