Loops Actions in Power Automate Desktop

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hey everybody Dave here today we're going to look at the loops group of actions in power automate desktop like I've said in a couple other videos I think the loops and flow control and the conditionals those really should all be part of one group of actions called flow control so let's go ahead and continue with our looking at various actions just specifically in this case looking at Loops like for each Loop and loop condition we're going to start with a for each Loop and the way that I want to show you this is by interacting with the file system because I think that it's a common use case that you'll need to do that and what it does is when you retrieve a list of files from your computer it's going to give you a list automatically and that's one of the things that you can Loop over when using a four each but when I start this off I want to point out that this for each will say value to iterate that means you have to point to a variable and then you can iterate or Loop over that thing and do something with each item that is inside of it there are only three types of variables that work for this there is a list a data row and a data table I'm going to show you each of those not quite in order I guess we'll do list then data table then data row but I'm going to start off with a list here so I'm going to cancel this I want to show you a folder that I have created it doesn't really matter where you do this if you're reproducing these steps for yourself but inside of a folder I have an Excel file a document like a Word document and then two access databases there's nothing really inside of any of these I just named them whatever and what I did though is I created an access database I made sure it's above 100 kilobytes because I'm gonna later I'm going to delete files that are over 100 kilobytes I duplicated that access database and then I named the duplicate with the words never delete and I'm going to use that in a few minutes here I wanted to point that out in case you need it and then I do have the source files right here so I can copy them paste them back in here in case I delete any files now in that same location we're gonna get files in folder and then I'm going to put that file path right there let me go grab that copy this we'll paste it here and then I'm not going to change anything else it is going to produce a variable called files now let me save this I'm gonna run it real quick and I want to show you that the type of this variable is called list it does say list of files and that's fair but the important part is that first part it's got to say list of something or it needs to say data table here or it would say data row if it doesn't say any of those things then you cannot use a for each on it next let's grab a for each action and then the value to iterate is going to be that files variable and then there's a store into where it says current item already and you can leave it like that but I like to change it first to you know make sense for whatever I'm doing I'm going to change this to file because as I iterate over this this for each is going to give me a variable that represents one item inside of that list and each item inside of that list is a file so I'm going to save this now when I run this it is going to Loop over this however many files that I have but let's do something with it so let's delete file right here and I'm just going to put the variable file and Save and then I'm going to run this let's actually step I'm going to hit F10 on my keyboard okay so it got our files here's our list of files there's four of them starting with index base zero one two three now as I step over this you're going to be able to see each one get deleted because it is looping over this list of files it should delete a one it deletes the next and the next one and the next one so that's basically how to use a four each it's not that complicated there's a little more to it sometimes I wanted to show you this use case because it's a little bit different than what you might use in some other cases like if you have a list of text items well you know you might have to do something different with those but this is a special kind of list it contains a specific file type that exists in power automate desktop called a file and each item you can see you can click more and then it has a bunch of different properties in it so let me show you using those properties in case you are trying to use a for each specifically for files so let's change this I want to point out like what was it you had like a a few different properties so we've got a DOT full name so you see it has the full file path I could actually put that here file that full name and then I could save that I could do the same thing let me actually go get my files again and we could do the same thing and run it and it'll delete all of our files looping through them using file.full name you in this case can just use file and it will automatically pull the full name and that's why that works so now though let's say that we don't want to delete everything let's use an if statement and we're going to use one of the properties of the file so file Dot size greater than and the file size is in bytes so we need to do a hundred thousand bytes equals 100 kilobytes so if it's greater than 100 kilobytes then I want to delete the files so let me go grab these again and we'll run it this time actually I'm going to step through and you're going to see that this time only if it is over a hundred kilobytes will it even go inside this if statement and it will delete the file so it deleted one of the access databases deleted the other access database okay at this point let's go a little bit further with it before we move on from this use case let me go get my other files okay let's say that we don't want to delete certain files that are um you know have certain words in them here's where we can use another action in our Loops group of actions we can use the next Loop so let's do let's copy this if and we'll put it above and I'm going to change this to use a different property and actually at this point let me show you that in in addition to doing like dot let's see what do I want think I want a name or something yeah dot name we could do yeah let's do dot name okay so you can do file.name but you can also