Why We Can't Find Sandy Irvine's Body on Everest #mystery #mountains

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the remains of Sandy Irvin have been removed from  Mount Everest this is information received and   gathered over years by my friend and great Everest  climber and guide Jamie mcginness from New Zealand   Jamie is one of the most experienced Everest  guides has been on the North side 10 different   times summited five and going back to his very  first expedition he has always been keeping   keeping a lookout for the whereabouts of clues  that might lead to solving the mystery of mallerie   and Irvin what route did they take where was the  isacs where was the body of Sandy Irvin supposedly   when he had heard reports that the body of Sandy  Irvin had in fact been encountered as recently   as 1995 as many of you know Jaimie and I were on  Mount Everest together in 2019 for the National   Geographic Expedition that was with Mark sinate  and renan oerk we were looking for the body of   Sandy Irvin and the camera he was believed to have  been carrying at that time for many years Jaimie   has had information that has led him to believe  that the body of Sandy Irvin is in fact off the   mountain and when we were preparing to depart for  Tibet in 2019 I can remember some hesitation in   his voice thinking gosh Jamie kind of seems like  we're never going to be successful which isn't   unlike the way that I felt in 1999 when I departed  for the malerie nerving research Expedition that   did find the body of George mallerie in my mind  there was no way in heck we are ever going to   find a body a needle in a hay stack if you will  on this massive North Face that might as well have   been the size of the town that I live in but just  at the slant of a roof of a garage in that Jamie   has worked on the mountain so many years over  the last two decades or so he has gotten to be   friends with many very high ranking officials in  the China Tibet mountaineering Association and in   those conversations that he has had with them he  has slowly revealed more and more information that   is really honestly shocking to anybody who thinks  that Sandy Irvin is still up on the mountain now   going back to 2019 when our team was driving in  to base camp along the Tibetan Plateau Jaimie   discussed some conversations he had had with  a sherpa who had said he had encountered the   body of Sandy Irvin back in 1995 Jaimie is friends  with that Sherpa we said why not give him a call   right now which he did Jaimie made the phone call  the gentleman was extremely happy to hear Jamie   they chatted for a minute and then Jamie said  hey I have a couple of questions about that Tom   time that you encountered the body of Sandy Irvin  then click he hung up the phone conversation over   tried to call back thinking maybe the telephone  conversation had been dropped through the airwaves   nope no answer that was it no more talking  oh oh my gosh so we're like what the heck is   going on so why would this guy try to hold back  information about seeing the body of Sandy Irvin   well we still don't really know we have some ideas  Jamie will discuss that in our conversation that   you're going to see in a moment but another  thing that has jimie strongly believing the   body of Sandy Irvin is no longer on the mountain  is because due to previous sightings of the body   that include 1960 and 19705 Chinese Expeditions  the body was very close to the normal climbing   route not that far away and he said if the body  was still there it seems to him almost impossible   that no nobody would be encountering him of late  the mountain has been closed since 2019 opening   again in 2024 but in conversations that jimie had  and pursued during our expedition in 2019 during   our drive to base camp Jaimie found the very high  ranking official in the China Tibet mountaineering   Association to ask him again about what he knew  about the body of sand die being taken off the   mountain what Jamie told me in our conversation is  absolutely fascinating now why didn't I bring this   out before or why wouldn't I hold this story until  I have definitive proof well the real reason is   because there are a lot of people out there who  would love to solve this mystery so maybe there   are some opportunities for others in the future  to go and peel back more layers of what is hiding   the real answer to the mystery of mallerie and  Irvin one of the other fascinating things jimie   talks about in this conversation is that in 2015  he visited what at the time was a private Museum   he was given a personal tour of this Museum and  when he was there he said he saw some fascinating   artifacts that go back to what he was quite sure  are the 1920s artifacts that very possibly could   have been from the 1924 Expedition during which  George mallerie and Sandy Irvin disappeared last   scene going for the summit not only is jimie one  of the most experienced climbers and guides on   the Tibetan Side of the Mountain but he's also  an exceptional photographer and since his very   first expedition