Looking for sea shells after a storm. What crazy things washed up on the beach this week?

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hello beach friends well i hope you're ready for a windy post storm walk with me on the beaches of captiva so not too long ago we had some storms roll through and i anxiously watched the day before knowing i was gonna hit the beach the next morning the storms even set off a few tornado warnings so i wanted to try my luck over on captiva unfortunately there's only two public parking lots on captiva and the one i wanted to go to was closed but i did manage to spy the sign letting me know before i drove all the way to the end of the island so we are going to explore captiva we'll just be exploring the south end instead of the north end and i do manage to find a ton of great shells including three different species i have never found before so if you are ready for a windy beach walk let's go to the beach [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here we are over at turner beach again not exactly where i had planned to go but i was thwarted it is what it is so i will make do here at captiva as long as i'm at the beach i'm pretty happy because i was very excited about the storms it does tend to bring out us shellers and we like to hit the beach and see what kind of goodies might be there so heading toward the water the water is awful rough now the tide is going out but when the water's like that i don't know that it really makes much of a difference so kind of peaked at what was down in the water and not much you can really see so we're going to spend a lot of time up here on the beach going through these smatterings of little shell piles and this one a lot of times something like this you're going to look for shapes not colors and look at that a chestnut turban which i really don't find all that often so i was pretty excited about that now it's kind of a mess a little bit icky here we have a spiny jewel box so this looks like a lot of that foamy stuff that was in the ocean kind of landed here along with all the shelves but i definitely want to check out everything because you just never know what might be hiding all right we have another scallop so if you're gonna check out this got ourselves a chestnut turban and we'll just keep looking see what else that that water has turned up and put on the beach for us there is another chestnut turbine and i was a little curious because it's not like i'm the first one here there are other shellers here so i was pretty excited people seem to miss those oh and i wanted to show you we do have white fluffy stuff blowing around but it is from the sea it is not snow that is the only white fluffy stuff i like to see flying around it's only 79 degrees and there was a high surf advisory so the water is still pretty angry from all those storms that came through and we have another chestnut turbine not quite as beaded as some of those previous ones but still pretty cool and another all right now i hadn't caught quite on at this point that we were gonna find a whole bunch didn't know that yet but very pretty beaded chestnut so we do happen to find a couple of those and like i said i am not alone and i've said it before you pretty much got to get to the beach at like three o'clock in the morning to get here first i didn't have the plan to go shelling in the dark but maybe i'll do that in the near future so for today we're going to go through all these other cool piles of things here's another scallop a little bit beat up lots of kitten paws here is a slipper this is a slipper snail okay here is a piece of thin finger coral not surprised anything that was loose i think is kind of pushed up onto the beach although it wasn't the big shells like the big shell piles i was kind of hoping for oh that's a pretty scallop and here is a calico clam nice color on that one as well and a lettered olive let's see how lettered it is barely lettered but it's but i do see it shiny so we have here a rather unlettered olive and another chestnut turbine okay let's look at ah it's pretty beaded although it's kind of a monochrome color and just wait some of them the color is fantastic so that's what i'm looking for anything you guys see the turbine it's there there it is let's look oh the color on that one is totally cool very beaded with nice little splotches of brown very very cool so they do come in a bunch of different colors we are going to see a whole bunch of varieties of them oh that one has a nice orange stripe to it very very cool and another all right this one looks a little more orangey again nice and beaded i'd love to i've never actually found an operculum for those so one day i hope now this piece of coral i think is staghorn coral pretty sure that that's what that is kind of neat because i usually find the thin fingered coral that we've already found so it's fine coral that was a little different was very cool here's another scallop a real pretty color oh really pretty color on that alright cool okay here we have a serif it's a fun little shell not an auger it's got that same shape but they are different shells we'll find one of those later on too and this little itty bitty tiny apple mirex just a wee little apple mirex shell i'll put that in my container because that will get lost in my shell bag for sure now this i thought i was kind of thinking oh what is this and then the