Looking Through Greenhouses Part 2? // Do You Guys Ever Bicker? // Recap 🌿

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hey guys how's it going welcome to this week's recap video this morning we are kind of reeling from a wind storm that we got last night it was 61 mile per hour winds was the highest and i just had a kind of a mess going on outside so i've already been out like watering things watering the new seeds i just planted in the cut flower garden so it feels good to sit up here where it's like a little bit warmer it brought in a cold front so we're like 25 degrees cooler today is our high than yesterday warm yesterday like 75 was getting close to 80. yeah it was beautiful yesterday and so now we're kind of back down to like it's supposed to be 50 or something 51 anyway um so it's a interesting weather in the spring i know it is for all of us so we're all dealing with our own says 39 right now does it really yeah well i'm a little bit hot because i was rolling around out there like just like kind of ticked off at the wind and the situation and trying to get things moist moistened up out there anyway okay let's just get into the videos from last week first one was trimming spruce topiaries planting spring stuff and potting up seedlings so in that video i have two serbian spruce lollipop uh topiaries in containers by our chicken coop and they've got some kind of like wind burn or like cold damage on the tips because and i don't know i like you look over it and think is it a blight or something like that i don't think it was something like that so i just trimmed each one of them they looked so much better sprayed them with wilt stop and then planted the base of them with um some spring spring stuff and then potted up some seedlings what did i pot up what i put up delphiniums maybe into larger size containers so top comment from that video is from elise not sure what was most entertaining in this video hide and seek cuteness benjamin wanted to play hide and seek right in the middle of the project the moment when the hedge trimmer comes out after all all the fussing with the snips when i got into the project i'm like okay this is like this is a little bit more than a snip sort of a project otherwise it's going to take me a while and then or the revelation that laura loves her hen so much that she cleans their bums i don't like to have dirty bum hens out there okay amy said i followed your advice and sprayed my christmas wreath with the wilt stop and it just now turned brown in march what are you still doing with a christmas wreath i'm going to talk i still have christmas pillows out on our benches underneath the in the portico i also sprayed my boxwoods and they didn't get any burn um did you spray the lollipops in the fall or was the weather just too harsh i did not spray them i didn't even think about spraying them and i don't know why but now i'm thinking like if there's anything you really want to keep nice just spray it with the world stock i mean it's not going gonna hurt anything if you know i don't know well you know there was one thing on the label that you're not supposed to spray that i was surprised by i can't remember exactly what it was so read the label maybe yeah read the label because there was one thing that i was like oh that's interesting don't spray on that it's clearly labeled so just yeah oh no i'm interested oh okay well hold on let me let me i can't i can look at that yeah google label oh don't do not use on african violets or exotic slow growing dwarf plants that wasn't the one well stop may turn blue spruce and similar species of evergreen a green color if this occurs natural coloring will return with it with the next season's growth oh do not use wiltstop on any variety of arborvitae cedar cypress camisiparis juniper sequoia dwarf conifer or similar plant species without testing first oh is that what it was yeah so like go to the back side of the plant test it out really quick and see like if anything happens i've never used it on anything that it didn't help i think that was the thing that maybe i read that and was thinking um oh that's surprising because i would just thought you could spray it on any type of evergreen sure um it's kind of like hair dye like do a test strand first before you haul off and do your whole head of hair okay uh robin said laura do you ever have pansies voluntarily come up in your landscape i planted a large pansy planter up but fall before last i still have pansies coming up everywhere occasionally we will like occasionally i remember planting pansies in the downtown containers and then we'd have pansies coming up in the cracks of the sidewalk um and so occasionally i'll see that coming up but we're pretty diligent about like weed control and when we see something popping up where it shouldn't be we take care of it pretty quickly um which kind of like on one hand is sad because it takes a little bit of the whimsy out and like letting plants kind of do their thing and kind of the magic of what plants will do in your landscape but then on the other hand it is kind of nice to keep some stuff under control but i wouldn't mind pans these volunteering everywhere i love them michelle said why do you why do some plants have to be started in super small containers and then moved up in size versus direct sewing it's just because they can't handle like our growing season isn't long enough to plant something in the ground once it's warm enough to do so to get them to fruit or you won't get much of a harvest season