Long Layers Haircut For Curly Hair | Tips & Techniques for cutting curly hair

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with the back just to give you an up update i've actually um cut the baseline nice and square already because again i don't want to spend too much time doing that we just cut that square we cut about three inches off and now what we're going to do we're going to have a look at the curl that she has and begin to layer it around the front as well what i do want to do is i want to focus mostly around cutting the front of the hair so it's a little bit shorter and working with long top layers this whole section here i'm going to disconnect at this stage because i want an element of weight through the baseline i don't want to overly um layer the underneath the area keep it still for us because i don't want it to look too stringy i want it to be an element of weight through here so the section that i've taken if we want to come around the front we've worked a center parting as you can see all right from the front hairline down to the nape and then we've worked about one two three inches from the hairline and work diagonal back to just behind the ear okay because her hair here is actually shorter than it is through the front because of it being a little bit weaker so what we want to do we want to actually cut it shorter around the front here nothing crazily sure but shape it around the front so she can flip it from side to side if you come around the back we've then isolated this top section from the diagonal back we've worked it into a lower point to the occipital bone okay and we've done that on both sides and when we've twisted the hair we've twisted and twisted and twisted and twisted until all the hair is out the way don't leave the ends hanging because it'll just look messy and get in your way alright so let's begin cutting around the front here so i'm going to just take the clips out around the front and just actually put them around the back so we're not touching this back area any longer or okay um all depends on what curl that we're working on in this case i prefer to cut it wet because i'm going to approach it from a technical standpoint but if you see some of the videos on my instagram or joico's instagram that i've done before sometimes when the hair's a lot more curly and tighter i will just do section by section and work visually and cut it dry so it all depends on the actual individual that i'm working on by the way for all those watching welcome i appreciate you guys taking the time out hopefully you'll learn a few things what i would love from you is if you keep the questions coming the more questions you ask the better it is and the more of an interactive experience this whole day will be all right so we're going to start around the front i'm going to wet down the hair again with a bit more luster look just close your eyes for me we're going to spray that through generously you can be very generous because curly hair needs as much moisture as possible because if not it will be frizzy so you've got to be quite generous with the leave-in conditioner and we're just going to do it from underneath as well and work that all the way through and then we're going to start to layer this front area i'll get you to hold that for us thank you so much maggie okay look down for me so we're going to start with combing everything forward all right and we're going to layer this graduation around the front and you'll see what i mean by what i'm saying look how long if you put your head up for me look how long the front is okay it's all the way down here yes we know curly hair jumps but even when it jumps it's still too long so we want to we want to cut it so it's just below the jaw level around this area here so that way she can flip it put it behind the ear and put it in a ponytail all right so we're going to take a guideline as wide as the comb if you can just see not wide not wider than that so as wide as the comb anything wider is too wide you start inverting each section i'm going to come around this side actually want to come here and you'll notice that i'm actually almost going to slip over you'll notice i'm using the wide end of the comb because i don't want to overly force the tension that we have all right so kind of loose working from there and we're gonna work short too long like that and this is where we're gonna shape the front a lot more so just working with the same angle making sure i'm happy with the way that's sitting like that and when that drops have a look it's still very long when i come to subdivide both sections if you want to come around the front ash you'll see that it's still quite long around the front look where look where it is it's all the way put it up straight it's all the way there so we've cut good couple of inches from the bottom i'm going to leave it like that for now i quite it's going to jump when it's dry so you just want it to be at a length that looks longer when it's wet knowing that it's going to jump when it's dry okay next section we take a diagonal section and we're going to invert that to the very center okay using the wide end of the comb and working that through and inverting everything to the center so we start graduating the front by layering it through and working with elevation okay nice and clean next section same thing work from that point down and directing everything to the center you always want to work the inversion towards you not away from you so you'll notice my body position is on the opposite side and that's what's going to enable me to move everything towards me so i have more control of the inversion okay loosely working with the comb and just cutting that off like so okay last what this book is very good question number one it allows the hair to be detangled a lot easier so it's a great cutting lotion in addition to that it keeps my sections nice and clean and maintains more moisture for a longer period in addition to that it feeds the hair with protein but also protects the hair against the thermal heating later on so there's a whole lot