Lost Ark Kayangel Gate 4 Support POV GUIDE

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yo guys what's going on time for two here back again with another lost art guide video um today I'm gonna go over kiangle um gate four this is probably um the most difficult gate of the whole Kai angle I'm serious it's actually the last gate you fight uh L'Oreal uh but it is quite a lengthy guide so I'll first get started at at first um you know these guys are meant to just showcase um a little bit of the gameplay I'm not gonna go too in depth about the normal patterns I'll mostly just point them out I'll pause the vods here and there just to kind of go over some of the major mechs uh this gameplay that you're seeing in front of you is um hard mode and as you can see I'm playing with my usual crew um so the first thing that kind of happens in Gate 4 is L'Oreal is going to kind of do a pattern where he's going to do either lines or circles and if I back it back up um in this case I think he did um yeah right off the bat he kind of does a he dashes towards you and does a swipe and then he's gonna either do a big bomb in the middle or he's gonna do some lines in this case it was a bomb um usually these will either be lined or bombs as well these kind of AOE attacks so just be careful about dodging those the very first mirror that he kind of deploys and you don't want to touch the mirror at all otherwise you're gonna your entire HP bar is going to go down to one HP but essentially the person who's aggroed needs to just face it away from all the others so that they can just do a free GPS and this is what I'm saying the last time it was lines those AOE um kind of hits were bombs um otherwise uh this is all about kind of DPS most people are at eye level at this point in the game uh when I'm recording this so it's all about staying alive and gpsing so at about 180 bars um he's gonna phase and he's gonna kind of jump to the words aside and essentially there's going to be three um kind of points of dodging that you have to do uh what I do or what our party does we just go to our times three plus one position and we just dodged once the second Dodge is always one of these circular patterns right here so if I go back the first one is always some lines which is pretty easy as long as you're moving the second one is always going to be he's going to do a circle sometimes there'll be bigger spots here and sometimes they'll be in the Outer Circle here so you just have to be careful about where they are at so just go to the safe spot and there's third spot at the third point of dodging is um another set of lines so as soon as he's done with this make he's gonna find the ear and then the person that's closest to him and as you can see I am close standing right next to him he's gonna go on to the closest person he sees now the strategy I use is um one of the kind of the major gimmick in this entire phase or in this entire gate is there's going to be these what I call eggs or these crystal stones and what needs to happen is every person in your party needs to have this um damage buff um so this the stone needs to activate and as you can see it rattles from being kind of dormant or non-active versus the one that shines um golden and that's so that's the point at which you could hit it and when these people have like the circular kind of buff around them they could share it with other people so I'm gonna run over and I'm gonna get the buff too and the buff you can see gets indicated you know you have the buff when um it shows up in your Buffs um but as you can see I don't have it yet um and as soon as this is active I hit it and now I have a whole minute of buff pretty much so you want to make sure that every single one of your party members has this buff so that you could do DPS Solorio if you do not have this buff at all you cannot DPS and these orbs or eggs or crystals they're gonna spawn um throughout the raid and you need to make sure that you don't hit them until they are active um and once they're active you could grab it and you can share amongst your teammates so everyone has a damage buff you do have to be careful though if you do leave those crystals active for too long they will shine a light and um it will become a debuff if you end up hitting it so you will lose the buff if it shoots like a line out and I'm sure there'll be an example of it later but um yeah you just want to avoid that much as possible uh from a force perspective a lawyers get about to do a major Mech he's going to whip out his mallet he's gonna do a circular pattern that you want to avoid if you don't avoid the blue lines he's going to whip you around like a rag doll and then he's gonna do a giant AOE um damage attack um you do need to dodge kind of within the um I guess the safe zones as a support because everyone's so squishy um first of all your party members should be running the CASRO set so they aren't taking holy damage uh second of all um as a support my first job instinct is to Just Awaken just give my boys um a shield as you can see we're dodging in and out it's okay if you actually hit the red circles you will take the damage but it's the circular ones that will actually just knock you up and you want to avoid getting knocked up as much as possible which I did not do a very good job of so that's just one major thing um to look out for it is a normal Mech a normal pattern but um you know it's kind of one of those major uh mechanics that people wipe out on I've had a 140 150 bars um we have the Stagger Mech so what we do is everyone kind of takes their party number and the first person is going to line up to a laser that L'Oreal has the second person is going to chain it to the next person and next