Advice on Reading Solid Christian Books - Paul Washer & Nathan Rages

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i don't know what paul's going to share but he can take whatever time he wants to thank you well when i became a new christian um an elderly very elderly man in the church in austin texas he gave me um the autobiography of george muller the short version uh he gave me hudson taylor's spiritual secret and why revival terries and uh and those books had a tremendous impact on my life with regard to the reality of god in that to believe him in prayer to maintain secret fellowship with him um to expect to cry out to him for hours and days and weeks and months but to an expectant answer to trust him by faith as a matter of fact all of heart cry is based upon all the financial principles of that first book that i was given that we would never raise funds that we would never make our needs known we would only tell people what we were doing and to see the extraordinary um bountiful blessings of god or over the last three decades have been due in part to learning from those books hudson taylor's spiritual secret although some of the things in the book i probably would have written them differently the book itself is extraordinary on a life of faith that the more that you trust in the arm of the flesh the less you will see the arm of god and that was key to everything another monumental book i talked to ian murray a couple years ago and he said it really wasn't one of his most popular books but for me it was life-changing when i was a young man having already passed probably six years of learning to pray to tarry with the lord to wait upon him but always really trying to figure out um to know that uh life without the spirit or an apathetic life toward the spirit was powerless and yet looking on the other side and seeing all the uh just the falsities the shenanigans of those who claim to be filled with the holy spirit and ian murray's book pentecost today on such things as baptism of the spirit fullness of the spirit i felt like was life-changing for me i was actually there in lectures the lectures when he gave them and then later it became a book and when people ask me you know brother paul you talk a lot about prayer and the power of god and and um and i said well listen instead of listening to me for three hours go on just buy uh ian murray's book because he solidly reformed he quotes puritans and reformers and their relationship living vital relationship with the holy spirit and you'll begin to see i think what i saw the reality the reality that's there that god can be more real to you than everybody else in the room with you and that absolute necessity of of prayer and then when we approach the scriptures when we approach the scriptures we must understand they're inspired by the holy spirit the grammar is inspired the word choice is inspired it's it's inspired scenarios infallible and if we ever come to an interpretation that is in anywhere anyway contrary to the grammar we have the wrong interpretation and that is so true that is one of the main principles of hermeneutics but also realize that a carnal mind is just not going to get it even when they can write it out on paper they're just not going to understand it not going to be able to apply it so in our in our study of scripture prayer is an absolute it's absolute essential we must must breathe prayer one of the things that i learned from books has been don't pray unless you expect an answer and if you pray generally the answers will be general so general and vague you won't be able to tell whether or not the prayer was answered pray specifically trust god tarry with god wrestle with god i hate to use that kind of terminology because young believers will not have the depth of reverence they need to use the terminology wrestle with god so you have to balance your idea of struggling before the throne of god of grabbing ahold of the horns of the altar you have to balance that with a deep profound reverence because of whom you're approaching my relationship with books you would be surprised at how few books are read now that's not a really good thing to say when you're up here promoting books but let me explain myself very rarely do i read a modern book that's not because there's not good ones but the way i do my life is a little bit different um my starting point for reading a book is always the scripture so i believe that one of the main principles of bible hermeneutics is almost never mentioned today and that is we always do our theology in the context of the church we always do our hermeneutic our exegesis in the context of the church now what does that mean that you know if you have a say some wild tv preacher standing here and you ask him why he believes something and he says because that's what my bible says and then you ask me why do you believe the contrary mr washer and i go because that's what my bible says well obviously one of us is wrong he may even go to grammar i will go to grammar he may go to context i will go to context but there's something that you need to understand we have two thousand years of church history if everybody is in agreement every godly bible-believing man and woman is agree in agreement for two thousand years and i disagree with them then who's probably wrong me and that's why that's why we need to read to make sure that we are maintaining ourselves in the very center of the evangelical faith and i it's hard for me to use the word evangelical today because it doesn't mean anything but i mean the historic evangelical faith and so we we keep ourselves by reading other men particularly different groups of men down through history we know that we're keeping ourselves in the evangelical faith the other thing is what we glean from them what we glean from them that there is we are a stupid people i don't want to be offensive but we are we are a stupid culture we we are uh giving example um watts book on logic when when i um when i graduated from seminary and i