Lost In Time | Timing | Part 5 | Jerry Flowers

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[Music] there was something I was thinking about many times what we call trouble God calls training slinging already many times what we call a disappointment or adversity is actually god making sure we're not wasting time I remember speaking about this on our Christmas Eve service last year there was this article I read entitled is there a catfish in your life and it was it was so interesting I was trying to share with the church that now one of the most popular fishes in restaurant is salmon back in the early 1990s if you didn't grow up in the '90s you missed it but in the '90s one of the most popular fish was Cod and so I was articulating how they were trying to transport Cod all the way from Florida to California but the chefs were were like okay this fish is fishy y'all ever taste fish to taste fishy like I know it's a fish but it ain't supposed to taste fishy it's not fresh and they decided okay instead of freezing the fish and shipping it from Florida to California we're going to put the fish in this fish tank and they put the fish in the fish tank and then when they got to California the chefs cooked it and were like you know it still tastes fishy so what they decided to do was put a catfish in the same tank with the Cod because one of the Predators for COD is catfish and so then when the chefs cook the fish in California like now this is fresh it doesn't taste fishy what did y'all do they put adversity in the tank with the Cod so the whole way to California that fish is swimming that fish is running and what if God loves you so much that sometimes we have gotten spiritually dull spiritually not fresh prayer life dull and fasting dull and discernment dull and God says you know what I'm going to help you here's your catfish because without this adversity you would never change without this trial you would never change and I just want to try to encourage somebody to shift your perspective perhaps God loves me so much that he won't let me stay the same I know golf claps I know four I understand could it be God loves you so much where he's trying to help you not waste your time could it be God loves you so much that he's trying to help you have discernment he shows you the red flag early because if you're like me I don't want to see the flag after I've been invested show it to me early cuz I don't have time to waste time I really believe that this message that we're going to talk about today is prophetic I want you to turn your Bibles to Psalms CH 39 verse 4 Psalms 39 verse 4 One verse is where we're going to launch our scripture reading in just a few moments but let's pray and then we're going to hear what it is that the Holy Spirit wants us to glean on for a few moments in time on this Sunday afternoon father God you're awesome thank you for this moment thank you for this time thank you for the gift of life allowing us to see a new day a day that we never saw before and a day that we will never see again for that we simply say thank you thank you God for allowing us to see the seasons change which reminds us that things don't last always and God if it be your your will thank you for allowing us a few more days and we're about to cross over into a new year so that we can say I struggled last year I did that last year but as we are by your grace and if you will allow us to cross over into a new year give us a kingdom perspective to maximize our time while we're in time all of the study means absolutely nothing if you aren't magnified if you aren't glorified and just like I petitioned to you privately I'm also asking you publicly use me as your Oracle to sound track the PA system of Heaven in Jesus name we're asking that you do it and everybody who agrees to that prayer will just shout all over the room and in online amen amen amen ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters we are swiftly approaching the last two weeks or say it like this we are in The Final Countdown we are in The Final Countdown of the 2023 calendar year and we find ourselves placed and parked in this amazing prophetic sermon series entitled timing and God has and is breathing on this particular sermon series a little different I don't know if y'all can sense it or if y'all can feel it but this particular series is a little more sobering this particular series is a little more riveting it is as though God really wants to use this timing series as we are end as we are entering the end of time for a certain time frame in our lifetime to get us to focus and to be people who know how to Steward and protect your time somebody say Protect Your Time protect your time protect your time protect your time protect your time protect your time it's one of the greatest Commodities that you and I have your time it's one of the most valuable resources and possessions that you and I have your time it is along with the gift of Salvation one of the greatest gifts that God ever gave you and one of the greatest gifts that I God ever gave me is the gift of time time is a gift because time equals life therefore to waste time is to waste life and I know somebody might be like okay pastor if I be honest I'm a little upset I'm a little agitated in fact those preachers ministers and Prophets have about two and a half more weeks before I label them as a false prophet because they told me December the 31st of 2022 that 2023 was going to be my year 2023 will be the year I'm a billionaire I'm a millionaire 2023 will be the year I get married I am as single as a leaf on a branch they told me that this would be my Year of Jubilee they have about two and a half more weeks before I label them as false prophets I thought right now at this Junction of my life my life will look different I thought that by the time we get to December of 2023 I would be at a certain place in my life and I hear you but I need you to hear me it's not that time is the problem it's trusting God's timing that is here come your neck time is not the problem wasting it is time is not the problem not knowing where to use it is time is not the problem it's our inability to be able to distinguish and discern a Time waster that is the problem is not time it's our inability to trust God's timing and be able to identify things that are wasting our time because time is fair currency meaning there is an equality when it comes with time there is no such thing as you being rich with time are you being poor with time the billionaire and the beggar both have 24 hours we both well this ain't Fair it is fair we all have 24 hours and we all have seven days a week the difference is what you choose to do with your 24 what you choose to do o it's going to come for somebody scal on today what you choose to do with the time that you have left time is precious so for you to waste