Lord of the Rings: Conquest is Still Amazing

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[Music] hold out your hand froo this game is quite cool what do you see for the glory of ran you will not take this bridge by the sh this looks sick as hell Ganda Welcome To The Lord of the Rings conquest a game I used to play to Absolute death back in the day to the point where the disc I owned uh got so used that the whole console started to sound like a smoker whenever it tried to run it kill me for wrath and ruin and the glory of ran seriously this game was so much fun honestly some of my favorite gaming memories to this day are sitting and playing couch co-op with this game with my friends and brother so uh getting to jump back into this game has been a serious Nostalgia trip 380 381 382 if you're one of the poor souls that have never heard of this game it was developed by the team at pandemic Studios that made the original Star Wars Battlefront game so when it came out in like 2009 it became about the closest we'll ever get to a lord of the ring styled Battlefront game all right legalist let's ride slap that ass turn it so with the soundtrack behind you fighting through the Lord of the Rings battles this game was a dream come true to me as a kid uh you also have a ton of stuff from the original Star Wars Battlefront games in this game you can play as heroes and villains I am gandal you can take control of uh Vehicles like horses ants olifants and uh you know the tried and true classic the ball troll that's super fun to play as but it can kill you in half a second GI no he just threw us out of the map never thought I'd Die getting thrown through the side of a map what about getting thrown through the side of the map with a friend no and of course like Battlefront there's the different classes to choose from you've got the warrior who is your Brute Force melee class that's PR exposed to turn into a fire fan it will the Archer your main range class that can poison people blow them up and shoot three arrows at a time and then you've got the Mage who can heal shoot lightning throw Fireballs beat the hell out of you and create bubble Shields and then lastly you've got the Scout who can spin their knives super fast throw bombs turn invisible and uh probably has the most overpowered move in the entire game the backstab which can just instakill any humaniz character in the game worm Tong carries the key to the Tower of orac warm Tong's over here like but my Lord there is no one as cool as me I got him goodbye warm tongue what in Hell's name is that racket going on outside the march of the ends it's pretty rad oh gadri third hair all right guys we need to send in a special offs Warrior best guy ever to kill sarmon who we got I am gandal I shall pass because I want to [ __ ] I shall pass Get Wrecked electing the way of pain is my new M also burn in a hell hole Saran getting up the stairs is the easy part idiot at last the easiest Battle of my time I like how in this universe it's implied just like galf pushed him out a window or something to get to that cut scene I think one of the best parts about this game is that they let you play as the good side or the evil side and each side has their own campaign uh so of course on the good side you're fighting to destroy the ring there may come a day when I run like a coward because I need to be healed by Mages it is this day and on the evil side we go off the rails with the story because we sort of go into a what if scenario of what if Frodo got to Mount Doom but then he ended up keeping the ring for himself and he didn't destroy it what are you waiting for just let it go don't do it and you're cool do it the bling is mine [ __ ] give us your jewelry punch a hobit but we'll get back to that in a second to be honest the main campaign doesn't even like follow the story that well either they kind of go crazy with the creative Liberties they collapsed the caves and we are all trapped now well I guess all of the me women and children are dead but at the end of the day the question you should really be asking is not is it lore accurate it's is it really fun headbutt headbutt headbutt and the answer to that is a big fat yes get his face am I going to fall off a cliff yep dang it a my life for Middle Earth also you got to love that that one guy just walked off at the same time I love how they're just like and the balrog's alive again theature from T [ __ ] I Am The Keeper of the secret fire your dark Flames will not Avail you flame of what the hell well that didn't go those way I thought it would the movie lied to me it's been a while since I've played this game let's put it that way lightning bolt faramir fights valiantly against the forces of Mordor oh get wrecked I forgot how much he spins a chance for phir of Gondor to show his quality this isn't the first time I've escorted Frodo through OS gilia and last time he was a bit of an idiot so I'm really hoping we don't have to do that again you can't have it I I don't want the ring froto also maybe stop wearing it that might be a good