at all it's kind of like eggplant and i want to say eggplant and what else peppers things like that we start eight to ten weeks before our average last frost date because they need that much time in order to germinate and come up in ideal conditions they need it to be really warm they need you know the moisture not to ever dry out um so they don't get that out in the landscape if i waited until mid mid to end of may which is usually like the safe zone for seed planting for us for our warm season stuff it would take them so long to get up and going and it would take such meticulous care on my part that i might get a pepper by the very end of the season by the time it freezes like i'll just be starting to get fruit probably so that's typically why and some some things you can do either or depending on your climate and i mean it's worth experimenting with for sure because sometimes plants will surprise you gigi said didn't you have hydrangea standards flanking the arbor with the colette roses maybe i'm confused but i could have sworn those were there i do have hydrangea standards not flanking the arbor they're kind of a little bit away from the arbor so there's arbor with the colettes right here and then you look into the vegetable garden the limelight is like off to the side maybe like six feet or so right by the driveway and it flanks my vegetable garden so there's two on either end of the vegetable garden fence they do really well there like really well surprisingly they get full sun all day long full sun all day what as opposed to full sun half today well yeah there's plants that get close on half today doesn't uh doesn't just go full are you trying to pick a fight with me right now what do you what i don't know what you're saying well i full sun just means full sun doesn't it no because you can have full sun morning plants full sun in the morning and then it's in the shade in the afternoon and then you have like the sun moves over your house and then all of a sudden your plants on the west side are in full sun for the second half of the day wouldn't that be uh like part sun then if it's not getting the sun all day well i suppose so i see where you're coming from but i don't like it but no uh stevie vickers said thank you again laura and benjamin do you have any current plans for the large arch across from the chicken coop we might move those maybe you had plans i did i was going to train trees to them kind of glad i didn't now because you know we're thinking um of different plans for back there and anyway i'm kind of glad i didn't plan something that was very permanent and then i thought i would train some grapes onto them which i still think would be beautiful or wisteria you know something that can kind of like drip down because it's a huge arch but i thought they might look really pretty in the opening to our new cut garden but then you know what i was just thinking we have to make sure the tractor can get underneath with very with these under under those even with lots of vines and stuff well i don't know about vines depends on how far down they they go but i think that they're like 12 feet wide so their openings are 15. so you could do it but it you know it would start to neck it down yeah so i don't know for now they're just gonna probably remain there maybe i should try to grow some kind of an annual vine on them this year yeah that'd be cool and just to have something on them because they do look kind of stark uh chris said laura how do we know when to transplant our winter sewing jugs i live in nampa idaho which is like 30 minutes yeah away so uh usually uh they're a little heartier than plants that you've started inside because they've been more acclimated to outside temperatures when it warms up enough oh boy it just depends on the crop again like i probably have got poppies that are up in mine and they're looking beautiful i could probably toss those out like we've got two more 30 degree nights with this cold front and then um it's supposed to warm up pretty dramatically and so i'd probably be fine to put my poppies out now because they're rather cold tolerant but then i've got green globe artichokes which are a little bit more on the tender side and so i'd probably wait a little bit longer to do that so i think you just gotta gauge it depending on the crop that's so hard it's so hard not to be able it's kind of like the watering question like it's so hard to tell people exactly you know how much water to give each plant when i don't know the situation or the pot type or you know that kind of thing it's kind of like that with with weather and crops and things but you are fairly close to me i probably will be looking at planting all of my winter sewing jugs out sometime in april depending on how our weather goes uh next video was planting honey berries so i got my hands on a sugar pie honey and a honey bunch sugar pie honey bunch we tried to insert a little clip of that song yeah they would have gotten copyrighted we probably would have got yeah um anyway i got a hold of two of those honey berries and got them planted in containers put out the cut flower garden they're blooming right now looking beautiful so i just shared some of the things i've learned about them the top comment from that video is you're so lucky having your parents owning a shop that sells proven winners anything shipped are always tiny and can't get proven winners locally that is such a bummer i i do feel very lucky that we have my parents garden center with i mean they're able to get large