Lost Treasure in Pennsylvania (Ep 3) Doan's Cave

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all right so we are now in Ralph Ralph Stover State Park here in Pennsylvania Bucks County yeah I sure we're not not terribly far from the New Jersey border here but we were just over a Haycock Mountain talking about the albino cannibals that was an interesting video but uh changing gears here and looking at some talk about it some more lost treasure here in Fell's right yeah so this is a new place for me I have never been to this state part yet I'm a little time talking to you about this the research I had to do for this video and why this can be kind of difficult I'm hoping we'll find a cave today like we've seen a title video this is Don's key that we're looking for today I'll talk about the tone can bring the own gang briefly but I'm hoping we'll find a cave today but we may not it got kind of confusing doing research for this place alright so I thought a nice little spot to sit for a little bit got the creek down here I think that's the the toha can Creek cool bridge that's not a covered bridge maybe it was at one time it's closed to vehicle traffic though but you can walk across it you might later nice little spot too so here I get the map to the park here fund me too it's not a very big park yeah and I talked about the don't gang before in my first episode don't lost treasures here in Pennsylvania talk about the dome gang they were from the late 1700s during time the Revolutionary War at the most well-liked people during that time here they were they stole money from the tax collectors and stuff and there's British spies stole horses for the British and all kinds of stuff like that did you look more insane if you want to but they were known for stashing their loot in different places and my first episodes I did with lost treasures was over in my home county Berks County and because they operate all the way over there too and but their home their base offer up their pace of operations was here in Bucks County where I am today they were known to have many hideout sites for this place is the hideout and places to store their loot a lot of times as caves and stuff and I kind of cross mention of downes cave several times and bugs out here this morning and there's no like there's no lack of mention of downes cave but problem is you know if you want to find it where is it number of sites mentioned Ralph Stover State Park but they don't tell you where it was and blah blah blah and so on and so on but research can be difficult and confusing for these places I finally did come across several mentions of where it would be and one was just ways behind me near this bridge somebody gave pre detailed directions where the cave was I'm not 100% sure that there'll be a cave back there is like you know I've I've been doing this kind of stuff long enough now to know that directions are to receive online or not always what they're supposed to be but also read reports of there being a cave in another section of the park called the High Rocks Vista area that the cave was actually down the cliff face maybe 30 feet and that's where it was but they also said that that cave was blocked off by the the powers-that-be because too many people are trying to get to it and getting hurt and had to be rescued and stuff so I don't know it's kind of know be their stories true if there's two caves because there was like research said that there's downes cave and Dean's cave and there's two separate caves or the same cave just felt differently and gets kind of confusing so you know I don't know like I wonder maybe that cave that was blocked off if that's true was that the original cave and they got blocked off and in the cave back this week kind of took on the umbrella or the persona of being Downes cave or could they both be don't cave you know why would there's two caves in the area maybe they use both of them you never know or maybe neither cave is here and the cave is actually somewhere else in this area that's what your face may just kind of research so but hey we're gonna try at least find this one and at least go over to the high rocks area too I wanna make a video that area anyway might be a cool place to check out yeah I did start looking for the cave yeah just came down here to Creek there's actually a really nice Creek you know this is Ralph Stover State Park you know is a cool place to bring your kids you can go fishing place you know it's pretty shallow out there easy to swim very beautiful scenic so yeah dude if you don't come here looking for a cave the scenery right here is pretty cool you know nice places to come on a hot summer day and cool off just I just throw that out there too all right so now it's time to look for this first cave so like I said these these are directions that got online a website for guy who said that this is where the cave is now I have seen several videos I think of people going or one video and some other pictures of people going to the cave neither those gave directions but they have pictures so there is a cave somewhere in this park but uh website said you know right here's that bridge it goes across the creek they said you know take a right here and behind this first picnic pavilion area there should be a trail back here that takes you down to the cave area so we'll see so here's the cool looking picnic pavilion and there is there is a trail here so so far so good so there is a sign up