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eat a bean i love beans i can't wait to eat some beans i hope there's no twist to do with these beans oh no not at all other than it's the bean boozled challenge having to pretend like we didn't just go to the shops this is like an old challenge i feel like five years ago yeah but we're bringing it back but it's every time we lose a stock so we might have to play during the match just with a disgusting taste oh no we don't know what these are gonna be okay i'll let you eat it and then oh dude is it bad oh bad see this is where i don't think that would be this bad combo starts when i oh my god what flavor did you get was it wait i don't know hey sure you could tell by now it smells bad but it actually doesn't taste that bad i think that might be caramel popcorn oh damn the smell was so bad though i'm actually not planning on losing a stock so i won't even get to find out this match roll up yes oh no when beans are on the line oh yeah well you're about to be a has been you beanbean [Laughter] i don't know i haven't lost the stock yet i'm getting too cold there we go yeah um all right oh yes that is our white flavor so far does it look like that again no it tastes good i feel like we should maybe we'll read the flavors out yeah all right i dare you oh wait that's not how it works send you to the left yeah oh okay there we go so this is a juicy pear or booger okay deadly 5050s i guess that's like the entire name of the game here it's all deadly oh no booger not good yeah is that not so juicy what the heck you know what the worst part of bean boozled is the good ones aren't even that good it's like popcorn flavor which who wants that in a jelly bean did you see how long it took me to realize it was a good flavor oh my god what's what's black let me guess uh tires on the road burnt rubber gunk licorice gunk think it's skunk licorice is a pretty strong flavor as soon as i didn't taste that i was just waiting for the skunk to kick in no i need to turn that around no i'm not good enough for inkling to know how to do the old oh here we go oh my god the beans are making me stronger oh off the side eat that bottle bean all right let's check out what color is it orange with red spots what's that um wait there's two different orange with red spots i'm a connoisseur i think it was peach it smells like peach yeah okay i looked at the other options it was bath and dead fish i was like i think i would have known if it was either of those i feel like bath would definitely be the worst one to get dead fish also sounds pretty good i got very lucky choosing that color and then not having to eat something horrendous i mean that's just kind of like sushi right yeah yeah uh yeah you wouldn't want it to be a live fish put it that way what oh i thought that was unbeatable something's wrong with my game and what yeah i kept spamming downstairs and someone actually punished me for it oh oh okay we're back to normal back to the usual game or watch what did you get coconut or spoiled milk oh yuck coconut jelly beans don't even sound that good though oh no they're good this is coconut okay i was like the real bean boozled is that every flavor is bad oh no this is so good coconut that's what i'm talking about see i'm gonna i'm gonna want to be like oh i want to try this coconut one but now there's a little less chance i'm getting it i love jelly beans did you ever like when you your parents bought paint and then you got a paint bucket of jelly beans oh god i'm going for the juicy pear we didn't get we couldn't get you to try it before i'll risk the boogers it's boogers oh that's so bad actually have i had a bad one yet yeah this is definitely my first bad one the first one i had must have just been a bad good flavor get out of here oh no strawberry banana smoothie or dead fish fish fish it's [ __ ] disgusting actually i feel like i never know i can't concentrate but then i'm going to lose more yet get out of here it's lucario the worst character to be losing against so much aura now one neutral oh okay maybe two neutral faded oh no oh we're in it we're still in i think i got licorice the dead fish didn't really washes out the dead fish yeah that's why i lost that match i wanted to wash away oh very wide quick as possible very well i feel like whoever starts eating the beans in this challenge just goes downhill if they get a bad one oh but i'm ken so i'm starting at the bottom of the hill already you're like concentrating on how terrible it is oh wow that worked i was what what what what i was bloody focusing it's not hard enough i'm focusing on not eating these goddamn beans oh look i'm a pro eat your bar oh you picked your bath i already took a peach one i think it's gonna be the word committed to it now and now we get you in the combo and you can't no that's yes okay i got at least got you to eat a bean i know i'm probably gonna lose this match that's juicy pear or boogers my dude don't even need to check the chart for that one i had booger oh dude is not good i have not had look at these juicy pears i mean i don't like pears so maybe it just tastes like you know but the good ones are so good oh see now i'm focused on this bloody booger falling apart none of that oh i told you my mash is too good turn around idiot okay well he's gone in front of me what surely no oh you're almost 157 and you almost got out all right i'm having a look at this i want toasted marshmallow or stink bun gimme what is this like the white or the white with slightly brown just like just make them white or red toasted marshmallow here we go [Music] i feel such disappointment when you take their stock and then they get a delicious jelly bean and it's like what that one was really good congratulations on the win yeah i feel like i won that one off you get completely