Lord Aleem - LA Weekly: S01 E04

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building at that angle in time to oh man i swear i've got a headache for how much these phones have been ringing no no listen no it's no way like i'll answer them he loves them never mind let's get him ringing [Music] university don't try lucky in one go come back out again come forward i'll show you and then send it forward rather than not crash it all right all right all right all right morning guys welcome back to another week of la weekly i know i'm not elim but it's bank holiday monday he's not here so you've got me long weekend a lot of cars still out we've got a few bits of bob's back you just come back in got washed us straight back out we've got a ghost that's already been cleaned up but we're just getting the floor done inside so left outside for now got a range rover colin has just arrived back from the customer same person who's taking the euros bank card in one extended weekend so usually when we do three day weekend hires it's a four-day weekend high so like i say a lot of stuff's out a lot of the guys still at home sleeping i think nathan had a late night as well but he's here so he's doing pretty well it's still fairly busy we've got a lot of chauffeur jobs over the weekend some of the guys are still working on our show for jobs today things are going to start rolling back in like they usually do on a monday and tuesday and we'll get them cleaned up and hopefully this weekend we're back on it back to usual [Music] monday morning first location pick-up point is holiday inn express m5 junction 2 and it's an indian wedding i'm doing so uh i'll keep you updated morning nathan how are you i'm good how are you well i'm on a job i've been on it since 8 o'clock this morning picked up from the hotel dropped them off at the temple and they should be done for about half past 12. i'm outside the temple come to pick up the groom i've got to go pick them back up and then take them to the girls house small wedding normally they'd go to the venue from the temple but this time it's straight to the girls house what's going on boarding [Music] your call is very important to us please wait for the next five hours later number we're attempting to phone order some breakfast i'd call it brunch it calls it breakfast but we have brunch at about 12 one-ish every day that keeps us going until about the evening and then we have some proper food viewers don't know that nathan is actually a very diverse and multicultural person he has chai with us all the time we have fish and chips and he doesn't actually have some chips you have done me in chips strangest thing ever doesn't like mushy peas honestly i don't know what happened to you i'm from boys green and i love fish and chips something's happened you've had this plenty of times breakfast wraps and stuff like that you like masala masala masala masala we haven't had a curry with you yet no we do sometimes have a curry sauce yes i heard it was a bad courage some of the summer nights when um lads get back from graffiti for a while back by like somewhere between twelve and two a.m so normally we have a lamborghini we have a taco doll duck a doll man taco doll what is it you know like it's like it's like doll but it's targeted lentils lentils yeah no i know what doll is what oh dark dal so there's normally two types of dal one dal is like a very watery dal it's like a like like like a sauce and one dal is much more thick dal is more like a paste it's nice chunky you're getting some textures guys so we've just waited about half an hour to 40 minutes for some tea we've managed to get it though and we're attempting to reverse onto country road which means a lot of pedestrians attempting to walk to your car so trying to avoid that so got the tease after i think it's been an hour knife heading back to the showroom a monday morning slash afternoon can actually be quite backwards especially considering it's a bank holiday today is more like a sunday because all the cars are still out so we're going to relax we're going to have some brunch we are going to you know we've got little things going on we're going to get on with it how close is the camera to my face no no is it like zoomed out so our camera's working like my iphone does that backup base got food got drinks should have some grub knife ask you to respond to me munchies yo busy all the small heat just woke up in it yeah yeah how much 20. why it's cheaper yeah what was it it was 20 22. 22. yeah you got chad anymore oh no come on yeah yeah [Applause] eliza's missed out on all this he's still sleeping he's a killer he is right knife should have come next door we've just had brunch nathan just asked me what's happening we're supposed to be working but honestly i'm enjoying the sun so i'm just taking a second out because it is back where we are like 22 degrees or something yes it's gotta be at least so just after brunch we're gonna take the sls upstairs it's just been well just come back it's been washed and cleaned that's gonna go up cullinan did just get washed and put away but it's about to go out again back to back euros has already gone like i said earlier range has been cleaned up that's gonna get dropped at the house for a lean to use some of our personals need to wash today because they are bad and we've also got the wraith 18 pounds we're back from london it's about 20 minutes out so we'll see that shortly as well let's get into this dude [Music] sls dump it upstairs m5 here and then let's tidy up outside [Music] yeah we have a 21 play m5 competition um which is a family friends and it is going in for a full ppf as well i think um so for now it's been cleaned up absolutely parked inside and when it goes over to whoever is doing the work which is probably in the onyx you'll get full detail and ppf the range rover uh it's gonna go over to mine uh drop that and bring the guys audi back yes the a8 yeah yeah i'll see you upstairs with the keys for that yeah done cheers so we're gonna jump into the rangi rover so yes we're gonna head to the petrol station fill the range up drop it off to the house and then we'll bring back um one of icky's mates and also a very regular customers cars is audi because he's dropping a adventure s the blue one back to us later on today so let's get rolling right guys so we are gonna head over to elim's house have you noticed nick i literally always start with right guys right guys right right guys are all right knife that's me that's my way um but yeah we can head over to the house sorry no we're gonna fill up the range first head over to the house drop the range off pick up another car bring that