Lost boys filming locations

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welcome everybody Chris here today we are going to finally do our filming locations video for The Lost Boys that's right Halloween is upon us and I need to get this video out so the 1987 movie The Lost Boys directed by Joel Schumacher starring the most badass vampire around keither southernland as David it is also the first movie that the two Cory's weever in with each other Cory hay Corey Felman so many great movies between both of them there's also nine movies where they are together and there's a ton of movies that they weren't together and those are still great movies Cory fman Gremlins Stand By Me Corey hay double O kid demolition University and Cory Feldman rock and roll high school forever it's such a great movie um and this one is such a great most of the filming locations in this movie that are in the Santa Cruz area we did not line up all the shots perfectly because it gets a little tedious having a family and everything lining up the shots so if you guys come on this eventure with us we will see grandpa's house in here we will see the surfer statue where the Santa Clara sign was we will see where Max and the mom had their dinner and we will also have some Mexican food while we're up there the lighthouse from the opening the roller coaster the whale snout all that stuff um so hope you guys enjoy this video come with us we're going to learn a lot of information and a lot of history of Santa Cruz all right today we are in Santa Cruz we are going into the beach boardwalk it is early but the people are already out all right so right over here is where Michael was looking at the girl getting her ear pierced on the corner of these shops here and and since it's surprisingly cold we are going to pick up a hoodie in the gift shop down here a little bit more is where Michael bought his cool dude leather coat it's great definitely enjoy it for sure thanks [Music] by all right so right about here is where Michael was buying his leather coat and you can see the Bazooka game in the background with a new sign on top of it can I buy [Music] it yeah usually app online become the guest of the day up there the gargo was this I think this [Music] was I think this is wind boys I think I remember correctly we'll put it in my bag oo look at that we could get a Ramen pillow that'd be so cute and a Spam pillow and a Spam pillow some fried bam that would be cute all right so the boardwalk is is open we have a $40 stroller this like that it's very convenient $40 it's got the oh this is famous a lost here's the filing location this was in the beginning of the movie and this is probably one of the coolest filmy locations still here it's the same Carousel same clown in the corner same mirrors you got David and the boys harassing some Punks on the carousel when the security guard comes up behind him puts him David in a choke hold and a little bit later he gets killed by some [Music] vampires [Music] right so in Lost Boys when they get into the little tussle in the security guard to kick them out [Music] here hey bud all right so now you have the scene when latty and star are walking out after Michael first seesar she gets on David's motorcycle and lety gets on the other guy's motorcycle and they start to take off Michael and Sam are over here Sam tells Michael she's stiff yeah and you also get Alex Winter who is one of David's gang members you might recognize him as Bill s Preston Esquire from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure or what I like to remember him from the movie freaked and if you guys haven't seen the movie Freak I suggest you guys go and check it out it is a hilarious movie you got Mr T in there and you have an uncredited Cameo of Kiana Reeves as the dog [Music] boy all right so over here by this staircase and these are is is where Michael and star are getting on the motorcycle want to get something to eat okay and David and his boys pull up Star gets on David's motorcycle you know where Hudson's Bluff is overlooking the point I can't beat your bike you don't have to beat me Michael just just have to try and keep up for a ride David has Michael follow them they dve down the stairs with the motorcycles go driving across the beach all right now we are heading over to the warf there is two more filming locations up there got the date with Max and Max's video store gu we are out here during the Iron Man competition I saw a sign someone some a white had a sign I couldn't figure out what ite but I recognized 17d Max's video store it's now a beach wearing gifts like everything else here T here excuse me I all right so now you get when Lucy finally meets Max and asks for a job at the video store R there you are bye Terry come here watch and we get a small showing of Kelly Joe winter you might recognize her from summer school where she did this amazing performance that a good is terrible is this my classroom yes it is whose blood is that is that your blood no I told you not to come in here anymore wild kids oh they're just young we were that age too once they dress better byebye yes what you find what is it it's a bat a bat I name him Michael Maru I love I was looking for glasses for you so you're not blind let's [Music] see all right going upstairs let's go get some food you going to kill me honey I'm coming get [Music] away [Music] hold your your sharky trees after president things president mck EXC yes are you br to yet yes yeah I'll have the uh I'll just have a fillet of silk no you won't we'll start with cavat Caesar salad couple of the best lobsters in the tank Max why not and champagne Don perol 71 