idea upon the main gate the dark lord unleashes gr gr gr ground is the [ __ ] hey guys I think they brought gr hold your ground men of Gondor to Coss hold this POS oh no don't die grab his butt grab his butt grab his butt I am the bravest man in [Music] Gondor the hour grows late andar that was an ASG we almost that this part of the wall is secure is it I know it doesn't feel very secure I'm abandoning my post and fleeing fleeing for my life G do not worry death is just another path one you're all definitely going to take the hammer stroke is falling hard on my face oh no my food's hope is getting wrecked right now do you not know death when you see it I've activated God Mode no gamer can kill me goodbye you've been indued saaron we know where you live prepare yourselves but be not afraid for our foe is not expecting lightning your red bubbles will not Avail you oh sweet sh there sending a lot of trolls don't punch that man oh unfortunately I did not save him I was delayed this reminds me of some nonsense I dealt with long ago good morning what do you mean you mean to wish me to subscribe this morning what do you mean I should subscribe whether I want it or not or perhaps you mean to say that subscribing would make you feel good on this particular morning are you simply stating that it is a good morning to subscribe on what the hell are you talking about I'm looking for someone to subscribe out of The Frying Pan into the lightning bolt the sound I make when I get struck by lightning from a wizard and It Burns Burns Burns in the sacred Ring of Fire the Ring of Fire how's it going I'm mithran don't mess with me Lightning slay him now should have chopped his head off already aror what the heck you have failed weaking of the sounds like you're sniffing an endless supply of opum combo breaker I think they're right I think I'm being overrun just to dead but it's okay cuz we win we've done it the camp is secure yeah the camp really feels secure definitely we did it guys meanwhile in the crack of Doom the ring is mine forever SM I hear there's a ring that we could maybe steal we can take it for ourselves I don't see any problems with this whatsoever time for the nas goul to kill some traitorous Orcs the most epic sco band of all time we call ourselves Nine Lives I have the power of a thousand front flips no one dares stand against us behold you fools the witch King fights once more I would love to play as the witch King no or can STL the witch king of Angar this whole mission is so sick the witch King is by far one of the best heroes to play as in this game ooh that was beautiful what an objective kill froto baggin Don't Mind If I Do [ __ ] froto I hope he wasn't holding the rig the good campaign is over the time of the orc has come that battering rams worth more than your hide hey man it's just a battering ram this ain't no GR we're talking about this aor his name's hug log and he is going to fight all the way to the end because if he doesn't then the entire mission's going to fail no the mission's for to fail new objective kill fmir faster than denior I have a token I was bidden to show thee it's a bunch of ghost men I shoot out and I'm dead okay you wish now that I had died and you had lived yes I wish that don't worry I've got just the thing for you you faramir going to kick you in the shin now that worked better than expected dark lord must be pleased you know it's really kind of sad just hearing Elon be extremely depressed in all of these intros in the bad campaign but at the same time just look at how much fun these Orcs are having he's had meany bread for three days and he's full of all the carboh hydrates that that Maggy bread can possibly profy to a growing Oak boy the troll just threw a guy into me why would you do this okay we just got I'm officially sentencing you to gate pushing Duty for the rest of your life remember that time Gandalf threw me out of a window it was quite unpleasant a new power is rising it's the power of me beating the hell out of you with my stick March now into the throne room [Laughter] he's electing the way of pain to the throne room your swords please we wouldn't want to make a mess of things in front of the Throne of Gondor let's get ourselves a bck I would like to use the ladder please let me use all right this is crazy what is happening what was that you spin me right round mag it right round like a record baby I'm good going to die we have fun here it I I understand a lot of what I do super freaking strange but I don't care it's a fun [Music] time listen guys if you didn't want me to pass you should have brought Gandalf into this level that's all I'm saying B roog is coming back to life oh [ __ ] kill gimy I think gim's a little screwed get away from me your weapons will do nothing against me I think hey gimly I'm sorry it is the end of men there is nowhere left to run the age of men is truly over but you know what's not sad getting to use a ball troll oh I just got [ __ ] slapped by an ant oh never mind what [ __ ] slaps come around go around as they say hont don't mind the fact