Mercadian Masque Rough Opening = 3 FOILS in 1 SEALED PACK ~!~!~!

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welcome back everybody there's Rudy with garbage fire investments and today no fancy intro because this box is literally from the center of the earth this thing this sucker is been around the block so many times this is like high mileage like this box has done things and seen things bro so I want to show everybody but man when is the last time anyone has seen Amer kadian a box of masks a starter tournament box it's like a flippin relic guys and chicks and aliens of all ages look at this thing it isn't legit though boy does it legit a man this thing seemed thing so it's a day yeah we're gonna check it out guys and gals and I don't even need a knife to open this thing I can probably just blow on it yeah and lilia the thing will just fall apart it's so flippin old man well I wanna rip have a little history lesson history class today and that history class is going to be you guys for the house those of you not around in 1999 90 80 stabbed this thing with a knife 1999 so this set when it came out this was post of the IRS's block coming off the back of IRS's this set was not met with a lot of love this said was not light this was a set that people were not thrilled about they were not happy with it was just cool piece of paper in it do you see how look it actually opens wow you know that oh wow no way actually we tell you about for I guess for store owners actually back in the 90s run an event and how to do it oh my god that's really neat that's like a little souvenir it's not worth anything but it's cool huh how cool is that you guys so this is gonna be a slow rolling and broody having fun video just a heads up so don't be in a hurry in this video take a seat relax make yourself some dinner some snacks eat something terrible for yourself that you're gonna regret later and let's have a good time because this one of those once-in-a-lifetime type of videos in the channel that you will never see me do another one of so I'm gonna make that very clear up front okay Arcadia mass I'm gonna tell you right now we're gonna start off with this remember there is no reserve list cards in this set all of these cars especially the infamous port the port is not reserved list everybody it's going to get reprinted let me help you out oh these do have inter seals I don't know if they did or did not oh wow we have a different design how cool is that huh I do not know that that is a very interesting design what's with that card is that damaged card like right in the middle it's really weird okay so no reserve list cards with Wizards massive massive reprint bonanza to bring in the money for them remember the port I'm telling you all it's going to get reprinted and one of these millions of master sets that are coming now if you're into the old cards that are not reserved list the foil cards is where you're gonna want to be at the foil port is sitting at pushing six hundred dollars a card I want to make that very clear let's get our focus to make sure everything is nice and clear when everybody would enjoy this okay so these beautiful lands beautiful oh my god you give the artwork no those hand-drawn you can see the stroke marks current stroke marks look how nice that is Wow the last time you guys sold basic lands look at that whoa alright so we're gonna look at the lands just in this first one just so everybody can kind of check it out get an idea what we're dealing with here and of course these do you have the color-coded mane of symbols and okay I guess it goes right to the rares well that answers that next question I don't know how the design is going to be on the setup and everything but I guess there you go our color coded and horn of plenty Catholic of these cards and spiritual focus it's actually not a bad one whatever speller building the probably controls calls you to discard a card to get to life and you get to draw a card not too bad there's your three rares okay oh well that's what I explained thee oh so you have two inserts in this so you have like a little quick card rule insert god they don't do stuff like that anymore that's really neat I didn't know that all right so uncommons I guess from the middle coastal piracy not a bad little card maybe like a buck and barbed wire just a lot of neat cards to get the beautiful land cycle oh my god I know I saw storage counter which means it's terrible right when you see storage counters it's terrible what is that what is that Oh what what is that a Halloween mask oh my god dude if I saw it ain't that big forget it I'm out of here okay tell us what you think and you might win a box you guys think the contest is still going on so anyways MTG unsealed one of my best nicest longest-running patrons and friends has pretty much of this channel his uh it's purchased this box and I link to his video channel just blow on his YouTube channel keep in mind he has a lot of really cool vintage different box openings also check him out everybody really really nice guy hey gosh I know that was a comment ice buck or so I mean like I said the Commons there's not really a lot of you know heavy hitters in this all the value in this set is going to be in the rare slot no mythix remember no foils if you haven't noticed that okay so that's Dec number one but I think these are still 60 although there's 75 I'm sorry they just give you a lot of basic lands so like I said I want to recap everything for those of y'all who weren't around a million and one years ago when dinosaurs actually were around or is that no longer believed either you know Flat Earth theory no dinosaurs were all brand new whatever so remember when this is when the mass that came off came out out of the back of the IRS's block he a lot of people quit right now this was a time where a lot of Exodus happened from magic and people were kind of over and burnt out not into this new set this Maceo the masks block did is set didn't really do a lot for a whole lot of people so I want to say that right up front so whoa whoa look at that they just seek release look at that like how they just shada lee slip that in there dude that is shady look how they do that wow that's shake oh my God look at that please oh my holy testicle Tuesday's oh my god it's not even warped oh my god that is incredible oh my okay moving on alright time to get to some of these ridiculous rares Dell Ross oops let me get some of this stuff out of here crack down I of Ramos at blue man a second