LOTR The Return of the King - Andúril - Flame of the West
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: EgalmothOfGondolin01
Views: 5,292,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XEgalmothOfGondolin, Lord, of, the, Rings, RotK, Anduril, Flame, West, Elrond, Aragorn, Arwen, Will, Answer, King, Gondor, Sword, That, Was, Broken, Narsil, Return of the King, Elendil, Undomiel, Mortal, Life, arwen, Is, Dying, Evil, Spreads, Mordor, Light, Evenstar, Sauron, Power, Fate, One, Ring, Shadow, Upon, Us, End, Has, Come, War, Victory, Army, Paths, Dead, Dimholt, Minas, Tirith, Hope, Estel, Dunedain, Theoden, Rohan, LotR, Return, J.R.R., Tolkien, HD, HQ, High, Definition, 1080p, Blu-ray, Viggo, Mortensen, Hugo, Weaving, Liv, Tyler, Bernard, Hill
Id: fsbDigj7w5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2014
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