here for post-it for private property and I remember the website mentioning that they made it sound like the cave was before that spot and then seen a cave along a trail but there's some steep cliffs along a creek down there so I might check down there I might just pop my head up there a little bit too though because the directors made it sound like that the cave was right along trail and uh yeah so far no well the trail continues on let's get a little disappointed but there's an area of interesting area up there something looks kind of cave you up there so I'm gonna make my way up there I believe so maybe there is something I was getting ready to turn around just didn't really fit the directions but you know there's something up there I think at least it's a rock shelter I don't think it's the one that I saw in the pictures online well I gotta get closer to tell to determine that she looks like the trail might go right we'll see okay so things are getting more interesting it's neat rocks what I saw earlier was up that way but there's some interesting stuff down this way too so I gotta figure out which way I want to go I think I'm gonna quick check up that way first all right cool I'll breath but this is why I softened down below earlier it's not really not really a cave so oops it's kind of like a cave shelter sort of it's a look of a neat place yeah a rock shelter this is not the one that I saw in the pictures though so I'm pretty sure this is not the location of domes cave I'm gonna go back down the bottom and hike along a creek there again because the directions then say about coming up this way they said about staying on the trail so maybe there's something down that way yes go this way of it a little bit yet hello we'll see let's make my way back down to the other trail there's some weird stuff going on over here some I don't know what this is going on wind chimes and ornaments it says down there official Auto geocache well if you're into geocache sites there's where one is so apparently somebody comes here this must be a special spot or something oh yeah they kind of decorate it and stuff we'll take a look at this I don't know if the cave is nearby here or not maybe yeah here are the wind chimes look like buddhist prayer flags or wind chimes looks like it's a memorial set up to someone actually atop this rock here celebration the life of oh yeah members on the website Sullivan's Sully James Byrd February 1990 to 2010 I remember them talk remember nest now they mentioned this this direction I was talking about they said you would come upon this memorial site and so we are still in the right area interesting forgot about that actually I she read this directions like a week ago Wow someone's little all kinds of neat stuff here rockwork guess that's a dreamcatcher alright so I'm gonna make my way back down to the bottom and continue on we should be not too far away then it's kind of a neat spot to have a memorial for someone now there's a little toad out here too hidden like Sully's little memorial let's zoom in on him if I could find him right there he is you barely see him even close up he blends in alright so I'm back down by the creek again that memorial was actually up on top of this rock as you can see it looks very cave like over here and actually over here this might be it actually yeah I think it is this looks like one of the pictures I saw yeah I think this is it at least one of the caves cool so just taking a little bit of time to cool off before I go in the cave it's it's not actually terribly hot today but it is super soup yeah you're super muggy today I don't it was it was a very tropical summer this year is put that way but anyway I don't think we're actually on Ralph's stove or State Park land anymore to be honest looking at the map here we can look at it here a little bit right there's that bridge I parked like right about here there's a trail coming out here let's is it going up this way but I'm pretty sure Ike I kept walking along here and wonder if we're on this boyscout land actually because right here is like a shows like a ridge owner if that ridge is what this Ridge of rock is actually I don't know I'm just guessing owner if that memorial was to someone who was a Boy Scout - hey and I'm just guessing if he don't from right know more information about you can post stuff before but in a few minutes we're gonna go ahead and crawl inside there there's no way I cannot do it so but I'm glad we found it I was getting kind of doubtful there for a little bit so anyway well let's go let's start heading inside there should be some planks of wood in here for my murmured pictures yeah there they are it's not a very deep cave let's get the Crouch pre-loaded get in here though yeah that's pretty much the end of it up here then sorry reposition myself here it's pretty much the end of it here does it go in very far it does looks interesting there's some spiders in here they don't they don't freak me out this alright looks like there's a little hole up there right there see some roots up here of the trees and stuff I'm gonna try and check out that little hole here a moment but I gotta crawl back there I got to turn the camera off so you do that yeah there was a little hole I guess I was made by some kind of critter that lives back in there there's no way we're fitting in there that's what looks like looking back at the entrance without the lights terribly big cave but it's still an interesting