there more than 20 years ago he  has been seeking Clues to the mystery of malerie   and Irvin he said it's always been in the back  of his mind mind whether working or summiting he   says he's always taken a look around gone out for  little walks taken pictures wondering what route   did mallerie nvan take when they went toward  the summit that day did they make it how did   they fall where was the isex that was discovered  in 1933 all these things have always been in the   back of Jaime's mind which made him the absolute  perfect person to be our guide if you will during   our efforts to find s Irvin in 2019 in Jim's  searchings over the years it was made clear   to him that there are not a lot of places where a  body can actually hide up there those places that   might have concealed a body he actually visited  and we talk about that in this upcoming interview   before we move on make sure you hit that subscribe  button and the Bell so you're notified anytime a   new video comes out and also consider becoming a  member of this channel it's only 99 cents a month   that's all you need to do to become a member to  support me in the things that I'm doing on Everest   mystery not only about the Everest mystery but  Mountain stories tragedies and survival stories   from around the world and now for my conversation  with Jamie mcginness who I spoke with from his   home in New Zealand yeah there were times when I'd  just stop and I would just look at the mountain   and think now if I had fresh new eyes to this  which route would I do which way would I go you   know given the historical background uh up until  that point that always Traverse under the first   step and you know I I looked at it I thought about  it and I still couldn't decide yeah it is such a   mystery let's let's talk about mallerie's being  mallerie's body was found um thank you um for   you rad and the others and um Irvine's body has  been missing for quite some time um uh yet seen up   there by but anyway I just I just introduce this  because I have joked with him I have talked with   him a bit and he's very open but when it comes to  discussing mallerie or Irvine or what he saw with   Irvine he just closed up um as you saw you he was  happy to actually answer a call um and talk for a   moment but uh bring that subject up and it's close  to him and I don't know what's driving him whether   there's a deal with somebody else which you know  I've thought about at the time or is it um that   he still wants to go back and he he's holding  his own information you know um or is it that   he's worried that he'll get in trouble with the  Chinese and he won't be able to go back yeah so   those are the three things that that uh that  interests me with his story anybody who knows   anything about it is pretty sure or has no doubt  in their mind that he did see something and it   had to have been Irvin or mallerie and we know  it wasn't mallerie so he obviously I I believe   he saw Irvine's body as well um he was kind of  lost at the time um what it does mean and also   with the um lost Chinese climber who saw him uh  saw IR 's body is that basically uh it's in an   accessible location for somebody climbing without  ropes you know both of these people were lost also   it seems to me that it is relatively his body um  was relatively close to the 8,300 Met Camp um you   know whether that's 20 minutes or 10 minutes but  you know uh is relatively easily accessible from   there to my mind and this is a more of a guess is  that I have a feeling Irvine's body was visible   years ago if you looked very carefully a lot of  people looked but were we looking too late it's   it's fairly clear this this brings me to the point  that you know his body is almost certainly not up   no longer up there we gave it a good search  with drones not perfect snow conditions ideal   snow conditions but still you know with some  decent visibility and we found several other   um spotted several other bodies so we knew that uh  we weren't missing anything big uh anything that   was the right size so I don't think he's uh he's  I don't think he's there anymore he's no longer   there and I would say the reason for that um is  that you he was spotted by somebody else basically   very close to the trail so let's just say what  now I've uh let's mention what I've um heard   from the leaz and officers 2008 was the uh year of  the Beijing Olympics we were I had an expedition   plan to go to the north side um we talked with  the uh China tobet mountaineering Association   ctma they'd said all okay I'd said okay we'll stay  off the mountain for a couple of days no problem   and then later on they just closed the mountain  um now so there's a lot to that but essentially   quite a few people wondered whether this was the  time when the Chinese might have taken her Vines   body off the mountain removed the body so this  was the thinking of a few people so I think it's   2010 I was back on the North side two years later  and uh at the end of the Expedition um came down   and met um there were a group of Leos and officers  