Unearthed - The Talpiot Tomb

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[Music] Israel an ancient land of endless ruins which all have stories to tell of the many treasures to be found among Israel's rich historical remains is a tomb that was unearthed in 1980 in Talbot east of Jerusalem inside an ossuary was uncovered which read Jesus son of Joseph yet the tomb was considered an insignificant fine for 27 years until the emergence of a film that put forth an exciting yet controversial theory because the tomb contained ossuaries that bore inscriptions closely resembling the Holy Family of the New Testament this new film suggests that the talbiya tomb is the lost tomb of Jesus from approximately 20 BCE until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE II the Jewish people observed a unique religious burial practice that was connected to their belief in physical resurrection when a family member died the body of the deceased was left in the family tomb to decay for a minimum of one year [Music] a year later when the flesh of the deceased had fully decayed the family would return to the tomb to gather the bones of their loved one [Music] yet another day of mourning would occur as the bones were placed in a stone box called an ossuary [Music] sometimes the name of the individual was carved on the side of the ossuary for identification purposes the lid was firmly placed on the ossuary and it was stored away in the tomb to await a complete resurrection [Music] there's a tremendous amount of expansion around Jerusalem they were constantly coming into archaeological remains the most significant remains were normally tombs it all starts on the thursday the 27th of April 1980 at that building this new neighborhoods it's a it's connecting on to an original path of may but which had been built five or six years beforehand dr. Shimon Gibson one of Israel's leading archaeologists was one of the few people to enter the talbiya tomb after its discovery his job was to survey and record the dimensions of the talbiya - it was a Saturday evening I got a call from dr. Hamas cloner he was the district archaeologist at the time for the Doosan Legion and he said hey Sherman a tomb has been discovered it's being excavated by Yosuke gaps go out and help we'll call this interesting tomb I participate in expression we were caught of the tomb there were workers there who are clearing out the soil within a cave which indicated to me straight away that this cave had been opened in antiquity otherwise you wouldn't have an accumulation soil within the cave itself it was quite shallow in there there cream in these loculi which extended off like tunnels and in different directions from the main chamber walls there one one could have seen those arteries on the day of the scurvy and hence they were taken out first the first thing they did was to dig out these arteries bag them put them into boxes and then to convey them to the Rockfeller museum at the time of its discovery that helped YouTube was considered to be just one more of the many tombs that have been unearthed than the Jerusalem area there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary about it according to archaeologists it was not a significant tomb at all however 27 years after its discovery the talbiya tomb finally gained public attention with the release of the film The Lost tomb of Jesus this film claimed to have found proof that this is the tomb and final resting place of the body of Jesus Christ and his family what are the claims that were made in order to prove this controversial theory claim number one inscriptions found in the TAFIa tomb seemed to match the names we might expect to find in a tomb belonging to Jesus and his family the most interesting of the names being Jesus son of Joseph claim number 2 Mary Magdalene and Jesus may have been married with a son which explains why her ossuary might be in the tomb along with an ossuary reading Judah son of Jesus the lost tomb of Jesus film claims that DNA testing could support this claim number 3 the Gabel on the talbiya tomb could be an early Christian symbol linked to the tomb of the Apostle Peter claim number 4 the infamous James ossuary may in fact be the missing ossuary from the Tao Piatt tomb because James was the brother of Jesus they claim this further proves that the tapia tomb contains the Holy Family [Music] if Jesus in fact was not raised then Christian faith is misguided it would have to be seriously modified perhaps abandon all together the lost tomb of Jesus film has caused a firestorm of controversy between the world's leading scholars have the bones of Jesus been unearthed we decided to look into the claims of the lost tomb' film and interview many of the same experts dr. James Tabor believes that help you to him could be the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth I would argue that it's likely from possibly to likely of course one thing obviously it has an ossuary with Jesus son of Joseph or we wouldn't even be discussing so the real question