graduated very high i'm just saying that so that you understand the rest of the thing um a friend of mine from canada sent me a book on logic i read through the first chapter three times to make sure that i was understanding the terminology and logic you have to define terms before you can argue them so i read through it three times i thought i've never had anything this difficult and i went in the kitchen get a glass of milk came back and just happened to look at the ink sketching on the cover and i couldn't put the title of the book together with the ink sketching because the ink sketching had what looked like a headmaster standing there leaning over a group of children that look to be about nine years old i said this is the most difficult logic i've studied whether at the university or masters and then so i looked it up and it was the logic primer for grade school children in the colonial period and so when we begin to read when i read for example struggle with jonathan edwards or john owen until i can start speaking their language i begin to it begins to raise the bar raise the bar raise the bar so um my my study for sermons is a little bit different i've i've never as a matter of fact matt help mack helped me with this years ago when i came through a crisis is i really don't hardly study for sermons i know that's just heretical um i i spend several hours a day studying and i mean that literally um but when i come to a place i like i want to see i want to sense what do the people need when i talk to them where are they what's going i just now i know everybody's not supposed to do that but that's what i do and if i'm wrong i'm wrong as an island i'm wrong but that's what i do and i became so convinced that i needed to do everything else like everybody else does that i got to the point where i couldn't even preach i told mac that years ago and he said look you're not everybody else you're you it'd be different if you didn't study but you study all the time so i've spent my life just trying to study the bible and when i was in peru my main ministry was travel for two and a half days by mule back of grain trucks stand on a hill with 400 mountain men and for several hours a day okay first question second question third question so there was no script and so what i've tried to do in my studies is this um i want to study the bible from the book of genesis to the book of revelation one of the things i've discovered about the puritans and the reformers is well when you know when someone asks us a question about the holy spirit we'll usually go to acts 2 or john 14 or john 16 they went to some obscure text in zephaniah somewhere it's because they knew the bible i amazed all these young reformed guys it's like as soon as they become reformed the 66 books of the canon turn into just two romans and ephesians and they can't understand either one of those books because they haven't read the whole thing and so it's usually when i'm dealing with a text it's going to take me to a book some book i have martin's book on a guide to the puritans so that you can look up any verse and he'll have a guide there this puritan wrote on this verse this reformer wrote on this verse and then i have a literal something i really don't want to give you guys but uh because it's my secret weapon it's called uh encyclopedia puritanica it's just a little cd that was made several years ago i think you can still find it online and i can go to that cd i can click on any verse in the bible and it'll sometimes have 40 50 60 references where the puritans wrote on that and not only that i can click it and it takes me right to the reference and so most of my studying of books has to do with i'm studying a text or i'm studying a doctrine a doctrine and then i just shoot off so i have in my library it's mainly collections you know one of the most modern would be martin lloyd jones of every you know everything i could get by him everything from spurgeon all the old puritans the the but mainly again works works works i i um i really i should spend more time reading a lot of modern books but uh i just work that way that's the way god's made me and then um just for what i decided when i was young um i guess i was in my maybe 24 i decided that i wouldn't be able to know everything and um i wanted to spend my life working on something that was important i couldn't think of anything more important than the gospel of jesus christ so for the last uh three decades sometimes two hours a day sometimes 12 hours a day i've taken every verse that has to do with jesus preincarnation and glory all the way to his seat in glory as the god-man do all the greek and hebrew work on it that i can do go to other works to check out especially when i'm working with the septuagint and then research every one of those texts from second century until martin lloyd jones and try to pull out everything that men from history have that would make me weep over christ and collect that and so john flavel is one of my his meditorial glories first volume absolutely astounding i love flavel um winslow octavious winds low i love who knows octavius winslow anyone here beauty just get it everything phil pot another one these you know there's all these men that no one's ever heard of and then the patristics are very difficult to work with because there was the influx of play platonic philosophy and everything else in all the battles that went on but the patristics uh studying them first five centuries very worthwhile here's one thing that i really want to recommend i've been you know known as a guy who's preaching about many americans do not have biblical assurance you know they think they're saved because one time they prayed a prayer and i remember how many years it took me to work through scripture to come to the point of what i believed and then i remember reading i think it was the heidelberg and going why did i spend a decade and a half having to learn this and reinvent the wheel when it was set out there perfectly do not neglect the confessions