[LOST ARK] Life Skill Guide

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yo greedy back to give you another tip on lost ark so you don't have to suffer like i did going in blind like those people sticking their hand in a box and trying to figure out what it is from just the feel and freaking the [ __ ] out since i was playing during a time when there were no guides available at all and although i sound like a boomer saying this i suffered and now i make these guides so you don't have to and if that isn't enough this video will put some hair on your chest what if you're a girl you say there's no way since my youtube analytics show that 100 of my viewers are male so basically this channel might be the manliest channel on youtube right now i have a suspicion that is probably because all my characters are shoeshire brothers which i'll be doing a pro con list on soon so stay tuned regardless of sausage or clam welcome to the brotherhood alright so i made a gold guide on milestark and i never mentioned life skills this is largely due to the reason that life skills in itself are used more to make mattes and items for yourself rather than making them to sell later on because as the market becomes saturated in almost all professions the price and profit of everything goes down significantly enough so that your time is better suited farming something else but because with every new server namely naeu there comes opportunity and high demand for usables and mets i think every regional server's economy will vary and it's better to be safe and know how to finesse your life skills then be sorry i decided to give the newer players a general idea of which professions might be the most profitable in the beginning to what may be the most practical in the long run along with some pro tips on farming more quickly and efficiently first here's an overview on life skills it's like with any mmo you run around and collect the goods like a smashing grab and you get to use tools that range from green to artifact quality the higher the quality the better stats it'll give you such as acquiring more mats per node collection or one of the most important qualities super armor which completely ignores mobs so they can't interrupt you while you're skinning that rabbit that you just stacked in the back tools have to be repaired as their durability drops every time you farm something as time goes on the max durability of your tool will also drop which means you can use it less before you have to repair it again which is annoying if you're using blue or green tools you can easily replace them but if you're within epic or above grade you might not want to part ways with it you can buy life tool repair kits to repair the max durability of your item back to 100 which is max these repair kits are bought with purple crystals which you can buy with gold without further ado let's get into each profession and start at the top of the list we got herbalism this profession involves making enough medicinal consumables to make bob marley proud herb herb is a plant except we're making mostly drinkables and not smokeables aside from potions herbalism is involved in making almost every bomb and battle item in some way or another this is one to start asap if you want to hustle the medicine early on in the game later on the market will most likely become saturated though so keep this in mind but it's still a great profession to have if you want to craft your own battle items for cheaper rather than buying them at level 10 you get botanical expert skill which allows you to pick mushrooms which are used in almost every battle item recipe apparently they're psychedelic too because sometimes people will try to steal your notes they don't have a super armor tool just train some mobs on them so they can get interrupted and let them be on their way [Music] and at level 20 you get essence of vitality which has a chance to spawn an orb on the ground every time you collect the plant when you pick up this orb like an ether sphere it'll make you run faster so you can get to your medicine faster it can stack up to five times and every time picked up after it will recharge the maximum five stacks you have at level 30 when getting five stacks of essence of vitality you get the golden finger active maybe it's just me but this skill sounds like it could be a satire spin-off on pornhub anyways this skill is the sauce though because as it states your collection speed will explode not in the pornhub sense but in the fact that you will collect things significantly faster and the amount of match you get will also increase significantly getting golden fingered will consume all five of your essence of vitality stacks but because you still have the speed buff and you can collect so quickly given that there are enough plants around you can easily stack another five essences to keep the golden finger alive while farming extremely fast and efficiently i really hope they keep the skill name on the na release unlike the hype state am i right next we got logging it's either the next profession on this list or from my og gamers what the weak nerds used to do after getting ganked for enough hours and corpse camped in stranglethorn veil on wow the true introductory proving grounds of surviving world pvp in a brushy area where gankers could be lurking it was such a blast and it holds a special place in my heart anyways i digress logging is an interesting profession because it pays to work together as two people will saw a tree down faster than one person alone teamwork makes the dream work oh is used mostly for your stronghold as researching and repairing your naval ships you sent on voyages to making furniture and landmark costs a ton of logs and stones from mining to keep up at level 10 you get logging craftsmen where you can cut the big trees down level 20 you get rapid growth a skill where you can make saplings grow into a tree just to hack it down and murder it for your own benefit at level 30 you get kick tree where you can spar to kick a tree like it owes you money but instead of money it drops a bunch of minutes next is mining as i've said before mining is best used to upkeep your stronghold research and naval repairs at level 10 you get perfect timing where randomly as you mine a node a g key prompt will pop up you press g in time and aren't watching netflix like i usually do you'll hit it and get a bonus of mats level 20 you get moonlight miner when activate it increases the life energy you consume along with the durability of your tool but it increases the amount of match you get per collection at level 