it is to waste the most precious parts of you because time is precious time and when we get this understanding this biblical wisdom and intelligence when it comes to time you understand this if I don't Steward my time and protect my my time people and my habits will help me waste it when I don't not how a steward it and protect it my boys my girls my ba whoever it is will help me waste time this is why I believe the psalmist says in Psalms 39:4 oh Lord make me know my end and what is the measure of my days let me know how fleeting I am I want us to execute this where we can really understand it when the psalmist tells us oh Lord make me know my end the word in there is destination it's where we get get the word destiny so he's saying help me know my destiny let me know my purpose why am I here why am I in this time frame why am I in this race why am I in this ethnicity why am I listening to this word help me know my end then the next part says so that I could measure my days what is he saying I could Steward my time let me know how fleeting I am meaning I'm going to die one day so I want us to see these three bullets in a chart form just from this one verse on what the psalmist is saying when he says make me know my end he's saying okay I need to know my assignment so that I could Steward my time with my assignment because one day I'm going to run out of time to do my assignment this making sense help me know my end help me know my assignment my purpose my mission the reason of my birth help me know my assignment so I can know how to Steward my assignment because one day I'm going to run out of time to do my assignment it's too late for me to try to do my assignment when I'm 86 on my deathbed help me know it now remember now thy Creator when in the days of thy youth help me know it now you want to identify somebody who Wast time show me somebody who doesn't know what they're supposed to do they will date anybody talk to anybody that's like a great first question what do you believe God put you here to do I don't know right now I'm just uh if you don't know this means you not going to know what to do with me because you don't know what God's supposed to do with you so you're surely not going to know what you're supposed to do with me cuz you don't even know what you're supposed to do with you maybe this is why he or she keeps saying I don't know I don't know perhaps they telling the truth they really don't no help me know my end and I just have a sneaky suspicion that there are possibly five maybe seven of us in the sacred Sanctuary or in the Overflow are watching online that due to this biblical wisdom over time have arrived to have this posture in your heart when it comes to time wasters being confused on why you're no longer spending time with them this is your posture it's not personal it's spiritual maybe just five us the rest of us you can just sit there look holy and look cute but for some of us we're like okay it's not personal it's spiritual I'm not coming with you to get high I need to focus on breaking these strongholds so it can no longer have a stronghold on me in 2024 and it won't have a stronghold on my children and it won't have a stronghold on my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren I can't get high with you right now I need to use my time doing this it's not personal no it's it's it's spiritual I don't have time to get faded with you right now I understand some people get drunk around the holidays I need to be sober I need to be sober minded I need to focus on breaking this this cycle because mama got drunk and Daddy got drunk and my uncles are drunk and my brother died of being drunk and driving I don't want that same cycle to come on my life and I die before my time I'm going use my time breaking this cycle by the power of the Holy Spirit so no I'm not going over there it's not personal it's it's spiritual no I'm not dating anybody right now because if I be honest my freak runs deep I do not apologize my generation requires real my freak runs deep I don't need to be dating anybody right now because every man I see is a possible orgasm exchange every woman I see is a possible orgasm exchange or a wife or a husband I need to heal from all the porn I need to heal from the molestation I need to heal from the perversion because I don't see you as a sister in the Kingdom I see you as an object for my lust so right now I'm not dating I'm not booing I'm not responding to anything a season might come when I'm ready for that but right now I need God to give me this fruit self-control that's why I'm not going out with you it's not personal it's spiritual about seven of us got it because our recognize that people and decisions have a price tag on them and the method of payment is my time talk Holy Spirit people and decisions come with the price tag and you know how you pay with your time with your time and I don't have time to pay with my time for somebody that's a waste of my time that made me use lose years in time see here's the thing that's dangerous about a time waster you don't know that they stole your time y'all need to come up here and preach you don't know that they stole your time until after they stole your time and maybe it's just me but I'm like God give me the discernment to see time thieves before I let them be a thief anybody oh it's quiet in here today online y'all need to help me because right now we comeing for edges and the Holy Spirit is touching some people I feel all types of toes and here's the thing certain people will mislabel you for protecting your time as you not liking people why you don't hang with your sister you don't like them why you don't go with them why don't you spend time with them do you dislike them I'm like no I don't dislike them I discern them that's a whole shirt I don't dislike you I discern you you are a Time Thief what were you doing last night I was talking to my boo for 4 hours no you were talking to a thief you were talking to a thief and it's not going to be until May of 2024 that you recognize that was a thief help us holy spirit so what God is trying to get us to do not only does he want to enhance our discernment but he wants to protect our time because there is a war over your time Heaven is striving to get us to use our time for the glory of God while hell is trying to get us to waste our time for the glory of you did y'all hear what I just said there's a war over your time Heaven is striving to get you to use your time for the glory of God why hell is trying to get you to waste your time for the glory of you this is what I I want this is where I want to be this is my money this is my feelings this is my time as though all of your time is not loan to you see spiritual warfare is real spiritual warfare is real see can we go a little deeper okay right side y'all stronger today let's go a little