Look EXPENSIVE in your casual everyday style (Full Guide)

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why is it that many of us look really nice and  cute at special occasions or when we go out at   night but for our casual everyday looks we tend  to make a less effort and end up looking more   like this why is that it is kind of ironic because  actually the Casual everyday style is the style   you wear the most yet it's the style you neglect  the most or simply don't prioritize or treat   seriously I was never Happ in my kind of average  everyday appearance I wanted to feel more elevated   even every day not just at special occasions  so I started implementing certain changes in   my wardrobe and shopping strategy the first step  that I took was actually to just wake up one day   and say I've had enough enough is enough I'm fit  up of feeling uncomfortable in what I wear or   entering a room and just feeling like the ugliest  person in there or I have beautiful friends next   to me or friends who have a little bit more style  and I just feel like the most unattractive one so   the first thing that I had to stop was the way  I shopped I had to completely change shopping   strategy and my approach to what I buy so before  a very typical way of how I would buy things I   would just wing it I would just walk into Zara  have no clue really what I wanted to buy I was   just going to oh you know maybe something is  on sale maybe I'll find something and then I   was just buy stuff that just did not make sense  whatsoever so in the end I ended up with with   a wardrobe filled of just random things that I  picked up from there and from there and from there   and then when you go through life on an everyday  basis and you just you know grab something grab   something else and put it together and you look  at yourself and you're like this is so ugly and   why does that happened because you didn't Shop  with a plan because you weren't very thoughtful   with your purchases because you just took some  random things and put it all together at the   end without any deeper meaning or thought behind  so the first first thing was to stop immediately   with that behavior I actually took a whole year  of break from shopping to figure out my style to   really make sure that my next purchase is going to  be very intentional because from now on I'm just   purchasing well curated items that I'm going to  be proud of that I'm going to really cherish and   they're all going to be quality and feel elevated  and just energized me on a different way than what   the current items are doing to me what was funny  is that the other day when I just threw together   a quick outfit for my everyday regular life and I  looked at myself today I was like you know what I   actually put zero thought into today's outfit yet  this actually looks kind of cute and why is that   because every item that I've been purchasing in  the last I don't know how many years now they're   all very intentional and they're all kind of very  well curated and quality and look elevated on   their own so mixing and matching them together  is fine because you're not going to have that   weirdness going on with quality items it's going  to be easier to look elevated in a casual outfit   the next thing that I did that was so important  because this is where many people actually end   up making a mistake they end up choosing very  comfortable and convenient type of garments for   their everyday style because while they have kids  they're going to be running after their kids their   kids are going to make a mess on their clothes so  they're gonna be like you know what I surrender   to life I'm gonna just put on something black  some running shoes and just call it a day like   goodbye style it does not fit in my life right  now obviously that was a very specific example but   frankly you need to look at your actual lifestyle  what do you do every day maybe you're like me you   have a dog so you walk your dog maybe four or five  times a day so your outfit needs to support that   activity but in the end of the day I think the Red  Thread that we all can relate to is that everyday   we seek comfort and convenience and so what we  tend to do is that we tend to just go for the   easiest even if it's a bit ugly but that's the  thing you don't have to actually syn yourself   to that low level you can find a middle ground  because you know here on this channel we have a   balanced approach to life and yes you can have  the best of both worlds you can actually look   stylish while choosing comfort and convenience  but how let me tell you in the next point so   this is where you have have to start switching on  your brain power because you need to figure this   out for yourself I cannot tell you where this  where that and that's going to perfectly work   for you I'm going to definitely be giving you  some specific examples and maybe you can pick   and choose what works for you but I need you to  really think for yourself think about what kind   of outfits do you actually like wearing so there  are often times certain formulas that tend to work   for us and not for others my my friend the other  day said that she never wears pants cuz it makes   her feel dumpy I'm like dumpy that's a funny word  so she needs to wear dresses on a day-to-day basis   and those dresses have to work in those casual  everyday settings fine now find a few dresses or   a few styles that really work for you all right  so let me tell you my personal favorite everyday   looks that I personally wear and that works for  me okay love love love the cropped pant and the   v-neck combo now this is my most worn kind of  outfit formula for every day and it's simply   because it's just something that makes me feel  very comfortable but what I tend to do is that   I tend to have a variation between wearing the  cro pant as a jeans or as a more tailored trouser   because the tailor trousers look a bit smarter and  then what I do is that I let loose on the colors I   will wear a red pant I will wear a yellow pant a  green pant you name it I love color and I tend to   spice it up that way so that I can actually have  a fairly boring staple for every day but I make   it look a little bit more fun and interesting  by implementing color and of course also style   of trouser but the top tend to stay fairly  simple then my second