of things but why i do before i cut is to keep my sections clean and to keep the hair nice and moist okay so working that and that is that for the front you got to make sure your fingers are parallel if you want to come from the front a parallel to the center part put your head straight maggie see my fingers are parallel they're not twisted they're not twisted they're parallel and they're coming right to the center through here okay so when i comb this forward have a look we start the graduation through the layering so when i pull all this up and out you'll see that it's worked from short to long can you see that this is just a loose hair let me just get rid of that and that one there we've got the graduation perfectly done how by working it short to long there because what happens when you pull when you pull everything out short to long guess what happens when it falls it falls short to long and that's how you create that graduation that we have through in here all right so later we're going to just tidy this up but before i do that i want to do the other side okay so same thing but you'll notice i stand on the opposite side everything's now worked towards me with the same end of the comb pulling it out and you can see you can't see the guideline it's too long sorry it's too thick so you've got to take smaller sections okay make sure you're happy with that make sure it's inverted to the center make sure it's balanced and clean all right cool next section we take as a diagonal forward section and we do the same thing everything technically approaching the hair and making sure that what we're creating is going to suit maggie because suitability is everything there's no use of doing a haircut or a color that's so technical but then you know at the end it doesn't look good maggie doesn't really care what technique i use all she cares about is the end result so always keep that in mind whenever you choose your technique that is going to create the end result that you've discussed with your client i'm just going to move this clip slightly further in okay last section here because there's not much hair that's going to reach i can do it all in one go making sure i'm coming that from the roots these little hairs around the mast they won't they're not going to reach so don't worry about those and just make sure that you're working everything into the center are your fingers facing up on the opposite side am i doing what sorry are your fingers facing up on the opposite side they're yes yes they are because i'm when i'm on the opposite side i'm facing down but i'm working from short to long both ways absolutely good good point all right so before i carry on i like to check for balance and make sure that this is perfect so what we do the best way to check balance around the front is number one stand square to your model or client all right a couple of tips i'm going to give you from a client standpoint when i'm this close to a client and i'm checking someone's hair like this number one make sure your breath is not a smoker's breath i'm just gonna give you some tips if you're a five-star hairdresser you're a five-star salon you don't want to be breathing down someone's face really close checking their hair but still breathing in them i think that's a good point second point i think it's i think it's kind of intimidating you're laughing i think it's i think it's kind of intimidating when you're really close and checking someone's hair so close so i think what i normally always say is close your eyes for me that way i'm relaxed she's relaxed and i can just check at peace and make sure i'm happy without being so intimidating to the client or the model okay this is so far so good want to make sure that's balanced there and then around the very bottom make sure that's balanced as well this side i know was a little shorter the very bottom here but i'm gonna make it balance on both sides but what i'm checking is the balance on both sides on the same point by pulling it towards myself okay so just gonna come through in here first i'm still using the wide end of the comb and now i'm gonna just strengthen up the perimeter so it's tidier through here okay so you can point cut if you like you can club cut whatever you fancy as long as it's soft and later we're going to detail when it's dry come around this side actually so you can see all right and then through in here as well you've got to be careful with curly hair i think you know some of us think curly hair is the same as straight hair and it's not it's going to jump a lot more so you've got to be a little bit more aware of the jump when it's completely dry okay so here it's quite perfect just going to again point cut a little bit and then pull up the other side and just get the very very bottom through here and your fingers and comb a parallel to diagonal back section all right see that's a little weak we're just going to strengthen it up through that bottom area there okay let's check for balance one more time make sure we're completely happy before we move on to the next section okay any other questions so flash so true right i think you know when we come to think of clients we can't just think of the color it's like a restaurant you can't just think about the food food's important but so is the service if we can provide five-star service and five-star cuts and colors they will wait for you and wait for you until you're available to get their hair done because they know it's not just about the haircut it's also about the experience okay so again a little just i'm very very fussy i'm cutting minim like minimal off just through in there and i'm going to check the very bottom one more time okay that little bit there okay let me check that one more time and then i think we can move on to the next section cool that's good as well make sure it's the same spot that's great okay i'm much happy with that now if it's a little heavier when it's dry we can always twist cut i'll show you what that means so especially around this very front area what i like to do because it's curly hair we want to promote the