deeper the reason that hell uses time thieves is because hell doesn't have to fight hard against stuck people the devil B the devil hasn't messed with you since 2014 that time waster was his security deposit that you won't move he doesn't have to fight hard against stuck people because we will never be a threat to the camp of hell and walk in our kingdom Authority as long as we are labeling what hell is using as a thief as an opportunity I have such a great opportunity I got this great offer God is so good he's opening all these doors what a wonderful opportunity that's not an opportunity that's a thief it's designed to steal your time so that you could be outside of the will of God and be upset about the time CL of God protect your time protect your time we will never be a threat to the camp of hell and affectively walk in our kingdom Authority as long as what hell is using as a thief we're calling our boo we're calling our ba we're calling it zat we're calling it our girl whatever name you want to call it see if we had some spiritual Insight I believe we would start introducing people by what they really are yeah how you doing who is this oh my name is Jerry and this is my Thief yeah this is the person that's designed to steal my time and keep me out of the will of God what if we had spiritual Insight when we just start telling the truth what you doing I'm watching my favorite Thief my favorite Thief I've seen all seven seasons it's still in my time I'm not an involved father but I'm involved in watching NFL it's still in my time I'm not an involved mother I want my my my iPads to entertain my children to death and then wonder why they don't listen to you because children spell love t i m e i want them to use that while I could watch my favorite Thief is this too real what if we begin to start to tell the truth have the spiritual insight to introduce things the way that they really are you are either investing your time or you are spending your time my wife and I and our children we were at this park that these people made and they had all these nice trees and I was teaching my children the art of being outside y'all remember that and so then I said you know we used to climb trees this tree is a perfect climbing tree and so they began to climb the tree and they were having fun and I was watching them and a thought came to my mind as we in this part man we are enjoying a tree that somebody planted 40 years ago because investing time benefits others talk Lord some of us need therapy right now because our parents wasted time with us we are currently looking for love in bedrooms because your parent didn't love you in living [Applause] rooms time is an investment that benefits others or time is a bill that charges others and we're paying the bill that somebody before us was supposed to pay I'm like we are enjoying shade from a tree that somebody planted 40 years ago I'll never see them never meet them but we are enjoying this moment in time because of what they decided to do with their time I can make it personal this week I used a portion of my time studying for this moment so what I was doing was investing my time that will edify the body of Christ because what you do with your time should benefit more than just you talk Holy Spirit and so I'm like I think we need to speak around this thought from this subject lost in time yeah I said God you're so creative that's a great title Lost in Time help my people understand that I placed them in time and it's possible due to all of the distractions in time that they got lost in time but Jesus loves to seek and save that which has been lost as I Was preparing for this moment this article that I read few years ago it came back to my mind this week the article asked this question it says if you were given $86,400 every day how would you spend it but here's the catch you can't s save it you can't store it and you can't transfer it over to the next day at midnight that your account goes from whatever you spent back to $86,400 what would you do with it would you fly to Paris and eat the fresh Cuisine and take trips and go on vacations what would you do with the money or would you go shopping get that motorcycle that car that boat that you really wanted or would you be generous and give to a place that spiritually edifies you or give to an Outreach what would you do with $86,400 if you got it every day you get 86,400 seconds every day you can't transfer it over to the next day at midnight that 86,400 second starts over now I'm going to be generous here health professionals tell us that we should sleep for 8 hours a day so if you were to sleep for 8 hours a day now you're left with 57,600 seconds what are you doing with every second this is why you can't afford to be lazy this is why you can't afford to be distracted one minute of being distracted is 60 seconds off of your 57,000 600 seconds I'm getting this church family you know one of the greatest contributors to our spiritual laziness we think we have more time I promise it is one of the great this is why we are so lazy because we think we have more time oh you would live different if you knew how much time you had left there's certain people you would call and talk to if you knew that they were going to die tonight I promise you what you label as important to you would no longer be as important to you if you knew you were going to die on Tuesday what you label as unimportant would no longer be unimportant if you really knew when you were going to take your last breath in time the danger to most Christians especially Western Hemisphere Christianity is we really think we have more time and time is not promised to no man help me to know my end and measure my days let me know how fleeting I am and I think the scary reality is every second is a day that you lost that you'll never get again with your time is it investing in your tomorrow or is it the choices that you're making right now already robbing your tomorrow which is why certain people are saying 2024 I'm going to because you know 2023 you waste it and you view a new year as a perfect opportunity to change and if I can see it like the Holy Spirit put in my heart you may not see 2024 so you're telling me you going to risk your change when you don't know how fleeting I am so many of us are drowning in the depths of things that don't matter things that don't matter which is why we keep saying stuff like I feel so lost I just don't understand what point I'm at in my life I know I'm at a point but I don't know the point but it's pointing pretty pointlike but I've gotten to certain points in my life I don't know why I got to this point and what the holy spirit is trying to get you to understand I need you to get to that point of frustration so that I can get you to the point of your appointment but it's not until you're frustrated with the