more i kind of studied it and that's an arc i think that's a transverse arc oh another chestnut turban very cool and i look for almost like the void that circle the same as with the shark eyes sometimes when they're turned upside down you're kind of looking for a dark circle so just to show you i am not here i was not the first i'm not here alone i was not the first one here i'm definitely shelling among other people so just kind of all trying our luck and look everybody isn't going to find everything all the time and maybe they weren't look maybe these people weren't looking for chestnut turbans i don't know but i was surprised that i was finding these kind of cool shells even amongst a bunch of other shellers two more not quite as beaded but still very cool and this i believe is a corrugated jewel box kinda you know it's hard to tell with some of them i'm pretty sure that that's what that is a little weird looking shell which i like i like weird oh and another piece of coral okay so this is the third type of coral this is called golf ball coral and i do not usually find those as well you can kind of tell by the shape so that's called golf ball coral pretty cool oh my leading waiting venus clam shell yeah i just like them kind of cool and a lightning look nice lightning a lightning walk yep went right over the scallops right for the chestnut turban well that one's really beaded a very bumpy chestnut turban this i was so excited because i've never found one i don't think i've ever found one over here on the west coast that is a giant bittersweet clam it's not all that big but that is the species it is it is a giant bittersweet i've typically only found those over on the east coast so to find one today was pretty cool and look at all the voids see those circles there is one one chestnut turbine two chestnut turbines yeah they're an okay shape and here i see another void so here we have another one of those seraths of cool and another that's that's that's got some kind of cool coloring another cool beaded chestnut turban so guy like i don't think i've found one of these in months and then today what so far i've picked up a dozen so some more chestnut turbines oh and here okay here we have a common nutmeg so that is a little nutmeg it's nice it's got a little point on it it's also kind of beaded so kind of kind of fun and big old lady and lady in waiting venus clam they get to about an inch and a half so that one is probably just about maximum size for that lady in waiting clam and this i liked because like a lot of the work was already done for me it's just about exactly half of a chestnut turban so definitely keeping that yep and another and again i'm kind of scratching my head going why are these here well because of the storm but like why didn't other people find them i i don't know but i was finding them left and right so it wasn't the shell piles i was kind of hoping you know when you see that big old storm come through we're really kind of hoping you know there'd be shell piles me don't i'm not worried we're definitely going to find stuff some other interesting stuff and there's just not really a possibility at this point of shelling in the water so it's 8 14 in the morning i'm just kind of mosing along see what else was pitched up on the beach for us another one look at that's kind of got some red in it all right and this point i think you guys probably can nail you know exactly what a chestnut turban looks like so unless it's like really really super cool we're gonna start concentrating on some of the other stuff now this is an auger but i thought it was neat because it's broken and you can see the inside the way that it kind of twirls and that interested me so i kept it yep water is still really angry and it's so it's really really windy i know it sounds cold it's not it's just crazy windy and i tried you know to kind of get down in the water just to see because i did bring my scooper i came prepared but it just wasn't happening i mean you couldn't see there was nothing to really scoop look at the wind the wind was 19 miles an hour at this point so i'm gonna hit back up head back up onto the beach and see what we can find oh i spy an apple murax all right cool it's got a bunch of that beach stuff on it and that is just fine that'll clean up no problem what else we got oh oh that's a really pretty nutmeg fantastic color it is missing its little tiny point but it's gorgeous nice color very pretty common nutmeg and a turkey wing just kind of poking out of the sand there that's kind of cool and it's funny there'll be days where i'll find like 30 of those but today i think we're just gonna find this one one turkey wing all right this must must be something kind of cool yeah that is kind of cool got a nice pattern to that another chestnut turban to add to the collection oh and here's just a little a wee little calico clam kind of muted colors kind of cool and while we're here we might as well pick up a calico scallop or two so they were here as well let's see what else is laying around all right yet another scallop that one's a little bit more worn down that is a juvenile florida fighting conch very sandy you notice the sand here in captiva it's it's much darker and very very i mean sand is grainy but it's just kind of bigger grains of sand if it's such a thing it's a chestnut turbine a little bit beat up and cut another common nutmeg very cool