Loser Sleeps In The Barn!

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if you finish that I'll give you how much money all right hundred bucks yeah and if you don't finish it you have to sleep in the barn tonight you said you like Rice Krispies you think you can finish the rest of it nothing would make me happier than to see you not finishing you sleep in the barn with Trevor tonight they're not [ __ ] gonna finish bro just let him fail - that's not a quarter that's like not even an eighth this is a quarter imagine just you hear them arguing with each other internet in the barn haha if he finishes this he gets a hundred dollars if he doesn't he has to sleep in my barn tonight with my goats so Erin and this young man went and talked to a couple girls this is what Aaron said just just real quick the girl goes yeah we're going over here to get some mini doughnuts and then Aaron goes do you like doughnuts you know that when you have any in your stomach fills up faster when you do and you can't eat as much and kind of [ __ ] yourself there [Music] hey Peter just came out Aaron [ __ ] staring at it dude he's like oh that looks good hey you guessed alright I'm gonna eat then I'm not gonna get a heart attack so this is a good smelling I can still have a piece that you eat this in that have these et both smell it [Music] you don't wanna bite the point let them eat a pizza no get out Trevor yellow shot dude I'm never seen anyone to an eating job to eat something else during the jihad oh and there goes your chance and you like cuddling with rats oh he's done hey I'll get you a blanket but I'll get you a blanket for the bar your heart starting hurt a little bit legit thing's gonna have a heart attack we're eating this I'm okay thank you though the barn way that's on you somewhere in the barn though you guys sleep on the go [ __ ] I think you're fine it's probably just like it's a mild heart attack I tried to tell you you could not do it I literally said that no right what rats do isn't is they they try to eat humans ears when you're sleeping I'm just kidding I never got up Aaron was so confident that I thought he might be over there and I was like I was getting scared and then I was like oh hey he always thinks he can do at anything which is a good thing but then he can do it like like always all right you can eat all these you want to sleep in the bar I'm just kidding [Music] alright I'll do one more for you guys right everyone grab one two one let's go 100 no guys I 850 when I was a kid it's 3:30 6:00 in the morning Trevor and Erin can finish the right screw through three solar sleeping in the barn I mean I knew they wouldn't do it because it's very difficult I've tried it and Matthew can eat more than both of them and he couldn't even finish the [ __ ] thing smells good man it smells like fresh food out here hey baby [Music] are these tiny did Oh what is that what the [ __ ] is that what is it oh and lay down you're gonna sleep standing up what are you a cow lay down and I get the dog see you're right there look at it oh my god you leave [ __ ] he's gonna see you guys it's [ __ ] jump down and eat up eat you're here go what I don't know if it's to me I don't think it's to me at all well everyone's like a [ __ ] nowadays I don't know if they're like you shouldn't made him sleep out there and shouldn't I'm a [ __ ] you shouldn'ta made him sleep on the pill I think it's I think it's fine [Music] [Music] you wanted this I don't want this I thought I could need that rice krispie treats there it is there actually no it is something wrong with them there's the rat goats like smiling anything huh it seems like you guys ha ha ha do you don't you oh I'm done I'm over this crap this is disgusting I'm not sitting on that blanket I'm standing here all night after you am i saying i'm my sick i'm i'm i sitting down this Pigpen dude they getting better with my mom and dave y'all do that thanks oh yeah one thing about it yeah we'll get a better Dave and your mom I'll do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Dave Q scoot over I gotta leave everything else we gotta say with you I don't [ __ ] sleep in I don't know if they'd be [ __ ] than that [ __ ] it look like I go in the room you [ __ ] violate my mom yeah you violate you more Dave everything you violated Dave [Music] would it be possible for me to come in today I don't need a real doctor to do the acupuncture maybe you or someone else there could possibly do it I'm trying to get it done today you guys can't do it today I'm just gonna go buy a needles to do it myself I would just feel more comfortable you doing it than me because you at least work in an office where acupuncture is practice yeah me neither I just saw it on a Pinterest where is he right now