Hannah & Clay - The Night We Met (13 Reasons Why)
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Channel: Marvin Matyka
Views: 11,600,528
Rating: 4.9720492 out of 5
Keywords: 13 Reasons why, Tote Mรคdchen Lรผgen nicht, Netflix, The Night We Met, VEVO, thirteen reasons why, love, hannah, Clay, Love Scene, Szene, Netflix Series, SONG, New, Loving, 13 reasons Why season 2, hannah baker, netflix, katherine langford, kate walsh, dylan minnette, clay jensen, television online, netflix original series, streaming, drama, may 18th, television, trailer, miles heizer, tom mccarthy, jay asher, brian yorkey, selena gomez, movies, 13 reasons why season 2
Id: DQ4r7HegRQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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Season 1 had me feel sorry for Hannah. Season 2 had me feel sorry for Clay.
Hannah and Clay need eachother.
The only thing that could do it for me on this show was the mop handle after the fact (spoilersl
I loved them.