i spy an olive that'd be terrible if i missed it oh oh it's a nice one very lettery kind of fat little shiny thing awesome very cool lettered olive oh and another apple murex excellent real nice color i know there i mean look they had a rough time these shelves they've been kind of tossed around for a bit so some of them are a little bit dirty now this was so fun because it doesn't really look like much of anything it's just a little piece kind of poking out and it is a lace mirex so i don't know i i just think that that's kind of cool when there's just a little piece of something and you kind of explore you take the time to look at it and i wanted to go wash it off but i couldn't quite tear myself away i was finding all these other things that is a hinged kitten paw and of course there is another and that's kind of pretty another chestnut turban and i still couldn't tear myself away oh look at the color on that so that's another very slippery i guess chestnut turbine but it's like red oh so pretty so i finally made it to the water to wash off the lace mirrors but actually is very lacy super duper happy with that lace murex oh and it was hiding another lettered olive he's pretty lettery definitely gonna keep that you see it it's a chestnut turban not that one but there's one there that is a hinged kitten paw what do we got here another kitten paw maybe i don't know if yep do you see the turbine there it is hopefully you saw it so this is the fantastic tutorial on how to find chestnut turbines and that is another one of those lady in waiting venus clams i don't know i just think they're interesting kind of like those horizontal like leafy lines on them and this i guess i was here i'm just picking them up left oh while i'm bent down maz will pick up a couple of them they were just everywhere very cool that's a serious oh and another one almost i wouldn't want to miss that so whole bunch chestnut turbines and a serath and another lettered olive oldies very shiny it's got its point not that you know coloring phantom it's not that lettery but it's a nice shell nonetheless so let's poke around you can see people have been through here i see footprints you can tell that the shows have been disturbed but i still kind of at least take a peek because you never know like i said i miss shells other people miss shells you never know somebody might have missed something good here's another calico clam love the color on those and while i'm here pick up a couple of chestnut turbans you know very cool oh this must be good let's look at the color yeah that one's really cool kind of got like that red and brown some stripes it's a little bit bumpy yeah that's super pretty super pretty chestnut turban okay it's a lady in wading clam but it's hinged so that makes it even in my opinion even cooler so that is a hinged lady in waiting clam shell yay yeah it's just a piece guys it is just a piece of a genonia so that is one of the bucket list gels for shellers i haven't found a piece in a long time so kind of exciting it's just a piece but it is a piece of a genonia very nice and we have ourselves a flat okay that looks like a round ribbed flat to me yeah i don't find them all that often but uh i'm kind of kind of looking for that zigzag and this i thought was so pretty it's just just an auger it's empty it's packed full of sand i just thought it was beautiful really cool auger that's weird another chestnut turban but it's kind of pretty it's uh definitely very beaded got nice color on there all right let's see how pretty this one is yeah that one's kind of cool too definitely needs a little bit of cleaning all right there's got to be some more here there there has to be i mean they were you pretty much you bend down and you just picked up a couple i mean it was just nutty and not in a bad way so just kind of hunting through here now this is different i have absolutely no idea what it was or what it is i tried to figure it out i mean obviously it's some sort of clam maybe i don't think it's a scallop i i don't know if you have any idea what you think that is let me know and here we have a painted egg cockle i just think they're so pretty and the ones i found today happened to be really shiny for whatever reason the ones i don't know whether the sand kind of like buffed them up but they were shiny they were pretty and this was something that i found on the beach i have no idea what it is i tried to figure it out it doesn't really feel like coral it is light it just was a weird shape i find another piece toward the end of the video maybe somebody can help me figure out what that is and then this is a hinged calico clam and it's always hard to you know open those with one hand so it was empty not alive so i managed to find that pretty hinged calico clam so i'm still kind of meandering down the beach again not the shell piles just kind of smatterings but we're still fine i mean definitely still finding pretty good stuff still pretty windy but i've walked far enough away from the beach entrance so i'm not really encountering too many other people at this point because there's only two entrances or two public parking spots on captiva that's it two and one of them was closed and that is just a piece of a flat and since i did i might have kept that if i found it first but since i found that first one that was pretty much whole i decided to leave that piece and this scallop i