beautiful things but so is a lot of other people our area is like proven when you're saturated it really is like you really can find nice proven winter stuff at almost any garden center you go to like throughout our whole valley in fact i don't know where they buy from but far west in boise seems to get the biggest most beautiful proven winner shrubs specifically and i don't know like i kind of wonder like where are you buying those things from because i want to know i mean the most gorgeous huge hydrangeas i almost bought 14. were they pinky winky hydrangeas for our oh yeah but we were a little bit short on space in our truck and so i mean that's that was the saving grace on that one i thought it would be really pretty to do that maybe we'll do that one day but yeah they've got some gorgeous stuff i don't know keep talking to your local garden centers tell them i mean they are subject to whatever the growers are growing but have them start pressuring their growers yeah you know honestly that's how it happens that's how you get it done uh same said i've never heard of a honey berry do you eat the berries yes you do so um they are i've tried them before and they are very similar in texture to a blueberry they're very thin kind of soft skin like it almost kind of melts away a little bit the berries are typically a little bit bigger ish i mean you can get a whole big blueberries sometimes but they're longer like they're longer shaped um instead of being round and people describe them as being a mix between a blueberry and a blackberry and a raspberry which i would say probably that's a that's an apt description of the flavor i can't really like remember it's been a while i remember being sweet and good that's what i remember i don't remember thinking oh there's notes of raspberry in this in this honeyberry um amy amy said oh you got two for maybe this time around oh really yeah amy said i would like to try those questions when you fill a container with soil do you pack it down some as you're filling it i always seem to get some settling and the plants aren't as high as i want them but i don't want to compact the soil yes you do want to tamp it a little bit um you don't have to worry about like packing it in there hard you don't want well you don't want to necessarily do that but definitely like just give it a little tamp with your hand and just kind of you can shake the pot a little bit it'll help this uh soil settle um yeah i've noticed that as a problem in some containers occasionally it'll happen where i'm like dang it it does make it easier to water when the soil is lower though um while ships wall ships one said do you have to worry about birds eating them yes um you do need to net the plant especially when they're burying like heavily uh this year i may not need to worry about it i don't even know if we're gonna get any they're so little out there and they're blooming right now and i'm kind of like do i need to hand pollinate because i don't know how many bees are gonna actually find this like little tiny shrub out there there's nothing else for them i mean the fruit trees are just starting to bloom but i might go out there and do a little like a little paint brush and a little hand pollination see what happens um but yes you do want a net to plan to net them later on they sound great great sweet and healthy why don't they have them in grocery stores a lot of times they'll have them in specialty grocery stores like those that carry specialty things yeah i don't know what like to call those there's a lot of things you don't see in grocery stores like pluts atriums yeah like a lot of cross cross things yeah beth says does the two zones less for pots rule always apply i'm in zone nine and some plants aren't for our zone but i'd love to try them in pots um it doesn't apply what do you mean well because uh she's on the upper end of the spectrum isn't that a like a three through seven yeah plant so oh for the honeyberry specifically yeah i was just thinking like plants in general it really only it only applies if you're on the low end of the spectrum right if you're on the high cause she she just can't grow that period no because i need a certain amount of cold in order to produce um so unfortunately a zone three through seven just won't thrive in a zone nine uh v nick colvin said how large was this planter i think the diameter was probably between 20 and 24 inches somewhere right around in there they're pretty good size i really like them and i can see out there right now i can see them like they are bulky enough even with nothing out there to show up okay next video is micro greens and transplanting larger shrubs and trees so in that video i just wanted to show you the micro greens that i have going and i've started to grow them i got this little kit thing from garner supply that's got the plastic tray of course and then like juke pads so you're growing the greens and seeds on pads jupiter's instead of on soil so it's super clean which i really really like so i was really excited i had some red russian kale that was up looking amazing and then we transplanted two japanese maples and a um a bunch of hakana khloa and what else a viburnum and i did dig one japanese maple out that was like barely alive so anyway i felt really good about getting those things moved uh top comment was from nindy i've watched a few other garden channels lately and the proven winners channel too laura and eris laura and erin era is by far my favorite channel that's so sweet it's laura's style