back to base guys um welcome back to enam's weekly or in monday mornings or mornings with inaudible is never awake in the morning we've just dropped off the range for a leave so we can pop in later hopefully we're in a good friend of ickes to but he's still a customer at the same time as a customer's car and so that was parked at aki's house because we literally our car park was absolutely maxed out um so we're just gonna take this back to the showroom now our mate is gonna return later with the green avs traditional birmingham pop some bangs remaps not good for your engine don't do it all right guys back at base let's uh completely flop what a strange door handle it's a it's not my fault bro it's a look at that look at that like a traditional door handle you're pulling from there this is like it's getting hot in the air let's just go step we're going stay there if you want gone i think you've mentioned how hot it is about four times so that's how you know it's really hot we've got a short while uh matchy's bringing lunch for us which like i said it's it's half three but that's venturous honestly it's the trees bro there's tree stuff i've got bird can i say so i'm just getting knight to tfr eight slap some four money and just jetted all off basically a pre-wash there's no point in me cleaning my car every other day because it's going to be like this again tomorrow so we get nathan's car in have some lunch and keep it moving [Music] all right guys so you haven't met matty so we're going to introduce him today mate yes sir what's happening it's not too bad that's a job all right mate it's all right matty uh meet l.a weekly la beauty meet matty matty how long have you been with us now pet by six seven years mackie's been here way longer than me mati driver one of the best on the fleet everything the lock the full lock marty what's our favorite thing to do here pet food food dude so a lot of you pet customers have probably been suffered by mati but right now we're going to cut out because it grubs up right guys so we've just had our food we're walking down towards drinks which is our local coffee and madison decided that we need to have ice creams as well so we're going to say hello sean right way magnums [Music] [Laughter] one of these you know when i leave watching his footage back here he's gonna say knife i know i told you to record everything but some things you don't remember my name is nathan i'm new to the team i'm sat here with is it matty or matt matty yeah i'm sat here with matthias your long story short is today bank holiday all the cars are out everyone's just getting on with their little bits of jobs and stuff a few show for jobs happening we've got a bit of footage from madge cam um other than that yeah we're just having some food all we've done today is eat to be fair but other than that busy it's all good all right let's tidy up bits and pieces bmw's done yes right we'll get that out yeah i can just grab that aud is ready it's outside the guy's coming at eight o'clock yep what i need is i need the keys for the following cars back upstairs is that guys uh you know the land rover yep and where else we've got keys for that land rover keys i'll have upstairs yep and then we'll we'll tidy bits up tigger no problem and then we're kind of like on board yeah yeah perfect um starting the day up uh let's get everything boxed up back bottles can stay up these guys have come and send them upstairs we'll just sort it yes good stuff take care well guys so 6 40 in the evening one of the busiest days because most cars are still out and a few coming this morning they've been washed and prepped they've gone straight back out and we were left with three rolls races two of them have literally just left customers called that six got here ten past six they've drove off at 6 40. that's how we do things at pets so we started off with the empty showroom this morning it's empty pretty much again all we've got in there is pet 55s one of the personal cars that's how it goes it's a monday yeah all the cars are out anything that was here has gone back out see you tomorrow [Music] how's it going all right guys so we're at tuesday morning i know a lot of you guys have been asking are my instincts instead on the youtube comments what's happening with the euros so we had a small delay from lamborghini birmingham on the parts delivery just got a call in for mickey everything that we needed bumper sensors all the bits and bobs are here one night in the g-wagon nate's with us we can head over to lamborghini birmingham pick up all the parts get them dropped off to the body shop and uh hopefully it should be a really big turnaround but let's get the boss first [Music] the camera know what you just asked me we've been on reserves but obviously i'm aware that we drive on fumes we don't drive on fumes that is plenty of fuel now that we can get to london in that neighborhood can you see that needle well you'll go up you have your footage you want now i'm not having fun i'm just laying there cruise look guys you seen it the comments that we've had in these okay now here's okay i'm gonna ask you some of these questions i'm gonna pull them up yeah uh are you undercover police oh things that should be a straight though i don't there's no confidence in that no okay another comment here do you sell chicken i'm not sorry dude you intend on stealing any of our cars no not because there's a fella who in his local area has been uh two cars stolen from his local car wash not a car wash but we do wash cars but you don't tend to no look i don't intend to because i know that you know exactly where the cars are exactly so it wouldn't make sense taking it in and buy what knife um do you want to just explain you know it is to you ah okay so i know a lot of you guys are kind of having trust issues in my head um because obviously you guys import is important um now he's actually a very close family friend of myself and one of the other guys in the office so we've known a long time um i've been around that had the last couple of years and the other fellow has known him pretty much his whole life so me and we grew up together [Music] all right guys gonna head into lamborghini dealership and uh hopefully click this box well guys small issue joel from lamborghini has just come out and um told us that these boxes are ours and take a look at the g-bag i've had this before i've come to lamborghini for partings big boxes and we have to take a take the parts out the boxes but we'll figure out how big is our parts list go on oh wow keep that in the car and then we're gonna figure out right guys so we've just about managed to load the parts into the car