is what Jesus and can we associate other things in the tomb with this particular cluster of names however dr. Craig Evans is one of the many who strongly opposed the theory of the lost tomb of Jesus film not based on theology or religious convictions but based on serious hard-headed scholarship I conclude that it is highly improbable that the East tapia tomb was the tomb of Jesus nough Stanley the custom of preserving the bones of an individual in an ossuary was common in the time and setting of Jesus of Nazareth but what would finding an ossuary that contained his bones mean for Christianity I think it'd be devastating for Christianity one of the main beliefs is that Jesus rose from the dead in bodily form and the account of Luke and acts the very first chapter is a view of the disciples looking up at the sky because they just finished watching the resurrected Jesus his body ascended to heaven today scholars debate whether the resurrection of Christ was spiritual or physical in the early generation they're not looking for an empty tomb with a corpse now become alive walking around to prove he's alive they might be talking more about the spirit of Jesus that they're experiencing dr. James Tabor is one of the few scholars in support of the theory that the Tao Piatt tomb may be the lost tomb of Jesus he argues that it is possible that the resurrection referred to when the Gospels could simply be spiritual some Jews might believe very literally in resurrection literally I'm standing in a grave yard and there's hundreds of tombs and one day like a Michael Jackson video you know they're all going to pop open and these corpses and various stages a Takei or totally decayed are going to come up you know sort of can these bones live idea but I think others could have a more I would say sophisticated view or even scientific view I find the suggestion that Jesus wasn't really physically resurrected but instead he appeared to his disciples as a ghost or a phantom or a vision or something like that I find that unconvincing dr. Craig Evans respected author and biblical scholar does not support the idea that the talbiya tomb belonged to the family of Jesus he also feels that in the first century those who witnessed the resurrection were convinced it was a physical resurrection the Jewish people had plenty of traditions that could accommodate ghost stories and so if Jesus was just a spirit that occasionally appeared to somebody and left a comforting thought or word with with them then I think that's exactly what his followers would have believed if the bones of Jesus of Nazareth were suddenly unearthed the faith of professing Christians around the world would be shaken to it's very foundation the Gospel accounts of an empty tomb would be proven false the disciples who were willing to lay down their lives as witnesses to a resurrection would have died in vain the Apostle Paul's confidence in the powerful resurrection of Christ would have been misplaced those witnesses of the death resurrection and ascension of Jesus would have had no miraculous or good news to spread if the bones of Jesus were discovered surely Christianity and all that it has stood for and still stands for would be buried never to be resurrected [Music] very let me see what she says and I'll call you river well let's see what happens here the one thing about Israel filming in Israel it's ever-changing June of 2007 our unearthed team set out to Israel to take a closer look at the evidence that has led some scholars to believe that the talbiya tomb contained the bones of Jesus of Nazareth and his family our our journey of inquiry begins at the Tau P a tomb that was unearthed in 1980 today the tube is covered by a cement box and sealed from further investigation doing well thanks for coming out then joining us here at Cal fiat at the Box no big refer dr. Fong one of the editors of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been an outspoken critic of the way the evidence has been handled what we have in in front of us is a box that had to be created over an original Second Temple period tomb well yeah that was found in the midst of a neighborhood in outskirts of Jerusalem that they just couldn't leave open like that all we can do is talk about the really interesting set of assures that were found inside let's take a closer look at all the ossuaries that were found in the talbiya - in the talbiya tomb ten ossuaries were discovered of the ten six bore inscription x' the inscriptions are [Music] Maria thought by some to be a rare version of the name Mary connected to the mother of Jesus Yeshua bar Yosef Jesus son of Joseph the lost tomb of Jesus film suggests that this could be the Jesus of the New Testament Yosa a short form of the name Joseph and the version used to refer to the brother of Jesus in our oldest source the Gospel of Mark Mattia Matthew although there is no Matthew recorded in the immediate family of Jesus the film claims that finding this name is not completely unexpected being that there are many Matthew's in Mary's