Looking for The Ark!!!

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hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey driving down the road window down the radio down the road American flags everywhere yes I love it I love the [Music] you're in the area come and see trappy Cathy Hi how are you look at the size of that thing I think it's going to rain what do you want Laur I want you to build me an art right love driving in country e tiny roads tiny roads and Rolling Hills so pretty I think Ohio is underrated in its beauty I don't think a lot of people think about Ohio being pretty but wow the agricultural area with the all the um corn and soy be Corin corn coin corn and soy beans is so pretty and the Rolling Hills is so gorgeous American flags everywhere yes I love it I love the country [Music] I've been walking walking through the valley of the Shadows I let them tell me who I was I've been talking talking my S up bu to the Cs every time I tried to walk away I couldn't make it through another day seem to be up in a feel battle I was trying to make it on my own my way you were knocking on the door that I've been looking for it was right in front of me I was lost but now I'm free and I was G but now I see that your love is better than life your love is better than life I turn it back now it's never so amazed you love is better better better than I know the truth here now I'm in a new light forever starts today won't stop now your face shining on me walking in the truth that Set Me Free it's all I need if you're ever only for me then who could stand against love is better than life your love is is better than life I turn it back now it's so amazed I love is better better better [Music] than I on me until you took my place you were a friend of me so I could see your face yeah keep fighting the of my faith no I don't have to be afraid foret the of theer call Jesus [Music] Christ I turn it back now it's dead but so amazed down you love love is better than life it's normal good morning hey good morning so yesterday we had after we left you guys we had a really beautiful ride through the country oh my God yeah the day was just going so well and we just until we're not going to say what the chain was but the word quality is in the description and it's false advertising yeah we found out but we put it in our GPS what we thought was Hampton in cuz that's where we thought we were staying and we could not figure out why the GPS kept putting us at quality in we're like where what the heck did Hampton in buyout quality in then we found out somebody's husband made a mistake yeah it was pretty bad anyway we had to go to Walmart to buy candles it's fun with Ste Carol call reality TV again anyway yeah that was our let's go no let's go um so all right now we just finished breakfast and we are on our way to the ark and it's going to be a good day it's kind of rainy I hope the ark is all indoors wait a minute wait a minute when it was first built it was built because of the rain oh that's right we may float away by this kind of prophetic times or something okay so that's where we're headed and I think we'll be there in about an hour and a half and we're going to have good time by yes amen [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh w [Music] [Music] [Music] no we haven't figured out why they have all these military things in these small towns I don't know if there's some kind of special holiday or what [Music] you're the area come and see trappy Cathy Hi how are you have a great day see you later bye so what's with all the flags in these little towns with the uh military people on them Kentucky saluting all the service men and women a family if you have uh somebody serving and I believe deceased I'm not sure and then they donate a flag they hang on the where they hang usually on telephone bser and it's up all the time and they can just leave it up all the time I thought it was left over from a holiday she said no it's all the time also I also saw those flag things like that in some of the little towns in Ohio yeah I think that's actually where we saw them first really cool I love it [Music] it's like we're here TI tickets going on the shuttle bus now [Music] okay we're on the bus and it's starting the rain [Music] perfect the and wow there you go [Music] all right here here first [Music] up here for their first video to give us answers what I need that to different levels it's a huge ship over a football field and a half in length theit is for the most part equal to a mar day cargo ship which gave a good balance of strength and comfort stability that you would need during a global flood capacity of the arc equal almost 500 semitrailers that's a really big boat but was it big enough how many animals Noah take onto the ark well the Bible's clear God brought to Noah pairs of all the land dwelling air breathing animal well we have over 250 million fossils in museums around the world and David rump one of the greatest paleontologist fossil Experts of the 20th century and definitely not a creationist he very honestly said this about this whole situation he said knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded since Darwin's day ironically we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had inor time yay we're here yeah and the weather's beautiful it's been a little bit cloudy look at the size of that thing I think it's going to rain it's going to be a good day [Music] pretty cool huh yeah go for a tail this is fun we can go inside nice by two nice beautiful walk into do all kinds of beautiful plans they had a few cages with some birds in it time music y there [Music] yeah the man that put this together plac these 12 Stones here just like they did when God God brought them across the riv Jordan River they told them to place 12 Stones one for each tribe the men that built the ark started this thing they Le 12 Stones too they got ground level one two three decks awesome wow good [Music] Prince here we go this pretty cool they imagine that hold wait down TRS here down there TRS and then you get to clean it out I get to carry it out but we didn't get to carry it out for a while cuz it wasn't open [Laughter] to I wonder where they stored all the waist must have smell really nice in here did they have lots of candles like we did last [Music] night oh just containers the whole stuff yeah probably food [Music] yeah supposed to have chickens in it I might have needed more than two chickens so are these containers supposed to be for some of the animals yeah oh see they still got the droping TR oh yeah so these were like did for the put that in there and Fe the small animals inside even for a couple days at a time so this is Noah's forget no do what God ask to do oils stored in these for the lamps amphibians and reptiles stored in these areas where they get more water from the top and waste when come out the