I couldn't say I don't I don't know his schedule outside of the office would 3:00 p.m. work not for today like I said he's gonna be here tomorrow can you do the acupuncture I wouldn't even know where to start well well this was fun it's my birthday right I have a blister it's my birthday it's my birthday thank you sorry sorry sorry [Music] I was at Starbucks earlier and I ordered and then the person right behind me ordered the same thing copycats in this world no one can be themselves can I get a strawberry acai please medium with light ice night really do you know Gandhi he was an Indian lawyer the we can never forgive forgiveness is an attribute of the strong strength does not come from physical capacity it comes from indomitable will in a gentle way you can shake the world a man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks he becomes I was almost late today my neighbor just doesn't stop alright Tyson Choya rumor has it she used to beat Muhammad Ali up back in that grade school do you love this [ __ ] are you high right now do you ever get nervous are you single I heard you [ __ ] your hair oh is it true you're getting money you think then biscuits face bro no emotion no way no [ __ ] on this do you drop a thousand in their CV smiles my credit card is oh I got a smile he doesn't know her right here he told us to pick him up I just texted him a video of himself that's why you kids gonna get off your phone dude we're right here waiting playing and he's been waiting for me to pick him up and I literally had enough time to send him a video of himself look delivered how is he not looked at you kids need to get off your phones Josh is filming right now Josh I know you wanted one I went out got you on scooter baby so you can go to the store crying say thank you crying say thank you thank you yeah man how's it feel owner of a brand-new scooter man portable that's high in light weight it's blue cuz I don't need like little [ __ ] colors just exploring around Hollywood right now so I doing on board I just ride these and look at stuff Oh [Music] I need someone like you shampooing my hair everyday what do you do loosen this up a little get some water out of it hell yeah that's called innovation beer [ __ ] genius dude kids nowadays watching this video they would know how to [ __ ] get water out of there they'd be like we don't got a hose we don't got a sink Oh Honda Fit hey I have that car I got a Honda Fit - best car around what year is that's 16 yeah I have a 15 so it's all good you want an apple all right no worries you guys shouldn't eat these anyway they're filled with toxins and the grocery stores you know they just fill with pesticides fellatio fellatio a day keeps the doctor away you guys want a water and a stick of water oh yes man this shit's good is the best thing you ever had ice-cold water for one dollar wow this is good and it's only a dollar 50 nice plan doesn't harrenhal insult nice day nice plan this guy though the comments got tuned did this guy got a brand new teeth feel good dude they literally ripped out all your teeth I know this is what fouseytube merchandise it's not like imagine all future merchandise was just stored in like a bathroom where does this door lead to what is that picture frame D the [ __ ] we should put my picture in that I just wanted to ask you I found this in the bathroom but I'm not really a thief I'm allowed to take this I just wanted to make sure it was okay cuz I was just sitting on the urinal all right so thank you so much [Applause] [Music] Oh what ah easy did it cash money think I'm playing dude danyoung 69 calm dude spoil yourselves in all [ __ ] day dude first try ghost ride the whip ghost ride the whip hey give me that ball watch this full quarter all right we went and got a picture cuz I made the full court shot Daniels big shot where you're hanging this back up in the bathroom how does this look I made a full court shot that's the football right there I know you do everyone watches my hit - I'm just kidding me thanks man wash your hands are this founds in the bathroom yeah made a full court shot with a football yeah I found in the bathroom there's a fire and I can't sanitize your hands after we found it right here well you got scared you jumped up [Applause] [Music] we just like the shirt thanks man I'm sorry I'm not filming you you want to talk to her no no he asked him for permission
Channel: Danny Duncan
Views: 7,386,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny duncan, danny duncan 69, danny duncan vlog, danny duncan pranks, danny duncan vlogs, vlogs, pranks, danny duncan tour, danny duncan florida, danny duncan merch
Id: o4uQf4xSUmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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