very good sir thank you well 75 is better but it's just not ready to drink we are on the opposite side of Max and Lucy's date enjoying some lunch here you can see the boardwalk and the steel columns in the video keep Los in the scenery Warf goes out a lot further than I thought it did like turns and goes out even more so they're doing this Iron Man thing so if I'm not able to get close enough to this I am going to use this footage of the lighthouse which you see in the beginning of it and then when they drive past the murder capital of the world it was of the world wasn't it we Capital hold Super Burrito thank you so much it's not as big as my arm thank you what you got I got the blacken fish H Taco oh look at that I was in we're we on the ocean I was in the mood from I was tempted to get some Lobster and stuff but you know steak burrito winner one meal though all right we finished our dinner is it good enough for you to be the mother of vampires boys do need boys do need a mother boys do need a mother all right we got a couple locations done from Lost Boys now we're just going to enjoy the little bit more of the warf get the think these guys are vampires they harassing people they're going to give them Chinese food too it's some Chinese food have some maggots maggots Michael you like it you eating maggots o little snowing what is it VW bus mhm cute yes we we're going to hopefully go back to San Francisco see some of the the hippie Hill the hate maybe come on Vino by the Sea that's it that's where it ends right here all right see all the way over there it's mon the B mon the B mon he yay so almost got 6,000 almost Juniper Sierra oh you have see where's he going where's where's the seal going good look how cute standing right here by the sign C [Music] is thirsty CJ's thirsty yeah thirsty right here all right and now we're heading over to Star staircase where she was standing watching the wonderful saxophone player and Michael was staring at her all creepy like all right and over here is where the stage would have been honestly when I was out here filming it's been a long time since I saw the movie and I missed some of the locations but I just happened to actually film the staircase where she was so I don't really line up the shots very well but it is all right so this stage that Tim capella is playing saxophone on used to be a permanent structure of the Santa Cruz boardwalk until it was damaged in 1989 a earthquake that pretty much destroyed a bunch of locations from Santa Cruz all the way out to San Francisco and they still felt Tremors all the way to [Music] Oakland all right so here is another Lost Boys filming location out here on this peninsula is where the vampires attack the couple that stole the comic book from the Frog brothers and also the same couple that David got into the little scuffle on the carousel on the boardwalk oh what was that what was what I thought I heard something forget [Music] it since we're not going to go to the the real PR Bridge from Lost Boys this one looks similar all right so I didn't film this parking lot where the security guard got attacked but I parked right in front of where that one truck was like pulling away as the camera flew overhead but you know whoops and here it is the whale snout building it is gone it did not survive all these years but they did paint a mural on the wall of a whale all right so there's the last boys whale snout where it used to be sticking out [Music] all right it looks like a majority of the Iron Man stuff is done so we are going to to the sign the location for lost place so they'll be coming down the street would be right where the surface statue is murder C Ro of the world welcome hey we're almost there what was that smell that's the ocean air smells like someone died a honey look guys I know the last year hasn't been easy but I think you're really going to like living in Santa [Music] Carla sting about the history of sing in Santa Cruz 1936 we got some Surfers by the lighthouse all right up next is the Frog Brothers comic book store this was the original location it did not survive the 19 1989 earthquake they had to move to a tent location a little Tent City for 3 years the tents look like this one here for the bookstore that also was destroyed here's some old pictures of the production of the Lost Boys at the original location all right and here is his cameo in the movie he is playing the pinball machine in the background all right another lost location the Frog Brothers comic book shop fantasy world all right so to give the illusion that it was on the boardwalk they built a false wall in front of the shop and put a laughing cell outside the front certain that ghoul and werewolves OCC High positions City Hall kill your brother you'll feel better look guys my brother's not a blood sucker look it says here that if you kill the head vampire all half Vampires will return to normal guys if my brother's a vampire believe me he's only half dedicated to a higher purpose we're Fighters for truth justice and the American way hey man read this I told you I don't like horror comics think of it more as a survival manual there's a number on the back and pray you never need to call Handle With Care y I like that one I'll pray Handle With Care all right I never need to call you be nice I like that one that one you like that one mhm that one or that one [Music] pteen glass uh no guys I never I so cool and this is basically the same pictures as was in the other one glued them into the centerfold of that comic so that he had enough to like look at a page and turn one page and that was it what are you going to do with your with your copy