we've had to utilize the uh sunroof to kind of get everything in we're talking two bumpers grills we're talking sensors we're talking rad packs the whole lot but now we are ready to shoot over to the body shop we'll be there in half an hour um nathan is going to be a little tight in the back but we'll get there and we'll get it unloaded we'll see you in a second [Music] hi guys so just landed at a thompson we're here with the parts these guys have been waiting they've been uh occupying their ramp for a short while but in all fairness i think the incident with the euros was around the 12th 14th yeah e day e day so yeah about 12th i think or 13th so we're only two weeks in um we've got all the parts here we'll get them dropped off and hopefully these guys should have everything stripped and ready and get all the parts on maybe a month turn around max so it's not bad it's not mad he's already on it he's like he's just on the phone come on then let's start getting them in i mean it's better than not having isn't it the whole lot's there oh you've got space over there so i'll see your bags that's one of them wow to get ready for the uh well you've got everything all right guys so half 12 we've just dropped off all the parts from the bumper parts over there rads sensors and stuff all over here yeah bag it's ready essentially to get done up now so let me show you the current state of the car everything has absolutely been stripped out all the airbags are out um the dash is out because the bags have to be replaced under the dash i think the back will probably be about the same so all the parts are sitting around waiting to go back on but the bags are here bags go in dashboard to go back in everything get put back together right front end wise we've got everything here now the new bumpers here they've already got the um the bonnet which alien dropped off on the first week they've got the new rad pack the new slam panel and bar and i don't know too much about my shop stuff but they've got all of that the only part we're waiting on now is the sensor at the front that's on backholder from lamborghini that's an extra few days but that'll be one of the last pieces to go in anyway we on our side are pretty much done we're going to leave it to the body shop guys now they'll crack on with it and lastly they'll go back over to onix to get saturn ppf and then inshallah i'd say about two weeks max we're back on road all the parts have been dropped off we're gonna leave it with the guys now we're gonna head by page two now and see this all right guys so back at base park z-ban back up sort it out later part's been dropped off mickey's happy gonna head upstairs in a minute and uh have catch up with him guys so i think i mentioned on monday was it nathan that we'll be taking the m5 for full detail and ppf at onyx and it's time to do that so let's get going [Music] all right here we are guys onix automotive west brom we're here to meet are you over here how are you guys going yeah we're right here we're doing handshakes we're still doing antiques i think we're coming out of now we're definitely out covered m5 comp i know doesn't work do you want it another full ppf another full ppf i have a detailed picture bob's pot if you'd you look fairly busy though quite a bit on yeah mega business that is nice for the eminem fans m one k double r i believe so yeah m1kw let's take a look inside are you where you got going we have a number of full ppfs and details going on currently so keeping this very very busy yeah especially with the summer company as well and a lot of people are still buying up their new cars pretty sure aren't they yeah god yeah i mean yeah the amount of the influx of cars recently has just been absolutely stupid i know yeah we've been struggling to put cars in yeah yeah that's why he's been shouting the show removing tell you what though everyone knows i'm a bag man that and that me all day old school rs you know what that's iki's kind of thing he was a sierra man he was a cosworth i'm still working he's still blasting his face worth an absolute fortune anna anna doing mad for us completely stuck as well that's nice right harry you need nothing else man do you want to introduce that that's nice oh if you want if you want a little bit of a uh oh are we having a little a little bit of something special for your uh your weekly uh is this the weekly thing is it yeah the weekly this is the weekly yeah through all the mess out there that is stunning is that ppf'd already uh it's halfway through that's how good onyx is i can't tell where it's been ppf'd i'm not going to bother you because i know you're working on that golf um so we're going to head off i'm going to leave you with that okay please sir thank you very much we'll be seeing you again next tuesday next tuesday just a week that's on camera a week well that was that was the barry we'll leave you to it thank you again boss we'll see you soon [Music] alright guys so we've just got back from onyx to pay hq it's ten to six in the evening we're going to start getting on with the evening work now especially the summer you get a lot of work i was returning out roughly this time we've got a lot of cars to start dropping off um around the country i think i'm headed to london this evening so i'm gonna head upstairs get briefed with the rest of the guys with icky and then we're gonna start hitting the road and you guys will see you tomorrow night how you doing all right how are you all right how was your evening i was okay yeah we were working right guys so wednesday morning we've got the svg back got the ventral sv back avs green hope inspired it in orange we've had a few more inside as well we've got pet 55s which is on trophy work yesterday um i think tuesday afternoon you might have caught claims that the two rollers here wraith and the goal uh went out as well central fire so they're back they've all been cleaned up phantom's all been cleaned up ready to get parked up just working on the lambos we had the avs roads to come back last night that i picked up from up north and that's gone straight back out at seven in the morning this morning and we've got a few more up and down the country that are in and out today as well sometimes you won't get the chance to even see them but we are on it midweek photograph mode [Music] what am i doing today i've come in i've shifted a few cars had some breakfast i've got to move three of these the events around the hurricane and what's outside spj not the svg oh yeah sorry the sv's already upstairs so these three are gonna go upstairs svg's gonna stay downstairs i'm gonna pop out do some office runs uh drop off some paperwork