filming the smooth loving tone excellent way of teaching us and fountain of knowledge the format and editing it just feels like family here and i love it laura and aaron thank you for all you do for us you guys are such a huge blessing that is such like the sweetest thing ever and that was the top comment you didn't even get that one out to make me feel good this morning yeah thank you nindy amy said my cat loves microgreens i plant oat grass just for her have you offered russell and cheddar a taste of the greens i have not i should though i worked at a vet clinic for five and a half years and there was a cat his name was scuttles and he was kind of a he was kind of a pill of a cat but we got along pretty good but i would take peas like snow peas in and he would eat all the tops of the peas off of my peas oh really like for snacks yeah i would pop the tops off and i'd kind of like leave them on the desk there for a minute until i was all done and then i would put all of them in the garbage can and yeah he if he got a hold of the pile it was like his favorite his favorite day it's kind of weird uh katie said where is the garden arch where the japanese maple went from i have been on the hunt for one and i love your style that is from garner supply and that one is called the we will put it on the screen there we go eberlin said what happened to the pearl jam beauty berry that you planted next to the angel three years ago oh those dive those died pretty quickly i tried them twice right there and i think they just want more acidic soil it could have been that they could have needed more sun it could have been a combination of all of it it could have been all of those things they're so cool we also had a sprinkler that was hitting it too oh i think a combination between the sprinkler hitting it not enough sun not acidic enough soil i really want to try that one again somewhere else maybe pop it out in the new property somewhere where it gets like because they really are full sun all day all day full sun yeah not part day full sun i see what you're saying there it doesn't mean i have to agree with it okay mikey said i hope this isn't a dumb question but how do you dig something up without damaging it like minimal damage well you just try to get as big of a root ball as possible and sometimes it's kind of impossible to get a ton just because they're heavy and i was trying to do it by myself so i just tried to get as big of a root ball as i could manage um and you know oftentimes there are there are some people who do uh root pruning so they'll go in if they know they need to move something large like the year before they'll go in and actually make cuts around the root ball so that it forces the tree before you actually dig it out you're cutting away you know you're cutting a lot of big roots but it forces them to create a bunch of small ones i guess that can feed the plant and but they leave it in the ground so that you're minimally shocking it at that point and then they dig it out later so it's like um i gotta there's like a name to the method the planning involved i know that that for me like i didn't know i had no idea going into this winter that we were going to be putting in a greenhouse i mean that happened like the last week of december we decided to do it um so i didn't have enough time to do that method but anyway there's some wisdom in that i think yeah um amy said lots of amy's today these like different ones popular name amy said perfect timing with the rain does you does your body ever get sore from all your hard work no i wish it did it needs to right now second second child baby weight is different i swear it's different um and you know we haven't really kicked up like full steam ahead kind of gardening pace quite yet so we'll just wait for that but um anyway it hardly ever gets sore the only thing that gets sore now on me are my feet i probably need to kick the leopard vans at some point and wear something different sensible heels oh okay next video is taking a look at your greenhouse siz i read that with the wrong wrong cadence oh who is this oh it's monica's there's my sister she doesn't see me whoa nope my mom's been watching the kids and my sister's down from washington so they're going to hang out with the kids for a little bit while we film this and water everything from yesterday's windstorm okay taking a look at your greenhouses and i think this is going to probably become a part one because i think eventually we'll film a part two you guys sent us well we asked you those of you who had greenhouses to send us images and then any details that you wanted to share pros and cons what you do differently what you love about it and we got so many submissions and so many neat ideas and we were only able to like we had 80 in that folder and i thought i'll just bust through these really fast i think we shared between 35 and 40 maybe because it's just it's too hard like we want to take a look like a closer look i don't want to just like spit fire these beautiful creations of your guys's so anyway it was just a really inspiring thing for me and it was a really um like i gathered lots of good ideas because we are putting in a shed in the back part of our cut flower garden so i was able to glean some stuff but anyway rc said i'm a visual person so i appreciate the pictures to gather inspiration for a future greenhouse same oh this is the top comment by the way um we don't have a large backyard but to know that it's possible to have one even a small footprint is exciting