favorite outfit formula   for everyday is the midi dress with a sneaker I  just love it I love it because it's comfortable   you know here I'm wearing a midi dress and this is  by Anna Bay clothing line if you want to find out   more go to annab shop.com sorry for that cheeky  little promo that is just a combo that works for   me I personally walk a lot I have a dog I need  to walk long distance many times so yeah I need   to be comfortable on my feet but I also do enjoy  the feminine feeling of a dress as long as the   dress is in a comfortable material that follows  your body and silhouette nicely cuz you know   some dresses can be a little bit you know tight  uncomfortable the material is a bit like uh no   and that is actually a very important key for  your everyday items like make sure there are   in very comfortable Fabrics because if they're not  you're always going to reach for the sweatpant now   my third favorite combo is jeans with a shirt so  I like what I call contrast dressing so contrast   dressing is when you have something super lowkey  together with something very smart so it becomes   very contrasting in style I also do like as an  example you wear something really fitted and   then you have something slightly I wouldn't say  oversized because that might give you the wrong   impression but just something a little bit looser  that has kind of the more relaxed kind of feeling   very very nice contrast and so the jeans and the  shirt does exactly that because the Jean is very   casual in appearance but the shirt is very smart  in appearance so when you mix salt and sweet it   becomes that you know Perfect combo which is why  I like the salt and sweet popcorn at the cinnamon   now these are just my example of three  outfit formulas that I love for every   day and guess what I do I'm not going to  keep Reinventing the wheel no sometimes   you don't need more than just three outfit  Combos and then you just rinse and repeat   rinse and repeat those in different colors  in different Fabrics in different styles and   voila you have Endless Options for an everyday  wardrobe that really does make sense for you   now the next thing that I did and I highly  recommend that you sit down and just do this   too because this is going to be a complete game  changer for you and it has to do how do we develop   the search for comfort in our clothes because one  can be like yeah I just want to be comfortable   but you're not really understanding what that  actually means with the clothes that you wear   and I'm referring now to like what is it that  actually makes clothes be comfortable it's the   fabric of the clothes it's the fit of the clothes  loads very important two things to think about I   highly highly highly recommend that you ladies get  some training at least in the fit of the clothing   if you don't fully grasp what is the right fit for  clothes on your unique body you're actually going   to be challenged in this department because we all  have different body shapes we all have different   proportions and we have different scale and  depending on all our different you know elements   and bodies and how it's structured clothes are  going to sit differently so what I might feel   comfortable to wear you might not feel comfortable  to wear because we have different bodies so it is   important that you understand okay what kind of  pants feel comfortable wearing for me what kind of   skirts what kind of dresses what kind of this that  you know all these details are fundamental for   you to know this is how you narrow down what you  end up buying so if we go back to what I said in   the beginning of the video you need to stop just  buying on the whim you need to know what you're   buying and investing your money in and so I  actually ended up taking an image consultant   training but I have created a fast track for you  it is called the elegant stylist and it is an   online course that you can take and just sit down  and learn this once and for all and I can be your   teacher if you want to for more info just go into  the link that is in the description box below just   visit elegant stylist. and find out more how  you can take this course but so understanding   your body is key but also learning learning a  bit on Fabrics which I also cover in the course   by the way but that is also essential because  you can to understand okay what Fabrics should   I stay away from and what Fabrics make me feel so  comfy and also elevates me like make me feel good   cuz that's what I said before you can combine The  Best of Both Worlds you don't have to pick a side   and frankly we live in the hoodie era no hate  against hoodies I can also wear one once in the   Blue Moon however there is this approach in our  societ iy that that is comfort and nothing else   when it comes to Fashion but that is so not true  because you can actually achieve Comfort if you   choose clothing in the right size in the right  fit right material and the right structure for   you and it's not difficult in my next video I'm  actually going to give you the exact specific   casual everyday items that I personally recommend  to you if you want a little fast track or if you   want to get get some ideas on what to wear watch  this video but it's not going to be available   until next week so make sure you are subscribed to  this Channel and that you tune in next week when   I release this video meanwhile I highly recommend  that you watch my video on how to look expensive   wearing jeans because that is something that we  wear every day most of us but how do we actually   look elevated in a pair of jeans I'm going  to break it down for you in the next video
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 231,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to look expensive, look expensive on a budget, Anna Bey, anna bey, classy fashion, look classy, Elegant Style, Transformation, Upper-class, How to be classy, Elegant Fashion, Style Tips, What to wear, how to dress better, how to look classy casual, outfit ideas, classy, style tips, how to look elegant, how to look classy, fashion tips, elevate your style, classy everyday outfits, what to wear, Classy and elegant style, expensive on a budget, how to elevate your style
Id: dOCy9lqYdrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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