genealogy Yehuda bar Yeshua Judah son of Jesus indicating that Jesus was married and had a son Miriam nakai Mara the lost tomb of Jesus suggests that this could be Mary Magdalene there is a debate between scholars as to whether or not the cluster of names found in the topia tomb is unique look that is a cave in Jerusalem where you've got Joseph de Jesus the son of Joseph and you've got to marry and you've got Matthew and they've got everybody that the whole Holy Family dr. Dan Bahat is the former chief archaeologist of the city of Jerusalem he is a highly respected figure in the archaeological world we met dr. mahat near the ruins of the Jewish temple he has been familiar with the ossuaries from the Talpiot tomb since their discovery most of the name which are there a very very common name Jesus is very common Joseph is common Judas come on so I won't be surprised that other cancers occur together I don't really go for the argument that you know the names are common therefore it means nothing you know the names aren't that common as people employ all the names that were found in the talbiya tomb our common very common Jewish names in fact the the names Mary MA and Maria are among the most common names for women perhaps as many as 25% of all Jewish women in this time were given those names we decide to find out just how common these names are a visit to the Israel Antiquities Authority reveals interesting evidence as the unearthed team investigates the hundreds of ossuaries in their collection in April 1980 a tomb was discovered near Jerusalem containing ten ossuaries six of the ossuaries were inscribed with the names of the deceased many of the names bore a striking resemblance to the Holy Family of the New Testament the most interesting and controversial of these ossuaries read Jesus son of Joseph but does this cluster of names prove that this is the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family do these names prove anything we decide to pay a visit to the Israel Antiquities Authority warehouse accompanied by dr. Stephen Phan and forensic archaeologist Stephen Cox our unearthed team wants to see if the names found in the TEL fiat tomb are different from the names found on other ossuaries in the IaaS collection maria simpang it's one of the ones that they said that how maria is not is a rare name is another maria see just right in front of us the first thing we discover once inside the IAA is the name Maria clearly engraved on an ossuary here's another marina over here but here is another Maria in Middlebury eMAR I ate Aria we easily find many Maria's as we explore the seemingly endless shells of ossuaries in the iaa there's so many Mary's here in fact here we have Emma Mariam mother Mary it's where you have Simon this was very clear actually in Latin letters in this case and then you have in the same tomb another Mary Mary ami just like the one on our ashore in the Talpiot tomb this is the most common way that Marius spelt in Greek taking a look at the IAA catalog we discover that of the 231 inscribed ossuaries 10 of them bear the name maria and approximately 10 of them read miriam yet another rendering of the name mary maria was one of the most common names in the 1st century but what does this prove when the maria ossuary is placed together with the other names in the talbiya tomb we seem to have a perfect family tree from the new testament family a very striking cluster of names we now turn our attention to the name yo se is it like Maria also a common name that name yo se or yo saw it ends with the letter hae is very rare dr. Taber is one of the few scholars who consider the presence of the name yo sayin that help you to to be evidence that the tomb belonged to the Holy Family it's only once on any ossuary out of the hundreds of ossuaries that are inscribed that name never occurs anywhere but this tomb however a majority of scholars are of a different opinion the uniqueness of of Yosi the uniqueness of Maria is actually not unique at all we find these all over the place both in Gris can Hebrew in the ossuaries that we have in and around Jerusalem now these names are in fact common I know of at least two dozen examples of yo se so that's not a rare form of the name in fact looking at the IAA catalog alone we find variations of the name Joseph including the nickname yo say 19 times it is one of the most common names found on a shoe Aries from this period yo se on its own does not appear to be enough solid evidence linking that's helped YouTube to Jesus of Nazareth but what about the combination of names the lost tomb of Jesus theory claims that when applying statistics to this group of names the probability that this is not the tomb of the Jesus of the Bible is one in 600 the so called odds of 600 to 1 in favor of identifying the east help you of tomb is the tomb of Jesus's family don't impress me because the calculations are based on a series of erroneous identifications and so I claim no expertise in statistics whatsoever but in my view statistics have no validity