toasted marshmallow or oh you're about to get a big mouthful of stink bug my dude sorry no i have toasted marshmallows oh okay very nice go on oh you're dead oh damn oh smash out before i could just release the a button hmm buttered popcorn actually oh you are so lucky this match one stock and get the bad one too oh here we go and the spike oh we cover everything though we cover absolutely everything wow i cover everything i'm the biggest blanket the world's ever seen three jelly beans i'm not complaining this one had better be bad otherwise my peloton it just popped off for no goddamn reason all right 2d frankie tutti frutti or stinky socks to make a three for three i like how the first few bites you don't know really yeah oh man i can't believe i've got three stars that's sharks hey i take the pride in my palate being good i definitely have luck on my side though yeah please wait till you get a nice little dead fish please tell me you get a bad one come on no i've taken peach or barf oh that's disgusting it's not paige i don't think that [ __ ] much it's like acidic or like like bath oh yeah it's so accurate i'm amazed these bean boozled guys can make it taste so [ __ ] disgusting who does this can i not recover from run off down here if you get another good one i i leave this isn't even my video i can do that i can just leave canned dog food or chocolate pudding oh surely dog food oh it's chocolate pudding are you serious i'm taking out my anger in this match i feel like surely the next one i get is bad i thought that the last like three times oh coconut oh yeah the coconut is good eh oh that's really nice that's what i was so shocked at as well like surely i fall out it's the strawberry or dead fish dead fish that's the worst one i've had so far easily even worse than the bath one oh you're not wrong no oh no it gets worse yeah oh i can smell it now too i'm just gonna run off an sd in the start of the next match i don't even like fish i hate the smell of fish why does my whole nose smell like fish it's gone in my sight this is worth it no if you're gonna get one bad one i'm glad it was dead fish that's actually so bad oh my god i watched it oh perfect this is my time to strike like i hate fish if it was just fish it would be bad that's dead fish oh man i learned lucas's best combo from this sick combo video i saw recently something to do with a lot of pairs if you haven't seen my combo video oh no you nearly landed in it you gosh darn fool oh gets the tipper and watch this yes there's a book of reads and that was the hardest one oh my gosh oh my gosh good thing i watched my favorite youtuber my combo game with lucas is crazy no your head's not big enough oh no there's so many dead fish oh that's that one no i'll get the oh no it's so bad oh stupid cat and the fish and i forgot lucas's recovery was stupid oh let's get the same one and see what happens dead fish yep i already got the taste in my mouth i'm gonna wash it out with a strawberry banana cake all right dead fish or strawberry banana smoothie i wanted to wash the flavor out and i just got more of it how do they make it smell so bad surely that's the one to choose from now on we've had five dead fish already no i was watching some videos of it and then i'm like you know who the [ __ ] what the hell is this no i was watching some videos and then it's like you know they're having a really crazy reaction and i'm like surely they're just overreacting for the old channel nah dead fish is so bad yeah look some of the bad ones aren't the worst dead fish it's absolutely horrible get away from me with your hat backwards you think you're cool playing your main and getting like two moves wow which one was that i don't care i'll do your stupid bean game you stupid it's a good one though oh pop it rock it oh awkward okay i'm just gonna do the same edge guard no put this stage on two or three straight at least you got to eat one bean juicy pear or booger oh you punched it hey no mercy against your mane we're going in no booger get out of here she's a tissue dude this is the last game before we bring out the special beans oh the special the special in other words the beans that cost a fifth of the price and yeah they're just different they're like the budget of bean boozled i'm so ready for the budget at least they're different colors bean boozled why the real bean boozled is you don't even know what bad flavor it is it's just like crap there's like three different white colors buster you're absolute full look at this i'm the one getting damaged get out of there oh where's smash nice i wonder if i saw that one no oh yeah have you been birthday cake nice nice okay what are you wearing in smash mode he is sick oh my goodness wow i learned that combo in a great pop at one video yes the two we got you why is it so broken it's such a good move and you would not ask oh the worst role oh yes slow me down i swear to god [Laughter] get out of here all right let me try that rotten egg one oh fair play buttered popcorn or rotten egg do you have the other ones up here buttered popcorn oh you scumbag double dad all right i just wanna just want to point out see how they're all nice and different colors that's how it should be there are four white bean boozled like bits and they all have different speckles it's too hard what the hell is fresh blood flavor oh go on cammy out the master of the walk-off is here peach or cough medicine [Music] mmm peach for sure i wonder if these ones i wonder how bad they're going to be they could be like way worse than the bean boozled or they could be better wow thanks for filling us in don't you dare oh hey yeah you thought no no it's gonna be a three stop easy all right lemon or rotten cheese cheese is it a jelly bean [Laughter] what are you doing what are you doing you put this stage