head over and get a signature from someone else's documents get back carry on one with whoever's here and then london this evening what are you doing ahead well you could take a washington class today you might say a wash from cloud tomorrow as well but friday i think washing clothes again yeah yeah no problem we'll pop over and then we'll uh we'll tie it all up and we'll go from there yeah okay yeah send the money over for now and then that deal's done yeah no problem yeah you can just pop over yeah no liam's on holiday this week uh he's uh he's been working too hard um so um he's on holiday this week but um he'll be in next week hopefully inshallah yeah no no he works too hard man you know he needs a holiday man everybody needs a holiday and he's one guy who definitely needs one yeah cheers mate [Music] how are you nathan i'm all right how are you good thank you oh this weather this is why you can't work well i can't anyway as soon as i get weather like this it's holiday mode yeah shall we say huh how's your week been so far been good we've had some fun yeah we've done a few errands so we ran to lamborghini we've been very busy yeah cars have all been booked out this weekend you guys have been uh catching up with what's uh the updates on the urus you wrestle yeah so the eures has basically got all the parts there now yeah needs to go through the only thing that's not there is the sensor but that can be fitted in after anyway they're just on back order that's good stuff good stuff we took the m5 in for ppf rap i don't even feel like going inside can we not just like stand outside for a little bit longer and get some i need some more rays uh what else can we um discuss yeah where have i been for the last two days so i had a fantastic weekend in london brilliant we had the lambos out on saturday i did a job on it on sunday it was a birthday party so i had to drop the car off on a sunday night there ended up doing like the saturday there as well had a great time came back on monday and um come on walk in now it's getting a bit too hot maybe i shouldn't have worn black today let's have a check what's happening in here wash bay is empty for once no it has been working hard but i want to know what these lambos are doing here so let's find out if these are going out because if they're not then we can get them out so there's a few cars here on the showroom floor at the moment that is going out to blackburn tomorrow i believe we've just had confirmation these two are free as a bee yeah i can understand why that but i can't understand why this because this is a convertible so we shall get onto the socials and see who would like to be in a lamborghini huracan this week rolls royce wraith and a ghost and a phantom so you know not much to work with really let's keep it moving i saw a comment someone saying that oh my god clean this up and whatever but i think literally they had it painted like six months ago and it's happened again and i think they need to put like a plastic acrylic thing over around the side so we can wipe it down [Music] right okay the reason why i pull this car out to show you guys again is because uh not every day we get a strong sunshine and this color is a very special color viola bust i introduced it to the world as viola ashifa after having visited lamborghini and the color is named after my mom well i did anyway and they chose not to i see quite a lot of people wanting to choose this color oh my god just look at the flake in the paint [Music] nathan let me tell you something if you were with me this weekend the content we would have got would have been mega you know air conditioning sucks power you know that if you're gonna erase someone yeah just turn the air conditioning on private roads in mexico no 845 car road so there we have it another wednesday midweek chill one you know actually weather was good went out for a nice lunch got a nice coffee took out the svj that's now going out and higher everything's under control it's all good most of the cars are out wednesdays or with this weather are always going to be decent it's hot bro so just one thing about this if we don't run the vents it just gets so hot in here man whoa how long have you guys gone not long in the svg hour hour and a half i wonder how many birds potentially could have shot through that sunroof think about it if we look at the width right and then do some kind of mad little equation here based on the population of birds in the area and then how many birds could potentially fly past the pet building at that handgun in time to to the roof nice what you're doing taking the lift down don't deadly lift oh you put this out you put this on me on the left and then yeah and then and then send the shammy up here like we said like it would take three and a half tons easy so charm is only about a kilo like kilo no hang on it's probably about hey it can be though depends on the amount of water in it hang on a minute don't send it up i've got to put a car on it come on if no has the team ever shown anyone the proper way to get into one of these come here i'll put the light on for a second how did you get into these isn't it really hard aren't they really low to the ground easiest method so long as it's a driver's side headphone just do you go ahead first what you dive into an aventador yeah sure what's that wait i want to see that i want to see you head first into an event today not how you get in a lambo get out jump out and it's well right foot in first and this phone came out because he got it like a plunker knife's just shown the camera how he gets into a lambo rifle because i know we've discussed this and this guy went head you're always getting in and out of cars awareness i've seen that what happened get out mike i want to see how he gets it because that's what i say because he's driven it from a young age so he might know better than me i'm going to go over to are you going to do this with spj all right let's see if we get into the svg slightly offended okay go on yeah yeah but look at the amount of time you've taken to do that but then i've seen inaudible like this anything we do it in stages and it's safer okay i'm gonna come over to the abs i wanna show you how i do it right obviously i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it slow at first just so they can understand yeah what i i would consider a proper technique and it is a technique because it's how i've studied the left hand onto the bolster the strongest part of the seat it makes sense left foot in that way there's no risk of you mashing your legs against anything you're not sticking your foot into somewhere you can't see you've got a good line