here's to dreaming yes and that was precisely the point of the video next question was from delane or delaney any thoughts on the best way to face a greenhouse like should the door face north you know um i think there are different opinions on this and as far as i know um based on the way the sun is positioned in the winter time like it's lower in the southern sky um if you face your greenhouse east to west running east to west so that's where the the ridge is which is how we're facing ours it's going to get more the most amount of light throughout the whole structure if we faced ours like this and the sun was really low in the sky like this side would get sun and this wouldn't kind of like how our daffodils are growing right now you can clearly tell that the southern side of things warms up it gets more light and so that will help you maximize growing throughout the winter months throughout you know the most most of the year because so if we run our east to west again in the summertime the sun moves more like directly above us and the structure will receive tons of light um so i don't know east to west facing or i mean running the ridge line east to west with your front of it kind of like facing south i'm looking at aaron for affirmation here well it depends on what you call the front because um you're you're running it long way east to west yeah but our other greenhouse is running north to south yeah the long way is running north to south you know i think you probably have success either way yeah it's probably something that you'd have to really research you just want to make sure it's not in the shade of something else yeah i know i think that's more important than which way the ridgeline if i was putting a greenhouse on the side of a house i would think the south side would be the best side yeah for sure because that will give you all-day sun instead of like morning sun or afternoon sun yeah i think i do think you're right though that if you're concerned about winter growing that running the ridgeline east to west would make the most amount of sense yeah okay uh g davis said may i request a montage video of all the picks of the greenhouses i kind of wanted to do that yeah i i really think that's the best instead of doing a part two where you talk about them i think that we should just put text on the screen of like who's it is where the growing zone growing and then if somebody said anything really particular that needs to be said we could put that in text i suppose um but yeah doing like a just a picture montage we can throw it up here on the highlights channel yeah and so you'll probably see a part two including all the other submissions which are still coming in by the way yeah it'll probably take a couple weeks though because we've got a lot of stuff going on right now yeah like i almost need you know what the another editor i know i said last week that we had so much stuff going on we could do two videos a day and then we skipped posting on saturday we had a weird bug go through our house last week and aaron wasn't feeling really great on friday night i think and so we just skipped posting saturday because you would have needed to stay up really late to get it done anyway life happens sometimes but um everyone's fine now alyssa said well you need to lay a new concrete pad for the hartley or will it sit on the existing gazebo pad no the existing pad will be torn up and moved out we're going to be putting in brand new everything right there and the floor won't actually be concrete like solid it'll be pavers and gravel and probably whatever like is quick draining and we are putting in a radiant heat floor which i don't know a ton about you've kind of researched that a little well and i'm not even sure we're going to hook it up right away what what i talked to the hvac guy and i i think we're just going to lay the tubing so it's there and then if we need to hook it up we can because it's it's pretty inexpensive to just lay the tubing um it's all the other stuff like you have to buy a boiler and then actually running it is expensive too because you have hot water running in it all the time so you have to pay to keep it warm so i think for now we're just going to lay the tubing and it's going to be there and then if we if we decide that we need to hook it up we will but otherwise we'll just leave it aaron is the king of infrastructure like you like to have everything in the past in the event that you want to like the shed in the back of the cut flower garden we're not going to heat and cool that we don't have any plans too but aaron is like i want to build this in a way that we could if we wanted to later on well you never know i know it's so great because i'm so different i'm like let's slap it up cheap you know let's just get it done make it look cute it'll be fine we're not going to use it for heating but then later on it might be kind of nice yeah so okay next video is working on our autumn blaze maples i'm i'm always nervous when we post a video like that because it's like do as i say not as i do kind of a situation um we wanted to we made sure not to title it how to stick up trees or whatever like and we even caveat them said this is not a tutorial on how to stick up trees this is just what we're doing with ours we want to document the process and show you what we're doing and maybe it'll work hopefully it does the reason why and there's a couple of things too we didn't explain like we did stake like we put the strap rather high on the trunks and some of them