if they're based on mistakes we traveled to Tel Aviv University to speak with an expert on statistics I really think that it is not unreasonable that this is the true site of the New Testament family I really think that that is a possibility and he's a very exciting possibility professor camille fox is a statistician who has carefully reviewed the computations that have been done regarding the hypothetical tomb of jesus the only thing that i wanted to mention is that the computations that have been made and is a claim that the chances of this not beings a tomb site is 1 X 600 gives me big score sir the lost tomb of Jesus claims that when applying statistics to this cluster of names the chances are only 1 in 600 that the talbiya tomb is not the tomb of Jesus however many experts including professor Fuchs have questioned the information and the method used to arrive at this number one of the many concerns has been how much this computation relies on the Mary aimer ossuary being the ossuary of Mary Magdalene to the filmmakers her presence in the tomb could explain the presence of the ossuary which reads Judah son of Jesus is it possible that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene was Judah their son this is a modern fiction this is it what it is in a word it's poppycock it is not based on any historical evidence I would never think it's Mary Magdalene I I would just think maybe it's just another Mary not the sister not the mother it's common name maybe even if it's Jesus tomb could have had the wife of one of his brothers could be a Mary I mean how would we know except there's a Sun in the tomb who's the son of Jesus so I'm expecting a mother to be in that tomb who won't be related to him a sister or mother Mary Magdalene was she closer to Jesus than the canonical Gospels record recent theories of surfaced in large part because of films such as The Da Vinci Code and the lost tomb of Jesus is there any truth in these films what do we really know about this mysterious woman from thousand years ago [Music] the talbiya - discovered just outside of jerusalem revealed some amazing finds an ossuary with the inscription Jesus son of Joseph caught the world's attention but even more surprising was the bone box that read Judah son of Jesus if this was the tomb of the Jesus from the Bible could this be his son would this mean that he was married and if so to whom recent theories have emerged suggesting that Jesus was secretly married to the woman known as Mary Magdalene but who was Mary Magdalene and why was she so important well Mary Magdalene was I think a very interesting character to be remembered by name and to have such prominence in the story of Jesus and I think it's because Jesus was open to having women here his teaching Jesus in a way you might say was the first feminist and so he allowed women to sit at his feet and hear his teaching Mary also was a witness to the discovery of the empty tomb and saw the Risen Jesus and saw her name there are four figures prominently in early church history however there's not a shred of historical evidence of any kind that Mary Magdalene was married to a particular person be that Jesus or someone else her curiosity about Mary Magdalene takes us to her ancient hometown McDow where we hope to learn a little more about her since its original excavations over 30 years ago the unearthed team is one of the very few that have been given permission to film at that location archeologist father stefano de luca meet us here to help answer some of our questions el tempo DJ su Magdala era una della Pugh importante Cheeta delicacy Occidental del Lago recipe Flavio zappy amo que la Chitauri Magdala chaos Madeira cantata Cuarenta me rabbit auntie era do tada un Porto the England Oporto probablemente cuesta tour de peche Dido a hacer el faro la informaciĆ³n historico que pasa diamo so maria de mar de las inaudible more topic a definitive Ament a non ama argument our doll informaciĆ³n a Gaby amo que Maria de Mar de la fossa pasado feed on Tata in the sumo de Conchas who deny her a talk on national tour the group apostolic o as far as mariam nee possibly being married to Jesus and the mother of this child that's in the tomb taking the tomb as a start for asking that question I don't know of any written record that puts Jesus married to Mary Magdalene with a child with no historical evidence that Jesus was ever married to anyone the film makers of the lost tomb of Jesus attempted to prove their theory with the use of DNA testing on the ossuaries they believed to belong to Jesus and Mary Magdalene that DNA was done in it they're not matched maternally meaning they're not brother-sister or she's not his mother or related to him in that way but what it told you then is of the three intimate marries in Jesus life that one is not the mother or the sister this means that this bury should not belong in the family tomb of Jesus unless she was married to someone in it [Music] the lost tomb of Jesus film concludes that because the DNA samples from the supposed Jesus