or the catechisms there's the westminster and then the baptist the 1689 which was to show that baptists are also in in that reformed protestant camp in the sense of we believe um the um let's see ketchus catechism the westminster shorter catechism if you really want to study theology you will not believe it go and look up fisher's catechism because it takes the westminster and ex anything that has the shorter catechism and for every question there's a hundred it goes through propriety it goes through everything like you could not believe so the heidelberg the belgic um i'm baptist the dutch reformed men have been a tremendous blessing to me some of the sweetest piety in in the world so read read books but but make sure like let me explain something to you and i don't think it's mystical it's not mystical at all it's just common sense maybe but if i have two men standing here and both of them have the exact theology the exact same theology and it's good theology but one of them got theirs out of the bible and the other one got theirs out of good books now the one who got his out of the bible confirmed it with good books i can assure you and picked up things from good books because wisdom will not wasn't born with you and it won't die with you but if i have those two men i'll be able to tell you which one got their stuff from the bible because only the bible can keep you from being a parrot parrots can say all kinds of stuff and they don't understand anything of what they're saying only the bible can keep you from being a parrot i have young men listen to me some of you are very zealous and you want to be in the ministry and you're goodly men you're not you're not false but just ask yourself this question and be honest how many times have you read the bible from genesis the book of revelation i know guys who've graduated from seminary who haven't done that we need to read the bible and read the bible and re i just finished a three months just going through the servant songs i mean i'm going to be 60 in a few months i've been doing this since i was 21 and i just went through an in-depth study of the servant songs and it revealed so many things about jesus christ i never really understood you see you can take you could take hebrews 10 for example hebrews 10 is it's kind of like a i don't know it's it's like if you were to weave something and at all all the weave came together in one specific place and it held it all together hebrews 10 is a lot like that at least for the book but almost in the entire economy of god and you begin to see i would study that i spent several months in that chapter and i would come out of my office and i'd constantly go to the guys who i work with and goes this book it was written by god no one could write this book but god and so what you need to see is when you read through the bible you're going to have a tendency to go i read this no you didn't it is such an intricately woven tapestry of divine genius that you could literally take john 3 16 spend 85 years on it and you would not even have you wouldn't even gotten close you will be in eternity someone asked me when when i get to heaven well i know everything i said well you'll know a lot but no you won't know everything that's part of what eternity do you realize eternity would be an insane asylum think about it you can only walk down streets of gold so long and it becomes really boring you can only swing on gates of pearl you know for a little while and then it's like what am i doing [Music] and that's that's actually a philosophical problem with regard to eternity but if it goes on forever will it not become so mundane and yes the answer is yes if all that was there was creation even the most spectacular perfect creation but see that's not what's just there there is an infinite god so you will be in eternity for an eternity of eternities and you will not even reach the foothills of the gospel of jesus christ and so i want to encourage you so much and much of what i'm telling you right now some of it yeah hard work but you know a lot of it is just reading you know owen jonathan edwards flavel bates william bates brachle joe biki because he's actually ten thousand years old just no one else knows it he's written so many books he has to be that old i asked him the other day what color was noah's ark no i'm good um joel is actually a really good um example people say martin lloyd jones was the last puritan no joel biki and um one of the things you know if you know mac uh stay around him because he's kind of opened up my life to different different people i would have never known about or never been able to draw from so yeah read good books but the scriptures the scripture and mac you know that's what mac is saying it's the same thing mac is saying he's had a lot more experience with good books than i have and i wish i'd read more but he would say the same thing oh don't neglect the scriptures and and study those books that will help you understand the scriptures okay oh is there any questions no okay good i did oh there's one yeah primary documents well it's the same primary document for example there was this huge argument going on in this university campus and my wife looked at me it's like almost a brawl was gonna break out my wife looked at me and goes you need to get in there and do something so i said okay so all these people are fighting with this preacher who was one of those hate preachers and this one girl kept screaming out about lilith lilith and all these different gnostic ideas and so i just screamed out to the crowd primary documents and everyone turned around like wolves and the cameras and i said primary documents and it was like college student they couldn't even understand what i was talking about they said what do you mean i said primary documents and and like what you i said you made a truth claim you made a truth claim so what's your primary document not your secondary document not who wrote about who wrote about who wrote about what said that have you