because in some cases we're not correcting the lower trunk we're correcting the canopy that's like the trunks straight and the whole canopy is like this and so like you can't splint a tree you'd have to tie it in so many locations which i think would be kind of worse i don't even know if you could get the strength you needed to like tie something like that over so in some cases like we just needed to like really slightly move the canopy up so it wasn't bent over some of the trees we got just were wonky they were just weirdly shaped and i don't know why they were like that necessarily maybe they would be fine but we wanted to make failure no maybe we just want to make sure that uh they're all like really great and i don't know this is kind of your project aaron i remember that morning it was cold and i was like aaron i don't want to be out here doing this why don't you just do it by yourself and i'm going to go do something different that i want to do um so you got all the stuff in the the equipment and everything and you got to document the process yeah so that's all it was about you know what it's probably good we did a video because if we ruin all the trees then we can look back at the video and say this was the video this is how not to do it yeah we ruined everything we won't ruin the trees they will be fine and they will probably be really they'll be better they'll be better for it i am like 100 confident it's fine uh top comment was from a will too oh please pretty please show a how to get rid of weeds in your lawn video so need that info over in our garden so as you guys know we did seed some grass in that area last fall we started watering it it did come up a bit and it was mostly just grass throughout the course of the winter but this spring we've got like huge it's mostly weeds like a little bit of grass tons of weeds um so we've got a lot of work to do on that and we knew that that would happen that's going to happen in this front area when we start seeding that as well because once we put water on an area that hasn't really been worked like we've just kind of like roughed up all the weed seeds in there and like laid a nice bed of weed seeds so we start irrigating it the weeds are going to come up we're going to have to take care of it so anyway i think it'd be a good a good thing to do it's gonna look so pretty yeah like when it's a nice lawn i noticed uh when i was gathering comments that there were a decent amount of people who really appreciate natural looking like they they want um they would love to see us put in like a meadow meadow type of look that doesn't exist here that's not natural here no it's not it's completely on if we did that it would take just as much work to create a meadow look yeah as it would because what exists here is just like brown like not even brown dark nestled it's nice yellowy yeah dirt yeah cracked cracked yeah we are gonna try to go for a semi natural meadow we look under the orchard trees we are going to be using a lawn type grass seed for that it's called rtf fescue i want to seed some daffodils and iris and let those naturalize in there so we're going to try to go for that kind of look in that space but it's a contain space and it would look really weird to leave that strip natural and then have a big lawn over here on this side lawns are actually lower maintenance and require less than a lot of other things around here it's kind of crazy yeah it's really weird um because like the amount of fertilizer we give grass it's like way less than all of our annual crops and all of that kind of thing that we put in it's way way lower maintenance once you get it established paul said normally they do not wrap the collar around the tree they loop it around leaving one side open so you don't choke the trunk i believe that's true i think that we're putting this on for such a short period of time that it doesn't matter i think i was going for more like security than anything else because it's not in six months it's not gonna grow over the top right i think we need to stress every five minutes in that video this is corrective we're not leaving this on more than this is short term this is short term because you're like everybody that had comments like that wasn't a negative comment um it was just a wonderment yeah or a statement yeah but and and everybody's correct it's like we did things the wrong way if you plan on leaving your tree staked for three or four years yeah which we don't right and so that was the problem with with trying to explaining the video is like this is short term so you can't take we did say that yeah you can't take anything that we're doing as like a long-term solution because nothing that we're doing is long-term about this project this is like a single season correction so yes we wrapped it wrong i think that's why i didn't want to be involved in this video i was like oh wait for it erin just wait for it anyway dana said how did you decide how far up the tree to go and place in the wrap i think i just explained that some of them we did lower because it was actual trunk correction and some it was canopy correction so those were higher also how did you decide in about three seconds yeah just standing back sizing it up yeah emma said so at 1721 there's a huge storage cover over a tow behind camper right next to your fence line does that bug you being so close to your property there what are your thoughts on that i wouldn't want that so close to my property line but that's just me thanks for reading um so no short answer