cheap sex it's not until you're frustrated with living beneath my kingdom standard that you'll ever desire to change I promise you are not waiting on God you're not waiting on God God is ready he is willing and he is able to make sure that you have Clarity he's not hiding discernment for those to only like pray seriously no anybody who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved and the reason this series is so sobering is because it reminds us that we all have a date with the cemetery young I don't care if you're 24 the cemeter is filled with young people and old people so there's these scriptures I want us to see I want you to see how God feels about lost and then I want you to see how God views time so that we can see it's possible that we forgot there's another you on the inside of you and you could have gotten so caught up with time that you're lost in it okay Luke chapter 15 verse 4 Jesus is giving this Parable he says suppose one of you has aund sheep and loses five of them y'all not reading your Bible loses 10 of them one okay so suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them doesn't he leave the 99 in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it and when he finds it he is joyful puts it on his shoulders that is symbolic of now you are letting me guide you no longer you walking on your own you got out here with your own feet but now let me help you get back to where you're supposed to be with my feet puts him on his shoulders and goes home then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says Rejoice with me I have found my lost sheep I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who do not need to repent meaning they're not living in blatant unconfessed unrepented sin okay then he goes on or suppose a woman has 10 silver coins and loses eight of them loses seven of them one look how God cares about everyone or suppose a woman has 10 silver coins and loses one does she not light a lamp sweep the house house search search carefully until she finds it and when she finds it she calls her friends and neighbors together and says Rejoice with me I have found my lost coin it wasn't until this week that I noticed every time something is Found Jesus says people around should Rejoice I'm not just happy that I found it I'm going to tell everybody else that I found it you know what that's called testimony I'm going to let everybody else know I used to be like this but Jesus I used to be a stripper but Jesus I used to be a dope boy but Jesus I used to be a we head but Jesus I know looking at me right now you can't tell that's just irrefutable evidence that I don't look like what I've been through I serve the type of God that knows how to wash me every time we do an altar call and we do the Prayer of Salvation once once we say Amen everybody should turn up why cuz Jesus says tell your neighbors and your friends and I think the reason we all should be excited is because you know what it's like when you were lost maybe you can't shout and you can't be excited because you're possibly still lost and you don't know what it feels like to be lost but now found peace and found Clarity and found Hope and found sleep I'm talking about sleep at night where your mouth is open you drooling you wake up you didn't move you in the same position when you used to toss and turn at night can't sleep at night needed your bullet to go to sleep needed some Mel melatonin to go to sleep now I got the Prince of Peace that can help me go to sleep I'm thankful you can get that I'm thankful you have that somebody say lost lost he goes on in Luke chapter 19 as he's speaking to zakus verse 9 Jesus says to him today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a son of Abraham for the son of man came to seek and to save the Lost somebody say lost lost now let's say time time okay so I want you to see the installation of timing it starts in Genesis chapter 1 I'm in teacher mode where you can get this Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 this is where go God is installing timing verse 14 it says and God said let there be lights in the Vault of the sky to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs to Mark sacret times and days and years so before God ever made you he made time timing okay so we we really have to get this because if we understand this this basic theology our prayers will be different God lives in eternity not time he lives in eternity that's forever okay he created time and placed Us in it so when you are praying and you feel God is taking his time it's because you forget that to God a day is as a thousand years the only reason you are frustrated with the timing of God is not that God is not hearing your prayers it's not that God doesn't have a plan for your life your deadline is frustrating you it's your deadline you gave God that's making you mad not God himself it's when you want God to do it now this next one in ecclesiastics has some depth to it verse chapter 3 vers verse one I was going to hop scotch I said no we need to see all this so so that we could really really get it thank God for churches that preach the Bible so that we can understand this I want you to see this chapter 3 verse one it says to everything there is a season a time for every purpose under Heaven remember we just read that okay so under heaven in time there's a purpose for everything then Solomon starts to go off he says a time to be born and there's a time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck what was planted A Time to Kill and a time to heal a time to break down and a time to build up a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance a time to Cast Away stones and a time to gather Stones a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing a time to gain and a time to lose a time to keep a time to throw away a time to tear a time to sew a time to keep silence and a a time to speak a time to love and a time to hate a time for War what profit has the worker from that which he labors I have seen the god-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied so this text is saying there's a time for everybody who's in time and what you're supposed to do in time is occupy your task with your time the reason you're so distracted is because you're in time but you don't know what you're supposed to do in time so you're occupied with everything in time except the task that you're supposed to be occupied with in time is this making sense I know there was a lot of time and time somebody snapping I'm not spitting poetry I'm spitting the word say okay get this God looked in time that he created and then he looked at you and then he saw what dispensation of time you will be needed you need to be born 1985 because from 1985 to 2075 or however long you're going to live there's something I need you to fix you're not even given