Lost Pokemon - Did You Know Gaming? Feat. Memory Card

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did you know many of the creatures made for the Pokemon series first and second generations were revised or simply scrapped altogether while some Pokemon were slightly redesigned air fen whole Pokemon lines that were removed or cut down even late into development sometimes these cut Pokemon would appear in later generations but several never saw the light of day before we begin I'd like to give a special shout-out to the helix chamber dr. lava and the countless fans who dedicated their time to the research of Pokemon beta content my name is Ben Bartoli and joining me today is push Dustin we hope you'll join us as we dive into the unknown it's important to keep in mind that many of the names and illustrations used in this video are not official they are however based on real in-game sprites and concept art unearthed by fans over the years when it came time to choose what monsters would make the official roster for the first two Pokemon games red and green gamefreak decide to hold an intercompany poll some of the Pokemon mentioned in this video first premiered in images replicating that poll seen in a Satoshi Tajiri manga a full resolution image of the poll was never released but that hasn't stopped fans from trying their best to squeeze every detail from the smallest of images it's at this time that we feel the need to know that many of the Pokemon listed here in this video have names are very descriptive of the creature and were never localized nor finalized we will be using the official names whenever possible but please keep in mind decent amount of these Pokemon never received actual names plants and animals both live in an extinct are perhaps the biggest influence for Pokemon so it's no surprise that many of the monsters that didn't make it were modeled after various forms of Wildlife some of the best examples include kuroky a crocodile with luxurious hair dia a deer covered in alien looking spikes jaggu a hammerhead shark with a harpoon like nose and kotatsu a captivating cactus creature the monstrous gown was also scrapped this Pokemon was likely inspired by Godzilla and its name is rumored to be based on the kaijus iconic screech and then there's bahudha this literal balloon Pokemon just didn't have what it took to rise to the top and it seemed that Jigglypuff would go on to take its place as the original balloon Pokemon not every Pokemon was ousted after their initial design early designs of the wheedle and poliwag families were actually shown off on game freak's website in 1997 the post has been archived by polka fans and shows a number of drastic differences the first design found on the old website was actually one of dragonair who was updated with a sleeker look wheedle kikuna in vitro would be updated in order to make their final evolution cooler while the poliwag line was also updated to make sure its final evolution Poliwrath lined up with the design of its previous stages and appeared stronger in a bombshell interview from summer 2018 it was revealed the Game Freak had initially planned second evolution for Pikachu after Raichu this final form was named Goro Chu and would have featured fangs and a powerful horn the back sprite of this fabled evolution would eventually be uncovered showcasing its glorious horn for all the world to see according to Pokemon character designer Ken Sugimori Goro Chu was cut from the games due to issues regarding gameplay balance what a shame in February 2009 teen a compilation of assets from pokemons first generation were leaked online the Pokemon prototype preservation site the helix Chamber documented this early build and it's lost Pokemon due to game freak's optimization during reading greens production it was only the pokemons back sprites that survived zammis Clarke known online by his handle Wakko was reportedly responsible for leaking the prototype along with other betta content at the time Clarke was only 24 years old and he managed to avoid jail time receiving a 15 month jail suspension said Clarke was also rumored to be the source behind the golden silver space world demo League and the discovery of generation 4 betta sprites when the helix chamber showed off their recreations of the back sprites in the stream in February 2018 there's some controversy among betta Pokemon fans this was due to multiple factors the first was that helix chamber didn't clarify that some of the assets in the rom hack were unofficial there are also issues with the way that information was presented some sites such as Nintendo soup mistakenly stayed that some of the content in this stream was official after the livestream the helix chamber clarified that only the back sprites were replicas while the Front's price completely fan-made they also clarified which content was recreated and made the decision to remove any fan-created content from their website this helped clear up confusion despite the fact the front sprites weren't retrievable there was and still is a wealth of knowledge to be found from the back sprites one example was a snow Yeti possibly named foo it's speculated this phantom may have been a male counterpart to jinx it seems a zoo bat pre evolution may have also been planned for a long time fans were confused about the duplicate zoo bad cry present in the game but the prototype leaked light was shed on the extra cry and fans were able to see what this baby bat would have looked like speaking of pre evolutions it appears Vulpix was going to have a baby form as well named Mekong and what is referred to as the space world leak this baby fox would have had only three tails the pokedex entry for full pics in the final version of generation 1 reflects this as it says at the time of birth it has just one tail tail splits from its tip as it grows older it seems baby forms of both me alpha and Ponyta were also planned to show up in the original games other Pokemon lost their later evolutions Psyduck had a middle evolution stage before Golduck at one point which fans lovingly refer to as weird duck marowak also had a third evolution which was scrapped the back sprite seems