and Mary Magdalene ossuaries prove that they did not have the same mother it is possible that they were husband and wife this DNA test proved to be one of the most controversial points of the entire film there is enough DNA information in a single hair to get information that we can actually match from one individual to another Steven Cox is a professor at the University of the Holy Land in Israel he is a forensic archaeologist and an expert in his field having worked for many years in crime scene investigation for law enforcement and the US military he takes us back to the IAA to tell us a bit more of what testing was done on the talbiya tashu aires and what that could or could not have proven we know by studying ossuaries and the burial practices of this time multiple people were put into these pocos Steven Cox is familiar with the scientific techniques that were used he feels that the integrity of the scientific world has been compromised in order to promote this far-fetched notion well there is not enough evidence to make it any kind of assumption that this bone box contained the bones of a man named Jesus of Nazareth what facts do we know well we've got a stone box it's of a period of time we've gotten description on here that says Jesus bar Yosef and then there's questions with that can we even say that the bones that were recovered from this box is the person that was originally put into this box no can we say that the bones in here were even animal or human the testing was not done for that there could have been multiple people could have been male or female it could have been animal inhuman it could have been mixed animal inhuman so based on all of that there is no way that anybody could actually come and say that the material that was recovered here biological material the bones that were recovered here is the person that's on this and then to make the jump that this name and this material in here is the one and only Jesus of Nazareth it's a huge jump in logic huge jump in logic can be done in fact although only ten ossuaries were found in the talbiya tomb it has been verified that the tomb contained the skeletons of approximately 35 different individuals as many as four different generations could have had their DNA in any of the ten ossuaries this makes it impossible to know for certain who the DNA belonged to adding to the controversy Stephen Cox appeared in the film the lost tomb of Jesus and was portrayed collecting the DNA samples for testing he feels he was misrepresented I was upset with my portrayal in the documentary speaking specifically there in the fact that I was asked to come in and view the material in these ossuaries and only two of the many ossuaries that we see sitting here really had material that was recoverable there was material in the James this so-called Jesus oshawa excuse me there was material 'no so called Mariamne ossuary and i did recover and i preserved it for future testing but I did not send it to the DNA 11 in Canada the Mary omne ossuary becomes even more controversial as we look at the inscription what does it really say the film the lost tomb of Jesus gained public attention with its suggestion that a tomb near Jerusalem may have belonged to Jesus of Nazareth and his family yet some of the most controversial material in this film had to do with an ossuary that some believe belongs to the biblical character Mary Magdalene suggestions that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a son have outraged many Christians DNA testing that attempted to prove this theory has drawn severe criticism from many in the scientific community but what makes the filmmakers believe that this ossuary belonged to Mary Magdalene in the first place the name is very curious Mary omne is used in some later 2nd 3rd 4th century texts for Mary Magdalene as opposed to Maria which is the other form dr. Taber believes the inscription reads Mary omne chimera meaning Mary the master or lady could this be Mary Magdalene first we have to accept the Mahama that is indeed Mary Magdalene but first you've got a sort of accept that this is Mary Amna not maryam and other alternative views as to the weeding of that inscription [Applause] [Music] our curiosity takes us to a cold oblique to meet another experience to pig refer we asked dr. Emil plush to read the inscription on the ossuary which some believe contained the bones of Mary Magdalene set up over here yeah as a photographer what what do you see what do you really think this is here what I see is an inscription in Greek and cursive a Greek by on soft chalk stone not very well done but normal in the in that period us two names magia me Kai Maha how sure are you are you ten percent sure that's to name one hundred central dr. quest is convinced that there are two names on this ossuary Miriam a and Mara Miriam a being a very common form of the name Mary and if Miyoung the issue Allah feminine if miasma screen is wife and husband he also tells us that Mara could be either a man or a woman meaning if this form of Mara is