time yet but out of time I'm seeing what you need to do with your time while you're in the Earth I need you to be born in 2000 I was talking to Tanisha I said man somebody who was born in 2000 is 23 that's crazy we must be getting old or something I need you to be born in 2000 because from 2000 to 2090 there's going to be a lower desire of The Hunger of the word of God and I'm going to put a fire in your belly so that during those 80 plus years of your life you will be able to use your time so that you could help me with your time so that when you're out of time all the people that you touched in time we can can be with me forever when there is no more time this making sense I got to go a little deeper so we can get this it's possible you lost the you that I knew before you had time the you that I know you lost it in time because of all of the distractions of time and you keep on entertaining things that are wasting your time you know the reason why the the Lord knocks he knocks so that he can get your attention with your time because the more you ignore the knocking this is a little distraction and a little Annoying and that conviction should get annoying after a while that not being able to sleep that's not insomnia that's an invitation when you going to open up when you going to open the door for me to to be able to give you peace when are you going to answer this he's not going to open it he's just going to keep knocking keep knocking some of us have been ignoring it for 5 years for 9 years 10 years some people don't answer it until they're taking their last breath God forgive me there's something that I need you to do with your time I want us to say this and I want to break it down even deeper is it all right if I teach for a few moments can I get us to say this confession father father heal heal and reveal and reveal the you the you I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to be thank you thank you for leaving the 99 leaving the 99 just for me just for me one more time father father heal heal and reveal and re the you the you I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to be thank you thank you for leaving the 99 for leaving the 99 just for me just for touch your chest make it personal just for me just for me it hits different when that one is you what you are you supposed to be while you're in time this is why I was trying to get us to understand this back in March of this year when I did a whole sermon on abortion I'm not afraid to preach the gospel and what the Bible says I did a whole sermon not a cliff note a whole sermon called Baby Steps trying to get us to view abortion from God's perspective not to condemn those that did it but to save those who are considering doing it because to commit abortion is to give a death a death penalty to somebody who didn't do what you did so I was I'm I'm trying to get us to see this Jeremiah 1 verse5 a scripture that most of us heard it says before I formed you in the womb I knew what what's that word y'all shout it to me what's that word okay please don't miss this before you were in the womb I knew you before you were born so this means before your mama was pregnant before she ever saw your daddy before all that I knew you before you were born I set you apart I appointed there's that word I appointed you as a prophet to the Nations so look look at the depths of this God is saying before your mama ever got pregnant I know you as a prophet when I give you a clock and then I call you it's so that you could walk into the you I knew that you were going to be because I knew you before you were ever formed a little deeper Psalms 139 verse 13 Psalms 139:13 it says for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made stop saying that you're not all that and that you're ugly the devil is a liar God doesn't make mistakes I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful I know that full and well my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth you saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be so get this before you were ever born there's a you that God needs for you to be the reason we're speaking on timing is because your birthday is God giving you a clock the reason repentance and responding to the call of Salvation is needed when you're young is because now if you answer it at 18 16 14 you have more time to do what you're supposed to do in time I'm not trying to condemn anybody I'm just trying to inform us a lot of us have been wasting time and you're going to run out of time when your life stops is because your time has stopped when your time stops your life stops which is why in the hospital once you take your last breath they say this person is deceased at this time when you're born they say they entered the world at this time everything about our life has a Tim stamp so if if I can go a little deeper I really want to prove this point I really want to prove this point where you where we can get this Judges chapter 13 verse three God's plans for you please hear me family God's plans for you happened before your mama was pregnant y'all don't believe me okay cool let me show you Bible Judges 13:3 the angel of the Lord appeared to her and said you are Barren look at this y'all and childless nothing's in your stomach St right now your period isn't late yet you are Barren and childless but you are going to become pregnant and I even know the gender it's you're going to give birth to a son now see to it that you drink no wine or fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean you will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by Razer because the boy is to be a Nazarite dedicated to God from the womb he will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines she's not even pregnant with Samson yet and God is already saying okay you're childish you're Barren but you going to get pregnant and oh the gender is a boy and this is what I need you to do as you're carrying him because this is his assignment that he's supposed to carry out and you're not even pregnant with him yet I know what I need him to do in time before I ever gave him a clock give you more Bible y'all can see this Genesis chter 7 verse 19 then God said no Sarah your wife shall bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac so now he's being more intentional what you going to call the baby I will establish my Covenant with him for an Everlasting Covenant and with his descendants after him just a little spiritual advice don't Google what you going to name your child pray make it up for real don't make it up hope this ain't nobody name shaoa don't just just pray don't like man it's tequila so good what you going to name your baby tequila girl Le let's let's let's understand whatever you're calling them you're calling them if you name them based on how you conceive them they will be walking