of sight sit on to the rest tuck your head on that okay let me have a go if i speed that if i speed that up and they're coming out exactly the reversal i'm coming out exactly exactly the same foot first pull me boom in oh my god he did that smooth i think that's the lee's method as well i think and then driver so guys behind me is the lamborghini eventual svj it's still a wednesday we're going to be dropping that off to a customer in blackburn which is near manchester in case you don't know i'm just going to get some more svj miles under my belt it's going to be exciting i always enjoy delivering cars especially when they're further and further away i do enjoy driving them this one's going to be a fun one it's got the comfort seats all as well wednesday i'll see you guys tomorrow i'm going to get this to the customer in time for his brother's wedding here's the microphone good stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] how are you nathan i'm all right how are you i'm okay good morning oh the keys are in the car this is not a keyless go car this isn't my car it's a customer's car i delivered the uh svj last night and this is the car he gave me come back in take one you leave one look at his wheels every single day he washes it and then next morning it's bronze again he's been driving this hard hasn't he there's no doubt about that why is everybody's cars parked like this except for yours if anybody's wondering right yeah why do i wear a bag to work i'm only wearing this so i can put the microphone on the thing we're quite busy today just got a few inquiries this morning for rolls royce culinary but we don't have one no we don't this is the only car i told him i had to send him a picture what do you think and i think there's a hurricane evo upstairs as well that's a different camera what happened did we get taxed again yep i've got a haircut book today at 8 30 pm which is after hours so hopefully tomorrow i won't hit like such a scruff ball i don't know whether it's the weather right you know when you have to put air conditioning on in the car and then you undo the windows and because it's so hot and humid outside as well and it's the change between going from air conditioning to normal air i think it pays off with you a little bit and last night i slept with the window fully open right and it was just so hot i'm not used to sleeping with the window open as well my body felt stiff so it's like you know this country's so hot and cold you know you don't get to uh you don't get time to adapt i need to go to a hot country i know you're going to a hot country soon on holiday i need to go to a hot country i need to i need some warm weather man oh you know london's opened up now as well i'm getting messages from all sorts right different businesses people that require cars people require some support with like rooftop lounges oh it's just it's all going off we're not used to working at this pace now for like quite some time so business has been a little slower jobs now every day bam bam bam bam bam work is coming at you the guys here are just trying to just chew up as much of it as they can whilst giving a 10-10 service you just love it so i'm liking pots how are you what's the latest you haven't even started it yet he always asks for a cup of tea and never drinks it all right so wait let's break this down so we've got white g wagon no you need to get me three so get uh one g63 this is up for 170. i want to pin him down to 160. right yeah 170. yeah get the money what the colors have you got a red one there there's not one red one here get me yeah what's the name of it that qualifying though i'm only searching back get me rebecca's number get me now give me that now but you're going to tell that yeah my lad's going to send you a link now the website the what lamborghini is it's on the website white evo spyder brand new car yeah white with the blue blue um interior inside very very pretty car it's just landing back now from london so we'll probably need a couple hours to clean it um for the for a week yeah okay let me let me get you a family right now because i think you are coming in the family position i'll call you back safe sweet all right okay it keeps you happy that's her number okay let's ring it up now what's the number can you get me free straight away off the shelf be nice in it no it's gotta be fun hello hello and he'll chuck in a lot of extra bits because trust me the extra bits are joking will make a lot of difference as well what is the extra bits well that's what i'm saying if it's half if you think it's hard easy then you can phone and say listen yeah give me message me his number let me phone him let me tie you all up then yeah at least something's better yeah something's better than nothing i know you mean yeah but obviously you know what it's like we're asians and we've got more we're always hungry we're always hungry but um yes because he goes i'll do it longer yeah no problem so what we're actually discussing right now is adding more cars to the fleet uh yeah actually wagons yeah yeah man i swear i've got a headache for how much these phones have been ringing today no no listen no it's no way like i'll answer them he loves them let's get him ringing right okay leave him chill me and that is right so you just get next door and get in the buying department while i get in i found you the cars are ready to buy now money department needs to fight fully shots in that i've got to go pick up the svj that i dropped off yesterday to blackburn uh so i'll be heading up in the customer's car now well in about half an hour or so 40 minutes and i'll drop that off to him pick up the svj and then bring that back that will have a wash is the svj going out on higher this weekend no no no no we haven't got a weekend higher on it but actually do you know what um while you've got now i'll have to do that myself i've got to send someone to liverpool i know you're straight there's no problem if you're right you're right you're wrong you're wrong he said yeah we'll sort it so what's what happened nothing is this he went into it let's have a little walk around downstairs thanks this has come back from higher went out for a week this lamborghini aureus is going out tomorrow can't seem to shift this wraith at the moment probably because of the weather it is isn't it my rolls-royce convertible dawn arrives soon as well that's going to be exciting see knight knight is good but enam was definitely better ah look i can just tell from the way the machinery is look that is there uh we're just going around all the things that you just don't do as good as in am but we'll get there soon so i'll walk you around