person and the last person is going to aim it at L'Oreal so he gets staggered it's pretty much the mech this is a good example of the line so because we spent so long not hitting the golden orbs they're going to project these lines if you hit these and if you um kind of stay inside the lines right here once they proc if you're in that kind of line of fire you are going to lose your damage Buffs if you have one so it's really important that the support um or at least me in this case and I didn't do a very good job because we kept on going into back-to-back mechs so I just make sure that I refresh everybody um or at least try to refresh everybody once um I get a chance to um for everyone to get their buff again so generally it's a support's job to kind of make sure that those aren't out for so long um so yeah that's kind of the whole that's all I'll talk about with the crystals or egg uh kind of major gimmick uh so as you can see everyone is just getting their buff now again uh L'Oreal will do some mirror more mirror attacks often um this is just uh how do I call it see it does like an arrow shooting thing where everyone is going to have to it's gonna have like this uh tile on them and your pretty much just dodging uh avoid the laceration marks because the lacerations will eat away your health bar a lot um so yeah anytime that L'Oreal does attack a dormant egg he will activate it so that is one good thing to note as well um but a lot of this uh this this dungeon is just dodging his normal patterns and looking for your GPS Windows um it's the best way I could kind of put it um so around 100 bars we're facing pretty much one of the major gimmicks he's going to shoot out um let's see I'll try to get it closer he's gonna make you get everyone needs to gather to the center he's gonna flash out two safe spots um as you can see I'm going to Ping this first spot at three o'clock it's gonna be a second spot uh somewhere else um and essentially everyone needs to collect at least five white orbs okay it's very important that everyone collects five white orbs um you'll have a little radar tracker to kind of see which ones are white so as you can see everyone goes there times three plus one position and they're going to go gather the white orb uh now it's important that somebody's quadrant doesn't have a white orb or have enough white orbs you ping the spare ones as you can see I pinged a spare one for whoever needs might need it so I know for certain there's a spare one right there uh right now um I think Jesse dies because he didn't make it to the spot and he didn't time stop but the rest of us already have the um The Shield so no one else needs to spare one um so what we do is uh we return back to the center because we avoid all the different knock-ups that you saw and then we go back and we go to 12 o'clock or or one o'clock to find the other safe Zone and that's pretty much the end of the mech so it's really important that you just communicate with your team members where you spare white orbs are just in case somebody can't find them and otherwise you're just dodging the knock-up and you're trying to avoid um you know not being in the shadow and yeah avoid being in the light um this gimmick right here that we just kind of played you saw it um he's gonna spawn these kind of circle circular Donuts I guess um and when you do you get what you need to do you need to dodge them otherwise you're gonna get branded or marked and once you get marked you get marked more than once but if you get marked then you're gonna get trapped to like this guy up here I think it was uh I think it's slades maybe some Zoo um but they uh yeah essentially you don't want to get caught by it otherwise your teammates have to free you sometimes um or most commonly people will bring flame grenades and they'll Chuck them right before you get stunned so that um you get freed uh faster uh I'm one of the people who just tries to dodge um the mechs because it's just easier to dodge so here uh we managed to stagger it um after the Stagger Mech actually his stagger bar will appear most people at this point will probably be able to stagger it at least once before it goes into the Final Phase where it's not staggered where he's not staggerable anymore but between the Stagger phase and the statue phase he is staggerable um so we're just dpsing it down I think to around 60 bars uh so that we could get it down to the Statue phase right now he is doing a spear mix so he's gonna throw a spear he's gonna Target someone as you can see I think he targeted uh it was some Zoo uh so some just gonna have to walk away from everyone he's gonna Dash to him he's gonna throw the spear with the spears it's gonna be inside outside pattern so the inside is safe and then you have to go outside because um it's it's not the safe Zone and that's pretty much just for your back as a support you always want to make sure that you are buffing bringing buff to your DPS so that they don't lose up time and you're killing off any spare ones close by as well uh this gimmick is pretty um I guess easy as well uh you just want to dodge the boomerangs that are flying around if you get hit by Boomerang you will get stunned and then he's gonna pull you in and he's gonna do a giant AOE damage so as a support I'm pretty much watching out for if anybody gets sucked in or gets gets um hit by one of those boomerangs and um yeah as soon as one of your teammates or you get hit by Brewing you just try to awaken immediately because the giant AOE damage attack can potentially one shot one of your teammates so it's just you you just need to have additional shielding for that Mech which no one gets hit then you won't have um any of that happen to you uh you would