masculine then this Miriam a is most likely buried with her husband this reading of the inscription appears to leave little hope that this is the ossuary of the famed Mary Magdalene the lost tomb of Jesus film also presents a conspiracy type theory of the ten ossuaries recorded during the tombs excavation only nine have been located in the possession of the IAA what happened to the tenth missing ossuary the suggestions were to be made the James Austrey might have come from this tomb I doubt it the James ossuary is another mystery this ossuary appeared on the archaeology scene a few years ago with the inscription James son of Joseph brother of Jesus sends its initial appearance it has caused much speculation as to its own authenticity yet the lost tomb of Jesus film claims that this could be the missing ossuary from the Talbot tomb adding this inscription to the others of the Talpiot tomb appears to increase the odds that this is the family tomb of Jesus the tool that was used here to try and bring the James ossuary into this cluster of ossuaries was the use of patina Stephen Cox explains that the way the patina was collected from the James ossuary could not have been helpful in this investigation they believed that if we could take patina from the James ossuary and match it to the patina from here and it was a match they came from the same tomb well there's a lot of problems with that scientifically one patina does not have that kind of fingerprint quality to give us unique comparisons to be able to say that it came from that environment to the exclusion of all other environments in addition to this the missing ossuary was reported unimportant and uninspired according to those who were carefully documenting the talbiya tomb excavations I believe that the James ossuary most certainly is not from the talbiya tomb why because it was discovered and in circulation years before the tapia tomb was discovered in 1980 there is a photograph dated 1976 of the James ossuary which is confirmed by an FBI lab analysis but also because further analysis of the James ossuary by geochemists indicate that the James ossuary actually had been in circulation exposed to sunlight outside of a cave environment for perhaps a hundred year or longer the tell Pia tomb appears to be shrouded with mysteries and riddles one of the more obvious and visible one is the strange symbol that appears over the door this Chevron and circle appeared to represent something but what the lost tomb of Jesus film has an incredible theory could this be an ancient Christian symbol while investigating this the filmmakers stumble across a first century tomb at dominus flevit traditionally this is where Jesus stopped and wept over Jerusalem on his journey to keep the Jewish Passover Feast and ultimately be crucified the film suggests that this tomb is part of a chain of ancient Christian tombs and ossuary that appears to confirm this is from this tomb and is thought to be the ossuary of simon barjona also known as the apostle peter however not everyone believes that this ossuary really belongs to the famous apostle dr. emil posh has been studying ancient writing for 40 years and is one of the world's leading experts in a pig Rafi here is a very important inscription on an ossuary from dominus flevit I know okay this has been translated bye-bye everybody as in english simon barjona what i pot aconitine years invest in Shimon bar Cielo Zilly Zilly Zilly Zilly because we know design you'd probably curse is very short this is limit and this is a an Aleph he tells us that this is not the ossuary of Simon Peter but if someone named Simon bars ela Simon son of sila although this is not the ossuary of Peter it did come from the tomb at dominus flevit where an ancient engraving appears on an ossuary that resembles the facade above the talbiya tomb could this engraving be an early Christian symbol and does this prove further that the topia tomb is the tomb of Jesus [Music] the talbiya tomb was discovered in 1980 Shimon Gibson was a young archaeologist who was sent to help excavate and document this tomb when he noticed the strange symbols above the door when I first approached the tomb I noticed these declarations about the entrance now you remember that I was a young student of archaeology at that at that time just barely so about my my teens and so it was all new and very interesting and famous tourists at the time the Chevron and circle that adorned this fascinating tomb have recently been linked to an ossuary found in a tomb at dominus flevit this ossuary has an engraving that appears to match the facade at the tomb and Albion and is thought by some to be an early Christian symbol the film The Lost tomb of Jesus first made this connection as they investigated the idea that the Tau Piatt tomb could be the tomb of Jesus and his family dr. Steven Phan brought us to the dominus flevit tomb to show us this very ossuary and explain something that he noticed from the lost tomb film after we saw the film we came in as I said you know it's amazing that