thought was just gorgeous i do not think that is a calico scallop and that is another shell that i couldn't quite figure out exactly what that was which is in my opinion kind of cool i like finding things that are different i do my research and i can't figure it out so hopefully one day i will be able to figure it out that one right there i'm holding that is a spiny jewel box a very sandy spiny jewel box oh another chestnut turban what else is here another calico clam there's got to be at least a couple turbines here oh yeah it was oh that one's super pretty really really pretty all right a rough scallop a nice bright orange rough scallop very cool so just like i said mosing down the beach and i think i'll go for a little walk and be quiet so you can have some beach time now where exactly were we when we just took this walk so here you see the southern tip of florida and over here is captiva so when we zoom in this is the island of captiva and this is where i wanted to park because i wanted to explore the north end of the island however i had to park down here because that was the only lot on the entire island that was open to the public so that's where we're walking and exploring and looking for shells another auger oh really cool i like the big ones very cool auger and another rough scallop oh so there's other there's other things here other than chestnut turbines and there's the calico scallop on the right kind of see the difference definitely in the bottom of the shell you can see the difference oh there's another nutmeg very nice with a i think another bonus shell in there on me and another chestnut turbine nice and beaded very cool now you can see the stuff blowing around in the background here we have yet another rough scallop nice orange one wow that one's a little bit bigger than some of those other ones that is pretty big old beaded chestnut turban and here's another one oh look bonus i got a little tiny hinged kitten paw inside of the chestnut turbine bone oh dear trying to keep hold of everything and got at this point like if i help you find shells if i give you tips if you could let me know yes i've been helpful so i can try to incorporate more of that into future videos here we have an egg cockle i try to tell you guys just what i look for what i do how i go about it doesn't make it right i'm just trying to let you know how i kind of go about my business oh well high round ribbed flat very cool i'm gonna kind of hold on to it or it's gonna blow away yep that is another round ribbed flat very cool another egg cockle clearly i'm trying to hold on to look at the color on that one oh that's awesome so apparently they can range anywhere from very light monochrome to almost a red color there can be orange another apple mirex very nice that one's in decent shape doesn't need much cleaning up at all now this one was very exciting to me i've never found this this is a cross-hatched leucine and if you look at the pattern on the top of it it has a really intentional deliberate kind of pattern to it so it's a little bit wavy it's a little bit diagonal it was really really neat i knew that that was something i had never seen before so that is a hatched loose scene here we have another particularly pretty chestnut turbine very beaded nice color yep scoring big on those chestnut turbines today and here we have a florida worm snail i like the weird things those are a little weird i like them oh and a little tiny nutmeg oh that one's real pretty color i guess they hang out with the turbans now this is another mystery that i don't know what it is i was not able to figure this out just a big old hunk of a shell and i couldn't tell if all the other matter kind of adhered itself to the shell or that was supposed to be the shell shape i really didn't know but i thought it was interesting i still have it i kept it i have no idea what it is it's just a big old lump of something from the beach oh and this was just a piece that is a piece of a lion's paw so the whole shell did not survive just a piece and i have found no i mean a handful maybe three or four so i decided to not keep that piece so it is beautiful and for me it's kind of exciting to see the water kind of roiling like this because it is normally much calmer the high surf advisory is still there and the wind is kicked up a little bit so now it's actually 20 miles an hour so it was like the storm blew through pushed stuff all over the place and it is still very very windy this was very very cool that is a speckled talon i had never found one before somebody else had sent me a picture um trying to identify it so i knew what it was when i picked it up so that was kind of cool and then that is just another letter doll if it happened to be there figured i'd just take a peek but that speckled talon i thought that was really cool and look at this chestnut turbine it's like like a bright orange color i've never found so many so i didn't realize just the variety of colors i mean the same shape they used to have that beaded pattern but the colors there's a nice variety of colors on them and there is another common nutmeg doing good in the chestnut and nutmeg department for this time of year so just peek through here there were kitten paws everywhere just kind of scanning and so i you know like i see you see what i'm finding there is stuff here it doesn't really look like it but if you just be patient you kind