it so i know i'll tell you so first and foremost the pipe right normally i've noticed in am has the pipe right to the edge and he runs it all the way outside first and then comes back then if we come on to this side now here there's some bits and bobs there on the floor this seems like it's been pulled out a little bit more it's in a different position this area looks a little bit more messier i look like the bucket is actually on a tilt this is normally pressed inwards right oh man i love it but listen why is this matte they can't but they haven't been bothered to paint it or is it you need to put some polish on that yarn yes [Laughter] so believe it or not this is a 2014 range rover vogue that's the 2016 but just having some silver parts on the car uplifts it and makes it look so much fresher td v8 diesel black with red interior that's a v6 three liter this is a big boy any damage on that pet uh pet toy on this white one no real kerbs no i think that was all ready there okay i'll get that checked over the urus is going out tomorrow right i've gotta head over to uh blackburn now so i'm gonna go drop this merc off i mean week one week two week three of our weeklies was it was just all kicking off now everything's kicked off it feels like it's uh maintenance mode you know it's staying on top of everything it's making sure everything runs like clockwork tomorrow in shallow water we'll power out some of the cars and then monday i'm pretty sure it's going to be hectic it's going to be very monday next week i have a feeling there's going to be um there's going to be a lot going on a lot of cars coming back anyway i hope you've enjoyed today which is a thursday tomorrow is friday the last day of the week and we look forward to powering it out and making sure everything is on track for the weekend's jobs it's all happening here at platinum executive travel let's go [Music] yeah so we've uh picked up these two cars well actually we picked up three so we picked up the g-wagon first and he made his way back and then that was in north west london uh we then went to north london to pick up these two um and it was showing like two hours just over two hours but it took three and a half hours accidents on the m1 and then here again on the m42 just before the nac drives awesome look come here see when this this part's missing it's amazing yeah it was good all right then cheers just as i was about to leave to head over to uh blackman to go pick up my lamborghini eventual svj two lambos have just arrived back to base uh they will be washed and ready for the next client as soon as possible not here these getting washed up today or tomorrow okay so these will be done tomorrow imagine's doing some oil checks and that sort of stuff on it um hurricane evo spider both these guys they were driving down the opposite side of the road i come running down i've actually got the snap here on my on my insta uh where have you guys just come from by the way and london so basically we went to north west london first yep picked up the g wagon yeah he made his way back and then you had to go a little bit further ahead and then two cars were in north london okay is that all right so both these are back these will get washed up tomorrow there's another lamborghini that we were adding to the pack that is the purple svj i'm gonna be back with that towards midnight because i'm heading out in about half an hour which will be five o'clock it'll take me about two hours to get to the location i will then have to wait for about an hour hour and a half for the client to finish up with the car and then i will bring back that car as soon as possible um which will be toronto around midnight so hopefully you get some good sleep everybody get some good sleep and i will arrive late again no we can't tomorrow's jumbot tomorrow's friday prayers you cannot be late you're still recording yeah yeah yeah once you've finished with that can you put the roof on the car oh yeah yeah i can do that for you do you not know how to do the roof oh yeah [Music] [Music] what happened nothing just said something happened something happened what's going on so enables running around like a blue ass fly right so we're coming in we've had yesterday's two lambos left over the abs and the white hurricanes now i've got them out of the way as you can see the eures has washed yesterday to rearrange the cars orders the g-wagon has been placed further back because that's going out tomorrow morning euros are going out later today after praise so that's the reason that's in that order this range rover is here just part time it will be gone about half an hour outside's pretty tidy i'm somebody's not a bit if i'm getting old or just getting tired or what we've had a little lava for the mark six golf you've had a couple of meetings yeah i have yeah yeah yeah you know what it it it's it's barely 12 o'clock and i've lost track of the day you gotta remind me why you've been catching on camera well to be fair right really caught much because i've been trying to follow you around and i just can't keep what yeah i'm not an easy one to follow now four friday prayers give me the golf quickly on my afternoon night for the hoover i know who knows me knows i hate today especially on weekends considering i might have family in the car my left my nephews are staying at mine today so they might jump into the car later on damn it's nice to have it clean sometimes my dad gets in my mom grandma so i feel like i'm doing a magician here i just need the euros keys euros you jump in the euro give me this one where's the vendor donkeys this one yeah yeah put this one here it'll drive itself i mean he's got all that gap there yeah flappy he wants to move this he wants to move that the next thing he's going to say take the roof off the showroom i don't understand you bro you can get a bus through there and you're going on like that come on then no no no just this one yeah leave that no this one i want that one first because you was flapping come on what are you doing [Music] come on you'll know when you hit you'll go back whoa hey good [Applause] morning flapping everything's good uh can i have a black one a black one in there yeah and then i'll have the hurricane evil keys where's the golf has it been picked up who and then the drive shaft yeah no but at the ordered one but that's how it says what it was it was long when did you put the air in this now still showing that it's got low air in it so do you know how to reset the lights they said he knows that recently you know you're doing it wrong you're doing it wrong come here [Music] i'm gonna have to show you because you'll never work it out trust me