bottom this is really cool I did not know that Noah took um dinosaurs on on the ark yeah um it says something like they they figured 85 different species but they would be smaller SI smaller in sizes I guess they're saying that because maybe historically there's evidence of dinosaurs in the layers in the layers yeah so they have the area where they they show different dinosaurs where at that's really interesting also they he did not have to take fish or whales or anything of course he said come on heel peel swim because they uh and they said that in uh if the fish were um saltwater fish that the waters back in were less salty and that their areas salt and fresh water don't mix any way so instead of being it later yeah where there was a difference between the two so it's been really interesting so far my head hurts I'm learning too much what huge more animals down [Music] there okay they what they are assuming is that God that Noah bring and the younger animals because they take up less space they eat less they create less waste they're easier to manage they're generally more durable and then afterwards they can have a longer span of time to reproduce [Music] yeah all the way up to the light oh these are sponsored yeah I have a few sponsors that's awesome up to the second [Music] deck it goes on and on forever yes you [Music] where's up to the third level which is 2,000 animals to kill yet really keep going charging along we watched a great little movie though called the interview with no that was good yeah why don't I look 600 what do you mean I look about the same agees any other 600y old person I've met well except for my wife of course she doesn't look a day past 400 lot of detail so what does this remind you of and then the Lord said Noah who's that it's the Lord right what do you want Lord I want you to build me an art right what's an art love Bill Toby I don't know if anybody else remembers him but he was funny at one time no uh information about him in his early years acquiring of skills this family that's interesting [Music] yeah there's lots of detail here kitchen area cooking and baking kind of cool how they made up these this part so they can make it more interesting and more yeah not just a wooden yeah I like you Decor where they grow some of their food did some [Music] weeding different birds trying to get the bird this is the book shop coffee shop holy C nice cream this goes on and on too [Music] oh so me do it look like broke storm cloud really look at this a little farther hi guys hey guys I hope you enjoyed that episode of The Ark it was a fun place to visit it was it was it actually pretty amazing and the the size of that thing was incredible and what man can do but it took it took a bunch of men to do it instead of just Noah and his family Noah and a couple guys yeah really so um we completely enjoyed it but there was also something else in this episode that really touched stepen I and we wanted to to highlight that in in this closing and that was when we were going through the small towns where they had the flags for the veterans hanging for the veterans that were from those small towns and we just was we were so impressed with that we just were blessed by it because we really have a heart for the veterans and the veterans community and one of those reasons is because my husband is a veteran not only am I a veteran my father was in World War II and he was W wounded in World War II I believe it was on the the beaches in Normy there uh and then I joined the service in 1964 through 68 and went to the United States Air Force was trained on nuclear weapons on reentry vehicles of the Titan 2 missile and ended up uh serving four years and and I am super proud of him then uh when vets get out some times they don't know what to do and it's difficult to get back into civilian life yes and there are organizations with one of them that we support that help FS with that because there are many that uh commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide and this tunnel to Towers they not only build houses and and condos and so forth for vets and First Responders and they also help them mentally it's a great organization it doesn't cost hardly anything yeah to be part of that yeah it's $1 a month yeah we we we love being able to support them cuz when we hear these H statistics about how many of them are committing suicide we really truly believe that that they just need Christ a lot of them have lost their way since they've gotten out of the service some of them feel like their service was wasted time because of what's Happening Now in their lives that they gave doesn't seem like it's worth it but we know that it is one thing if you ever see a veteran and if he's got a hat or something on be sure and thank him for his service that's all you got to say is thank you for your service exactly it really means a lot yeah it is we're we're super proud of of the veterans of our nation we we totally believe in what Reagan said which was uh peace through strength yes we wanted to end this episode by um asking you to join with us to pray for our veterans they need prayer they need to know the Lord just bless them love them and call them into his kingdom okay let's all pray together yes Father we thank you for the veterans men and women that have served our country now in the name of Jesus Lord we ask that you would give them peace as they return in the civilian life father God and give them direction we thank you Lord that you are guiding and directec them you said the footsteps of a righteous man are Ed of you and father God above all things we pray that they would come to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior we just thank you Lord that you would Bless the people that desire to enter into the military now in the name of Jesus we call forth the strong men and women God so that we would have a strong continue to have a strong military yes and bless them Father God take care of them Lord and call them by name so that they can be part of your family too yes we just love our our veterans we love those that are serving even now we love our nation we ask your blessing upon it father God and we thank you for D in Jesus name yes and everyone said amen amen I guess that's it for this episode next week will be a little bit more of Kentucky Kentucky yeah we're going to Kentucky Horse Park and Cumberland Falls oh that's gorgeous so beautiful there I think you'll enjoy it so you know how we love waterfalls waterfalls and lighthouses yep that's what car l so we'll see you next week on Dustin D roll thanks again bye guys bye hey hey [Music] [Applause] down [Music] thead [Music] radio s down the road going with
Channel: Destined2RoamTV
Views: 132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FrHrK_HLVuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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