Lora tutorial | Getting started with lora | What is LoRa features | LoRa introduction | LoRaWAN

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hey yo what is up guys are kershel back with another video and today we are going to see what is Laura I must tell you Laura plays a very important part in the Internet of Things community these days because this is an emerging technology so to be to give an example I will say that using Laura you can transfer data from one point to other point and these points can be tens of hundreds of kilometers apart and you can do all this without any real 4G 3G GSM or Wi-Fi or Internet this is a different type of wireless technology if that excites you keep watching this video let's get started so starting with the basics this is the logo that you might have seen if you are aware of Laura and this is a trademark sign and this Laura technology or protocol is owned by a company called Sam tech so Laura is a short form or so this consists of two words L o and are a law for stands for long and last hands for range what can we do using this so suppose in the Internet of Things platform you have a sensor node somewhere here and you need its data at some place over here so this is suppose you're home and you need to transfer this data over here so if the distance is like say 2 meters so it's like just in the outside of your house so you might use Wi-Fi for this application yep why not but what if I say that this distance is not 2 meter but is 200 meters or maybe 500 meters what solution will you apply you might use you may say that you will apply or you will add a GSM module to this and this will work for 200 500 or any distance for that matter because GSM wherever you have the network coverage it will work so alternated to GSM comes in Laura there are modules available like this for Laura you will just connect Laura to the sensor node and you will also add one Laura over here and that will do the work I will tell you more that how Laura works but Laura is very useful in distant applications where the distance is large and the data that has to be sent is less so one good feature is that you can achieve very large distances 500-meter is very easy if you use a better antenna or better line-of-sight and things like that you can achieve this distances to up to up to 100 kilometers yes that is correct you can achieve distances up to hundred kilometers with Laura so but the disadvantage is that you need to use less data you need to send less data at one time so talking about data the maximum data rate for Laura is 50 kbps sorry kbps so this is bits so things like video transmission is not possible but what is possible is transferring sensor data so this so sensor may be a humidity sensor or a temperature sensor or a light sensor whatever it may be so this type of data does not change very rapidly in certain conditions so there you can apply Laura so now talking of the main advantages it is long range also one thing is you can achieve very good battery life out of this so low power also so where you can use GSM as well GSM or 4G or any of that thing or Wi-Fi consumes a lot of power Laura consumes a very little power like 10 milliamps 20 milliamps max while while transmitting or receiving in certain modes while the disadvantage for Laura is that the data rate is limited so by saying this I say that the bandwidth is also limited so taking a typical application of this so suppose I have a form so that is my form I represented by green color and I have a home which is far from my farm again a poor drawing of my home and the distance is like say 2 kilometers and I need to see I need to monitor humidity at all times of my farm for 4 different points so what I will do is add a humidity sensor connected to Laura and we'll use obviously a microcontroller and add a battery for it now this flora will be connected to a Laura at home now in this case Laura is low power consumption microcontroller can go to sleep after taking consecutive readings like every one minute or every 2 minutes or whatever the use case is and we achieve a good distance we can power this entire systems with batteries and we can also achieve a good battery life that is this entire system can be entirely powered by batteries up to one year yes one year with a one lipo battery these tests have been performed distance tests have been performed the battery life has been performed so this is very much applicable in situations like this now moving on to their technical aspects so you might ask that is Laura magic dotted does so long distances and it does not consume power how can I do that no it is not magic it is pure science I will tell you the science behind the main thing behind it is CSS CSS is chopped spread-spectrum so this is a modulation technique what modulation is that the signal that you have is changed in such a way that it gives better features so chopped spread-spectrum or CSS is a modulation technique that is mainly used for Laura for better understanding let's directly compare Laura with LTE so the first thing we will see is modulation technique sold so Laura uses CSS as I told you and this uses FDMA FD ms frequency division multiplexing access the second thing we will see is data rate the maximum data rate we can achieve with Laura is 50 kilobits per second while LT is much faster you can stream videos etc with 10 Mbps one technical term is link budget link budget for Laura is around 154 DBM while link budget for LD is around 130 DBM you might ask what is link budget yes I will tell you that link budget is just like pocket money the more you have the better so in this case link was it say suppose there is an antenna transmitter over here this will radiate signals all over the place and there will be things in between so there will be blockages and your trance and your receiver will be at a far distance from the transmitter so more the link budget of these signal or the technology or the modulation technique that is used in this antenna while transmitting the signals the better the capability of that signal will reach reach at the receiver so according to that clinician you can obviously understand