treat it like it is like a data table or a data row or something put single quotes with square brackets around it like that to access the property normally this is just for columns but it works in both ways like this and then we want to go with if it contains never delete ignore case and we could just put it in lowercase here it doesn't matter okay so if it contains never delete then we want to skip doing this next set of logic so we can put in next Loop right here and it will jump from here all the way to the end and go to the next item in the list so let's go F10 and what we should see is the first one doesn't contain ever delete so it goes down here but it's also not greater than 100 kilobytes same thing for the second file the third file does not contain the words another never delete so skip over that but it is greater than 100 kilobytes so it's going to delete the file and now this fourth one though I guess technically the third one now contains never delete yes so it's going to go to next Loop and it's going to jump all the way to the end and if we had more files it would loop back up and we would work on that more but now it's done with the list now let's look at how to Loop over a data table using a for each Loop in power automate desktop I want to go over to the loops section and I'm going to use this for each the value to iterate over to whatever it is you point to and you're going to Loop over and do something with each item inside of it it has to be one of three data types it has to be a list a data table or a data row I'm going to click cancel versus a second and we're going to go create a data table real quick there are multiple ways to do this but just for testing purposes we'll go into the variables and then data table group and pull over create new data table and then what we can do is click edit and we'll just uh create some random data let's add some rows okay and uh let's say that one of these has my name in it and something else here let's save that and save so it's going to produce a variable called data table let's actually change that I just want it to be named something different table now we have a data table and I could run this and I'll show you that it populates it with this data and it's you know looks really awful maybe we could have done a little better on the data that we put inside here but you know let's just run with it you can see right here that the data type is called data table so that is one of those three types that works for a four each so now we can go over and grab our for each action and the value to iterate is our data table so let's grab the table variable now as we Loop over this it's going to store something some data some you know each item inside of that data table is going to be put into here and instead of calling it current item I want to call it what it is now if you didn't know what comes out of a data table you can just test it and find out but I've already tested it so I know that it's going to be a row so I'm going to go ahead and name this row but let me run this real quick and it's going to Loop over the table we can open up the row though and see that the data type is data row and this is the third data type that you can use a for each with but we're not actually doing for each on this just yet I'm going to close this and let's just use a set variable for now and I want to call this um value and we're going to get a value out of the data table but remember when you are looping over a data table so a table right here you're going to get a row out of it and for each row you can do something so I need to point to the row right here row dot oh wait not not row dot we want row with our square bracket and then single quote column two and then we can set the value here I'm going to pin this and then I'm going to run this and you'll see the value change as it Loops through and there you go so that's how you could access data from inside of a data table that's getting data from the data table let's say you wanted to update it let me grab an if statement because we don't want to just change them all and let's say if if the value if value is equal to let's go with contains the the letter s ignore the case then we want to um then we want to change the casing of it so take maybe lowercase and change to uppercase or whatever so let's just take the value and convert it to uppercase and we'll just put the value right back into value and then once we do that let's say we want to update the data table itself so we'll we'll set variable but instead this time instead of getting the value out of here we want to set the value into there and then we'll put value back into it okay so if this is confusing don't worry that's okay I'm confusing myself so let's I'm going to hit F10 on my keyboard step over we created our data table so if I look in here I think we're looking to do something with column two if it contains the letter s it should convert it to uppercase and then it should set the value back into the data table now I think that this actually won't work yeah so maybe this is a good time for you to learn this too for each row in data table assign to a variable called value the value that's in the column two in the row so it put ASDF and then if the value contains an S which it does then go in here change the text to uppercase so it did that and then set the value back into the row okay it did that so if we look in this row it is updated right but the problem is if I go into the data table it's not updated so um this is is it is interesting that it is like this because I don't know of a way to set the row back into the data table I I actually yeah I'm not really sure what you do about that there's probably a way but I don't know what it is uh to to actually set the value directly back into the data table you would have to do something like this table and then like you know whatever whatever row you're on so let's just um let's run it back to here real quick okay now it's gonna set into index two which is actually the wrong row I think that's going to be a second row and in column two I can go into the table now and you can see that it updated it right here so you can see it to the wrong row but anyways so it's a little bit weird using a four each on a data table in power automate desktop I I I don't know if I want to leave this maybe I'll leave this for the video hopefully