playing cards and uh I just said um after waiting   for a while um I have a few questions and uh they  answered a couple of the Practical questions about   how acts one or two other things and I said I  have a few other questions and uh um you know   about uh some of the bodies we might have seen and  they said oh go and see the other Lea not sir so   I went down to where he was he was alone and um  I chatted with him and uh so I talked with him a   bit about various things and asked quite a few  questions and um I slipped in you um a leading   question when was the body taken when was Irvine's  body um taken off the mountain and you was it 2008   yeah was it the you during the Beijing Olympics  now that's a leading question where you can say   yes or no or you can say don't go there don't you  and um he said oh no it was taken off he his exact   wording was thrown off the mountain a lot earlier  than that so the thrown was said in a way that he   couldn't quite find the right words in English  perhaps so I'm not sure he exact exctly meant   throwing but maybe removed maybe you cleaned up  and disposed of much earlier than 2008 throwing   the body off much earlier than 2008 um now how  much earlier I didn't ask him I didn't he gave me   a a good oneline answer and um I left it at that  and perhaps I shouldn't have so we need to find   that guy you're right right so we went to find the  guy so I went to find the guy with renan and your   um in 2019 and I spoke with him quietly on the  side there was another leoan officer that came   along with us um who's always been very pleasant  to me very nice who really comes across also as   a as a very honest person and a good good heart  so I I um met them we went to a you know big open   area uh plenty of that in tobet and um just had  a bit of a talk and said you know this is what uh   we have an expedition this is what we're doing  you've got the Privacy you've got whatever you   um you know we don't want to uh uh give any of the  game away um in terms of identifying people uh who   might be involved who might give us information  anyway so they went and had a discussion as I   had said y I want to know more about what you've  said about this body being thrown off or removed   from the mountain they went and had a discussion  amongst themselves quiet discussion for several   minutes you know it wasn't a short conversation  it was a decent conversation they they obviously   ran through ideas in their head and they got back  to me and said basically you know we're we don't   want to say anything so I hadn't pushed hard  you know you can't push hard in in a situation   like that but they they have something that they  know that they didn't want to discuss at that time   you know so it's absolutely clear there is some  knowledge uh between the two of them as well what   that knowledge is other than the body was removed  probably irvines amazing I don't know Jamie that's   that's fantastic so because there were a couple  of times during the 2019 Expedition we'd all be   we were all hopeful and ignored that information  like we did because we're on this film project and   you would say occasionally you're never going to  find him up there and I was like I remember one   time I actually was really upset with you and I  was like Jamie you're so negative and to this day   I feel like I was so mean to Jamie I yelled at  him and but you were just being honest just like   because you're like just you C there can't have  been a nicer person on the mountain I was like   Jamie and I remember so upset at in the moment  and it occurred to me you you knew in your heart   of hearts that as as one of the liaison officers  said we're barking up the wrong tree we're going   up the mountain when going up the mountain wasn't  the place we should be looking at least that was   the information let's now jump to 2015 uh there's  the earthquake in Nepal and um I end up going to   Tibet in August 2015 now I'm hoping to um uh  size up a 7,000 meter Mountain which we can   get permission to climb uh da da da da um it turns  out that um the agent had um not told everything   and we got there myself and my partner and um  they said actually we can't give you a vehicle   of ours because they have a special number plate  they're not allowed to drive there was a six-month   period where tourists weren't allowed in Tibet  basically they um helped us they were very nice   um but um in the end and so we went out we did a  few things and then as one of the little perks we   were shown around this Museum out of Lassa now  this was the private Museum now I assume this   is um who the um was the head of ctma and then the  Tibet climbing school it was his private Museum I   was told he's fine you're go and have a look at it  they suggested we went and had a look now I looked   around I took a few phone photos they have a uh  um a fake Yeti standing up there they have a real   wolf stuffed of course um and um but in one of the  other rooms I was looking and I was thinking oh   I have to think about this because wait there's a  there's a