place little tight in here we'll make it way back out again whoops sorry about that when we're out so this is the cave that I saw in other videos and photos there fella Downes cave that doesn't mean if there's another cave at that other area talk about that's where I'm headed next gonna check that place out we'll see but as far as treasure goes you could out see tell we're not the first person the first people to be here this place is heavily looks heavily visited so like there's wood in there to make it easier to crawl and there's that memorials right up here that hole in the back was kind of Justine but I'm not the first person to look into that hole I guarantee you so that doesn't mean there isn't treasure still here or loot I mean there's a lot of nooks and crannies in these rocks other places doesn't mean they hid their loot right in the cave yeah they might have hung out there but there's all all the kinds of places along here to hide your loot or even bury it so it stills a place if you're interested in if you're interested in hidden treasure in Pennsylvania like that just like over there there's with all those those little nooks and crannies where something could be hid you know bag of silver coins or something there's definitely there's definitely all kinds of places around here I mean I like to poke around just a little bit before I head to the other area just to see what else is here but yeah I mean it could be stuff hidden anywhere in here but we're but also remember like this place is heavily visited too and you won't be the first person to come look for hidden loot here if you do I guarantee you many people have been here with metal detectors and who knows what trying to find stuff here so doesn't mean you won't find anything the coolest spot I'm glad we found it so I like I said I was get a little bit doubtful but it's here at least one of the caves is here cool spot yeah even here's another little nook you know the cave we were in was just up there but all kinds of places to hide you know stolen loot and that one isn't going very far go get my light out yeah you're looking closer at it it goes in a little ways but you could definitely you know hide stuff up in there and that jumble of rocks comes right down to the creek pretty neat spot I think [Applause] and there are our rain clouds coming yeah even along their steep steep steep cliff sides over there could be caves over there too I guess [Applause] it helps still here by the river but I'm seeing all kinds of stone walls up in there and it seems like a really neat place to come back to explore some more but I'm gonna actually head back to the truck now and drive to the other part of the state part of the state park here you can walk there up a road for the cross that bridge up there earlier and walk but because of the coming rain and the how humid it is I think I'll just drive there it's the High Rocks Vista area that's where I'm gonna finish this video I don't know what I'm gonna find you or that yet but I'm gonna I'm playing to make a video of just that place too but I will finish this video over there just because I want to see it's like I said somebody mentioned that the cave don't skate was actually over there as well gonna take a look took take a look so I will see you over at the High Rocks Vista area hopefully I gotta get out I'm seeing all these cool things makes you wanna explore and more but I got planned things I want to do today so but yeah I think I'm definitely back in this area again sometime anyway I gotta quit yappin and get to that place now just one last look at the cave there before we head out of here and every deed myself from the other last video on this series doubling gap cave or there was no cave anymore but this time there is a cave so anyway get going all right so I'm now in the parking lot for High Rocks Vista area getting kinda cragger um I like I said we're gonna it actually looks really cool from here we'll check it out and uh I don't know if there's a way to the bottom where where the the creek is I read some different I was on one website with it saying there's all different kinds of trails here we'll see what happens I'm not sure what's gonna happen burn at least at least have a look around you at least over the Vista with a cave where another cave could be down there just oh you just so you know this this whole area is beautiful I was driving around to get this bit up like a five mile drive to get here from where we were just were but man it's beautiful yeah there's all these old stone houses and low stone walls along the road and the woods there anything lots of history here I think but hey we'll quit yappin and go check out the Vista I should mention this cave these caves are sometimes called Tori cave because the don't gang or Tori's in this dirt road that the parking area is off is also called Tory Road so I think so yeah but there's other Tory caves too so it could get confusing anyway yes I've made my way down to one of the vista overlooks here you can see the rocks cuz I have a safety fence here but there's a sign here that mentions that tells you not to throw rocks over but says that there's hikers below so apparently there might be a trail down below along the bottom that we might be able check out so see if there's a cave down there well here's a look look at one of the cliff faces I'm on the trail here look like a fence here you can see you know there's a little nooks and crannies