I'm not confusing anyone but what I wanted to show is that you can Loop over this and you can do some things with it but you need to sort of check the output check what's happening to your variables because it may not be what you expect you might be thinking oh well if I change the value in the row then that should update the data table but this row is effectively a totally separate variable from what is in this table right here and there are different ways multiple ways actually to update the table there are data table actions in the variables group up here like this update data data table item the problem with that is that you have to use column and row numbers and the best way to do this is with something like a for Loop or a loop action and we'll get to that in a few minutes so you know for each exists in here but I would say right now there's not a ton of things you can do with it unless all you're trying to do is read data out of it before we move on though I'm going to change this Val this what I've broken right here back to row and let's make this a little bit less complicated I guess um let's not set it back into the row and we're just going to say that we are updating the value we retrieved out of the row and then you know we're gonna change the case up to uppercase and then we'll do something else with it but for now we're not actually going to do anything with it so let me step back through this so we know what we're doing create a data table for each row we're going to extract the value from the second column well from column two and then if it contains an S then change the value to uppercase but it's only going to change the value in this in this variable right here it's not actually going to change it in the row or even in the data table right now anyways and then it would do this for all of the rows so every row that contains an s in that column eventually we should come across this one does not have an S and so it skips and it goes to the end here and then another way to do it while we're at it so I'm going to drag this action out I'm going to go get another action the next Loop so let's put this here you can check it like this so let's say you want to put the you know some complicated logic down here and you don't want to put it inside of an if statement and more power to you I think that's a good idea so you have some things you want to do with it but there are certain cases where you don't want to mess with that value and you want to leave it alone in this case what we'll do is if the value contains an S then we are going to go to the next Loop so we'll skip everything that's below here so let's do F10 I'm going to be pressing that you'll see it's going to skip it and skips it and skips it now I've I guess I've reversed the logic but that's okay this is basically saying if it contains an S then we're not going to do this stuff down here so that's actually fine and then it should get eventually to the RPA guy and it doesn't have an S so it doesn't go to the next Loop which means it continues on its path and it gets to change text case changes to uppercase again not setting it back into the table and then keeps looping let's actually add a little bit more columns to our table to this um I'll type some other random letters like this and then let's say that for some reason we don't want to just Loop over the rows in a data table we also want to Loop over all of the individual columns maybe we're doing something with all the data Maybe we're checking all of the data or something but you can do that so let's grab another for each and put it let's say down here and then the value to iterate so remember we looped over the table in the first place got a row we're inside of that for each Loop the way to Loop over a row is to point at the row and what will we get out of that is a column now it doesn't matter what I name this it's going to come out as a column regardless or a data column so technically I could just call this value kind of like that we're going to take this and call it value and now though we don't need this anymore so let's delete it we need to let's let's get rid of this because it's complicating things so for each row in the table for each value in the row we are going to change the text case to uppercase I'm going to hit F10 and talk about it as I go so we're creating the data table here's what it looks like four columns five six rows okay we are looping over the table we got the first row so the first row looks like this it's got all the columns and then it has these four values once we Loop into this and we say for each value in the row which is a column each column in the row it's going to give us a value here so let me go back and look at the row you can see the first one is an a and then if I keep going Loop in again second value was ASDF and then I loop again j-i-l so it's getting us that value that's in the columns and so it's going to go for every single row it's going to then look at every single column so I don't know how often you really need to Loop into a data table and then Loop through all the columns in a data row but Power automate desktop does make it possible to do that and really it's going to be up to you to determine scenarios where you feel like that's useful I personally don't think I've ever needed to do that except for when I'm trying to clean up data which there are other ways to do that but I think that's valid so if for example you wanted to make sure all of the values in your data table are in uppercase then maybe you could do this but like I mentioned a couple minutes ago is that it is hard to change the values in the data table in the original data table by doing this this is really only useful for reading so you would need to be like putting this data somewhere else that's about it for for each Loops I don't think they're that hard to use but let me know in the comments if there's something I didn't answer and or explain but I think that it's something you can probably just figure out by testing and I showed you a few different use cases or a few different uses of the looping over different kinds of things like list data tables and data rows next let's go ahead and keep using a data table but instead of looping over it with a for each loop we're going to use a what I'm going to call a for Loop or this Loop action in power automate and what it's looking for is a