curl so you kind of twist it like that away from the face all right twist it so it's twisted from roots to ends and then you grab your scissors don't come too short come from about there and just slight cut and what that does it softens the hair so it's not a chunk through that very front area and it's only two sections you only need to do that on two sections so you can do the same thing on this side she's probably thinking what is he doing and you know what if your client doesn't know what you're doing explain what you're doing and why you're doing it always explain what you're doing and why you're doing it so let me give you an example okay maggie so i know this looks scary but what i'm doing i'm using a twist cut technique i'm not cutting the whole thing off i'm just slightly cutting a little bit and what that does it softens it and promotes the curl when you come to dry and you'll see when it's coming to dry you'll see what i mean okay leave that for now let's do the other side and we can just have a look at this again when it's dry so now i'm going to twist the opposite away from the face so i did away from the face on this side i'm going to do away from the face at this side little techniques like this make a difference you know you're cutting internally not just externally so even though we're creating the shape around the perimeter we're also cutting into the hair to promote the curl she's got gorgeous curly hair all right so start from about there there and there cool let's do one more here make sure it's the same on the other side always make sure it's the kind of same it's a little thicker so i'm going to take a little less perfect so even though you're being technical you're also being visual to make sure that the balance is going to be the same on both sides all right so we're twisting twisting twisting everything over and we're gonna do a little bit of the twist cutting here also okay so from about mid lengths cool now let's have a look at this come close i'm going to comb this out look as i comb this out look at the hair that comes out look at this look at that that's all weight but look the length is still there and i've just softened that come over this eyelash ready just going to comb all that through comb it through it's all going to come out all that just wait but it's still there and when you come to curl it it's going to be softer and not so dramatic but you've promoted the curl around the front as well all right let's do the last section which is the top section are you guys enjoying this so far give me a thumbs up if you're enjoying this yes yes it can be but you've got to be careful where you do it and how much you do of it so because the back i don't want it to be all stringy i want it to be kind of weighty i don't want to do it too much right now if when it's dry i feel that it needs a little bit more i will but at this stage i'm kind of liking just doing it around the front and you can do it also through the top i don't like doing it around the perimeter too much because then it could look a little too thin so it's using the technique in areas to solve problems not just doing it for the sake of doing it but you can do it yes throughout the shape so look what i'm doing now i'm clipping away the hair that's out the way through the top so i'm just putting these extra ones here because i'm going to start working this top section this top section really i don't want to do anything crazy i'm going to work like a a long square layer so what i'm going to do is firstly just keep your head still for us if you can comb all that through that luster lock i prepared with look at this look how easy it is to comb through the hair once you've got luster lock in there it's a nice leaving conditioner that allows the hair to detangle and to comb through quite nicely okay so what i like always splitting the top section into two so what i'm gonna do is firstly grab the section on this side okay and just take a radial section so we're splitting that into two all right so we're working with the back first i'm gonna move this section away just keep your sections super super clean so it's easier to manage okay and just use the spare clip and clip that sitting forward okay as long as it's away from the face i'm happy same thing on the other side you want to come on this eyelash you'll see probably better all right so we're subdividing this section as well making sure the section's perfect and clean all right and then we're combing this away from the section that we're about to cut and away from her face and then just putting a nice little clip so it's nicely tucked away while we can focus mostly on the back section okay so it's away from the face it's away from the section now and i've got the section clipped underneath this is why we clipped the section underneath so it doesn't disrupt the top i put my finger through in here look down for me maggie look down okay put my finger in there and i drag the comb to my finger so it doesn't interrupt the shape all right and then we put the hair so it's all clean you know exactly what you need to cut it's these two sections here this is where we're going to cut a little bit off the hair again it's a lot of hair using the white end of the comb i'm going to cut this first 90 degrees so we're going to cut that through round to the head shape 90 degrees all right nothing too sure but by rounding it like so it's going to allow the hair to sit nice and like soft seamless layering the whole purpose is to create internal volume and shape but if i lower my hands and pull it straight up and straight out and cut it like so it's going to be quite heavy so the higher the elevation the softer and more seamless it's going to sit okay so i'm going to take another section diagonal section like so all right and i'm going to direct over to the previous guideline okay so this one will go to the center make sure the distribution is combed nicely using the wide end of the comb and then we work those ends off okay and that's going to make the hair so much more healthier cool next section i subdivide this one