Lord of the Flies - Summary of Chapter 8

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Lord of the Flies summary of chapter 8 gift for the darkness the next morning Ralph tells piggy that there really is a beast piggie keeps asking if Ralph is sure jack tells piggy he should go up and see jack says that a piggy left it would be a good thing Jack would like to never see piggy again Ralph says that the boys are beaten they cannot have a signal fire on top of the mountain because the beasts could kill them they have no hope of rescue Jack asks if his hunters give them hope but Ralph insults jack and his hunters by saying they are just boys armed with sticks Jack walks away Ralph and piggy talked to each other when piggy tells Ralph that he should not have insulted Jack he and Ralph hear the sound made by someone blowing into the conch shell Ralph piggy and the other boys go to the assembly area Jack says he is called a meeting Ralph says since jack is not the chief Jackie just blown into the shell Jack says blowing into the shell is the same thing as calling a meeting Jack tells the boys that he is called a meeting because they need to know that the Beast is a hunter and that Ralph is not a good chief Jack tells the boys the Ralph said the hunters are no good they are afraid of the boar and the Beast Jack says Ralph is a coward that Jack had had to shame into going up the mountain to see the Beast Jack tells the boys that Ralph is like piggy Ralph says he is not a coward that he had gone up the mountain and that all three boys Ralph Jack and Roger had run away Jack says Ralph just likes to give orders and talk Ralph says it is Jack who is called the meeting and it is Jack who keeps talking and talking Jack says it is time for the boys to vote again he asked them to raise their hands if they think Ralph should not be chief no boy raises a hand to vote Ralph out his chief Jack is embarrassed and upset he cries and puts the conch shell down on the ground jack says he won't play with the others anymore he says he will not be part of Ralph's group Jack says if anyone wants meat they can hunt with he walks away down the beach Ralph calls out to Jack but Jack angly says no piggy picks up the Konkan talks to Ralph but Ralph does not hear him Ralph says that Jack will come back when it gets dark finally piggy gets Ralph's attention piggy says they must now stay in the shelter area away from the mountain they do not need Jack but they must stay away from the beasts piggy says that without jack they will be able to make good decisions but Ralph sadly says they can do nothing to get rescued because of the beast on the mountain everyone is surprised when Simon takes the Konkan says they should go up to the mountain top piggy says that if Ralph Jack and Roger could not defeat the Beast then there is no reason for the rest of the boys to go to the mountain top piggy says that he knows that Ralph thinks that the most important thing to do is to keep the signal fire going they can build the signal fire on the beach it won't be seen from as far away but it will be seen the boys cheer the boys work hard to build a fire and for the first time piggy himself uses his glasses to start the fire piggy decides to experiment with different kinds of leaves to see which ones make the most smoke the little ones are happy to have a fire close to their shelters the fire will chase the darkness and their fear away Ralph sits down to plan with piggy Ralph wants to schedule big boys to watch the new signal fire Ralph is very upset when piggy tells him that bill and Roger have gone to join Jack Ralph is so upset that he does not see piggy whispering to Sam and Eric they walk away and Ralph is left alone with his thoughts piggy Sam and Eric come back with ripe fruit piggy tells Ralph he thought they should have a feast so he and the twins have brought food for Ralph Ralph is pleased Ralph says he's worried about Simon no one has seen him Ralph has piggy if he thinks Simon might have gone up to the mountaintop alone piggy says that maybe Simon is crazy enough to go there alone Simon had passed through the area of fruit trees on his way to a special place where he can sit hidden by branches and vines to watch butterflies dancing in an open sunny area Jack and his boys go hunting Jack says they are not going to worry about the Beast Jack thinks that he can get more older boys to join him and accept him as chief of his own group if he provides them with pig meat Jack and his hunters come up on a group of pigs Jack is most interested in the largest Pig a mother Sal nursing her baby piglets note the image of the mother pig with her babies reminds readers of piggy taking care of the little uns the boys attack Roger hits a piglet two Spears hit the mother pig Jack and his hunters which now include Maurice Robert and the biggest little and Henry followed the blood drops to the mother pig they follow her to a formerly peaceful open space with butterflies Jack sits on her and cuts her throat while Roger wearing his choirboys hat to show his part of Jack's group leans on a spear and pushes it into the pig Jack and Roger are excited by their killing of the mother pig Jack shakes some blood off of his hands and rub some on maurices face Roger brags about pushing his spear up the pig's ass note the boys violence is not controlled by good thinking they have not thought to kill a male pig so the females piglets could survive and provide future food for the boys if they never get to leave the island they think only of killing the biggest pig and they enjoy the blood and anything they can do to carry out extreme violence and disrespect for a living animal after the boys act out the killing of the pig Maurice pretending to be the pig and Robert pretending to be the killer Jack guts the pig Jack tells the others that they will take the pig meat back to the beach and have a feast when Roger reminds them that they have no fire Jack says Roger can steal a branch from rafts fire while Jack invites Ralph's boys to the feast Jack thinks it will be easy for Roger to get a stick from the fire after Jack cuts the pig he has Roger sharpen a stick on both ends Roger pushes the stick into a rock crack and Jack puts the pig's head on the stick Jack says it is a gift for the Beast Jack and his hunt leave Maurice and Robert carry the pigs body away they quietly leave the pigs head behind Jack and his hunters have no idea that they have been watched the beautiful open area in the forest where they killed the pig is the same beautiful spot where Simon has been sitting hidden by leaves and vines even when Simon shuts his eyes he can see the pig in his mind the pig seems to be telling him that everything is bad Simon agrees the butterflies and beauty are gone now Simon sees only the smiling pig's head and the pigs guts both covered in flies Simon