around with what you conceived okay give you more Bible Luke 1: 11 I'm y'all going to get this today then the angel of the Lord appeared to him this is Luke 1:1 then the angel of the Lord appeared to him standing at the right side of the altar of incense of incense when zachar Zarah saw him he was startled and gripped with fear but the angel said to himo not be afraid Zachariah your prayers have been heard your wife Elizabeth will bear a son and you are to call him John and he will be a joy and a delight to you and many Will Rejoice because of his birth for he will be great in the sight of the Lord how does he know all this he is never to take wine or other fermented drink and he'll be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born he will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God and he will go on before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn hearts of the parents to their children and a Disobedience of the wisdom of the righteous to make ready a people prepared for the Lord life doesn't start at conception it starts at ordination I gave you Bible verse after Bible verse after Bible verse so you could see God's plans for you don't come once you're out of the womb when you are in eternity he already had a plan and that's the you that he's calling for you to be before you ever got here I I gave you an assignment whoever the people are War I want you to bring them up here before you ever got here I gave you an assignment I need us to really get this y'all because studying this this this week change everything for me no wonder the devil wants you insecure no no wonder he wants you doubtful because remember it happens in the spirit realm before it ever happens in the natural realm and I'm just trying to get somebody to understand the dev devil believes in you more than you believe in you because he gets how this works God gives you an assignment before you're ever here before you ever here Tiffany I I want you to be right in the middle we going to have to squeeze cuz this this little thing going to be symbolic of an elevator so but just for a few seconds let me get like four of y'all over here by the stairs and the rest of y'all over here by the stairs where they can see where it look like you in the elevator that look like she in the elevator okay so now before you're ever born I give you your assignment you don't know your assignment you don't remember your assignment it's not until you get saved that things start to make sense I evaluated my own life I've always been good with speaking and persuasion I was the fifth grade president we were about to get we were about to Mis recess because the whole class was acting up and I said can I can I say something I said I think maybe you've taught the class so well that we were able to expedite the process of our homework and that's why we have recess activity because we're already done because you taught us so well so punishing us from Recess won't help us be better fifth graders and she's like that was actually very clever y'all go have recent I'm persuasive as a fifth grader on debate in Middle School in college the dean of the Department of communication says I don't know what you going to be a politician if you going you are very good at persuasive your penmanship isn't that good though but you could persuade people don't don't be a car salesman now I can look back God gave me that gift when I was in eternity persuade people to live for me persuade them persuade them I'm better than hooker persuade them I'm better than that high persuade them make every atheist and agnostic person that you run into first ask them is it you don't believe or you won't believe because if you don't believe let's have a conversation if you won't believe it's a waste of my time but I know my faith so much so where I could answer the hard questions of the Bible because I have been made to persuade people that Jesus is better gave her the assignment now she's born so she's given a clock so in life you have an assignment and what a clock time right let's do it one more time CU I was wrong in life you have an assignment and what the only way you know what you're supposed to do with your assignment and with your time is to surrender to the one that gave them both to you this making sense now here's the benefit of it when we accept Christ Our Life then becomes like a pre-programmed elevator you are ordained to go to the top that's not just trying to get some emotion that's Bible That's Deuteronomy chapter 28 you are the head and not the tail above and not beneath but we usually don't finish that scripture Carl let's finish it I just want them to see the scripture just in case CU we Shad of that yes I'm the head and not the tail I'm above and not beneath okay if we finish it it then says if if you heed the Commandments of the Lord your God which I commanded you today and are careful to O to observe them and Obey them so it's said okay yes you are the head and not the tail if if you don't do the if you the tail and not the head I'm reading the Bible nobody likes to preach about the ifs of promises they just want to quote the promises but forget the if okay so I called you and now your life is ordained to go to the top so on the first floor of your life you have a mama and a daddy Jonathan Destiny y'all come here y'all try to squeeze in this elevator y'all can go behind in front of it whatever that's the first level first level your parents some of them were there some of them weren't but God's original design both of them to be there I know that we have messed up but just because we messed up does not mean I shouldn't preach Kingdom okay so after this level you start to go up you start to grow you go to level two you learn a little bit more about your faith you're going up to level three now the enemy is kind of threatening because she's going up all y'all dudes come here all of y'all y'all stand right in front y'all stand right in front all of them get in front of her yeah you going to get it today whatever I got to do so now she is trying to squeeze in the use of her time with all of these level three people when she's called for level 10 she's interested at a different phase at this level in each and every one of them but here's the thing every elevator has a weight capacity this is so good y'all I had to pause is it you're stuck sis or is it your life has a weight capacity and you keep entertaining everybody who slides in your [Music] elevator yeah your all of you entertain everybody who comes in your life as though God sent all of them and ever so often y'all come here Ladies God sends you Kingdom friends y'all get in front EXC excuse he sends you Kingdom friends to try to remind you of who you are called to be okay now watch this everybody can y'all even see Tiffany anymore she's lost somebody said okay persuade I