just pass on and and you won't do uh that big AOE so we're just pushing bars until 60 and now we're at 60 bars so it's gonna do something called the statue Mech this is similar to the vikas pattern where you are going to see a bunch of l'oreals and see a bunch of statues everyone's going to walk around everyone kind of stacks at 12 and then they move kind of clockwise Direction and every time you see a statue with markings you ping it because what someone sees on their screen is not the same as yours obviously them or whoever um or whoever pinged my L'Oreal I see a L'Oreal but they saw a statue with symbols so everybody needs to just ping the statues pretty much if they're on their screen if they see L'Oreal where the Ping is then you need to stagger it so here I'm watching I'm looking around finding a new one and we found two other so everyone is supposed to get one pretty much in this case because we have three people alive three people got it and you get healed if you do not get the Stagger um from the statue then um or if you don't get the Stagger from the L'Oreal then you will die is an instant white from or instant kill on your half it won't wipe the raid so now we're entering the Final Phase the Final Phase is pretty much just the um the safe Zone uh Mech so you he's kind of paying a safe spot everyone's gonna have to go there um and you just want to avoid going into the light he is going to bring up a mirror that's going to suck you in so you want to be careful about uh not getting sucked in so I always hold down my my mouse button just so that I'm always pulling away the secondary Strat is to produce time stop if so you don't want to get pulled too far if you're not sure if you're going to make it um so like some Zoo got sucked in just slightly but the time stop actually saved them from going into the light and and getting like hit critically by L'Oreal so the best Strat if you just want to play it safe you just time stop so you're Invincible to anything that's coming in any time stop right before um there's gonna be a sound indicator but you time stopped right before the um Shadow stops moving pretty much and this kind of repeats you just want to make sure you refresh on damage and you just kind of DPS them down so he's going to continue to do a lot of these normal Mech patterns that we saw throughout the raid um this one might be new he's gonna grab his Mallet and he's gonna face one way he's going to Target one person he's gonna try to hit them everyone else just needs to stand behind him and you're just being chilling there uh so that one is decently simple as long as you just manage to get behind him pretty much yep but as I said you're pretty much going to repeat grab um buff uh play a bunch of normal patterns until he hits zero um we we are doing pretty good on time here we still have three minutes left to go and he's still got um you know about 30 bars left so we're doing pretty well even though we lost one person um but yeah from a supports perspective if you noticed um I didn't really use a whole lot of Awakenings and the reason why is because I usually save it for those big major big hitters that L'Oreal will do in case somebody one of your teammates gets sucked in um and and you know the teammates definitely do you do have to trust your teammates to do a lot of dodging um and I do pop blessed are a lot for both damage buff and for healing um but yeah I think the Awakening is best just used for um protecting your teammates from big damage threats uh normal patterns so here as you saw we did have to play another safe Zone Mech and as you can see I did choose to time stop again uh I just didn't want to take the risks of getting sucked in and going into light and getting instantly killed usually if you go into the light you don't you don't really have time to respond to like time stop or do any additional dodging to get back into the shadow so we might see one more um Mac or Shadow Mech this is just another spearmac so we have to go inside than outside and we'll see if we could see another um save something yup 12 o'clock we gotta go 12 o'clock this one it might just time stop since where we know we're close to the end and no one wants to die yep so just time stop you do get sucked in and then the mirror will follow whoever is aggroed um so you just want to be careful about the laser probably at the very end but um you just want to make you dodge it but that's pretty much the whole raid there's a lot of um gimmicks normal patterns to take into consider it does take a little bit to learn um if you are running it for the first a few times but um but yeah that's pretty much the whole rage I hope you guys found this useful um I think this style of kind of VOD review definitely helps because you could kind of slow down the gameplay you could let it play out you could kind of go um there's a little bit of a visual aid per explanation and you can kind of pause it and explain all the different uh call outs there so hopefully you guys enjoyed and and it helped at least a little bit or help someone out there I know it's not the best format um but I thought this format is just easy to get kind of my perspective and obviously since someone support me uh I giving you guys what I'm kind of thinking as a support player um in terms of you know when I'm Awakening um what's my kind of my job and what's my role so hope you guys enjoy it again um leave a like subscribe if you're new if you enjoyed any of the content and um I guess I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Ton142
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Id: XdFDwdJ4m2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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