thinks about the pig being a gift for the beasts was there a beast would it come for the pig's head should Simon run back to the shelters the pig's head seems to be telling him to run away the flies find Simon and begin to cover his sweaty face and thighs Simon looks at the pig and recognizes the Lord of the Flies Simon's head begins to hurt dark clouds begin to cover the island note now we readers must recognize the Lord of the Flies the Lord of the Flies is called Beelzebub in the Bible in 2nd Kings chapter 1 verse 2 in ancient times people prayed to this God later people called Satan the devil by the name Beelzebub and called him the Prince of demons you can read more at the link shown on your screen back at the fire Ralph and piggy see the clouds in here Thunder Ralph says that there will be a lot of rain they should get more wood for the fire Ralph says he is scared because no one cares about the fire except him what will happen if he becomes like everyone else uncaring Ralph says a dying man would take a pill from a doctor if the doctor said it would let the dying man live so why won't the boys keep the fire going so they won't have to die on the island piggy says that they just have to keep going on that is what grown-ups would do Roth does not know how there are not enough boys to keep the fire going Ralph asked piggy why bad things keep happening piggy thinks it is because of Jack note now readers have a couple of questions to think about is there a God in a devil who fight over our souls are there controlling forces outside of ourselves or do we control the wildness the evil inside of ourselves just as Peggy mentions Jack's name's three boys with painted green white and red faces run toward Ralph piggy in the fire they look like Devils piggy runs away and so do the little uns who have been playing nearby Jack seems totally uncivilized he is naked except for his belt and face paint two of Jack's hunters get burning sticks from the fire Jack yells at Ralph scared boys that he and his hunters have killed a pig Jack says the boys are invited to a feast as Thunder booms loudly Jack looks at two of his followers who say the chief has spoken Jack and his hunters leave after Sam and Eric tell Ralph how scared they had been by Jack's surprise visit because they had thought the Beast did come Peggy tells Ralph he thought Jack had come for the conch piggy gives the conch to Ralph Ralph takes the conch and the Ralph's boys follow him to the meeting area piggy says he thought he had been going to have an asthma attack but Ralph just says suck steer asthma Ralph says that Jack Maurice and Robert are having fun playing at being savages and raining for fire but their rage just shows how important the fire is for rescue Ralph does not speak clearly he laughs a lot and piggy has to help him finish his sentences so they make sense the other boys become nervous the boys pass the conch around and take turns speaking the older boys think the boy should go to Jack's feast the little uns are hungry for meat too Ralph thinks that he and his boys can get their own meat but the boys say that Ralph's boys are not hunters Ralph's boys are afraid to go into the jungle and they need to ask Jack from Eaton for help with the fire piggy too wants me cĂ­mon is still staring at the Lord of the Flies Symons tongue is swollen and his head is hurting he imagines that the pig's head is telling him that he is a silly little boy he should run off and play with the others Simon imagines the pig telling him that he is a boy who wants respect from Ralph piggy Jack and the but they think Simon is weird and crazy note at the beginning of Lord of the Flies the island is seen as a good one with fruit water and wood for making shelters it was like the Garden of Eden a place described in the Bible as a beautiful and good place God had made for Adam and Eve the first humans the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 8 now Simon's place of peace is turned from a good Garden of Eden into another Garden described in the Bible the Garden of Gethsemane in Matthew 26 verses 36 to 42 in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus like Simon was tested Jesus was tested to see if he would be brave enough to allow himself to be killed on a cross as a sacrifice for humanity's sins three men including one named Simon Peter went with Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane Simon is being tested to see if he is brave enough to face the pig's head and continue up the mountain to see if there is a real beast Simon imagines the pig's head asking if Simon is afraid of it the pig says it is the Beast and no one can help Simon but Simon says it is only a pig's head on a stick Simon thinks the pig asome of Simon knew that the Beast was inside each boy each human Simon thinks the pig tells him that the Beast is the reason things cannot go well on the island the beast in each boy is growing stronger the Lord of the Flies grows bigger and bigger seeming to tell Simon to not tell the boys the truth about the beast that it exists only within them the pig seems to say that it is getting angry that it wants to have savage fun with the boys it warns Simon that if Simon tries to tell the truth about the beast the boys jack and Roger and Maurice and Robert and Bill and Piggy and Ralph will destroy Simon as Simon faints he feels that he has been swallowed by the Lord of the Flies readers see a powerful image at the end of chapter 8 a gift for the darkness jack has left a gift for the beast a gift for darkness and the last thing we see is Simon fainting and everything going dark for him Simon first faints in chapter 1 is the choirboys join Ralph and piggy Jack tells the choir boys to leave Simon alone because Jack says he's always throwing a faint the fact that Simon has a weak body and faints a lot as a result of the illness of epilepsy is important because it makes him different from the other boys it also makes him like Simon Peter and like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane in the garden Simon Peter falls asleep when he is supposed to be praying to support Jesus Jesus wakes Simon Peter and tells him that Simon Peters spirit was willing but his body was weak Simon is like Jesus because he is fighting against evil and is trying to figure out what is true and what he should do
Channel: MrsSperry.com
Views: 142,024
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Keywords: ExplainEverything, explain everything, explain, everything, ipad, education, The Lord of the Flies, Chapter 8, Summary, Illustrated, resource, lesson plan, pictures, help, ESL, TESOL, ELL, English Language Learners, Special Education, Flipped Classroom, homework, Mrs. Sperry, MrsSperry.com
Id: VNbV-BIKdss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2013
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