read that now defend it and it was like a hundred kids or something and they just walked away because they had no primary document if you look at closely especially the westminster you know they talk about all the confessions and the books if the confessions can say this the books definitely must say it they call themselves subordinate standards always subordinate standards there's a supreme standard and that's the word of god everything else is subordinate and the in the crafters of the good confessions were always very careful to say that any other question yes sermon prep tip you used two words encyclopedia puritanical are puritanical they're trying to write it kind of all latin-ish but it it actually comes out with joel biki's group or something had to do with it i came across it nobody knows about it everybody's like what do you read puritans like 20 hours a day i'm going no but i don't really want to tell you what my secret weapon is but it's just a little cd and it's really some people told me they can't hardly find it on the internet anymore but it's old school cd and you go on there and you click scripture and the scriptures come up and you click isaiah 53 6 go over here and there's all these puritans and reform guys and you click on it and it just pops up and sometimes it's just a verse it's just a reference but then sometimes you'll you know you have that verse and all of a sudden you know thomas uh boston comes up and he wrote 800 pages on it you know and then you got to we you know read through it all but that's been a big help for me big help all right yes the westminster confession of faith um all these westminster divines were brought together to write out a clear document of the christian faith it's absolutely beautiful um most of them um of course of the presbyterian persuasion and so the baptist wanted to the the confession is wonderful and the baptist recognized it but the baptist in the 1689 also made it their own changing a few areas with regard to baptism and with regard to church government and maybe a few other but in many places it's word for word the same the the teaches catechism the keach k-e-e-c-h there's a spurgeon's catechism really good for children there's a prove it to me catechism uh that's very very good for children and then uh but if you look up fisher's catechism he's actually i think the son-in-law of erskine or something but he continued on the work it's fisher's catechism and it it just goes through intricately through every major doctrine with a question and an answer question answer question answer and i think it's very productive i love fisher's catechism i uh go to it a lot and and then there was the the the heidelberg and then the belgic they're they're all good okay thank you by my pastor yes two decades ago to read the bible just like you've recommended do you recommend going from genesis to revelation or is there a reading plan well well there's let me just say this there's prayer with your boots on and your boots off there's bible study with your boots on and boots off now what does that mean um for me if if if my devotional time is my bible study time then i'm going to end up wrangling with some greek preposition all right do i really want to do that for my devotional time not often so i i took up the thing of boots on boots off so when i get up in the morning it's boots off that means this is just enjoying so i'm going to read the bible with you know everybody's going to hate me now but with a cup of coffee i'm going to read my bible and i'm going to read it from genesis to revelation and my capacity is three chapters because i'm not running a race and that's what my brain can kind of you know and so i read three chapters and then i'm going to i'm going to commune with the lord it's not really intercession because intercession is hard work i'm just going to commune with the lord and talk to him or may i take a walk i just i'm just going to spend time with the lord i'm going to enjoy myself it's my safe spot and it's not a big deal it's i don't know half an hour but then i'm going to have my breakfast i'm going to do things and then from then on it's study and prayer with my boots on it's i'm going to study this many hours in order to understand this thing about christ or in order to understand this thing about biblical marriage i'm going to work through texts of the bible i'm going to study study study and it it's painful and it's tiring it's sometimes mind-numbing to work through it and then there's prayer with your boots on people tell me they don't like prayers the first thing i ask them after knowing that there seem to be converted is talk to me about your prayer life and most of their prayer life is nothing but kind of a rambling intercession and i said well if all my prayer life was was intercession i wouldn't do much like it either they said what are you talking about i said intercession is hard it's painful it's bloody it's trench work it really is so if if if all your prayer life was just this battle it would be very difficult to sustain that's why you need communion where you just delight in god you see so so after i that i'm going to study hard and i'm going to intercede and i'm going to pray and i'm going to fight but i separa in my mind i have to separate those two things all right thank you matt one of the one of the traps with bible reading plans if you get behind you can kind of be in bondage you got suddenly 12 days to catch up on or you're sick for five days and you can kind of make your own um and i did that years ago i started in the old testament i'd read two chapters in genesis two psalms two chapters in matthew two chapters in romans and i go through the whole bible that way i mark what i read and the next day i start over you can't get behind if you miss a day or two you start over we left off so there's real liberty in that kind of approach paul mentioned about how god uses men some of the best authors for me in my christian life have been guys who aren't distinctly reformed but