for another blue mana another rule card thingamajigger but you really need uncommon look at that robber fly going for the old I huh enslaved look at these all whoa is that neverending story no wait nevermind a box art dude she's awesome looking that is a bad-ass chicka do look at that chick man hedge of I like it that's so cool that wall back when walls are still a thing for 104 Boop target creature gets over for coop look at that mage enforcer the rider and that's it another roll card and I'm assuming a bunch of Commons as always another gosh we got a check to make sure there's nothing shady or foil YZ or any I'm still think you can only get one foil per starter deck though I'm not really too sure remember a lot of these older things and remember do not have the best you know there is not the best you know I don't even know which would call it the quality control the auditing the statistics when they when they did these old cases impact like I said things weren't exactly very consistent back then I mean the print quality is great don't get me wrong the quality of the cards at this time was A+ A+ quality very very little to no misprint some problems with printing quality I mean these cards were printed amazing back then did I make that little force to the top there all right let's get the mixture there's nothing no hidden foil EES ninja foils manually hide those things in there all right here we go so here we go Acadian oh I just saw food-chain put on winch count mmm mint pack fresh food chain I don't even need to give it an intro Wow awesome guys look at that oh the craic and look at eight four six six unblockable cool little tip guard uncommons anything crazy guy look for those boy least we got a check never know what this stuff alright do MTG on sleeve done sleeves unsealed you got to be thrilled right now with that food chain oh my god this is awesome you guys yeah no foils Wow you know for the longest time I always thought there would be one foil her pack on these cuz each starter deck is pretty much equal to about three booster packs and back in the day I really honestly believe I can open these things I honestly believe that on average you would get like one foil per starter I you for the longest time so I don't know if those when I was a kid I would buy one of these and like Barnes and Noble or books-a-million back then or Electronics Boutique and when I bought them on average maybe I just got lucky I love how to do that pull tab and then neat how they did that from the top to bottom you'll see that it's kind of really up so it's a weird little design man yeah what a mess to open these things though yeah I noticed the top land always seems to get nicked from the starter docks but again at least it's only a basic land alright foil Patrol whoa there she is not God look at the foil lands holy smokes God Wow well I mean we got foil so far we've only had basic lands with kind of a little bit of a letdown but uh-oh here we go tower oh wow how awesome is that look at that Tower I know it's not a port rare laying but still that's really cool manor with the own the beast and cowardice section of the bad rare you're gonna remember that probably not you guys probably remember energy-flux uncommons again I don't think you can get a separate look at whoa there's a second foil oh my god there's a second foil in one pack holy never seen that Wow God the foils and people watch my videos ago Ruka broody I like watching Rudy freak out of her old foils people don't understand why these old foils are worth so much money if you see these things in person and you see these on this camera this is why they're worth so much money they're not warped and they're beautiful they're at these are works of art that is why they're worth so much money Wow two foils in one pack everybody I just got that on camera I have never ever seen two foils in one pack that was incredible oh my god three foils three boils in one bag we just got three foils in one back oh my I'm done I gotta go to the bathroom oh my god you guys this is incredible this is why this old stuff is amazing oh I don't even know what that I haven't checked the values of these I don't even know for losing our butts or making money or I don't even care this is flippin amazing Howard it's amazing how underpriced these boxes are well you can probably buy these boxes with these on eBay for like 400 350 and it's amazing these are not 500 plus dollar boxes that's incredible oh wow come on you guys I want people to comment in this section I mean comment below has anybody ever seen three foils in one pack come on anybody that is just a bed just tells me that you don't know what to expect every one of these decks is completely unpredictable wow this is that's oh my god it's so much fun all right here we go thrashing Wampus and oh wow look at her look at those eyes it's like a beam of lightning left or right what she's like a flower body we're like a flower dress dude that is awesome and blood oath I remember that card you might remember that all right no foil rares there had Toymaker I remember that like Oh just saw the piracy Lord look at that's probably my favorite artwork for lure by the way you would think some of these other beautiful uncommons we wore something but like I told her before if you see storage counter it's never it's that some permanent deal-breaker you'll never be worth anything okay comments no foils in this pack huh we gotta check everything after seeing this stuff you have no idea what we're where or what you could get a foil holy look at the quality of the printing Lu the corners look at the quality and consistency of the printing yeah it's amazing I could say something like old-school Wizards back in the day with the worst technology can learn something oh man we're only halfway through this box I am like exhausted I'm sweating I took all my Chi in just I'm wearing nothing look at this I got nothing I'm just going I'm just losing it right now this is so incredible okay here we go on the hunt where's our ninja foils gonna be you don't know where they're gonna be it could be anywhere could even be a boat okay here we go the unmad look at that box art type pack art meant unmask beautiful car remember this kind of like a similar to force will you guys Rican uh there's an alternate pay cost remove a card monkey cage that was actually I remember that being expensive it release there were people building decks around that I was one of them that's why and tectonic break Wow no foil rare still