number for you to start from a number for you to go to and then it wants to know how much to add to the number as it increments so it's going to start at one and then go to two then three and eventually when it reaches or what you'll see is actually it seems like when it exceeds this number it's going to stop looping what this should do is Loop 10 times so let's run this one two three four okay I can't count that but I believe that it looped 10 times if for some reason it actually looped 11 times well you'd want to account for that in your development but I think it just simply incremented it at the end and it actually only looped 10 times Let's uh you know let's test it let's go set variable count and then count plus one we probably want to set count to zero to begin with oops and then now we should discover is how many times it actually ran okay so you can see that it only actually ran this set variable action 10 times rather than the 11 like the loop index shows and that's just because I think when it gets to the end here it's doing its step like it's incrementing its Loop index one more time even though you're not actually going back up again now let's um let's look at an example let me get a create data table action and let's put that in here actually I'm going to delete this stuff because we don't really need it now okay let's uh let's add a column and then we'll just put some random information in here you know this is this is information this is data hopefully I don't type anything weird accidentally and let's save that so let's go get a loop action and what we're going to start from is zero because We're looping over a data table for our first example here and what we want to Loop to is based upon whatever's in that data table so I can go over to the variables and grab data table dot rows count and I believe since we're starting from zero and let's say that there are four rows in here we're starting at index 0 and that's zero one two three so we want to end on three so we're going to go minus one because this is going to be rows count four minus 1 is 3. okay and then we want to increment by one the variable it produces in in each one is going to be Loop index um let's call this row number and then let's just make sure that row number will make sense so how many rows do we have we have four rows okay so it's correct so it should be row numbers should go to it was Zero the first time one the second time to the SEC third time and three the fourth time it is gonna go to four but that doesn't actually count it's not running it it's just incrementing the value at the end since we are using a counter for this we can do something like set variable now I would just have to use our imaginations like this value is going to go somewhere we'll set the value and we're going to get let's see data table and which the the row that we're dealing with is going to be based upon our Loop index which we called row number and then the column name I guess we'll just go with like column actually it doesn't matter we'll go Within index nah let's name it let's go to column one okay and if I run this you'll see that it's going to get the value each time it goes through it got these values in order and it should be the last one should be this one that ends with htrs yeah right here so you can use a for Loop or a loop action to to Loop over a data table if you needed to the reason this is especially helpful is that whereas with the for each Loop there was the problem of like how do I update the data table well with the for Loop you've got the row count that you're on you know exactly where the data is in the data table so you can just update so let me get this and we'll do the same thing as before we'll change the case of the value we're going to take value and change it to uppercase and we'll actually just store it back into value for a second but then we will update the data table so we're just going to flip these around put this here and take value out and put it here so just flip them backwards so instead of getting the value out of here sticking it into here we're going the other way around we're going to get the value out of value and put it back into the data table so let's this time I'm going to use F10 so I can just stop at any point okay so right now we have extracted the first row column one and then we've changed it to uppercase right here but if I look in the data table we haven't updated it just yet but right here is where it should change so I step one time and it should have taken the value and stuck it right here and now it's updated now I'll do it a few more times do two more times we'll open up the data table you can see it's updated this right here so this is this is what I find probably to be the best way to work with a data table using Loops is going to be this for Loop because it gives you a counter that you can deal with now what if you want to deal with the columns I don't know necessarily why you'd want to do this but just to you know to be I guess fair to the possibility I'm going to copy this and paste and now instead of dealing with the row number we're going to deal with the column number so we're going to Loop over the the rows as well so we're going to start from zero and we want to go data tables datatable dot column count or something but I don't actually remember what that's called so it says data table dot columns.count so we're going to have to type that datatable.collums dot count wait can I just I'm done I can just click that whoa okay that's confusing let's let's try that again data table dot columns dot count but more than likely we want a minus one anytime we're starting with an index of zero and then the variable we're going to repeat we're going to produce is column number and then let's go get these paste it into here we do have to change this a little bit so instead of this being column one we want to Loop through all of the columns so let's put column number and the same thing over here we want to set it back into column number like this save it and then now we should be good to go I'm going to hit F10 a few times okay this is the first row so we should go into here and we can see that it updated yeah it updated Row one column one when I go over this again remember this inner loop is the is the looping Over The Columns of the first row go into the data table we'll see that it's updated just the