heard you you're lost not because God doesn't love you but because at level three God and God and the enemy both sent people same season the reason the enemy is Sting more is because God is so strong that he don't need all that I just need one holy spirit filled person the devil I need Legions I need to jump you whoever under the sound of my voice and watching online you feel lost maybe because this is how you look in the spirit you're surrounded by people at level three when you're called to go to level 10 [Applause] now here's the thing about open doors I don't even know if y'all can see the door open anymore open the door car here's the thing about open doors what makes an elevator work is people have to come on and people have to get off if they stay on everybody is stuck on this elevator and everybody at level seven who's supposed to meet you can't meet you because you're stuck at level three every person who's supposed to come in your life at level eight can't come in your life at level eight cuz the door is open but I can't there's always that person that try to squeeze in excuse me excuse me EXC there's no room now like four of y'all just walk off don't matter just four y'all make sure y'all count okay now here's the thing keep having the door open I think the church has been preaching to us the wrong perspective of open doors what if open doors aren't always for you they're not always for you therefore for people who are blocking you so they had to leave now Tiffany come squeeze up front come squeeze up front now what you don't need to do just kind of be symbolic just put your hand like you're pushing that button I hold you clock what you need to do is don't hold the door open every elevator has these little button at the bottom door closed door open don't you hold that door open why don't you come back what did I do why did they hurt me like this why if they leave let the door close let it close cuz as long as you hold the door open you're wasting time this is so good now let's keep going up let's go to like level five she's at level three level four she's at level five now Jonathan you were seasonal so you go Destiny you definitely were seasonal so you go those are parents you know they're seasonal ever so often come up Avy God gives you a once in a-lifetime friend hear me please hear me they're not going to leave they're always going to remind you of this and it's going to irritate your flesh but you won't find Avi if you keep the crowd see so God will give you a John he will give you a Peter he will give you a James that will help you with your assignment and help you go up but it wasn't until they left I promise you their ex is prophetic it wasn't until they left where she could even move up she is saved filled with the Holy Spirit but could not see things spiritually because of her click lost in time so what I want this visual aid to serve you with is don't allow people to keep you at a level that's Beneath Your Potential see now all of y'all leave except Tiffany this is what I'm striving by the power of the Holy Spirit to not happen in your life she dies and God's like you did good well done my good and faithful servant he died at five but I really had for you 10 just all I need you to do is pray see prayer doesn't make God necessarily change it it just makes it to where you meet it it was already yours it just was going to come at level eight this making sense but I was trying to convince you to come to me for 40 years at level two and four so you you died at 5 not because I didn't have a plan for you but it took decades for me to convince you to obey one through five decades for you to say okay I'mma write the book okay I'm GNA be faithful it took years it's not that I didn't have it for you it's the you that I kept battling with maybe one of the reasons he's called a wonderful counselor is because he's trying to counsel us about the wonderful levels that God wants to take you to he's trying to counsel you about the wonderful plans that God has for you before you ever had a birthday I gave you an assignment was this good y'all make sure you help her down so I I want to give you these these three points and we're we're we're done y'all could celebrate the week before Christmas Eve go but I really am striving to make you view your time different that's what I believe that will be a successful sermon series if people surrendered to Jesus from this message repented from their sins from this message and then had this heart God help me know my end to measure my days help me know how fleeting I am so how do we get to a place to where we don't waste our time it would just be ministerial Injustice to not make this number one point number one surrender that's it surrender to Jesus surrender to the gospel because once you surrender that's when you're in the elevator people who do not surrender surrender to Jesus their elevator doesn't go up somebody said it it goes down it doesn't go up you surrender your time your rights your ways your desires your Cravings All of Me can I get everybody say everything everything I Surrender I'm not going to have it perfect Jesus was perfect I put my faith in him who is perfect and through his blood I'm seen as perfect not because of my life but because of Jesus's life and he's going to transform you I'm not preaching a work a work-based faith I'm preaching faith without works is dead so I'm surrendering my life to Jesus that's number one it's how you don't get lost in time cuz if if you lost you to please them you're losing a level okay number two this one really blesses me how do I not lose myself Potter Reflections Potter Reflections I have to constantly remember I'm made by the Potter so in other words I'm God made I'm never going to walk around and say I'm self-made that's heresy no I'm God made Potter Reflections how do you distort a man's credibility think I need y'all to think how do how do you distort a man's credibility you attack His Image once our elections are coming up and presidential elections coming up next year how are they going to try to sabotage somebody's credibility they're going to attack their image you and I are made in the image and and likeness of God the reason a lot of people don't do Christians is because of the image bearers us we are made in His image and his likeness they don't have a problem with Jesus they have a problem with those who follow him it's he attacks the image part of Reflections before you let depression lie to you another night bro before you let depression lie to you another night sis you need to remember who made you or maybe depression is the real you pressed down and the real you is so frustrated with your spirit that you are allowing other things that are keeping you from coming out maybe the real you is pressed down so you're calling it depression but it's really the Holy Spirit saying