to show this newest stage holding a baby cubone finally giving the cube own family the happy ending it's so desperately needed this parent holding child design also lined up with the theory that the Pokemon kangaskhan was originally going to be part of the cube own line that being said it seems the final cube on stage and Kangaskhan coexisted at one point squirtle evolutions or turtle and blast toys were originally two different families of Pokemon in the leaked assets a baby blast toys and a beefed-up Wartortle can be found in the end these families were merged by Game Freak during Pokemon red and greens development possibly for balancing reasons or to make Wartortle and Blastoise more cohesive the second generation of Pokemon is easily the best documented when it comes to cut and betta content this is due to the previously mentioned gold and silver prototype leaked this leak is usually referred to as the space world demo as it resembles the content that was previously seen in the demo for Nintendo's then yearly gaming showcase known as space world these fans who are lucky enough to attend the show in 1999 were given the chance to play an early version of gold and silver which had a number of differences from the final game it also revealed a LOF crossovers with generation 1 likely due to the development times being so close together some of the sprites found in the leak were identical to pokemon blue which was a revised version of pokemon red and green in Japan gold and silver formally introduced pre evolutions to this series which meant that some players favorite Pokemon got adorable baby forms as well as those in the final game Meowth Juanita and Vulpix Esprit evolution / visited and gold and Silver's initial stages the leaks showed that tangela had a baby form and a second stage evolution planned Tangela would eventually see a second stage called Tang Grove in a later generation but Tang Grove and the better version would be drastically different other abandoned babies include Paris Grimer Goldeen growlithe and doodool a baby version of mr. mine was also cut but the concept would be visited again in a later generation the second generation girafarig also had a pre evolution which looked like two spooky ghosts attached in the middle some baby forms were kept but stell were drastically change Pichu cleffa eglee puff Smoochum elekid Magby and tai rogue would see redesigns before the launch of cold and silver baby pokemon weren't the only ones who didn't make the official roster some evolutions in entire lines never made it past the prototype stage those that lost evolutions included will fish weepinbell luka tongue Farfetch'd and ditto some of these like far-fetched in likho tongue would eventually see second stage evolutions down the line both quite different from their original designs weepinbell and ditto were planned to have evolutions tied to items evolving with the help of a poison stone and a metal coat respectively his planned metal ditto looked especially silly with its pointy head and gaping mouth pincer had a planned evolution that almost looked like one of Evangelion z-- angels porygon 2 also changed substantially going from a lion made of spheres to a smooth out version of the original board on an overgrown Leafeon was set to appear but was nixed before launch Pokemon jumpluff Blissey octillery and politoed featured decently drastic changes throughout develop the three legendary dogs Reiko ante and suicune would all be redone to appear more powerful in a bit less emo a fair share of Gen two starters and their evolutions were reworked drastically Chikorita second form bayleaf was revised to look more like a dinosaur the entire fire starter line was originally based on a series of bears and the water started line was set to resemble a trio of seal like dinosaurs the Totodile line would replace these designs in the end but another seal Pokemon Papa Leo would show up in generation 7 as a starter other water Pokemon included the first draft design of remoraid who resembled a revolver and Bo musica sea lion Pokemon who balanced a flaming ball on its nose vamos chika would have been the first fire and water type to exist in the Pokemon series a combination that was seen many years later in generation 6 is mythical volcanion a full line of aquatic Pokemon would cut with each stage representing a different undersea creature manbo the sunfish evolved into Akari the anchor tailed shark and finally protested an elongated anglerfish there's a fan theory that Akari may have been originally planned to inhabit Joe toads Lake of Rage Akari means both rage and anchor in Japanese so it's possible the feisty shark was set to be the lakes big draw but was instead replaced by the iconic red Gyarados along with the Akari line there are plenty of other Pokemon that never made it to the final game this included a creepy voodoo doll and it's even creepier evolution that seemed to be the corpse of a dead panda a two-stage werewolf family and a female cat Ravindran and its evolution Baloo 'ln were next a Pokemon based on Slowking shell crowd was also cut the electric tiger Pokemon khatola in its evolution right OVA both seen in prototypes for the first generation returned in the space world Emily both would be cut once more with the newer generations there would be less information about cut and prototyped Pokemon this is because fewer assets would be leaked and the developers were more careful in sharing details and artwork if you're interested in learning more about the leaks that brought out all the information on these Pokemon should check out the memory card podcast interview with the one and only dr. lava thanks again from us push Dustin mmm Thole if you want more Pokemon you can also check out the did you know gaming video on the history of Pokemon rumors [Music]
Channel: DidYouKnowGaming?
Views: 487,836
Rating: 4.9153452 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokémon, beta pokemon, lost pokemon, cut pokemon, new pokemon, did you know gaming, didyouknowgaming, dykgaming, dykg, gaming
Id: HeK-9GlvOv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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