first two and now it's updated the first entire row of column one two and three now if I Loop up here a few times it's in eventually you see it drop down to this end stage and it's going to go back up to here and now we're doing is the next row so you can see row number is one which is actually the second row because we're zero based index and then it's going to you know I didn't think about this is it going to reset the column number it does okay so it reset the column number for us and this is one of the reasons I that a for Loop is so useful is that it's it's kind of self-contained it's giving you the variables that it needs it's doing the incrementing you don't have to deal with that yourself okay so we'll just kind of run this through to the end you see it's looping what like three times for every row because there's three columns in every row and now we open up the data table and it has changed every single value to your Capital so you could do this to clean up data it was something I was going to say and I think that that's fair I I think there might be other ways to do it but this is like pretty easy and I think that even a novice could handle this it might be a little confusing at first but with a little bit of practice dealing with this Loop and dealing with the concept of starting from this number and going to this number and then passing that variable those variables for row number and column number into something like this then that'll work out what I would encourage you to do and I think that will help you a lot to learn this because you might even be looking at what I've just done and go like Dave that didn't help me at all like fair I'm not blaming you for that uh name your variables in a way that will make sense to you so maybe column maybe row number doesn't make sense to you maybe you want to call it something else or a column number maybe you like the word field whatever call it something that makes sense to you because the easier that the variables are named the quicker it is going to be to internalize it in your mind for how this is working and then you'll be able to reproduce it later now this next action we are going to test this out using a concept or I guess a use case or whatever an example that I'm definitely stealing from Anders Jensen so I appreciate it I looked up on your videos and I was like trying to think what what's a good example of how to use a while loop why would you use that and I can think of tons of examples but usually it's like a real example and I would need to do a bunch of extra stuff and he showed just using a user input form and I was like good it's great I didn't think about that so anyway I stole that idea let's go ahead and start by grabbing a Loop condition and this is a while loop and what we're going to do is we're going to go with user input equal to oh wait no just is empty no okay you can't that's interesting you can't do is empty um I think we want to Loop we want to Loop while the user input is empty so I'm going to put an empty string so percent and then two single quotes and then percents save that and then it's saying that the user input doesn't exist so I don't know that I necessarily have to do this but I'm going to do it just in case we're going to call this user inputs and we will set the value to empty to begin with and then we can see if I run this it's going to Loop forever because user input is always going to be empty and so I want to do something that will change that at some point if I haven't said this already a loop condition is for the purpose of looping forever that's why you can call it a while loop actually it says while right here why is it not just called a while loop anyways you while something is true you continue to do something inside of here okay so let me go grab a custom form I love these custom forms best update in power automate so we need a text input the label is going to be uh provide a value to stop and I think we need two buttons actually we need a submit button and I guess they're both submit buttons technically so I think we want the cancel button on the right so the submit to is going to become cancel and I'm actually going to change its title to cancel as well submit I want this to be okay and okay that way I don't have to deal with the confusing confusion between the ID and the title and uh whenever we click this I assume one of these values comes out of it I can't remember which one but it's either going to be this or this oh and then this value variables produced a custom object containing the user's input and button pressed okay now let's see custom we might have to run this once to get a value so let's put a break point run it and then let's click ok custom form data is a custom object and it has a property called text input can I change that I can Okay so let's just go input like this save it and then I think that what we can do is set variable yeah we can set the variable user input and we get custom form data Dot input syntax error um because oh I need it's not I guess it's not a property it's like a it's like a field column seems like it should be a property though but okay let's run this and what it should do is pop up right here I'm just click OK and then what it should do is take what I gave it and set that value into user input so then when I loop again by pressing F10 it's going to evaluate this again user input is equal to empty yes it is well it's going to go again Ask me the question this time I'm going to say test okay and it should take that value put it into custom form data input and then now I'm going to take the value out of custom form data input and put it into user input so now it's here and then when I Loop up again it's going to say while user input is empty and since now it's no longer empty it's going to leave the loop so I'm going to Unbreak it and then we'll just test this a little bit click OK click OK and we can just keep doing this forever and that's really the point is if you don't know how many times you need to Loop then a while loop is your best friend an example of a time where I will use this is if there is some I'll go ahead and click cancel now oh you know what that's another thing is what if you don't want to provide a value okay I'll go ahead and finish my thought one way that I'll use this a lot of times is um I will have something like uh you know a flow that I just trigger and