LoRa Image and Video transmission wireless | ML on EdgeX

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hey yo what is the base occur share back with another video and yes you read it right today we will be transmitting images or videos over a hundred kilometers this is possible using the technique known as Laura if you're not familiar with laura technique go check this video out this is the most popular video of mine with explaining what laura is basically in a nutshell you can transmit data over or hundreds of kilometres using small modules like these and there's no need of internet or GPS or GPRS force this for transmitting data or satellite communication as well so laura in itself is like magic do check that out video from here so for capturing images and video will be using a camera like this this is the SP 32 cam which has a camera over here i've done a video on this as well do check that out from here all the all the relevant links for the video will be in the description box below do check them out bus but today we will not be using these modules we will be using a module from match x math check sent me over this beautiful product of theirs it has a camera it has a good three inch display antenna for laura and what not so if you are interested in doing this or knowing about this product stay tuned to the video I have got many PCBs manufactured from PCB a.com they are the leading PCB manufacturers from China they offer ten PCBs for five dollars only they offer fast turnaround times as fast as 24 hours apart from getting PCB manufacture you can get pure PCBs assembled from them for just $30 do check them out for your PCB winter needs they always have some offer or competition running on their website their link will be in the description box below so the folks over at match X checked out my lot of videos they were impressed by it and they sent over their brand new product which is the edge X and this is a very fascinating product as using only this handheld device you will be able to transmit image and video data over Laura yes we will be not really transmitting images and videos entirely over Laura because as we all know Laura has that limited bandwidth but the folks at match X has made this possible kind of possible you may say using ml and AI so what they do is basically extract the data from the images and video which is relevant from images and video and then they transmit that over Laura this has a variety of applications but before jumping into the applications let's take a closer look at the edge X so the edge X right now is using a 3d printed case which is like very beautiful and robust which was also provided to me by the folks over at match X but if we look at the d condensed form of the device we have a display which is connected using a display port over here to the mainboard we also have a SD card slot over here at the bottom we can't access the SD card slot over here because it's fixed inside there are a number of ICS present then we have the USB type-c for connecting this to power or and for programming purposes we have a reset button or programmable button then we have a camera over here it is a good quality camera as seen in the ESP 32 module as well apart from that we have some connectors we have a switch here as well this is the power switch who gets a physical power switch which I like then over here you have the main module which is their edge ex development module the board that you see at the outside is basically a development board but the main hearts of their product is over here that is connected using a pigtailed connector over here to the antenna connector SMA antenna connector over here we have a microphone here as well other than that we have a flashlight over here which can be used to indicate different things there are a lot of GPIO pins as well so you can program the HX to like control many hardware devices according to the signal received on the edge X and there are two to three chips they claim that they have a neural network accelerator on board in this chip which basically is very good for AI stuff and now that we have taken a look at this let's quickly power this on and let's see what we can do with it so our type-c adapter over here and as soon as I power lit the light goes on here and in the and as we can see the camera is on its like recording the stuff that is present around me so because there is nothing present around me which is like pretty significant but I will put in pictures over here of its object detection so moving on quickly to how this functions and what essentially this does so our edge X device which is from match X basically consists of these blocks and these are connected to the central data processing unit we may say basically what happens is for the input side we have a camera which is present over here we have a mic which is present over here by using the camera and mic as our input devices we feed and data to the AI ml data processor that is present over here which they call as the neural network accelerator as well this is by by only this setup we are able to do things like audio analysis video analysis and image analysis so all that data from these two answers you may say goes into the data processor it processes the image video and audio that it receives and it gives a simple lower-weight data it gives in simple binary ones and zeros only relevant data so for example you have a car coming in now what we can do is we can using this camera take the picture of that cars number plate recognize its number and only send that data to the through the Laura module to the other matrix or your gateway so for example you will be able to send the data present in the picture which is the number plate and the number of the car to hundreds and kilometers of distance without even using internet or any paid subscription over Laura doesn't that sound very amazing now the data flows in like this then the display is an output device so data from the AI MLP data processor goes on to the display and the Laura is a two-way connection either the data can go out from the AI ml data processor to the Laura and through the antenna to the world for utilize and the other way around as well because this is a transceiver module the Laura module that we have in the match x edge X then when the data comes in through the antenna to the Laura module then the Laura module can send that data to the data processor this data processor also controls the GPIO pins present over here and which we can display it on the display connected to the edge X as well this is a very fantastic device I have done a couple of projects using this and the response for me is pretty much amazing so there are a lot of applications that you can use and one was as I said card detection then you can detect the numbers other than that you can detect objects using this you can detect people and once you are able to detect people basically you capture their images on the camera you have a pre trained model set in the data processor once that happens you you have a person coming in hundreds of kilometers apart you using Laura can know their name if that's processed already in the edge X so the edge X is basically not a very unique device but the combination that is possesses of Laura the camera the AI technique ml fancy technique that is uses it basically blows my mind offs and this is kind of the product that I was using and maybe before I knew about this edge X I was kind of trying to make it using a Laura and the ESP 32 it was a bit challenging because I had to include a Raspberry Pi or Nvidia Jetson Nano because of the AI and m/l processing powers that the Jetson nano has but nope this is a much better option because mmm I just need to program it I don't have to care about the connections because it's already done over there and I just need to plug and play over this so this was my first look at the HX from match X do let me know guys if you're interested in taking a look at projects if you want me to build maybe projects using the match exile can surely do that over video depending on the response and the love from you guys if you want some videos on the edge X drop them down in the comment section below and this is all from my side today thanks for watching subscribe to our channel if you haven't allow also hit the bell icon to Spain the two doctors on mingle [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CETech
Views: 242,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LoRa, camera, esp32, Image, Video, long range, rf, radio, transmission, matchx, edgex, bandwidth, semtech, Ai, e32, arduino, esp8266, raspberry pi
Id: 4J2ihHOnlD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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