30 you get mining bomb where you can explode mining notes to mine better match with less swings it's better used on a cluster of mining nodes because it has a two minute cooldown and you want to maximize your use and each node will only require one collection as opposed to the usual two and then we have hunting one of my favorite pastimes it's used to make a plethora of food consumables and is probably one of the most satisfying professions at least for me basically you run around wailing tomahawks at unsuspecting bunnies heads and skin them for your profit and even corner two or more bunnies into a crevice on the map and double or triple kill for extra satisfaction this profession off the bat gives you a skill called hunter's intuition which puts a target over the bunny's heads when toggled off at level 10 you get hunter's eyes where you can see animals hiding in flower bushes or mining nudes you can collect the node or throw a hatchet at it to make them come out of hiding so you can tomahawk their skulls for self-benefits at level 20 you get trap hunting where you can activate a trap and come back to collect the slew of mats that the trap has acquired over time level 30 you get tracking where you can track an animal to its hiding spot from a special leather drop you get while hunting right click on the piece of leather to start the tracking fishing is up next and it's one of the easiest professions since you just need to stand in one place and catch the line to reel in your mats fishing is used in making food but i use it mostly to make fusion materials since it is one of the easiest professions to collect mats from at level 10 you get feeding which throws chum into the water to up your chances of getting a golden fish on the end of your hook which gives more rewards at level 20 you get triggered trap fishing where you set a trap in the water and collect your fish after a set amount of time i don't use this because for me the rewards are usually trash for the energy it consumes and is way better to acquire mats with the next skill at level 30 you get cast net after five stacks of this buff which has a chance to trigger when you successfully catch a fish this skill literally spans a net into the water and a mini game pops up you can get good grade or perfect on the bar while pressing space bar to tap the falling bobber up into the zone you prefer perfect zone is the smallest zone but the rewards are the best so you want to perfect this mini-game to hit perfect every time next is archaeology which is probably one of the most pain-in-the-ass professions to level up and the rewards are very inconsistent when compared to other professions this is used in making some battle items and mostly tools the biggest potential reward for this profession is the super rng chance that you might get a legendary or an artifact great tool kit in which you can sell for a very good summer gold or keep it to make a tractor pull out of a tool in collecting mats i feel like this profession taken seriously is for the most degenerate gamblers but to each their own so basically you put up a radar with sonic detection which blinks faster as you get closer to where the hidden relic is kind of like hot and cold when you're in scanning distance the radar goes crazy [Music] it blinks blue you can then scan the area with relic search relic shows up and you can collect it usually in the midst of mobs that are bloodthirsty and don't give a damn about your eye level at level 10 you get treasure hunter which increases the chance of you finding a treasure chest when hunting artifacts at level 20 you get excavation which gives you a buff to run faster and at level 30 you get a detection though which follows you around for two minutes it doesn't really detect [ __ ] but will apparently help you get better rewards when collecting which i have never seen a difference in i love dogs but this one is definitely not what it was advertised to be in my opinion another caveat of this profession is that you can craft maps where you go out into the world and open up once inside you run through a small map with some mobs and a treasure chest at the end it might contain a toolkit usually drop some protection stones that up your percentage when upgrading gear like i said this profession is the most distinctly different one by far from all the others kind of like that special sibling that never decided to do much with his life but became something obscure like a youtuber oh look i can't possibly predict what the economy will be like when nanu starts but i think i've equipped you with the know how to make life skills your [ __ ] my theory is that if anything with the new stronghold features coming out that were revealed at the lost stark winter festival in korea and if those new features require even more logs and stones i'd reckon that mining and logging would be a good choice to invest in as for selling i would go herbalism first if you want to make gold through life skilling because n a and eu will have so many new players from the looks of it and they're gonna need potions you can be the person to meet their demands time goes on though i would branch off into other life skills because you can level whichever life skill you want as long as you have the life energy for it crafting your own consumables are also markedly cheaper well now if you want to see another video which details every way you can make gold some that are more efficient than life-skilling then click the video you see on the screen and get that gold up happy holidays to you and yours wherever you are i just want to say how thankful i am for the viewers that come by and say what's up i'm thankful for a good health and the opportunity to make videos and interact with you guys you know not everyone might have it as good as you or i for this holiday season let's spread the love and the cheer the world can always use more thanks for watching and catch you in the next one
Channel: Greedie
Views: 17,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, life skill, life skills, crafting, professions, lost ark crafting, lost ark fishing, lost ark logging, lost ark lumbering, lost ark mining, lost ark archaeology, lost ark herbalism, lost ark make gold, lost ark making gold, lost ark how to make gold, lost ark how to craft, lost ark craft items, lost ark hunting, lost ark skinning, lost ark make tools, lost ark tools, lost ark life skill, lost ark life skills, lost ark game, lost ark 2021, lost ark gameplay
Id: PLgWQ2jjesQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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