there there could be a cave but that'd be pretty difficult to get to so I don't know keep exploring yeah I'm still up here at the High Rocks Vista Chris here's another Vista looking out but here's a place where it looks like you know you could go down there's like a little cleft in the rocks here that might lead you down there's little nooks and crannies so it's definitely cave material up here or down there but it is all fenced off for safety reasons people have died here like I said I just don't know you know the dude don't agang they'd have to be pretty brave to slither down cuz even today it takes technical climbing skills to climb a lot of these rocks so I don't know maybe I said yeah I think there's a trail down below so if they went down there maybe there's a cave closer to the bottom of the valley down there so anyway just some thoughts so just moseying along i found its trail that kind of took me down the cliff face a little bit and you can see there almost looked like there's a little key back in here but it wasn't just a little opening but um yeah I'm currently making another video to of this place I think I mentioned that but like I said that video my inner self was screaming ever right now to kind of get out of here it's not really a safe spot right here come to kind of overlooking the valley down there you know and could be a goner so I don't know less and less I'm thinking that there was a cave that they were using that was this far up along the cliff face maybe there's one down bottom but they were using but who knows well I'm gonna keep exploring this place though all right I gotta get out of here though all right so we're still at the High Rocks I did make my way down to a lower level rocks these nice stone steps you may be the the don't believe because here is a little there's a little cave it does it go anywhere though but you know hey you could hide some loot up in there up in those crevasses though so you never know it's a possibility all right so this is the dilemma I'm in now when it comes to searching for this cave we were up there early up the top now we're kind of there's a trail here that's kind of midway between the top and the bottom so there could be a cave along this way it's like the one source I said claim that the cave was about 30 feet down from the top so that would be roughly here but there is a whole nother lower level down at the bottom down in here which could have a cave as well in fact over there looks like a little Cavey over there maybe not but uh anyway I don't have time to explore this whole area today so whoops well almost almost died there oh but uh we'll see what happens you know go a little bit that way you go down and come back we'll see but yeah this place is pretty neat just even to come visit without considering downes cave but yeah the way I came down here earlier there's a little there's little natural steps I could easily see you know people using you know back you and back then to use that as a way to come down here hide loot down here treasure this place is pretty vast too so I don't really know the cave I heard that one read about that one person talking I was here you know I don't know where it is exactly here or if it air or if it was here yeah as far as there being a cave down here it is 100% possible because like I found a number of little nooks and crannies I didn't find anything you look like a bolt like I said they said it's a little the DC and I put a boulder in front of the cave entrance I didn't see anything like that yet but uh cuz there's different rock layers and big cracks and openings so it's perfect place for a cave to form start a lot of breath this place is just immense there's a lot of ground here a cover I even been down the bottom section so and there's other places there like almost halfway between here and the top that you'd have to climb up to like little I know it's kind of cool so yeah having been down here I could easily see them having cave down here let's see if they climbed down and got to this level and fun easier way up to it I thought they'd climb straight down to it yeah definitely possible so I'm just trying to find him my way up again eventually here hopefully well I think we can end my domed cave video here it's definitely an awesome place I mean I kind of got sidetracked from looking for the cave a little bit just so much here to see at this park um like I said I didn't find a cave here in this site like we did the other site but having hiked here there's no I've no doubt that it could be a cave multiple caves in this area sorry it's like it says far-seeing one was covered up I didn't see anything like that I didn't neither did I cover the whole area it's a large area here and maybe there was one further up the yeah between the top and the bottom I'll now well a little warm and muggy to find out today but if I came out here with a friend some time or something when it's cool I'll sorry but anyway cool spot well we did find one cave today over there at the other end of the park anyway if you do choose to come to this section High Rocks just you know just be careful you know high key down here at the bottom and making way around it you know it could be dangerous for you so just keep that in mind anyway thanks for watching and uh I'll see you around [Applause]
Channel: The Wandering Woodsman
Views: 35,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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