boot from 1920s you know is it from 20s   or 30s it sure looked like it was from the 20s um  there's there are one or two other artifacts there   that I'm really wondering how they could be there  now stupidly at the end of the trip I was like   okay I must make some notes because I couldn't  pull out my phone but then we got talking about   other things and I didn't make a lot of notes but  um this is the other thing so this leads on to my   point what with there are some artifacts there  which are not necessarily known to be there not   expected to be there somebody needs to research  that whether they're Chinese whether they're   Hong Kong or or whether they're Western um but it  leads me to this point that when I look back in my   dealings with people about this question was that  they might have assumed that everybody knew that   both bodies had been taken off or one body had  been taken off Heron's body had been taken off   artifacts had been found artifacts are in the  museum you know I I kind of wonder whether the   Chinese uh the authorities Tibetans really um kind  of all this and um we're just a bit surprised when   we were still looking and still uh floundering  around in the dark almost oh so the laugh is on us   so they're they're banking big on a big National  Geographic and Discovery Channel expedition in   which lot of money was spent and meanwhile it's in  possibly the answer is in a private Museum outside   of Lassa and are they really h it um if you ask  people detailed questions all of a sudden perhaps   they will they they'll back off yeah but um I have  a feeling that um there are some people who would   just open up um providing that you know it was  Anonymous amazing So Jamie it it is a fascinating   mystery and I think that it's still worth people  going up and having a look and I'd love to see   somebody go off Route and do to the Norton kir  and attempted real Alpine style maybe just two   or three Climbers on a rope so there's always  it could simoc climb with somebody in the middle   maybe you know what I mean something that the Rope  sliding through it's a fascinating mystery but the   private Museum in laa Lassa we're gonna have to  yes get somebody on on the ground there and maybe   look and I don't know if if it's me or you or  who we can get there but that could be I'm not   going back to China thank you um the I think the  political risks are just too much at the moment   for some people the chance of me getting arrested  or held is small yeah but it's not zero you know   New Zealand's a small country China really doesn't  like the way we're talking uh about um uh joining   intelligence uh groups um and things and uh the  Chinese just poke people in the eye literally   you know we just sort you out oh you're Canadian  oh we're just going to hold you know one Canadian   just for good measure just as a bit of Leverage  and uh I'd be a PR you know if they were going   to do that with somebody from New Zealand I'd be  a prime target so I'm not going back that's easy   but very good with the change of regime with the  change of things might change um but it does seem   to me in very limited reading that um the museum  is now visited by Chinese tourists quite regularly   perhaps it's open a lot more it was really open  for us in 2015 in further conversations with Jamie   he has had numerous people tell him that the body  of Sandy Irvin was quote unquote thrown off the   mountain for the purposes of this interview we  focused on just that one with the high ranking   official from the China Tibet mountaineering  Association on the other hand there's no   definitive proof these are just stories of people  people who ultimately have no reason to make up a   story with somebody they had known for more than  20 years so what do you think let me know in the   comments what you think and if it would be worth  visiting Tibet or Lassa to go and find this Museum   and do some poking around in there or to pursue  further conversations with the gentleman who's the   high ranking official in the government of China  make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit   the Bell so you're notified when future videos  are released also consider becoming a member of   Everest mystery thanks for taking time out of your  day to be here go do somebody a favor don't ask   for anything in return make the world a better  place one step at a time take care my friends
Channel: Everest Mystery
Views: 142,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everest, thom pollard, mount everest, mystery, george mallory, climbing mount everest, everest climbing, climbing everest, explore, 8000 meter peaks, himalaya, mt everest, thom pollard mallory, thom pollard everest, mountains, mallory, mt everest summit, death zone, extreme weather, everest summit, inspirational video, andrew irvine, mallory and irvine, sandy irvine, everest expedition, everest documentary, british everest, MYSTERY, norton couloir, best everest documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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