Looped Particle System - Blender Geometry Nodes Fields Tutorial

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hello everyone today we are going to create that seamless looped particle movement or particle system in geometry nodes we will be able to control the size of our particle system we can switch between some standard particle and some custom particles that you can create on your own we will be able to control the particle speed we will be able to control of course the density of our particle system and some other cool things so if you want to know how to create that just watch that video [Music] so as usual we will start with our default cube as particle container activated and clicked on geometry nodes and make a new geometry nodes setup we disconnect the output from the input and we will create an icosphere the aquasphere will be our particle container we make it maybe 2 meters and give it some subdivisions three so that we can see some particles on it and now we need uh distribute points on face node and of course an instance on points note and for the particle we will also take an icosphere but the particle of course has to be way smaller something like that and we need only one subdivision you can adjust that later on now we have a very small particle maybe 2.5 something like that now we want to give it some some random value therefore we need a random value note and plug in the float into the scale minimum very small maximum like this we adjust that later and um also we have only some points now uh we want later some um random rotation maybe if we plug in some some blood cells like you have seen in the intro scene so also plug in the rotation and type in zero and tau i think tau gives you the maximum of rotation that's possible now it's time to give the particles some random noise some random noise movement and therefore we are going to add an set position node and we are going to need a random value node a node which we set to vector and we when we plug that into the offset our particles got distorted now the problem is if we now put some noise texture over it the noise will deform all three axises and the random motion will not be as randomness as if if we control each single axis so therefore we have to um make three different setups for each axis and give each axis a different noise texture so we have a real random movement now to do that we need an combined xyz node and now we start with the x channel put the first one the external to 10 maybe and the other to zero and now we got only some movement in our x-axis now it's got a little bit um out of center to make to make it center again add a vector math note set to subtract and move it back in the x axis so that it's almost centered it doesn't have to be perfect something like that maybe and now we have to do the same just copy and paste for the y channel and the z channel so we can first we copy our the position node and now we can copy all the three values all the three nodes i mean plug that now first of all x axis to zero and y axis to ten plug that to y we vector into the offset and now we have to control the x the x-axis something like that and again last but not least our z channel copy again the z position node and copy our three notes so just to make it clear again um we could use only one of these expressions to scatter our objects if you want to make a not animated image but if you want to animate it and have some additional random noise to each axis and each particle um i realized that we have to make it with all three axis so plug that into the offset and now zero to y tend to set plug that into set and now 1.7 to the z channel and we should now have a cool distribution of our particles so now it's time to make some animated noise therefore we will start with a noise texture nice texture we will set this to 4d because we want to animate it the detail we can set to zero the roughness we can set to zero and with the distortion channel you can later on play around it has some effect on your particles we will need an rgb curve note no sorry rgb curves note that will give some additional randomness now plug the factor into the other factor input and how do we get now our noise into our setposition node therefore we have to plug a multiply node between the combined xyz and the subtract math node vector math node right here in between we set this to multiply and now plug in our rgb curves we can make some distortion and as you can see our particles start to move randomly only at one axis at the moment but we will change that later um so now we have to make some looped noise we can achieve that with a vector rotate node for the vector rotate node we need to know the position of each particle that we will do with within position node plug the position node into the vector and the vector output into our animation control and now you can animate with the angle down here the particles in a looped animation you have to imagine that vector rotate as some kind of circle going around and each time the circle comes to his three its 360 degree point the whole animation starts right at the beginning so we can leave that at 10. with the center you can imagine that as the center point of that imaginative circle and you can play with these values the [Music] animation will change slightly um so now we can plug that into if right now we have it in our x channel we maybe we make a frame around it to have better control and keep things organized let's name it noise x now just copy that whole expression and now we need again a multiply node on the y-axis plug that into the y-axis and rename that in noise y copy that whole thing again and plug that into no sorry we first need a multiply node and now plug that into our multiply that node so now we have control about all three axises um that's right right axis's axis axis now we can control it for that we only have to move the angles later on you can make a link to your group input with all these values to control it in your modifier panel but for the sake of this tutorial i will only create a value note which i plug in here plug in here and plug in here damn it here so now we can control our particle movement it's very very fast we can change that by adding another vector math node between the vector rotate and the noise texture back to our math node sets this to divide where is our divide divide divide there and when you set the number higher i will just do that for all three accesses [Music] and again on the z axis okay that's a little bit messed up right now but you know what i mean um now if i animate this we have a some random noise the problem is that all three imaginative circles now move at the same time to get it really random random movement we have to let the circle start at different points so therefore we will need a math note the first one we can leave at 0 the second one we add 100 degrees and the third one we add 200 degrees now if i play the timeline we already can see there is some random movement but that's not enough we can modify the scale of each axis texture maybe something like that like that and we can also modify our noise or rgb curves i think the important one is the last one that that maybe we can give some random distortion to it and now we can see we have some pretty nice particles going around now we can still add some more noise movement we can add a fourth set position node and the fourth that position node will affect the whole particle setup not only one axis and therefore we can just copy that whole expression here this this or maybe the whole container copy that paste just move it to our fourth set position node and just plug it right in here and i will make a connection from here to that angle and add another another math note which i add to maybe 270 and now we should have some pretty nice random movement of our particles yes there it is nice smooth random looped animation now you can change your density with that value you can change the all over size with the radius of your sphere if you make it too big you will can you will realize that inside your your sphere there is no there are no particles that's because your scattering is too low and you can change this by maybe adding another value and plug that right into each random value with a combined x y z note [Music] first one we will plug into the x channel and plug it right here the second one we will plug into the y channel and plug that into our y channel and the last one we will plug into our z channel and plug that in our set random value now you can control you have perfect control about the scattering of your particles so now everything seems to be scattered and there is no empty room and again if i play values we have a pretty nice random movement so how to animate that in a loop um maybe if you have never done that before i will show you um you have to go to the timeline now go to the first frame set your access to set your um angle to zero enter the keyframe and now go to your last keyframe plus one and end at 360 degree and make a new keyframe um that's why because the last frame and the first frame are exactly the same so in that case the animation will jump from the last frame right over to the first frame and there will be a seamless loop and no no frame between it so um if you want to plug in some custom some custom particles i've just prepared something uh i've prepared here my uh my collection with my blood my plat um particle be aware of if you plug in a collection you have to activate separate children and research hilton and activate pick instance and if you plug in the blood right now um it's a little bit too uh too small but of course you can scale it up and there you can switch easily between your own particles and some preset particles hope you enjoyed the tutorial and everything worked out for you so if you have any further questions don't hesitate to write into the comments you can download the whole project on my gumroad account if you want to so see you on my next tutorial [Music] you
Channel: BlenderDude
Views: 11,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Geometry Nodes, Particle Simulation, Geometry Nodes, Particles Geometry Nodes, Geometry Nodes Tutorial, Blender for scientistst, Blender Medical, Scientific Animations, scientific Tutorials, Looped, Looped Particles, Blood, Bacteria, Mikrobiology, Dust, Air simulation, fluid simulation, Random movement, Geometry Nodes floating, Floating particles, Blender looped particles, modular particle System, Science, Animation for Science, Blood cells, Microbiology simulation
Id: eGyR7cBk5Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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