Astrix @ Universo Paralello 2019-2020 [Full Set]
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Channel: Astrix Official
Views: 14,762,915
Rating: 4.8500338 out of 5
Keywords: astrix, psychedelic, trance, psytrance, psychedelic trance, full on, progressive trance, Shamanic Tales Records, Universo Paralello, Universo Paralello 2019-2020, Astrix Universo Paralello, Universo Paralello Astrix, Astrix 2020, Astrix Set, Astrix Mix, Psytrance Festival, Universo Paralello 2019, Universo Paralello 2020, Best Psytrance, Psytrance New, Psytrance set 2020, Psychedelic trance set 2020, Astrix live, Astrix universo, Astrix Ozora, Astrix boom, Deep Jungle Walk
Id: 8eYEW4q42y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 23sec (5123 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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This is the worst Astrix set ive ever heard. He messes up every transition from minute 20 to at least minute 50. What a shame he messed up such a big set.