what are you going to do with your copy go find vampires it'll save your life yeah Turtles were you guys here for the tour they did no we weren't I like heard about it on the interweb and pretty much very you cool very cool ask me what I got at the comic store today Chris what' you get at the comic book store today vampires everywhere yeah we're going to go hunt some vampires oh yeah or at least just know how to find them the one thing I hate about Santa CLA so many damn vampires so many damn vampires let's go let's go find Grandpa's [Music] house broken windows the fascia's all collapsed there the roof's starting to fall down everything got like plywood on the sides all right so now we finally get to Grandpa's house they're all getting out of the vehicles got Cory H getting out of the vehicle grandpa's house all decorated with all kinds of wood carvings and stuff all around Chief statue yeah Lucy noticing Grandpa laying down on the playing dead and doing a damn fine job of it you know it's it's got a lot of history to it can barely read it but the woman play polo huh all right I don't know seemed like there was like a little hobo tent in the back there and there's I like a guy drinking some water over here I don't know if that's his hobo tent or if he's just a hiker taking a break you're a vampire Michael my own brother a goddamn [ __ ] suck and vampire oh you wait till mom finds out buddy Samy wait Sam stay back just let me talk wait a minute Sam little side view looks like a oh this looks like this used to be a swimming pool huh nice little swimming pool probably what here your little pool house an old tennis court Grandpa was [Music] [Applause] rolling little CH old changer room looks like all right so now we get Grandpa and Sam heading into town in the fair line 57 flip you see this car a little bit later when Alex Winter gets stabbed in the Vampire cave as they take off cuz they borrowed grandpa's car I said we were going to town that's as close to town as I like to get that looks like the old tennis court kind of remnants over there little tennis court all right if I remember correctly the back of the house looks like looks like crap compared to like what the front look [Applause] like old little piece of junk little AC units up there there all righty we're going to do the one more side up here in the Hills a little bit all right so you can see the side is all boarded up where Michael was flying outside Sam's window as he was calling his mom to tell him that Michael is a vampire and Lucy was on the date with Max at the Mexican restaurant that we stopped at earlier on the warf he to K me honey I'm coming all right there's the last [Applause] side palm tree is pretty dang tall one thing about living in Santa Cara I never could stomach all the damn vampires all right Grandpa's house I think that does about it for uh the filming locations that we're going to do I'm not going to lie if you could drive all the way up here this wouldn't be so bad but I had to hike up this long driveway where you can take this Trail I don't know you think that Trail's faster let's take the trail o is that like a little coyote coyote staring at me I don't know if you guys could see that little guy but so I guess I'll take this way um the location they give you is like uh 333 uh golf club something or whatnot and that's down on the street so you got to keep walking up until it's uh till it's skated off and then you just go through walk up can walk up this Trail or you can walk up that driveway all the way up there top of the hill it's not super easy um we parked before the bridge um um where it it Narrows down on the other side so we had to walk from there up that hill up to the top and that's a pretty good hike in itself we weren't in weren't planning on doing lost Bo filming locations but we did it's a great movie um I don't think we'll do any of the the bridge Trussel or anything like that but you know we did a majority of the the warf and the boardwalk so hope you guys enjoyed that so we're probably going to head back to San Ramone maybe we'll be going to San Francisco tomorrow finishing up filming locations for soy Merit Ax Murderer hopefully I get enough of those to make it a worthwhile video so but this one I think is done don't think there was any other locations uh that were easy for us to get to that we would do in this trip so all right guys so if you guys like this type of content don't forget to like And subscribe ring the bell and we will see you guys later bye see this is what I was talking about 333 golf club and it's way down the road and then through the gate up along driveway so that is not the address it gets to close but nowhere near where you were supposed to be is that's 333 right there but yeah we parked all the way down on the other side of this bridge a lot of mountain bikers and stuff are doing those Trails over there I don't know if there's anything else of interest for like hiking wise it kind of seems like there's little homeless encampments out there just garbage or whatnot out there look like there were some like foam mattresses and stuff out there but anyways yeah go check it out if you're in the neighborhood a must for The Lost Boys fans before get disappears and all you get to see is a foundation all right I'll let you guys go Nothing Gold Can Stay The Outsiders all right
Channel: Never Home 365
Views: 1,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filming locations, Movie locations, Santa Cruz California, Lost boys, Vampire movies, The lost boys
Id: XSK_wh5GVT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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