on you deserve this eat your next jelly bean oh my god this is strawberries how do you figure out what fresh blood tastes like i guess by eating these jelly beans so bad someone had to eat blood for you to find out what it is oh no we should have been doing this the whole time who makes blood flavored jelly beans i'm so bad it's so bad it's instant it's as soon as you put it in your mouth i'm so scared i don't know if that was the worst one okay one to say still so bad perfect time for me to go in and combo you no the wrong way guys if you're doing if you want to do this get the double dares i'm sorry bean boozled double dead is sold like anywhere why would you do that i mean it works you need to say i'm going high oh yeah yeah you know what didn't work out how i wanted watermelon or snot i already know it's not watermelon doesn't seem that bad though oh no it's really bad [Music] yeah i never know rotten cheese it doesn't it doesn't taste lemon [Applause] it tastes like spinach salad that you've left in your fridge for a day and then heat it up with some like some kind of green vegetable that's gone bad [Music] i'm just pressing i hate to be honest [Music] why'd you get captain falcon offense no what was that i'm going to get my bean all right cola all right 2-0 to little z in the best of five wait cola or squid have you did you get this yeah i got cola and it's very yummy i'm guessing it's not cola all my luck has run out you have to try a red one next yeah okay okay who says i'm not going to three stock i still don't know how they got the flavor of fresh blood how they figured it out did they like consult a board of vampires or was there someone that like has a dip of the human blood and then he has a dip of the jelly bean and he's like yeah we're getting closer we're getting there i can't get through well like three stops so i don't have to eat any jelly beans i want to die red you have to go red please please no it was so hard it's strawberry baby i think this is rotten cheese but it's really yummy i know it's not lemon but it's not bad yellow is the safety pin because the quote unquote rotten cheese is not too bad at all i mean i do like cheese so maybe it's just me what did you get watermelon or snot oh yeah this is not another one [Laughter] youtuber playing up the reaction for the camera the initial taste was just like what oh come on that was a sick combo oh the bombing knocked out we're good we're good oh no yeah you almost lived seems like blueberry oh here we go oh my god who takes down ridley in the games not samus's parents that's for sure oh my gosh oh stupid how does it actually taste like fish i don't understand did i put fish in the jelly beans all right peach or cough medicine is it just flavors this is peach there's peach yeah my name didn't send you on stage no flip kick what a character get back off my stage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] all right nice strawberry one oh god that's not shabby [Music] it's so bad he's so bad how does it keep getting weird so bad what the [ __ ] we decided on blood flavor who the hell decided on this crap what another down here did he just walk back slowly in the f smash what was that uh peach or cough medicine peach have we have you got the cough medicine yet i think we got three peaches we have to keep getting the orange one surely the next one's cough medicine wait this is game five now game five to the cough medicine what character me oh i got oliver he's two what is this stage as well what a matchup for the end of the best oh yes i'm hanging in there here we go and we're either jump reader oh yeah that's what i call a reed medicine is that just the only one we have now the cough medicine one peach again no that means when i take it it's true it's certainly gonna be wait but i'll just make you die first and then i don't need to take it none of my f smash has anything to say about it and it does please cough medicine yep [Music] it's like licorice but a hundred times worse it's like the strongest licorice flavor you've ever tasted and i don't even like licorice i can smell it from here it smells like licorice oh yes smashing don't eat it no oh that's good toothpaste is so good i reckon oh yeah it literally tastes exactly like two things oh i was going for the dunk there oh yes okay what are you gonna eat fresh blood no okay whoever loses the next one has to have fresh pokemon strawberries actually strawberry's really good the coal is so good i know right coal is great what the hell was that that was like four moves but i only pressed one button one f smash away app smash no ah all the platforms yes okay here we go oh my god no this is so close oh sdi baby oh that was not sdi no no no was that was that a blue no i didn't grab you you decided oh my god oh i knew there was a pigment on me i knew that he wasn't gonna happen blue big man i knew you had a blue i wonder why yellow fresh blood please oh straw there is a god [Music] he's giving me strawberry what no all right if you want to check out the video we did on little z's channel we did olympics real life hurdles [Music]
Channel: Poppt1
Views: 385,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elite Smash, Mario, montage, poppt1, style, dlc, online, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Super Smash Bros, Smash Bros, Nintendo, Gaming, Zero, Tubebuddy, Youtube, Tutorial, Lets Play, Super Mario, Alpharad, Little Z, Luigi, Nintendo Switch, Super Mario smash bros, Collaboration, youtube gaming, Tournament, Competitive, Esports, E-sports, Gaming legend, Fortnite, Gaming tournament, Esports tournament, smash bros tournament, super smash bros tournament, competitive gaming, video games, video game
Id: 9lfRpTo3OPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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