is it does not bother me in the slightest that it's sitting where it's at right now in fact our neighbor used to have or he still has it but there used to be a smaller shed right where the camper shed is currently sitting um and that's where he stores all his stuff like mowers extra parts fence like dog kennels from who knows when just like random stuff like you do behind a structure the same type of junk that we store yeah back behind our barn it's kind of perfect and we have had some questions about like when we show the back of our barn people are like oh can your neighbors see that do they does it bother them no because they're storing exactly the same stuff on their side of the fence line um so anyway our neighbor has shifted they moved their their small shed down the fence line like kind of behind our greenhouse and then just slid the rv cover thing down to be more behind our barn with the rv rather than where it was so it was a little bit further in our view i actually showed it in a video um which i explained very poorly in the video the things surrounding it because i think it maybe came across that i was feuding with our neighbors or that i was angry with them and i super was not um so we actually took the video down and edited that part out because i did run over to our neighbor's house and i just was like hey like i noticed you put this up would it be possible i know it's your property you can do whatever you want like you can say no um would you consider moving your camper because we could see it like we'll be able to see it through our green our new greenhouse we're putting in we can see it from all of our north-facing windows he just didn't realize he didn't realize how much of it in our view it was and he moved it there to get it out of their view and so he was kind of like oh i'm so glad you came and talked to me about it i've known you since you were like five years old i would hate to have something like that go on and so it was all super amicable and i told him like oh like i kind of fell over myself saying you can do whatever you want you can say no i'll just know to like start ordering some larger evergreens to put in back there and we can show how to plant a hedge you know kind of a privacy hedge and that's totally fine with me um but he was completely happy to do it and he actually the whole time was saying this is super easy like no there's no worries i don't want you to worry about it you know so and we're actually going to go when i initially went over there i was like i will plant up whatever area in your garden you want so you're going to see some videos this year of us landscaping around their pond so kind of in trades we did provide help so we had a couple guys go over and help him move everything we paid to have an electrical line moved just because i didn't want them to be inconvenienced because it is their property they can do what they want and they were doing us a huge favor by sliding it down so we did that and then we'll go plant some things around their pond and everything's fine i just explained it so poorly theodore said how would one mow around those not quite buried stakes i've thought about that let's see i i wash my hands with this project what i think might be the easiest solution is that auto mower oh yeah i think that we should we should put the wire in the ground over there and move the auto mower to the to that side that's a good idea because then the auto mower can just spend all its day just bumping into those things and moving around yeah and it wouldn't hurt any of the trees either no you know if it bumps into the trees right um it'll be totally fine it's probably a safer way all all the way around without somebody going out there and trimming because it would be a total pain in the butt to have all those guy wires to mow around and trim around so kind of although i wonder if um if even the auto mower might get stuck underneath the guy wires like so you might see us working on our autumn blaze maples uh part two video where we go out with proper steaks and all of that um carrie said did the rock big rock you placed at the start of the driveway deter people from cutting that corner yes it did it's funny how that works isn't it um it's sad that you have to put something in a clearly like it's not the road yeah like but you have to put something so people do not cut corners and drive off the grass uh at like every grocery store or walmart they have those you know pylons or whatever you call them the yellow people you know people from running into the doors okay ashley said gosh do you guys ever bicker [Laughter] no not never we have a perfect relationship i don't know what you guys are talking about moving on planting the first seeds in the cut flower garden that was the last video from this week which it took me a week to film that one and i kind of wish i would have waited until like tomorrow to even start the whole project because we have the huge windstorm we had anyway uh simple living work said i have noticed a comment trend here everyone oh this is the top comment i have noticed a comment trend here everyone says hello to others watching the videos like a community or group chat it's heartwarming morning everyone getting ready for the day i love that too i do see that like the first comments that come through everyone's just like hey after grabbing that top comment i was thinking how nice it is that you and i actually can go through the comments because i think some channels they don't they on purpose don't read