there's a actual Chevron on the side of one of these ossuaries and so when we came in we looked for this ossuary without the the lid on it and with the symbol on the side and the producer it was with this at the time pointed out well there it is up there and I looked deficit but there's a lid on it and oh that doesn't have this mark on the lid well you know I would hope that if this was a stonemasons mark that maybe it would be on the lid as well and I looked and I said well look on the other side and see if there's a symbol like that and he says yeah sure enough there it is I said well why don't you pick it up and turn it around so you take the thing and very carefully turn it around like so [Music] and voila it's exactly the same as the one about so that point we realized that this went from being a very important religious symbol to being simply the stone masons mark like all the others that we've seen here Mason marks were extremely common during the use of ossuaries they simply demonstrate which way a lid is to be placed on the ossuary it has been made to fit in fact during our time at the IAA warehouse we found many examples of mason marks on ossuaries it becomes clear to us that the mason marks at dominus flevit are most likely not early Christian symbols at all but what about the talbiya tomb Shimon Gibson explains that although he was mystified by the talbiya Toombs facade when he first saw it in his youth since then he has noticed many other tombs with a similar motif do you have a connoisseur the repetition of certain motifs one of them is the Gable so you have this kind of chevron sometimes they have and if you look at there the one from the top er to its upper part it doesn't end in in in a point of the triangle but actually curves around and that is because it's supposed to represent sometimes it's a burial M or some kind of motif which is at the angles of the the pediment or the gable taking a closer look at the original sketches of the talbiya tomb we discover that its facade is different from the mark that was found at dominus flevit we also learned that this motif was a common artistic design in the first century with very little evidence left supporting the lost tomb of Jesus theory we come full circle and decide to take a closer look at the inscriptions that started it all [Music] the inscription that has been the catalyst for convincing some that the talbiya tomb is the family tomb of Jesus the name which in this context seems to say that Jesus really did not rise from the dead the name Yeshua bar Yosef Jesus son of Joseph the most important ossuary in the this collection of the this Talpiot tomb was an ossuary that that reads at least on the surface you issue a bar Yosef Jesus son of Joseph however this one is not so straightforward the original report records the name Yeshua followed by a question mark it is far from certain that the ossuary says Yeshua or Jesus at all many people are reading this as Yeshua bar or ben Yosef Jesus son of Joseph again as in the pig refer is that really clear to you by Joseph is clear maybe you should maybe issue but no more than that whether it matters to me personally if this tomb is or is not the tomb of Jesus I think I would say yes and no I want the truth so if it isn't the tomb of Jesus I want to know it and certainly would never want to argue something that has been disproven based on everything we know based on good scholarship proper archaeology studying the inscriptions study of Jewish burial traditions based on everything that credible trained recognized scholars know I believe that the top view tomb is not the tomb of Jesus and his family it is highly improbable that it was the tomb of Jesus 'no story to tell there we can't from this though tell the story of Jesus of Nazareth and his family with 2000 years between us and the family who owned the tomb of Tao Piatt little can be known for certain about them if they were not the Holy Family did they know Jesus of Nazareth did they brush shoulders with him at Jewish festivals or listen to any of his inspiring teachings the true story about the family of Tao Viet remains a mystery the talbiya tomb is at the very least one more fascinating remnant of Jewish history which continues to be unearthed in Israel's ancient soil [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Syndicado TV
Views: 231,740
Rating: 4.4345865 out of 5
Keywords: the lost tomb of jesus debunked, the talpiot tomb, unearthed series, the tomb of jesus, the lost tomb jesus (film), james cameron, biblical documentaries, bible documentary, jesus christ (deity), the tomb of jesus today, Simcha Jacobovici, evidence for the resurrection, resurrection of jesus, jesus documentary, simcha jacobovici, jesus tomb, tomb of jesus, biblical history, history documentary, history documentaries, unearthed documentary, unearthed tv series, syndicado
Id: yTyV0iyVMp0
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Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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