Lord, Teach Us to Pray - Paul Washer

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open your bibles to the book of mark chapter one many commentary writers on the book of mark have said this and and i believe this if you read the book of mark correctly you will be literally exhausted at the end of the book because the book is written in a way in which they are these snapshots of christ i mean they just fly like a shutter speed on a camera bam bam bam bam now just look in chapter one look at verse 10 immediately coming out coming up out of the water immediately look at verse 12 immediately the spirit impelled him to go out into the wilderness look at verse 18 immediately they left their nets and followed him and it just continues on and continues on immediately immediately then you get to 29 and immediately after they came out of the synagogue they came into the house of simon and andrew with james and john verse 30 now simon's mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever and immediately they spoke to jesus about her immediately immediately immediately so what we're seeing here is jesus never ceased to be god but what he did he did as a man in the power of the holy spirit he was the last adam who came to reverse the undoing of the first adam then we get to a very very important text in 32 when evening came now this is after all the immediates it says and when evening came after the sun had set they began bringing to him all who were ill and those who were demon-possessed and the whole city was gathered at the door and he healed many who were ill with various diseases and cast out many demons and he was not permitting the demons to speak because they knew who he was now um i learned this from leonard ravenhill when he when not anything he said but when i would ever go and and hear him preach when he would come to fort worth i can't tell you that i remember a lot of the things that he preached but the one thing that is ironed in my mind i mean it's just i can still see him and something that the lord has laid upon my heart is that after the sermon the ministry begins in that i would see leonard ravenhill as an old man stand there for hours talking to people especially young people and i if you've ever ministered in that way a sermon is exhausting if it's preached with earnestness when the spirit of god works through a person it literally takes a toll on their physical well-being and then for hours afterwards hours hours and some of you know exactly what i'm talking about you literally crawl into bed you are so exhausted but look at our lord look at his humanity this is real humanity he came in the likeness of sinful flesh that doesn't mean he was sinful it means he came with not a pre-fall adamic body but he came with a body that was susceptible to all the consequences of sin the innocent consequences of sin being tired being buffeted being broken being able to die to suffer and so here we have a man in which the spirit of god is working through him with so much power he's fighting not only the natural ills of the fall he's fighting the demonic he's doing everything virtue is going out from him [Music] okay one time in peru i i took a doctor with me and i was up in the northern mountains in a place called santa rosa and um he was a doctor he's very good doctor but you know he could only bring a few things you know it wasn't like he had a surgery table with him and i will never forget what happened when the people there were about 1100 mountain men and women gathered there for the conference just dirt dobby you know no running water you know and when they found out he was a doctor these men and women who were so kind they stood in line all day and all night to try to get to him they had never there was no doctor and they were just trying to get to him trying to get to him and i saw them not like when we see this picture of jesus working i can imagine how a renaissance painter would paint it you know all these people just peacefully waiting their turn to be ministered to no when need drives people even good people can become aggressive you know they're tenacious this is my only hope for my child my child is sick i don't know and there's a doctor they would wait for hours that doctor literally for three days was shut up in an adobe thing from night to morning morning to night and people clamoring and standing outside trying to get in he was so wore out that he couldn't even hardly walk so that's the picture we have here here are people an absolute desperation i mean children that are demon-possessed others who are dying others you would do anything as a father and mother even to the point of violence even to the point of ripping a roof off a house right so i want you to see here is the messiah here is christ and he is literally just drained but look what we see in the early morning 35 while it was still dark now see he was ministering while it was still dark and now it's still dark again and now i am not saying to you young ministers that you're supposed to live every day with three hours of sleep that's not what i'm saying that's not what this text is saying what this text is saying though is that there's never a reason to leave off meeting with god and sometimes yes you're going to go to bed at 1 30 and you're going to have to get up while it is still dark now you can't live that way but you must live a life of prayer and it says jesus got up left the house and went away to a secluded place and was there praying secluded place jesus loved people but we often find him in a secluded place because if you never go to that secluded place you will never be able to help one soul on this planet it's the secluded place that make men and women able to be useful to the lord and he was praying there simon and his companion searched for him they found him and said to him everyone is looking for you oh are you so heavenly minded you're no earthly good don't you know there are people hurting don't you know there are babies crying don't you know there are people out there who need you and you have gone off to have a devotional time you see how this devil works you see that young man listen to me supposed reformed young men [Music] who've memorized the book of romans in ephesians and think there's no other part of the bible who can talk and talk and talk all night about calvin's doctrine of this and owen's doctrine of that and you're a dime a dozen i wouldn't even let you in the door of ministry and that's what's wrong with this whole reform movement the young reformed people and all this stuff there's a difference about learning something from a book and learning something from the bible learning something in a library and learning something in the prayer closet now you know me i love old books mac would not let me be speaking like this he loves old books if he didn't understand what i was saying not against books but is this your life you know one of the worst things about young ministers bachelor packs i call them they run in packs men of a god don't run in packs i was very fortunate that when i was converted i went to a church that had an extraordinary man no he wouldn't reform to this day i've never heard anyone preach with his power never never and i remember he when i sensed the call i walked into his office when he went into his office this wasn't fake he was just constantly praying even if he was walking around looking for a book in his library he was praying i mean it was a constant when i walked in he said son sit down this is what he said to me so you sense a call to the minister i said yes sir he said can you be alone and i thought he meant you know if i preached the truth no one would like me and i'd have to be alone which that is pretty much true sometimes that's not what he meant he was saying when all those other boys out there are running around in bachelor packs sitting at starbucks they're going to starbucks back then but sitting at starbucks and talking about theology i'm kind of putting some contemporary context to his words can you be alone with god can you be alone with god for hours boy do you see do you see sometimes i get so sick of preaching why talk talk talk talk talk talk talk words words words words words platitudes platitudes emotions emotions words of power so much talk big talk he was wore out yet look at our example look at our example look at our example and went away to a secluded place and was there praying and i could take you through the book i could take you through the book of luke which is amazing luke's emphasis on the holy spirit you know what else luke emphasizes prayer doesn't he i mean you can just go through there i have a sermon where we just go through every place where you see jesus praying and and that's what i want you to see brethren now i'd like to go right now and teach you on how to pray but now i'm just i have time to tell you to pray and if you want to know how to pray i'm going to tell you something sometimes we just seem to be so dull so dull people call me all the time how do you pray brother paul i said do you realize there was only one time that jesus was asked by somebody how do you do something do you realize that no one ever walked up to jesus and said how do you walk on water uh how do you cast out demons not even how do you preach or teach us to preach didn't say that said lord teach us to pray and we think prayer is such a mystery but he said he said okay pray then in this way our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done did you see that that's how you how do you pray i wish we could break all that down i show you that's how you order your prayer life maybe we'll do that tomorrow or something sometime or i don't know i just i want you to see it's really you have to just recognize our savior needed this in the servant songs of the messiah god said i'll hold your hand so he said to the messiah i'm going to hold you take you through all this you're going to believe me and his prayer prayer
Channel: I'll Be Honest
Views: 70,755
Rating: 4.958797 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Washer, prayer, meeting, ask, Christ
Id: os6BEAqfanI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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