it just sits there waiting for me to to trigger it waits for me to press certain Keys when I press that it runs some flow but then once it's done running that it goes back to a waiting State and the best way well anyway to do that is with a while loop so that it just keeps going to the top so let me go ahead and uh click cancel and let's let's see here what I want to do is change this so that if if cancel is pressed then we stop the flow so if button pressed is equal to cancel then we want to stop low like this so now I could click OK and it'll keep going because if button press does not equal to cancel it'll keep going but as soon as I click cancel it's going to stop and that's one way to get out of a while loop let me delete stop flow The Last Action we haven't gone over is exit Loop right here so I'm going to drop that in the same place that I had the stop flow then we'll run that now and in this case it's going to have the same it's going to have the same effect as stop flow it's just that I don't have any more logic down below here so let me maybe put something like this at the end put a break point just to show you that stop flow and it do not work the same okay let's put uh let's put cancel and then we exit Loop so it jumped down to end didn't go back up in Loop anymore and it goes down and now we're still running we have other things that we need to do so that is a while loop and I think this is going to be one of those things where you just need to get experience with building flows and as you come across more situations that you need to automate more use cases and stuff you will find times when you need to use a while loop or whatever and you just need to try to force yourself to use it and you'll start to kind of know immediately which one you want to use when you come across that scenario so let me show you one more thing about a while loop or a loop condition you can set it like this first operand true and a second operand true this will always be true so what we've built is an infinite Loop so we can run like this forever and that's where you know there might be some situation where you want to detect it and use a an exit Loop in order to exit it so in this case if I ran it it would immediately exit because it got to this and then it left the loop instantly the last thing that I want to show you is that you can do some kind of advanced things I don't know that I'd really call this Advanced necessarily but there might be times where you come across a data type called list of lists I'm going to go add item to list and this is just going to automatically create a list for us you know what I need I need a for Loop let's go get a loop right here I want to loop from 1 to 10 increment by one save and then I need to add item yeah add item to a list so what we're going to do is create for ourselves a list I'm going to add the loop index so let's say um the number and then it's going to be one two three four five six into list I think we just have to create one because one doesn't exist some list okay so what I can do is run this and you'll see it should add 10 items to my list and this is something that you could use a for each loop on because it says list of text values but something you might come across sometimes is a list of lists and so that's what I want to create right now so let's take once we've done this I think we want to I think I'm just going to cheat a little bit and go I'm not going to use a loop for this I'll just go add some lists I'll call this variable list of lists and then we'll just uh we'll just cheat and add it a couple times like this so it's going to add the same list to this list but that's okay so we're going to create a list up here we'll run that and it's going to add the number one the number two all the way up to 10 like this into a list so it's a list of text values but now I'm going to put that list that I just created into another list okay so now we have list of lists and you can actually see that the data type is list of lists of text values it's not that hard once you kind of play around with it let me add a couple more to it I'll just run and I just duplicated this right so it added the same list multiple times but in our list of lists we have three lists inside of it and when you want to Loop over that you can do a four each on the let's see the list of lists and what that's going to do is give you a list each time and then inside of this you want to Loop over the list oops and maybe uh we'll just call this item I guess we'd call it text like this and then we'll do set variable just so we can do something with it oh wait we don't actually have to do that we can leave this out because when it Loops over it's going to put the value into text so let's run to here creates our list adds it three times to another list and now we're going to do is go for each list in the list of lists it gives us a list right here and then we can Loop inside of that list it gives us text number one and then we can keep looping inside of that list eventually we'll get to the end of it now we're going to go to the second item which is a another list second item right here and we can Loop over that one and then we'll go to the third item that's in list of lists which is another list and we can Loop through that one so there's a bunch of funky things that you can do with this I think that you I think I probably said this a few times in this video you'll just have to decide for yourself like when do you need to use each of these types of Loops I hope that I've given you several of examples that are working you know I don't know if it necessarily is exactly what you need if I didn't address something that you're looking for leave me a comment and I'll reply to you the best I can alright well that has been uh quite a lengthy video talking about Loops well anyways thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dave The RPA Guy
Views: 2,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power Automate, Power Automate Desktop, PAD, RPA, Robotic Process Automation, Robotic Processing Automation, IPA, ML, Machine Learning, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation, Automation, Technology, Innovation, Application Development, Dave The RPA Guy, Tutorial, Actions, loops
Id: 2kDg2VGxluM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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