Lost Ruins of Arnak - How to Play the Solo game

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[Music] Hi, my name's Paul Grogan. Welcome to the second video in my series  on how to play Lost Ruins of Arnak. In this video I'm going to be  covering the rules for the solo game. If you haven't seen my first video  yet I would recommend watching that before coming back to this one. In the solo game you will be  playing against a rival expedition who takes actions determined  by the solo action tiles. Your goal is to score more points than them. Set up the board as normal for a two player game, which includes blocking off all of the  second action spaces on the base campsites. Set up your own board as normal. You will go second, so you  start with 1 gold and 1 compass. Take another player board to  represent the rival expedition and flip it over to the side with the grey tents. Give the rival all 6 archaeologists  of the other colours. Place the magnifying glass of your rival  at the start of the research track. Do not use their notebook. The next step is to build your  rival stack of 10 action tiles. There are 15 action tiles included in the game. You always use these 5 with no colour on them, and the red and the green  ones are arranged into pairs, and you choose one tile from each pair to use. The number of red action tiles you use  is the difficulty level of the game, ranging from 0 - 5. Decide how many tiles you will use, shuffle them, and then choose that many at random. Then add in the green ones of  the types that you are missing. You should now have 10 action tiles. Shuffle them and place them  face down on the rivals board. Ensure that the tiles are all  oriented in the same direction, with the dark part of the tile at the bottom. This ensures that there are an equal number  of left and right arrows in the stack. Your rival is always one step ahead  of you and goes first in each round. On their turn you first reveal  the top action tile from the stack and then, if possible,  resolve the indicated action. As usual, your rival and you take  alternating turns during the game, but your rival does not pass until  they have played all 10 action titles. The actions your rival takes are  similar to the regular actions, but the game focuses on the  impact that this has on you. Your rival never gains or  spends any resource tokens, nor do they gain fear cards. It's important to note that  the symbols on the action tiles are not the same as the  effects in the normal game. They are just reminders of what the action is. For example, this tile does not  mean that your rival gains a tablet, instead it relates to where they want to dig. These 5 action tiles are used in every game  and represent the dig at a site action, with the symbol on the side indicating  where your rival wants to dig at. Look on the board for a site  offering the depicted resource. If there is more than one your rival  chooses the one in the highest row, and if there is more than one in that  row they choose either the leftmost one or the rightmost one, depending on the decision arrow on the  back of the next tile in the action stack, and you place one of your  rivals archaeologists there. If there are no sites on the board depicting  the symbol shown your rival does nothing. This tile indicates that your  rival wants to discover a new site. The level of the site they discover  is based on the current round. For example, with the green tile they discover  a level 1 site in rounds one to three, and a level 2 site in round four, and in round five they do nothing. To work out which site they discover,  if discovering a level one site give preference to the bottom row, and then use the decision arrow on  the back of the next action tile to determine if they choose the  leftmost or rightmost site in that row. Once the site is chosen, place one  of your rivals archaeologists there, remove any idols and then  place a site tile as normal. Place the idol from the site on your rivals board. If they gain a face up idol of a type they don't have yet   place it face up on the corresponding space, if they already have an idol of that  type place it face down on the -1 space, and any face down idols they gain  are also placed on the -1 space, which can hold any number of idols. If the action tile depicts the  Guardian icon on the current round, the site also gets a Guardian tile. This tile indicates that  your rival is doing research. Simply advance your rival's  magnifying glass to the next space and if there's a choice of path  use the decision arrow on the back of the next action tile to decide. If your rival moves to a space with a  bonus tile, remove that tile from the game. If they move to the top of the track  remove the top tile from the bonus stack, and if they are already at the Lost Temple, give them one of the 6point  Temple tiles instead of advancing. if both stacks still have tiles  in them use the decision arrow to determine which one they take. In addition to moving their magnifying glass this icon indicates that your  rival takes an assistant. This happens no matter where  they advance to on the track. Take the assistant from the  stack with the most tiles, if tied use the decision arrow  to determine left or right, and remove that assistant from the game. If you're playing on the Snake  Temple side of the board, when your rival's token reaches  the assistant rescue space they remove the top assistant from the stack in addition to the assistant that  they remove from the supply board. This tile indicates that your  rival tries to overcome a Guardian. If there is a Guardian on a site occupied  by one of your rivals archaeologists move that Guardian to your rival's board. If there is more than one then use the  same tiebreakers as for digging at a site, which is preference for the higher row, and then use the decision arrow if necessary. If your rival is not at a site with a Guardian,  this icon tells you that they do research instead. This is resolved like the research action tile,  but they do not take an assistant as well. Note that if you're playing on  the Snake Temple side of the board they still take an assistant  if they arrive at this space. This tile indicates that your  rival wants to buy an item. The green version of the tile means that  they buy the one with the lowest point value. The red version of the tile means they  buy the one with the highest points value. And if tied use the decision  arrow to determine left or right. And this tile indicates that your  rival wants to buy an artifact, which works in the same way as buying an item. Just a quick note before I move on. When resolving the last action tile in the stack, if you need to use a decision arrow, use the one on the tile at the  bottom of the stack of used tiles. At the end of the round return all of  your rivals archaeologists back to them. Remember they do not gain any fear cards if  they run away from a site with a Guardian. Shuffle the action tiles to form a new stack, being careful to keep them  in the same orientation. The rival expedition scores points for the position of its magnifying  glass on the research track, any Temple tiles gained, Guardians overcome, and cards purchased. They score 3 points for each unique face-up idol, and 2 points for every idol in the -1 stack. You add up your score as normal, and  whoever has the most points wins. In case of a tie use the normal tiebreaker rules. I hope you found this video useful in learning  how to play the solo game of Lost Ruins of Arnak. CGE are also working on a  solo campaign for the game, the full details of which you  can find at www.Arnak.game Please remember to give this video a thumbs up and leave a comment if you enjoyed it. And if you have any questions about the game   please feel free to leave  them in the comments below. Thank you to Czech Games Edition  for helping to sponsor this video, and if you like the content that I create  please consider supporting me on Patreon at Patreon.com/GamingRules Until next time take care,  and thanks for watching. [Music] Gaming Rules is proudly sponsored by Game Toppers, upgrading your gaming experience. Visit GameToppersLLC.com
Channel: Gaming Rules!
Views: 7,246
Rating: 4.9658117 out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, board game, gaming rules, paul grogan, Arnak, Czech Games Edition, Lost ruins of Arnak, The Lost Ruins of Arnak, Instructional, How to play, solo, solo play
Id: pl40qDp_ob8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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