comments because of how toxic they are oh yeah we have a lovely comment section one thing that helps us a lot is that we don't do click bait like our titles and and thumbnails are exactly what the video is and so i think that sometimes you can invite toxic comments when people click on a video and it's not what they were expecting um or you know i mean if you try to bait people into clicking on videos for or if you stake trees and you know you're doing it improperly i actually kind of thought i don't really know if i want to get in the comment section of this one and i'm going to read a lot of opinions today um but it was pretty good for the most part yeah anyway um next comment please explain i'm from the ukraine what do farmers do with flowers who grow them on farms to cut flowers is it for sale or for beauty if for sale is it possible to live on this money a lot of people do there are a lot of flower farmers and a huge trend and people wanting to get into that industry um so like floret flowers a huge huge resource of information for me i'm not doing it to sell them i'm doing it just to make videos for you guys and show you what i'm doing i'm doing it for the beauty of it for my love and my passion of growing things and trying new things out um and we just to explain that a little bit farther though i think um some people maybe don't understand i think it would uh we would make less money if we spent more of our time trying to sell the flowers because you have to have a lot of infrastructure you have to be able to accept you know cars and people and that takes time and heart you have to like organize you have to organize as you when you're harvesting when people come when they leave and mine if i have a crop failure or something like if i don't get out there and get it watered it doesn't matter like it's not my livelihood doesn't really depend on that crop succeeding yeah right so for us it's easier to just give away the flowers like use them for our own benefit or for educational purposes or entertainment yeah and giving away yeah and and just to focus on trying to make an income from from the youtube part of it as opposed to the cut flower part of it right some people maybe were kind of confused like oh why do you do it if you can't make money from it oh because it's fun it's fun like the cut flower garden last year that's probably the most fun i've had in the garden ever really i think ever i loved that space last year loved it just think about how much more you would love it if it had grass walkways i don't i loved the way it was i think there was some kind of like um like i loved the dirt out there i loved the dirt pathways like the raw dirt pathways so they were all powdery and but there was something so just natural about it and there was something so um i think i like the non-permanence of it because like the rest of your landscape if something goes wrong like if you lose a tree it's a huge blow to your garden um like i think about linda vader with her huge oak trees that she lost the big limbs out of and things in the ice storm and and how it changes the whole look of your garden or it can when you lose something like that and so there's a like an element of stress that comes with more permanent landscaping to me when i did the cut flower garden i'm like doesn't matter i can throw this there throw that there try this crop if there's holes in the you know crops and i'm not growing something in one section doesn't matter like it's not there to be like this perfectly put together space it's just like whatever you want it to be yeah there's something so freeing about that and i got to grow a lot of fun stuff that i loved it um c olson said do you stake your obliques obelisks dang it i will get it one of these days i've never used one but i'd like to add one this year we need to stake our obelisks because um they are laying down still right now um and i actually used them to anchor it as you'll see in a video this week i tried to anchor some landscape fabric down over the top of my seeds that i planted in this video didn't work out so so great but anyway so i used all the obelisks on top of the landscape fabric and they were blowing everywhere and they broke the tops off of some of them um some of those rebar sticks that your parents have they have a great staking system included with them garner supply doesn't even sell those anymore which i think it's probably a good move they're not that's they're not that sturdy i think they're poorly built for as big as they are they need to be built out of moisture to your materials um anyway but they do have so they're basically good for a non-windy area yeah not like out in the north 40 with no wind break whatsoever um katie said looking in the background it appears the fence is nearly done it is nearly done looks awesome do you think you'll soon build your little shed pergola you want that's going in the orchard yes i just need to um well so this the fence is done being built we just need to have it all stained it's still um not all stained um and then as soon as i get my ideas all compiled and all the measurements and stuff uh we'll start the build on that so hopefully we'll see it done sometime this spring slash beginning of summer okay guys so that's it for this week's recap video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer Highlights
Views: 80,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nRr3NyeupMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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