that you're on fire everything's fine just keep on keep on moving forward you're doing great I like to imagine the guy driving it spuds being singed and he's just going tell me where is gandal for I much desire to speak with him about him throwing me out of the window you fool I've been kned by the Queen of England ain't that King aracon up on the Watchtower kill him I shall slay you not fear you that's that's excellent he's definitely not fearing ston stop it all right you asked for this something far more dangerous than sarmon could ever be for a hero a scout just run straight through him through the crowd skip the line just take a fast pass to murder he knows nothing it's happening the end is n for you Aragorn goodbye the fall of Rivendell yeah the campaign just starts to get depressing after a while when you're playing as the evil guys you see back when I was a kid and I played this game the evil campaign was so freaking cool to me but replaying it now it's just a March of sadness nothing like a good book burning to really drive home the fact that we're on the good side I'm going to enjoy watching you die this isn't really the coolest end for you but it works do you hear that Elrod it is the sound of inevitability oh he just disappeared okay you know the real reason this game is super cool is because I think it's the only time you ever get to play a s I've learned from my mistakes no longer will I reach out my hand stupidly I keep my hand in a fist now just in case I see you get feriz I was there Gandalf there when saon invaded Riven and killed everyone I knew it was really depressing but it looked sick as hell oh my gosh it's both of you at the same time force push of disintegration there's so many freaking archers this is so bad son's going to die so fast goodbye Elon Ki him off a cliff Sauron saon no you shot his ring off ah I can't bring him down oh yes I can never mind bye elron he's definitely dead I'm sure in his many centuries of life he never learned how to swim n return from the land of War we are set here jeez that's a crazy voice man from the go for legalis we are beset here knock him off a cliff yeah only a handful survived to carry on the fight I was one of those unfortunate for you D damn it I knew he could swim I told you the raising of the Shire looks like Hobbit's back on the menu boys hey you want to see something messed up check this out this mission's so screwed up hey oog how many Hobbits have you killed to die well I've got to have killed at least 75 that's rooky numbers I've killed at least 732 it's the greatest challenge of Our Lives farmer maggots crop on legendary difficulty welcome back to orc perfect today we're going to try to get a triple shot Hobbit kill it's going to be absolutely wild who take the lives bend their bones smash their faces and burn their homes ship their teeth and smash their plates that's what bildo bag if you thought that was kill wait till you see what I brought to beat tree [Music] beard you know these Hobbits are Really Brave burn tree beard start a forest fire die burn him yes farmer maggot's crop is no more there's so many ends there's no way I get through this Alive Now for wrath and ruin and the world's actual ending yeah that's what I thought crazy to me that one Scout can kill all these trees better than a demon made of fire what a lovely day what a lovely day oh my gosh hey you guys ever had a hobbit sandwich it's all the rage these days wizard a wizard is never late and nor is he early I arrived precisely when I meant to even though I may have let a 100 Hobbits die all right sa this is your time to redeem yourself for last game you are the unescapable Doom Sauron you've got this you've got the power of the Ring don't let two ends and Gand help stop you please you can do it saon I believe in you you have all the power of the oh my gosh why all right you forced my and gandal to pull out the one thing more powerful than the one ring could ever be the backstab I'm so sorry to do this to you I really truly am back step he can see me son of a godun just show me your back come on I Exel at your game I don't think you excel at this game get death and ruin are all that shall remain for the Dark Lord's cruelty will know no limits and in the end all shall be destroyed for now the darkness has covered all living things and it has claimed us all you win you win the game hooray good job you you did it you won the game do you feel good do you feel good that you won the game [Music]
Channel: The Cyan Man
Views: 231,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lord of the rings, lord of the rings conquest, the lord of the rings, the lord of the rings conquest, lord of the rings conquest gameplay, lord of the rings battlefront, star wars battlefront, classic star wars battlefront, star wars battlefront 2, battlefront 1, battlefront 2, star wars battlefront 2 2005, lord of the rings conquest evil campaign, lotr, lotr conquest, lotr soundtrack
Id: izTXvxaD1Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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