of get down there look at this all right you know what that is that is a depressed top snail i have never found one of those they're tiny they only get to be about one half inch big so that is a depressed top snail i thought that was super cool i've never seen one never found one so another new to me shell and look at the color on that one it's almost like purple very fun oh hello apple mirex well i'm here might as well say hi to you pick you up nice colored shells and another apple mirex all right i'll take that sure again i kind of scratch my head do people miss i why are people missing these other shells i don't know look another flat yay and it's not like this stuff is getting washed up this stuff is either here or it's not the tide is not helping at this point at all another flat very pretty and another lightning welcome so today we only found two but what oh there's another couple of chestnut turbans yeah i found it i'm telling you it was like that if you bent down you just kind of picked up a couple they they were every time i went down i at least got one chestnut turban here is another oh that one's really lovely so that is a nutmeg very very lovely nutmeg oh finally some florida fighting kongs hadn't seen any of those today although these do look a little bit worse for wear you probably were tossed around quite a bit that is a knobless one doesn't have those little spikes on the shoulder look at the kitten paws seriously they're that's crazy so apparently they were all having a party and they all ended up hanging out on the beach together yep there's a chestnut turban so depending on what you were looking for you could have hit the jackpot so all your typical maybe not all of them not too many arcs that was just crazy with the kitten paws and another nutmeg fun fun little shell oh and a tiny tiny little rough scallop very pretty now that's more of that weird matter i don't know what to call it and you can kind of see on this one so there's kind of a void in the middle of it i don't know what that is so i'm assuming it's something from the ocean don't know what it is though something different oh a broken chestnut turban yeah i think we have enough we can leave that one behind but look at the color on that one how cool is that i thought that was really cool and another nice auger very cool and what do we got here okay this is another mystery to me i don't have any idea what that is i could not figure it out i don't know if that is a piece of something if that is the whole thing is it a shell i couldn't quite tell me it looks like it should be some sort of really cool scallop but i could not identify it or figure out what it was still kind of cool so that was the beach walk it was not what i expected i was kind of hoping and i guess you always do when a big storm goes comes you know you figure you'll go to the beach and there'll be a six foot high pile of shells but doesn't always work like that and i did try a little bit of scooping over here by the jetty so across we just saw blind pass but we're over here on the jetty and captiva the water is still whipping the wind is still whipping and i did try a little bit of scooping and there was just nothing out there so i have a feeling that a bunch of other people got really really lucky after but i'm not gonna complain because i got about a billion chestnut turbines sorry maybe not a billion but it was over 160. it was insanity but in a good way so we got a whole bunch of those chestnut turbines i did pick up a couple of those cat paws got a couple scallops and then i was really kind of liking those augers the syrahs the egg cockles couple of those lady and wading clams and then we did get some calico clams over on the right and some nutmegs some spiny jewel boxes some apple murexes but my favorite pieces were like the interesting weird stuff the couple flats the bittersweet that leucine the piece of genonia the depressed top snail so i mean it was it was really fun especially seeing the stuff that i don't normally see finding mystery shelves and finding shells i'd never found before so it was really really fun and before i give you a quick sneak peek to next week i just want to go through my thank yous to my patreons who i appreciate so very much for financially supporting me and everybody else i love you so much thank you next week this is going to be one of the shows we find it was literally just sitting there on the beach this is an alphabet cone and we're gonna find this and a ton of other fantastic shells so thank you as always for coming along with me on my windy beach walk it was a lot of fun i hope you learned a lot about chestnut turbines and how to find them i hope you have a wonderful week and i'll see you again next sunday
Channel: SWF Beach Life
Views: 17,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Looking for sea shells after a storm, looking for seashells after a storm, finding sea shells, sea shells, florida shelling, looking for seashells in florida, Captiva, sanibel shelling, shelling sanibel, sanibel sea shells, sanibel seashells, seashells, sanibel island florida, sanibel lighthouse beach, sanibel lighthouse, shelling sanibel lighthouse, sanibel lighthouse shelling, looking for seashells, swfbeachlife, swf beach life, florida beach walk, florida beachcombing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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