you'll never work it out if you exit the vehicle and i'll show you what do you have to say for yourself you know if you can't do it no one ain't gonna judge you bro i mean only like two hundred thousand people are gonna see this you know you're doing it wrong well i might as well show you how it's done so you know you call that one no so basically how you do it is watching yeah okay yeah okay store tire pressures yes we do want to please regress it again no no no it's not tire pressures are being stored thank you sir [Laughter] look at the diameter [Laughter] sure right so last few days i've had so many human beings asking me to do another shout out so basically they want me to mention their names so here's another shout out to all those guys who asked to be named uh you know who you are so i'll shout out to you again [Music] assalamualaikum bro all good how are you what cars i've got svj available today hurricane what what what type of cars like a 4x4 okay let me let me have a let me have it no no no no no they're not they're not available um i'll uh i'll let me call you back let me call you back good morning nathan good morning how are you i'm all right how are you i'm good thank you busy morning how have you been slamming how are you how is he getting on with the cars how's he cleaning him i think he's done a good job uh right okay oh we've got a g wagon here okay all right we could probably put them into a g wagon right let's go upstairs and catch it have you been sorry it's friday friday it's friday should we go out in the sun whilst we can get last little bits of it yes it's friday been good it's been manic this morning i had not had a chance to catch many people today not at all uh but it's been good though yeah some good laughs on that uh what's what's been going on this morning well it's been active last night i went to go pick up a svj from blackbird uh then pass through manchester united some food that was good came back pretty late because uh we ended up stopping off for some food see if you start mixing work and play things just get longed out i think i need to start learning to just work and then separate play but sometimes i mix it up it's not bad this is also going out on higher as well the weird kind of day it's like cloudy but sunny yeah it's very a bit humid yeah yeah right hurricane evo also needs a wash other than that let's go have a little walk upstairs it's friday it's all happening but the number i swear the long place has changed about it someone's going to know why [Music] why is the number plate uh why is the number plate change downstairs on the range rover switcher rooney them is my dad trying to box off a deal with someone right yeah when my sister's wedding and say look listen if you do this one right then you can do a lines wedding next did i just hear that okay you know i mean it's all going to be all over the shop though um so ultimately we'll do all that aspect of it we just need to tie things up and make it look you know sparkle but on that on that other aspect i'm happy to do 10 and 25 how about visit it and i'm going for friday prayers and then we will i'll wait for your phone call back as soon as you tell me xyz i'm going to give you the green light thank you get it get it sorted look come on there's not much to look at let's just get the deal wrapped up and let's move forward um you know it just gets a deal done in it and trust me you'll get a lot more out of the lean um then you'll be putting into the job trust me yeah and all and all the equipment that you use people are going to like it they're going to say we want this we want that same thing and it will be there and you'll just whack it straight out but yes i know but we we're all in the same boat we've had it hard as well but look that's how it is only the toughest will survive you know that chess body in the booth are you using my name to leave to live with your deal yes yes i remember i had him say if you do this one right you'll be able to do a lien's wedding and if you're watching this whatever company he was talking to that is a long way away we're all rolling in one car not six of us yes we are are you on camera oh well we can't go in six um nathan i'm not one two three four five there's five of us why doesn't uh nathan just see us go and then he can just be here yeah nathan you can't go to there nathan see what you're doing come upstairs right we're off to friday prayers now so there's uh five seats in the car and there's and uh but nathan uh somebody has to go and it's you [Laughter] has he just put you in that has he some guys are going to come to pick up their urus no one's allowed nothing you just chill out they'll follow me and we'll see in a bit other than that bang whoa i'm just getting some nuts now right friday prayers let's go it's always happening on a friday are there six of us again oh yeah you're going you're good yo later you might sit in the fridge yeah we're rolling this one actually nathan you can come now see this is god's way the earpods you you said that he has to stay here but i love you wants to take him out come on get him friday now change your plans [Music] yo rambo this is what's going on this is musical is this musical shutters because we're getting late for drama look what they're doing am i messing about all right oh okay oh you're trying to kill nathan yo what are you doing man yo come on you put a new thing on lonnie customer you're spending peace bro look at that you're left here man no you tell you but what about osman we're gonna stitch nathan up leave him there think you know what you're not bad you know you're not a bad man nathan is going to get his own back but today he's having mushy peas with us three days that i have been in the three days i've been fishing chip spots yeah okay no no fishing ships today what we'd love today then is yeah no no healthy food yeah okay no no i will have healthy food huh uh donna kabab no no no no no no no what i'll do is i'll um i'll send them to um my lahore and get chicken salads oh boy that costs money for the salary no see that's the thing that's what you post it's not that's not how healthy does it mean that you eat a bit uh like junk so what you're saying that was just a bit agree what you saying that other food that one that you know i mean rice and pasta and all that yeah that's healthier because it's grilled i don't know man what's in here money yo you should let's give a hundred grand for this card yeah hundred bucks yeah 100 bags bro it's depreciating and you're joking man this is going up in the world mate these are collectors it's owned by allah is that yeah that's right i mean come on bro owned by pet look