into two so pivoting and i use this last section and i direct it to the previous so you're only going previous previous and that will give you a slight element of length as you travel around towards the front okay so that's going to be elevated up at 90. there we are you can see the guideline and work that round at 90. cool okay next section we do the exact same thing on the opposite side let's pick all the hair up so we know what we're doing and then we're going to i'm going to stand on the opposite side because i want to stand on the same side as the guideline all right so subdivide this side so we've cut this side let's move this away all right and now we can work towards this side here so we do diagonal pivoting so from the front we pivot from the center and we direct to the previous guideline it's technical the technique is what gives you shape if you do the same thing guys over and over again you're going to create the same result over and over again so it's good to learn different techniques but don't just learn them actually apply them in the salon and you'll start to see really cool and new results i think as hairdressers we can fall in the trap of uh we're running late or we don't really care i think it's good to challenge yourself to try new techniques because that's what's going to keep your clients inspired that's going to keep you inspired as a hairdresser as well this is what you know joyco education is all about we're all about sharing different techniques that you could apply in the salon we don't do techniques that's too crazy and not wearable our goal is to share with you wearable commercial easy to apply techniques whether it be cutting or coloring so that you can update your skills but also update your your clients with new trends as well and new shapes so just gonna work that nice and clean people always say do you always point cut not necessarily always depends on who i'm working on and the texture that i'm working with so because this is curly and because the elevation's so high i like to work with club cutting in this case okay last section on this side what was your guide for the middle section was it from the baseline you originally cut on the bottom section good question i put a new uh guideline so what i did i took a section in the center and just lifted it up at 90. i looked at the length i looked at my hands and i i started a new guide line this is called a disconnection so i'm not connecting it to anything i'm disconnecting it but at the end it'll all seamlessly sit on top of each other so even though technically it's not connected to the bottom when it sits because of the elevation it'll fall and fall seamlessly through the top great question please keep those questions coming so another question you're probably going to ask me is well how long do you leave it how short do you take it very good question you got to be visual okay so even though i'm being take what works on the hair so in this case i'm just going to check now for balance make sure the balance is good and the length is good again i don't want to go too short with her layers because i know what happens with with curly hair i want to make sure that's perfect that's perfect okay let me just explain this if you go too short with curly hair on the layers you as hairdressers know what's going to happen even clients know what's going to happen it's going to go too much i do want it to come out and i do want it to lift a little but if i go too short with the layers it's going to be too you need an element of weight for it to actually sit flatter that's why i'm not going extremely short with the layers i'm working with longer layers but we're still cutting a good two three inches off so when you come around the back ash because i work this into a point now later what you might find this this hair maybe reaching the bottom or even a little bit longer that's okay because of the section that we took it came into a point so this point section might come down over it might not we'll see how it goes but before i carry on i want to start to work brick cutting through in here brick cutting is what's going to elevate the hair slightly okay so we're taking a horizontal section just leave that for an hour okay from the point we're elevating everything up come around probably from the front if you want actually all right so we've now we're going to cut internally okay don't panic um maybe okay this is what's gonna help promote the curl okay and when i comb that through the length is still there but the weight is taken away and that's what helps the hair to move a lot more when she's swinging it around does that make sense okay so i'm going to do the exact same thing again so we're working externally and now we're working internally very important when you're cutting curly hair you can't just work on cutting externally without approaching it internally because it needs to be movable it's different fabric you don't treat silk like you do will you've got to be more delicate with it okay so everything up and we're not going too short either from from there to there to there and we do what we call brick cutting this is a popular technique that we've done for years all right and then i just comb that through and you'll see the pieces fall through and that will make it a little bit lighter for me to be able to curl and style the hair a little bit later okay second last section these sections you don't want to be too thick because you want to be able to approach the hair uh internally so if it's too thick you're not going to reach the other side but by having it quite transparent let me see if that's that's a bit too thick so what i'll do i'll do this in two sections again keep your sections nice and clean last section here you can just put forward again through the clips make sure you got the section in your hand and now you're working internally using the cone nice and high elevation at 90. all right the top is cut we're going to focus mostly on i'll do i'll do it in two sections because it's getting wider it's getting bigger sorry i'm going to pick this up