Lost in the Jungle | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh just plain daddy we're exploring the jungle well don't explore too far and remember what we taught you if you ever get lost you work as a team and find someone to help like the person at the register over there yes sir [Music] stay close dangerous [Music] Rosie you okay Rosie snake phew it's not a snake Rosie just a hose pipe nothing to be scared of whoa [Music] come on Rosie we've gotta catch up to Daddy [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] no or wrong Caillou tired yeah I think maybe we're lost Rosie we're going in circles lost oh no no we need to think about what to do help we don't know where daddy is Rosie told us what to do that's right we have to find someone to help like the lady under the flag [Music] just have to get there then we can get help we'll get there if you work as a team [Music] hmm almost there Rosie oh my God [Music] we're a team remember [Applause] we have to go Rosie [Music] fast as you can Rosie [Music] great job Rosie you are so brave and look we're here [Music] excuse me we got a bit lost in the jungle could you help us find our daddy please Caillou there you are I thought you'd gotten lost we did but we looked for help and came here like you told us hi we were a team like you said well what a good team you are I bet you two could stick together through anything even a scary jungle like this [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] come on Rosie excuse me my sister Rosie needs a haircut her hair is getting too long your hair is getting in the way Rosie don't you remember [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] right this way please great thank you it'll be fun Rosie I promise plus they'll be able to get this out [Music] Rosie it's really stuck [Music] Mommy it's really in there I think we're going to need to cut it out [Music] don't worry Rosie it won't hurt oh aha the Old Clay Clump in your hair problem we'll have this out in no time [Music] you like it oh thank you we'll do something great with your hair too little one [Music] oh Rosie don't be scared yeah Rosie haircuts are great here I'll show you [Music] you could get funny clown hair like me [Music] [Music] that looks great on you Caillou or wow [Music] guess my hair is too long too [Music] this one's super colorful fly fly oh you like that well then I know just what I'll do can I [Music] there goes the clay you're doing great Rosie just a little water Rosie just getting your hair wet so I can keep cutting it see just water tickles and I have some hahaha [Music] just pretend you're on a boat [Music] and now for the finishing touch oh that looks beautiful Rosie yeah told you haircuts can be fun [Music] pretty huh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it was a normal rainy Saturday except for one thing [Music] someone took my orange bouncy ball was the last seen right over here detective Teddy we're gonna find out who done it and why done it we're done ready Teddy [Music] oh whoops careful Detective let's check out the scene of the crime my toy chest [Music] detective Teddy there's only one person I know with hair like this [Music] [Music] Rosie [Music] Rosie Caillou carrot there's no time for snacks Rosie where were you this morning where Rosie um oh I'll get it Rosie [Music] I'll get this back if you tell me where you were this morning [Music] because I found this orange hair in my toy chest and no orange ball carrot carrots are orange too that's right Rosie Rosie Rosie what's wrong I'm sorry Rosie sorry Mommy I was playing detective I'm looking for my orange ball Caillou the person you're playing with needs to be in on the game it's fun for everyone that way sorry Mommy sorry Rosie [Music] I need you to drop this case Caillou let the grown-ups take care of it But Mommy it's too risky this cat burglar is too good [Music] Teddy I think mommy just gave us a clue cat burglar [Music] Gilbert after him [Music] oh no detective Teddy I'll finish this Teddy for both of us foreign stop that cat my ball [Music] s Gilbert it doesn't have to be like this [Music] give me my ball back and we can forget this habit oh [Music] just give me it back Gilbert oh is it mommy said it's more fun if everyone is in on the game [Music] sorry for Chasing You Gilbert wanna play a game of catch [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pet do you kids want to get a horse a horse might be a little too big for our house a goat be a bad idea [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] can we get a bunny I think a bunny is perfect foreign [Music] I like that brown one [Music] oh what about you hmm looks like someone made the choice for you [Music] ha come here nibbles [Music] nipples the Rosie it's my turn to play with him [Music] I'm back nibbles I cut you scared skin nipples [Music] oh come on kids let's go build a hutch for nibbles [Music] nibbles is going to love his Hutch Caillou can you patch me the hammer I don't think nibbles likes me nibbles loves you Caillou but maybe you need to be a bit more gentle with him yeah let him come to you all done Tada huh daddy need a hand [Music] let's try this again ta-da [Music] [Music] nibbles it's time to see your Hajj [Music] don't run away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are you going thank you [Music] there you are [Music] oh [Music] nibbles come out and play Caillou try taking a step back oh but I want to play with nibbles yes but you're really excited and being a bit loud you're scaring the little fella I'm scaring him imagine you were a bunny how would you like someone to come up to you try being slow and gentle [Music] give it a shot Caillou don't be scared Dragon Balls I'm nice God you nice nipples [Music] yes I did it I mean yes I did it [Music] thank you hmm come on all right troop we're here for our first proper camping trip we'll be sleeping in tents spending time in nature and roasting marshmallows on the campfire [Music] it's exciting but we need to be careful and most importantly listen to what Miss Jasmine and I tell you yes ma'am when we're in the wild we need to pay attention whoa Trooper Caillou why is it important we pay attention in the wild so we can be safe and have fun that's right now first things first let's set up our tents follow me Troopers laughs [Music] foreign what's wrong Caillou I guess I'm just a little scared about sleeping out here that's okay Caillou camping here is great we can toss marshmallows around the campfire oh and when it gets dark that's just it Clem I don't like the dark it's scary I don't have my NightLight out here the dark isn't scary this is the best part when it's night time you can look up and see every single star [Music] every Star Clementine [Music] what's going on are you okay Mommy laughs oh it's okay honey I got it it's just a ladybug Clum it's all right [Music] thanks for saving me Mom I mean Miss Jasmine that's okay Clementine you were scared I know you don't like bugs you're scared of ladybugs everyone's scared of something Caillou [Music] oh look oh wow there's so many of them [Music] lightning bugs are the coolest wait those are bugs don't worry Clem they won't hurt you they just fly around being little bright lights well I guess they are pretty nice to look at hey they probably make a pretty good night light don't you think oh [Laughter] [Music] good night Clementine good night Caillou [Music] all right good night everyone let's get some sleep please [Music] once upon a time there was a little boy named Caillou Mommy huh what Caillou did you sell the cow yup I traded her for some beans these are magic beans Mommy oh Caillou his mommy didn't believe him but Caillou knew the beans were Magic planted them in the garden the next day a huge Beanstalk grew reaching up into the clouds so high you climbed it all the way to the very top to see what was there [Music] whoa but all he found at the top of the Beanstalk was a big scary Giant [Music] Caillou Caillou Caillou what's all the noise you're supposed to be helping Rosie go to sleep Caillou foreign sorry Daddy I'll tell a different story all right good night you two good night [Music] okay this is the story of Little Red Rosie [Music] little red Rosie Hood was taking a basket of food to her grandma's house hahaha [Music] but on the way she ran into the big bad [Music] scary wolf go away oh no Rosie I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you uh let me find another story um [Music] Rosie locks found a house in the woods she was tired and hungry so she knocked on the door the door was open and there was no one around [Music] hello [Music] Rosie locks on a table with bowls of yummy SpaghettiOs [Music] the first Bowl was too hot [Music] and the second bowl was too cold [Music] but the third Bowl was just right [Music] Rosie locks was tired so she looked for somewhere to sleep she found three beds the first was way too big and Squishy the second was too hard but the third bed was just right but just then the three bears that lived in the house came home who's been sleeping in our beds the Bears were really mad at Rosie locks for sleeping in their beds [Music] but they decided to let her sleep the end [Music] night Rosie [Music] well what happened next [Music] [Laughter] what do you want to do Rosie we can go on the roller coaster go swimming Disney arcade [Music] no let's do the Ducks later I think we should what was that oh it's Gilbert run [Music] quick let's hide over here we'll be safe here from Gilbert but we need someone to protect us who can keep us safe [Music] Teddy I know we have to get to him in the living room ready Rosie [Music] 's blocking our way [Music] all right the vacuum it's gonna suck us up hmm no this way is better [Music] go on without me save yourself [Applause] Caillou are you okay yes Mommy I'm fine how did this get here [Music] did you see Rosie we defeated the vacuum Gilbert is no match for us he was scared off by a vacuum cleaner but I wasn't good he's right behind me isn't he wow [Music] that was close [Music] we should be okay if we just stay very still whoa we did it there [Music] play watch out Rosie play Caillou goober play who are we going to get up there [Music] not now Rosie I'm thinking [Music] Gilbert's coming what are we gonna do Rosie Rosie that's it we can climb up and get to Teddy good idea Rosie [Music] there's Teddy I think we should actually what do you want to do Rosie you've been right all day [Music] laughs right Gilbert didn't like the vacuum room room [Music] sorry I didn't listen to you earlier your ideas were right the whole time wanna play some more in my room promise to listen this time we can even feed the Ducks [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] hey Caillou what's that you're playing with my marble set looks complicated it's super fun the bag a toy I played with when I was little it was your daddy's too [Music] whoa this is so cool Grandpa no I make this thing Zoom all over the house when I was your age from the kitchen to the living room to the backyard right I wasn't supposed to make it Zoom around the house and backyard I want to zoom it around our house trains don't all want to go fast Caillou sometimes they want to slow down and take in The View let's build a slow and steady track in a safe simple Circle oh [Music] fire confetti I don't think this train can do looped and Loops but it can go around a Bend [Music] well have fun I promise mommy I'd clean up before she gets home [Music] and there ta-da yeah a little normal Circle for our little normal train and now the best part let's see isn't that nice Caillou I can watch it all day [Music] how's it going in here oh Grandpa's asleep [Music] nice job with the train time I kind of wish it went faster Grandpa wouldn't mind it going a little faster [Music] can I try daddy sure [Music] cool I wish we could make the track longer like a marble fan Grandpa wouldn't mind it a little longer [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] yeah we we might have gone a little too long should we take it down yeah but maybe we can see if it works first ready daddy ready Caillou [Music] it's working [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay [Applause] [Music] final stretch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] surprise [Music] my train I guess it did want to go fast [Music] what happened in here I think we had a bit too much fun
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 279,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: u4PeALZl0D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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