still fair game alright uncommons here we go anything up no foil uncommons whoa brainstorm I think it's our first brainstorm by the way it was a nice buck I mean nothing again nothing too crazy and the money scale is still really really cool stuff you guys know foils again oh I sneak we got we got spoiled on the triple foil pack that triple foil pack box thing whatever I think that just completely set the bar too high I hate three foils in one starter I mean that's almost just that's almost like a tease it just ruins the rest of the video because you know we're never gonna see that again man could you guys imagine opening a booster pack today in a Wizards put some more than one foil at a booster pack like there's a foil common and then there's a foil like uncommon and rare could you imagine or a foil mythic what could you imagine that instead of just having one possible foil slack that you imagine how bonkers that would be people would go insane for that kind of thing okay here we go here we go here we go guys all right boom good lord that's a creepy card sand the squid oh it's terrible out of the bargaining table anybody remember that IRA bargaining table X tab draw card X and the more cards in Hanuman remember that I heard that card was a cool little car Denise have fun with that all right here we go there's a little white tip there oh that's not the other rule card thing I always forget that all right come on oils I always forget there's a second one their rights will not use that oh no foils again nothing really all right all right no foil all right we are past the halfway mark on the decks in the box we are still no foil rare it is a fair game everybody we are at fair game is three-throw absolutely anything can have we could still be looking at a foil food chain a foil poor just absolutely incredible it's still ahead it's it's anything it happened if you can get three foils in a pack I mean seriously if that doesn't prove anything is possible I mean it's a completely fair game you guys alright here we go oh man getting nervous alright first rare blood hound beautiful look at that how beautiful woman beautiful hound Oh conspiracy oh she had remember that great rare oh my god I used to remember that card ah the outcome it nothing crazy there no foil again and here we go uncommons it's a beautiful artwork in no foil or go into the Commons here we go brainstorm camera oh oh well I didn't even realize I was a counterspell old-school counterspell it's got be worth a few pennies Dark Ritual old-school cool hair at work I mean not really any value financially was so cool stuff all right no foils again Wow we are at three decks with no foils oh man I am out of breath I am beat I went like if this was in a live box open wait how do I open this why is this one not have the tab on it what's going on why is this PAC not have the opening there's no tab to open this one hey I guess we'll do old school opening huh any of the box cutter dude that's really what's the machine no that's really weird you guys it's almost suspiciously weird see what's going on with that you just see that weird creepy Rudy resealed pack oh that was really that freaks me a little bit well no it's still a jet it's fully sealed all right maybe not maybe I'm just being paranoid Rudy's always paranoid every little thing I know I know oh come on come on what come on you guys here we go you ready here we go going through it come on come on come on Voyles oh there's our first float on the pack look at that beautiful foil swampy beautiful no damage all right here we go so we got what I was gonna say well there's the foil already but now I've learned you can get more than one three foils in a pack we got insect rare Oh Silent Assassin oh my god I used to think she was gorgeous I was like dude you can assassinate me any day leave that charisma one day I wish I could have charisma like that alright here we go uncommons kids here we go come on come on come on please no no foil uncommons into the comments boy no feel her hair still wow oh oh a double foil pack we got two foils one pack God look at the foiling holy smokes God the foiling on these cards okay sorry I'm done take my breath away the foiling on these old cards is just so incredible I gotta actually cut these I can't even open these last few like the the wrapping is so tight yeah no comment just kill me I'll tighten it it's just so tight I can't get in there nobody oops why is it cord open later what is that obviously a common card all right here we go we're down to the last three we have no foil rare we're going down we're gonna push it to the wire we better not have a no foil rare box I'll be furious all right here we go come on we got to do it we got to get it all right here we go okay bruiser beautiful revolutionary rebel legend liability no foil rare uncommons oil in Commons that's a cool-looking picture no foil uncommons oil Commons no we have a brainstorm has a book nope okay last two decks of the entire flippin box we have not hit a foil rare okay no pressure no pressure at all yes no pressure okay here we go final countdown all right tooth of ramos it's a beautiful tooth good job go in the dentist black market I remember that card not bad overtake her no foil rare oh my god no full uncommon Oh what other four will common there she is furious assault gorgeous oh man a fool common lastec oh my god it's coming that's what she said oh my god this is it you guys oh this one has a pool tab the other ones in the last one of the box will rare come on foil rare foil rare please for the love of potatoes that is all of cheese puffs and tacos bring in the foil rare this is it for all the pizzas for all the chalupas for all the gorditas here we foil island oh boy I'm getting nervous now I think we got one of every basic man here we go this is it there we go okay regalia vind Ryan uh no foil rare Oh Karnes touch God well we got a fool in common word of blasting we did get a lot of foils I really can't beat up too much that is ed you guys that is the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed it Rudy with alpha investments thank you so much MTG unsealed you guys have a fantastic day thank you very much everybody for all the support
Channel: Alpha Investments
Views: 202,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha investments, Mercadian Masques, MTG, Magic The Gathering, Investing in Reserved list
Id: 8kgMQ-DBow8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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