great writers find the thick the works of e.m bounds on prayer it's a thick book and you can find it probably inexpensively online it's all of his books on prayer in one bounds is profound i mean he was a a methodist pastor he was a chaplain in the civil war right and read bounds on prayer but within tozier i spent a year looking for everything tozer ever wrote most of them are in reprinted and very affordable books so um closure will feed your soul his book on the attributes of god knowledge of the holy is just incomparable and so reed tozier and here's another 20 20th century man he was a southern baptist evangelist vance havener and edward cook at kingsley press has systematically brought back vance havener's books that have been out of print havener is just rich simple stirring evangelistic road to revival don't miss your miracle some of these titles kind of sound shallow but haven't wasn't shallow he was a tremendous man you could hear him a lot online some of his sermons but he's he's heart stirring and you know we need both the solid theological doctrinal content but we need devotional stuff that flames our emotions and our heart and will stir us to pray as well you know on this table there's a lot of lesser-known biographies um daniel smith was a missionary to china and uh unless you bought this book you've probably never heard of him 20th century an unknown he was one of those guys hebrews 11 talks about of whom the world was not worthy and so these are here if you if you see some biographies here and you've never heard of them the christian hero life of robert annan these lesser-known guys are often god's gems they're the as paul would say the uh the run of the litter they're not impressed uh impressive to the world but they're giants with god so here's another one the first convert hudson taylor saw in china was pastor xi and he was just an astounding man he was a confucian scholar and god saved him and lloyd jones said this about this book i regard it as a classic in one of the really great christian biographies to read it is to be searched and humbled but at the same time it is stimulating and exhilarating and a real tonic to one's faith so it's a phenomenal book one of the early converts in china uh in those days and then you know there's these authors some men have been much greater writers than they are preachers and um jerry bridges may be in that category tremendous teacher but his book really has ministry they're so rich they're so solid they're so applicable and just tremendously good so jerry bridges is a great as a young christian read jerry bridges and he'll he'll do your soul really really good his books are smaller and and easy to read there's a lot of these smaller books over here these these tiny banner of truth summaries of some of these puritans right here heaven jonathan edwards the tender heart richard sibs when christians suffer thomas case so there's some little gems over here and as you you guys look at the whole table closely and you'll just see some that will strike you randy alcorn's little book on sexual temptation establishing guard rails and winning the battle a very helpful little book all right i want nathan rages to share some thoughts right now if you would can you just speak up we don't have a mic unless you want to bring him a mic well after all that i hope i have something to say uh you know i i guess one thing i would stress is is that is that your relationship with books has to be an individual thing you know brother paul can stand up here and tell you exactly how he does it what he reads you know his his system his method well that that's something that he's arrived at after decades of walking with god and it's unique to him so it's not like well i can do it just just like paul does it and i'll yeah i'll end up like paul in other ways not necessarily you know for each of us the lord the lord wants us to find what what works for us we're all so individual in the area of books and uh so i can just share just another data point of of how books have have influenced uh my life i i was saved by god's grace when i was 10 years old and wonderful christian parents and and uh and and it was it was my high school years that that that christian books just became alive to me uh so as a new christian like say the age of i don't know 14 15 years old i started reading really good stuff and and uh it'll make me cry to talk about it but you know burkhoff systematic theology is one of the you know the hardest books i worked through in high school and and my parents gave me uh martin lloyd jones roman's commentaries uh for one of my birthdays in high school and worked through that and and uh i mean really really good substantial stuff and it it gave me a a finance um a theological foundation uh for basically the rest of my life it's stuff i read as a high school kid and it was homeschooled and and so i had time time to read and and really learn and so so this uh if there's if there's some younger people in the audience uh you might have more time right now in your teenage years or your your 20s your single person before you're married maybe where your life is more simple you have an opportunity to soak up truth in a way you may never have again in your life so so you know redeem the time um but for me books have been away you know there's that bible verse to uh you know who walks with wise men will be wise and it's a way to walk in the ways of wise men to learn from from the from the from the wisest wisest men of history in terms of their their godliness and their their depth of relationship with the lord um and so so you know just all all different uh types of of christian literature really helped me some you know the the heavy difficult theology stuff and and just the warm devotional stuff and and you know books on a certain topic they're going to help me with what sermons i'm working on that kind of thing commentaries are helpful systematic theology has been really helpful for me different different ones so they're just all