this you that you became it's not the you that you're supposed to be this conversation that God had with you in eternity that you you never became that now it makes sense why Jesus says many on that day will say Lord Lord didn't we do this in your name and heal the sick in your name and cast out devils in your name and he says I will tell them depart from me I never knew you because that you got lost in time and last Point who told you that who told you that that who told you that God can't use you who told you that you're too old who told you that who told you that could it be possible that what they told you was the enemy trying to get you to become a you that God did not call you to be but you know who did tell you you're loved God you know who did tell you I seek the Lost God you know who did tell you you're a royal priesthood God you know who did tell you you're a peculiar people God you know who did tell you you're blessed and highly favored God who are you listening to cuz the voices we did 14 weeks on it that you're listening to is making you lose you I'm not talking about a culture you I'm not talking about a flexing you I'm talking about that called you that Holy you that Godly you that ordained you that favored you that blessed you that you that I created for you to be who are you listening to and are they reminding you of what I call for you to do I feel the Holy Spirit talking to somebody stop listening to them they are liars I'm calling for you to come up higher I have pre-programmed for you to come up here I might have to separate you for some people you're not experiencing loneliness you're experiencing separation that door wasn't for you to leave that door was for you to trust my elevator process you don't have time to waste anymore stop making excuses cuz you don't know when your clock is done son oh Lord make me know my end and the measure of my days let me know how fleeting I am time is not the problem church because we're wasting it God In This Moment forgive us forgive us for wasting time time on stuff that doesn't matter comments that doesn't matter if they talked about you they G to talk about us of what people think far be it from us if we end this year going into a new year with the same habits help us to surrender and I just feel this y'all can I just get everybody just a stand I just feel it I want to be a man that's obedient you're about to go home but this is a very important moment in time I want us everybody collectively let's just lift our hands in this moment it's not religion this is just saying I Surrender that's all this is somebody says put your hands up it just means I'm not trying to grab anything to harm you back that's all this is can I get us just just to say this prayer after me God God I Surrender I Surrender I'm taking my hands taking my hands off the wheel off the wheel of my life of my life I crash when I drive I crash when I drive I hurt when I drive Drive hurt my drive I'm done I'm done with trying to lead me trying to lead me I hear you I hear you and In This Moment In This Moment I respond to your call I respond to your call forgive me God forgive me God for doing my own thing for doing my own forgive me God forgive me God for chasing stuff for chasing stuff that doesn't matter that doesn't matter I surrender in this moment I Surrender this now strengthen my faith strengthen my faith help me to detox help me to detox from fleshly fleshly desires fleshly desires I want to change I want to change I want to grow I want to grow save me save me and thank you so much thank you so much for leaving 99 for leaving 99 just for me just for me I'm saved I'm saved I'm sealed I'm sealed now Guide Me Now guide me put me on your shoulders put me on your shoulders and order my steps and order in Jesus name in Jesus name amen amen now hold on wait wait wait a second that would be casual Christianity to clap like that what we just read is the whole Kingdom rejoices when one so when we say Amen this time I want us to give God praise that a sheep came home in Jesus name [Applause] amen I believe that's what heaven sounds like somebody's going to answer a call somebody's life is going to change God gets all the glory God we thank you for your presence in this place God we thank you Lord Jesus you're so good your mercy is never ending father God God your love is never failing thank you Lord God for every single person that made the decision today to surrender their lives to you father God and I thank you Lord God that their lives will never be the same now that they've made that declaration their lives will never be the same Lord God I thank you Lord Jesus that Lord you have given them a purpose and everybody that is still struggling with making the decision I thank you Lord God that they will make that declaration today Lord I pray I stand in the gap on their behalf father God that they will make the decision to surrender completely to you not just some of the way God not just most of the way but all of the way thank you Lord God for your blood that you you shed on the cross father God for our sins Lord that's still cleaning that's still purifying Lord God thank you Lord God for the sacrifice that you made and the seal that you have placed in our lives God and the promise that you gave us of eternal life if we surrender it to you Lord God thank you Lord for the time that has been redeemed because they made the surrender to you Lord God thank you for their time being redeemed Lord God yes father that they will no longer be lost in time father thank you Lord God that their time Lord God will be useful now thank you Lord God that their time furthermore Lord God will be spent on purpose yes Lord God that their time will be spent Lord God on Holiness that their time will be spent on Purity that their time will be spent Lord God on Destiny that their time will be spent Lord God falling deeper and deeper in love with you yes Lord God we give you glory today for everything that you are doing everything that you're going to do Lord God I thank you Lord God and we praise you in Jesus name amen amen come on somebody clap your hands in if you pray that beautiful thing if you prayed that I just want you to text the word fresh start to this number if you prayed that for the first time in your life or you just make it the decision over a video will pop up with me just telling you you made the best decision of your life
Views: 97,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Flowers, Tanisha flowers, redefinedtv, time of celebration, time of celebration church, i just called you, it's about time, timing, timing series, time tables, notice the timing, awareness, Lost In Time
Id: 41H0Z27jmYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 30sec (4470 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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