Lord Huron - The Night We Met (Official Lyric Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Lord Huron
Views: 124,884,553
Rating: 4.9590311 out of 5
Keywords: Lord Huron, Lord, Huron, Night, We, Met, Night We Met, The Night We Met, Strange Trails, Strange, Trails, 13, Thirteen, 13 Reasons Why, Thirteen Reasons Why, 13RW, Netflix, Hannah Baker, Clay, Tony, Jessica, Dance Scene, 13 reasons why dance scene, 13 reasons why trailer, 13 reasons why clay and hannah, Clay and Hannah, Clannah, lyrics, lyric, lyric video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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My friend committed suicide by jumping off a bridge a few months ago. It was hard but I carried on. Last week as I was driving over the same bridge this song came on. I had to pull over to just really cry it all out.
I flipping love this song. As much as I hate to bring this up, 13 Reason Why got me hooked on Lord Huron. I've been binge listening to them for weeks now.
Since it from the same show and also causes frissons... "1000 times" by Hamilton is damn good too.
Highly recommend this entire album (Strange Trails) honestly not a bad track on it.
This is one of my favorite songs.
I'm so happy you posted this. This song makes me feel so much.
Love this guys music
I know this song from 13RW too.
I didn't need to hear it again, but I feel... good, although I have reasons not to.
Music is a good and bad anchor at the same time i feel where you been