different kinds of things that can that can help you but but i want to go back to the the thing i started with which is books are individual it's it's for you individually and and books have a time uh in your life i mean the right book at the wrong time won't do you much good but the right book at the right time you know when you are asking the questions that that book is is answering uh can be just phenomenal can be life-changing uh the thing that you need at the time and and so to me the the way i've tried to solve the timeliness issue is is i buy a lot of books that i don't immediately read so so in my house i've got maybe 40 50 books that i bought that i've i've only like read you know the first chapter kind of get a feel of what it is and they're sitting there you know it's not procrastination it's not something to feel guilty about it's just i'm waiting for the right time on those i kind of know what i have and there's and i'm i'm thinking there's going to be a right time for different ones now some of them you give up on say well there'll never be a right time for that one you pitch it and whatever but but but we need to buy books in order to have books so that it can be the right time and and you and so maybe you you go home with something that one of these one of these men mentioned here they said it was really great and you take it home and you start on it you plow into chapter one and it's kind of okay and you plow into chapter two and you're lose an interest and it's okay just put it aside put aside maybe it's just not the right time for that one i mean there's something else that'll be the right time and just just to be sensitive sensitive because the lord is lord using is blessing you through that and if it's not working it's okay to say this isn't working i'm going to try something else that maybe maybe will help me uh so just the the issue of timeliness and and and not being afraid to just to bail out on it i think very often uh the best part of the book is in the first third and uh you know if the first third isn't really great then then the second two thirds is unlikely to to be really great for you um and so just just that thing of but just an awareness of how of how what it's doing for you what you're getting from it how the lord's using it uh anyway max suggested i just grab a few titles to mention also as others have mentioned things uh he mentioned uh whitney's book on pray in the bible i'm gonna i'm gonna mention whitney's book on the spiritual disciplines the christian life i think surely a bunch of us here have read this particularly for for say a newer christian you know a book for you know a brand new christian you know so the first couple years of their walk with the lord this book on spiritual disciplines can be really helpful in just helping somebody get established in in just good habits as a christian and it leads to much greater spiritual stability to just learn how to how to you know intake scripture how to pray consistently but he also deals with things like evangelism and worship and so on uh so what i've given away a lot of copies of this uh really really helpful um jesus power without measure by douglas macmillan this this book is special because it's really unique uh deals with the the the work of the spirit in the life of the lord jesus and and and brings out the thought that the lord jesus did what he did on earth in his ministry by the power of the spirit and he did that as an example for us to live by the power of the holy spirit and so it it for me it changed my the way i thought about the lord jesus and his ministry and also changed the way i thought about the work of the spirit in my own life so this is really special book recommended to you and then i notice there are some copies of the the two volume biography of hudson taylor uh here and uh and mac mac back when i was i think graduating from high school mac gave me a copy of this uh he gave me the the old green antique volumes i think and what a wonderful gift i read those as a young man and and they influenced me as a young man and then the last year i got those out again and went through them again and it was it's so rich this this is the gold standard uh for for devotional biography is the the two volume set of hudson taylor by uh by dr mrs howard taylor and i mean just the each chapter is just writ it feeds your soul in a very special way and i know it looks big and intimidating but you don't have to get through it in a month you can you can stretch it out as long as you want it's like each chapter is profitable and and the excerpts from hudson taylor's letters are just eloquent he's a wonderful writer and and the stories are rich so anyway i really commend this to you don't be intimidated by the size of it just go a chapter at a time and you'll feed your soul i think that's all i have got a question uh this called jesus power without measure by macmillan yeah anything else the hudson taylor am i on the hudson favor is not intimidating it's intoxicating it is fabulous now mrs howard taylor was hudson taylor's daughter-in-law she became the primary biographer for all the china inland mission works martyred missionaries of the china inland mission two volumes she wrote d e host his life she wrote a number of them unbelievable gifted writer mrs howard taylor so look for her books online and you can find some choice gems nathan didn't mention probably the most important book he read for 20 years the living epistle of bob jennings because he grew up under bob's ministry and uh bob is speaking here our time is up we're gonna have our hymn singing right michael thacker over by the piano and ministers elders pastors missionaries over to the tally with paul washer thank you all
Channel: I'll Be Honest
Views: 23,677
Rating: 4.936255 out of 5
Keywords: books, Christian, resources, Puritans, Paul Washer, Mack Tomlinson, Nathan Rages, study, Bible
Id: c0pgTupr8v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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