that as Laura has the better link was it then LT it helped it has definitely a better range and a better capability of transferring signals with this link budget and taking ideal conditions we can calculate range to be around 1300 kilometers but as this is ideal case there are many attenuations that happen in the wire that is used in transmission and there are blockages in between etc etc so we do not get this range because this is ideal we get a lesser range but this is a very good link budget that we get for a such a cheap price so the main trade-off is the data rate and the Atari it is directly or linked with the bandwidth so more the bandwidth so I'll abbreviate the bandwidth with PW so more the bandwidth lesser more the data rate the bandwidth of the channel is the amount the amount you can send at one time so here I have a bandwidth versus range chart where I will use which I will use to compare different technologies so here I have made four boxes which I will fill out the first one is Wi-Fi the most popular for makers in IOT so Wi-Fi has a very high bandwidth you can obtain very high speed internet connections using Wi-Fi but the range again is too small for Wi-Fi on the other hand for the same range we have Bluetooth so Bluetooth but has a lesser bandwidth you cannot stream videos whether it is maximum to maximum you can stream audio whether that also medium quality this works with a good range and a good bandwidth is 4G LTE GSM etc so on this side with higher bandwidth on this side and on this side so this will be 4G this will be 2g and all mobile networks basically but this box is the special box that we are studying about this has Laura in it so what Laura can do it can provide very high range but for a lower bandwidth so in Laura you can also play with the bandwidth so you can select your bandwidth and according to the bandwidth you can change the range so if your bandwidth if you increase your bandwidth your range decreases so you can select your bandwidth according to your range but selecting the bandwidth is a special case as you need to see how much data you need to send and according to that you need to select your bandwidth apart from this you might have heard about Laura Alliance and Laura van these are two terms that you also need when learning about Laura so Laura alliance are the set of the companies or many companies which support Laura and which used Laura and they have networks for Laura on the other hand Laura van is a Laura network which spread over a wide area so this happens using or Laura van Gately so what a gator does it connects Laura with 4G as an Internet if you have a big area so this is like say a hundred kilometres by hundred kilometers so we will have gateways so we will have gateways some-some somewhere here we are there and all the sensor nodes will connect due to these gateways using Laura technology and these nodes will be connected to internal territory these are like base station towers in mobile networks so these will connect to the internet and all the data from the sensors will be directly uploaded to the internet now these Laura van gateways can be applied to types it's commercially and Hobbie style so commercially companies use this to run their products to transfer data to their products hope according to hobby wise or you miss a community wife you can use Laura van using a site called the things Network so using the things network you can access a Laura van gateway all the people general public have their gateways installed you can send data to their gateways and vice versa you can also set your gateways I pray I recommend you do that so that you also contribute to the community that is important to make the things network a successful platform things network is also a part of Laura alliance so now moving from the technical part to the interesting hardware part so there are many modules that you can purchase I will mention all the links in the description below which you should which you can buy to get started so this is the basic module have done it upside down because it was an SMD part and I had to solder it on a perf board so this is re to R is 0-2 which consists of a same tech sx one seven six eight if I am NOT wrong and I have made a project also so this so this is a basic water transmitter module which sends out packet and this was my first project so I didn't even use a proper antenna I just used a wire and it still works perfectly fine so it has an OLED display or battery allora module on esp8266 and it just transfers packets to range around it and that is a lower transmitter will make this on our channel stay tuned to our channel other module is so this module is connected to the esp8266 using an SPI mosy miso s CK pins a similar this one is 4 4 3 3 megahertz frequency and the RS 0 - I bought this module which is the 915 megahertz module from DF robot and this is a fire beetle series so you can just solder pins and plug it in on an esp8266 very useful if you are not into soldiering and stuff we will do a video on this as well and this is the Laura module again this is the 890 megahertz frequency module and this has a microcontroller built in so you can use this directly as a UART device so there is Rx and TX pins which directly sends in and data etc so you can control this device using eighty commands this is a device from this is a module from Reax I will mention both the links for the fire beetle from DF robot and this reacts module in the description below you can purchase this we will use all of this stuff you make laura gateways will have a lot of fun with Laura so stay tuned to the channel subscribe to the channel hit like if you liked our video comment down below to know what should I make with Laura and if you have any doubts [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CETech
Views: 171,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lora, long range, esp8266, esp32, the things network, ttn, mqtt, gateway, lorawan, loraalliance, spreading factor, sx1278, semtech, firebeetle, ra-02, ra02, reyax
Id: jp_2gwBrQc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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