Lost On Everest - The Search For Mallory & Irvine. 5/5

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and the number two Wow Mount Everest expedition number two yeah it's handy they probably made the couple special just for the for the 1924 trip now we come at peace there is this dog these papers were in pretty good condition amazing condition considering the environment but they were these matches you pulled out yeah looking just fine okay Andy had these notes folded up in this fine bandanna when Jake pulled this out there was a note no longer any question who we were with George hey Mallory it's been forwarded about a million times written April 2nd 1924 my dear trade many thanks for your PC both children had flu about a week after I had it I think good luck to you your affectionate brother Trafford this is incredible it is March 1924 two pairs of five gloves one dozen balls one pair of five gloves finally returns this account with remittance it's an unpaid bill the new evidence found on Mallory's body gives us a much better idea of what actually happened to the two climbers in 1924 we know they left camp four on the North Col on the sixth of June they climbed the long snow slope up to camp five a twenty five thousand three hundred feet taking with them enough food and oxygen to last several days on the mountain the next morning Mallory in Irvin moved up to camp six at approximately 27,000 feet where they spent their last night alive on the mountain sometime during the early morning of the 8th of June they left for their final attempt on the summit after having climbed the roof a lot of questions have come up in my mind about Mallory and Irvine and what they climb here's George and Sandy we don't know what time they left from Camp 6 but there was a little bit later than they anticipated whine because they've forgotten their head towards this which means that the light was already up and they'd climbed through the yellow band and it's very difficult up there it's not an easy moderate snow slope the whole way so I imagined for the climbers 1924 it was a really big challenge to the yellow van judging from the fact that his goggles were in his pocket and not on his head it was in the evening of or towards dusk they were descending it's at this section during the descent that I believe that Mallory fell there's a straight line from there I believe he was low down in the yellow band on the descent and he took a fall and he spent his last moments sliding down the hill clawing with his fingers which is a standard technique if you drop your ice axe and I don't believe Andrew maybe even fell at the same time because there had to be something absolutely and mobile but the Rope was wrapped around and broke this scenario leaves Andrew Irvin alone on the mountain having watched his companion fall to his death down the North Face Irvin could not have survived for long in the open and he must have died sometime during that night but the question still remains did George Mallory lead the first successful attempt on the summit the guy obviously didn't let good sense get in the way this his determination he was the space that he was ready to die trying to do this and so yeah it my mind has changed he might have done it as much as I wish I could just save George and Sandy you climbed Everest highest peak in the world you were the first ones to do it I find that given the severity and the tentacle requirements of this route and the standard of climbing in 1924 I find it improbable I believe Mallory could have climbed it and I think just enough of a wild man that he might have just had a good day that day and pulled it off just seeing his strength his you know his obvious tenacity even and you know you could see it after 75 years he was determined and he was tough and it was strong and I think I think he made it I think I think in Irvine both made it you
Channel: AntiGroupThink
Views: 458,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everest, Mallory, Irvine, Mountain, Climbing, History, Mystery
Id: S85AmIyGgEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2010
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