at this yeah oh you know this is the thing about you you do the job you do it right i'm surprised you ain't got a rolex clock on here bit of the fresh gear knob the new coat it's just face lift and you've got a good looking driver oh that's very important that's very important that's key okay who's blushing he's got his read the business unless you play because they do yeah but anyway nathan it's been a pleasure having you no we're walking all the way up to the door come on any space hi guys so we're standing outside the masjid right now i am late for tomorrow so i shouldn't be here any longer my dad has disappeared nathan have you got the key to the range rover sweet see you later boys great well done yeah what's for lunch something healthy that's what i heard from you but pepe's right so we've decided we're gonna have uh grilled chicken burgers yeah on a friday you might as well disagree i'm getting more and more yeah i'm not trying to kebab you know dogs that are having a good day they stick their hair down this is me man yes i'm coming i'm coming inshallah [Laughter] you've caused me a big problem you've made me turn around how are ya oh my god we need to get back make sure you give them fresh water worth it tickets love ya no it's okay ladies you just dropped a tenner yeah he's quickie isn't he [Laughter] what are you doing match me uh sunbathing [Laughter] now checking the oil so i've topped up the coolant come on come on so first of all you have to take the back cover off and then you look for the coolant you've got to unscrew it right yeah like that can see it yeah yeah yeah keep doing that until it comes off and then you put the coolant inside once it reaches max and then put it back on again i've just topped her up with some oil as well so i'm just checking it again make sure it's at max and [Music] absolutely [Music] well ladies and gentlemen this is the gt3 rs generation two and our friend match has just acquired this he's driving past the showroom we've asked very kindly if you could stop in this is an incredible car car that you don't see very often it is a rs product and as you all know very well it's very difficult to get hold of rs products uh from porsche so yeah when i heard that he was acquiring the gt3 rs especially because of the engine at the back the way this thing screams is ridiculous and he hasn't even put an exhaust on it imagine you planning on putting an exhaust on ip exhaust is on its way so uh yeah hopefully we can follow the journey for the changeover and that sort of stuff and we can get onto some tracks with the madge but this is beautiful i won't keep you much longer pulling in [Music] wow [Music] all right we just got a last minute booking rolls royce wraith which was actually one of the last cars that we had available the one with the silver wheels um i'm also going to be delivering the hurricane evo to one of our footballer clients as well and also a loyal customer to pet cameron if you're watching this top man parts you love camera don't you yeah good guy we got mangoes we've got fresh mangoes downstairs we're going to get the scissors out we're going to squish the mango we're going to smash it up right here make it into like a liquid juice bag and then we're going to cut it at the top and you're going to go have you ever done that touch it don't want to show you how it's done don't you show them how it's done now you can follow me you're going to make a mess no no we're going to do it we're going to do it in the kitchen that's why we're not about to do it here we're going to do it in the kitchen cook now come on i'm going to show you yeah yeah i haven't been in the pet kitchen yet have they welcome to the pet kitchen oh my boy show how it's done lad right this cost me five pounds a box two for ten pounds so if we break that down it is just over one pound 25 pence per mango i don't know if this is that mango though i don't think it is but we're gonna try it anyway so normally you just make it soft you go around it everything with patience with a bit of love you start going faster than you think you're going to get a mango like squished and produced to you popped up to you in like 30 seconds no it's not gonna happen slowly gotta break them fibres down in it gotta make sure you don't damage the skin of the manga another one this one another one [Laughter] right it's getting there right i think it's nearly ready a little bit harder at the bar this is just a demonstration one yeah she'll put it so to show you what comes out of it this would have gone into my mouth this is not the right mango i don't think for it it might be look the please come out now as well so there's a lot of good mango in here but what we do with this one now is what we have here now is just the pot yeah this is this is what we work for so all of that this is what it boils down to so let's have a look i think it's better if we just slice it yeah don't tell anyone about what happened here uh don't do this at home it's just very messy and not worth it and a waste of a mango my mango idea i'm gonna be honest with you wasn't the best of ideas they're not ripe enough okay so just to quickly wrap up saying that i'm gonna drop off evo spider yeah uh we're gonna drop off uh wraith uh both check sheets are done so it's just simple drop-offs and we are good to go so guys i hope you've enjoyed this week's la weekly it's been a another interesting week yeah the boys have been at it it's been good in the office alhamdulillah we are flat out again this weekend we had about two cars sitting back we had one cancellation all of which have been turned around and are on their way out to new clients so yeah very excited to get the cars out make sure you follow me on instagram if you don't already to keep up with behind the scenes i'm gonna be doing some rallies some road trips and that sort of stuff in the future so it's best that you do follow me on my instagram to keep up to date daily as opposed to weekly on youtube on the stories you'll see some sneak peeks of the weeklies anyway guys hope you've enjoyed today's video make sure you subscribe share and like for more content and we'll see you soon for more fun videos if you guys want to see these weeklies and you want them to continue we need 300 000 views on average that's what you want i think we can do more in charlotte but anyway guys hope you've enjoyed today's video make sure you subscribe share and like and post i'll let you end the video off take easy guys god bless
Channel: Lord Aleem
Views: 253,920
Rating: 4.9221921 out of 5
Id: hoxeZ-NVch8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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