from here this is her natural hair yeah this is her natural hair color a lot a lot of it's from the sun and you'll see that when it's dry she likes this that's not thank you wait till you see the end result the end result is for me what it's all about right doing this back in the 90s techniques are timeless techniques the time if you think about cleopatra with the bob thousands of years old you can't say that's not a classic haircut and that technique's old techniques are timeless it's how you use the techniques it's where you use the techniques that makes it modern and cool and then how you style and finish it as well okay last section through this back area again it looks it looks a little uncontrolled but it's very much controlled come over look actually i've got my section that's here it's nice and clean and now you're working with the last section through here and then you're using the scissors just the tips of the scissors and you're working internally cool and then you just what is it yeah you can do that i don't like to do the reason why i don't do that with curly hair is because when i've created the curl in the hair i don't want to put my comb through i will just ruin the curl so i want to do as much as i can now and then later i can just do a little twist cutting but not brick cutting because brick cutting involves combing through the hair and once the hair is curled and styled curly you do not want to put the comb through the hair because you'll ruin the curl okay so i'm getting a little bit of a section from the back half an inch and i'm going to join it to the front because that's going to be my guide okay i'm going to join that together for a second and then i can do the other side come around the other side does this cut help prevent that shelf the shelf look what's a shelf look i don't know what a shelf look is i'm afraid but maybe she's going to retype it um i'm not sure if you want to ask that question again or rephrase it so i understand i'll be happy to answer the question all right so now have a look what i'm going to do i'm going to put the clips here because i've finished with this part of the haircut all right i'm going to put the clip here i finished with that part of the haircut i've added half an inch into the top guideline so i have a guideline now i'm going to take horizontal sections keep taking horizontal sections all right and then we're going to lift everything up shelf meaning like the layers aren't blended together oh yeah because of the elevation it's going to blend so much better is that what she was asking yeah thank you oh yes yes very much so because when it falls you'll fall more in fall more transparent it won't be so heavy and chunky like i did around the front so yes it it it helps the hair to sit more a lot more seamless and it also promotes the curl and creates a bit more volume as well so i'm just connecting that square as you can see okay elbows up that's square i'm going to cut the internal in a minute i want to get rid of the guide line because the guideline that i just took from the back has already been cut internally so i don't want to re-cut that internally again so now this is my guideline for the rest of the top and then i can do the internal cutting once i finished the hair so here gonna work nice and square all right and then we're putting that through and cutting that square square because your hair is so long i would do it round round is good too when you're layering the hair but in this case because the hair is so long i'm doing it square so it sits nicely on top of the underneath section that we've just cut all right and the last section which is this one i'm going to pick up all the hair you can see because i've clipped the hair i know exactly what needs to be cut i'm going to direct it all forward and then what we're going to do is make sure we have that guide cut as well can you see that ash would you perform this technique on dry tightly curled hair i don't know i it all depends on the actual curl i don't want to say yes as a you know answer because i don't know a lot a lot of the tighter curly hair clients that i have if it's shorter i i don't cut it like this there's different ways of cutting hair and i don't want to say just yes because it all depends curl kill can mean anything everyone's got a different curl so i've got to look at the kill before i can say yes to that answer i'm afraid i'm just i want to be super honest with you rather than just say oh yeah just do whatever it all depends on the curl if the curl's very tight i would approach it differently if it's shorter i would approach it differently i could probably even cut it dry but in this case i'm actually just cutting it wet because it's i feel like the right technique for maggie's hair type and for what we want to create from an end result point of view as is that well the curl yes promotes the curl absolutely as well as removing correct you'll see that at the end it gives it volume it promotes the wave or accentuates the wave like you've just mentioned um and uh reduces weight can you do this so good question i wouldn't be as aggressive with with the twist cutting and the brick cutting because when it's straight you know it all depends if you're a bit too aggressive you might see that but with curly hair it's totally fine what i've done is not too aggressive actually to be honest it's very moderate but you've just got to be careful with straight hair not to be aggressive with the twist cutting or the brick on it because you can't see it once you blow dry it smooth it's possible to see it alright so using this section here doing the same thing using the previous guide as you can see all right i'm going to cut that square i'm wearing a mask that doesn't work okay so can i take the guideline back off because we've already cut that putting it back down and just working in front of the guideline there's a little piece there which is mine that's no longer needed because i've cut that from before and i've also twist cut that so it's going to work section by section horizontally making sure each section is lifted and picked up nice and clean and worked square through the top all right that came out when curly hair is layered using traditional cutting methods the result is often unflattering creating a heavy shelf in the hair so does this cut prevent that yes there's no way here that i'm going to create a heavy shelf in the hair and all curly hair is different so you can't say one technique works for all types of curls you've got to look at the curls look at the hair type and then choose the correct technique that works for you this technique might not work for you that's totally fine you guys do what i think works for you but for those that want to try something different and if you like the end result you should give this a go it's a nice way of approaching hair to create and promote the curl with a nice shape that we're creating as interested in well if this is a salon open for appointments or is this meant only as a tutorial uh you can dm me if you live in miami and want a haircut i would love to cut your hair suzanne you're welcome it'd be good to see you meet you are you where are you from let me ask that question are you from florida from miami you're welcome becky thank you for asking the question i love it okay so guys i've cut both sides i've done internal cutting what's really important if you could stand right in front ash is i've done this side i've done this side guess what's next to actually check both sides we call it cross-checking make sure that what you've created is balance now it might be slightly off let's have a look but you've got to cross-check both sides to make sure that it's balanced as i'm combing through look you get more hair coming out it's fine it's from the twist uh the brick cutting all right just gonna cross check both sides and that looks pretty square to me see all these little hairs these have already been cut i don't know if you can see on the camera can you these hairs have already been cut all right these are just hairs that are coming from the brick cutting okay i'm going to comb that one more time to make sure we're happy with that part of the cut and then what you're going to see is what we call a hangover okay not something that we call after having a few drinks but something that you'll see hanging over the guideline i'll show you what i mean okay this is the last part of the haircut so what i do now i'm gonna get the product if i can have you got the spray with you okay and then what i'm gonna do is spray everything and you're gonna get a little hanging over the front guideline and the bottom guideline okay can i have the um spray oh so much better already i can tell it's going to be a lot lighter cool i'm just going to whip this down completely with the luster lock even before i style it you know it's so important you re-wet the hair to repromote the curl because you've been combing it for the last hour so you've got to re-wet the hair and get that curl back moisture is what promotes the curl okay so just going to comb all that through have a look at the hangover that we have and that hangover might be more aggressive might be less aggressive all depends on the length that you cut the layers okay so if i can you just stand up for me maggie if you don't mind okay step forward a little bit okay great hold the spray for me okay if you just want to come here have a look so when i come to comb this through see how this has a little bit hanging over the guide so what i do because of the point in the hair so what i do i just firstly comb that through okay one thing i don't want is it to come into a point so what i do i come through here i can see my guideline can you see my guideline can i see that yeah cool okay so what i do all in one section keep it square make sure i can see my guideline right there and then we're cutting that over that's the hangover that we're cutting okay so now it's layered and blended in beautifully with the underneath this connected area and we still have an element of strength through the bottom i don't want this to be too weak through the bottom sometimes when we overlay a curly hair it could look a little bit too stringy and fragmented around the bottom i don't want that so by working in this technique it gives me the strength throughout the exterior but the volume internally okay and everything's pulled back and cut square okay so what i do now i just want to check for balance i just put that through like a comb and check and i use the comb as the guide and just comb that through now you might get checker balance technically as well like with your fingers keep it really still any other questions does thinning curly hair create stringy ends as it grows and look close to scalp um so if you over if you over thin any hair yeah it's going to look too stringy so i would be aware of exactly how much thinning you're going to do it's good to know the techniques and then utilize the correct one for the right hair type i think that's probably the best thing to say because you can thin out anything if you have thick hair you can overly thin thick hair take a seat so you've just got to be aware of what you're thinning how much you're thinning and constantly look at what you're doing in terms of the finished result so actually what i'm going to do now the other hangover we dealt with the back hangover let's deal with the front hangover because we work with disconnections but that's what creates the shape but what you'll find is you'll probably get a little bit of a hangover through the bottom here so what i do i take a section through in there so don't think it's a mistake no this is the way we're cutting it because we've got now disconnections and layering through the top that's different than just the normal connected haircut but around the perimeter we want to make sure there's no hangover so you'll see through in here ash if you could just come closer can you see that you can see the guideline can you see that i'm trying to point cut this through so i want it to be nice and soft and that's the forward graduation okay that's the hangover through in there thank you i hope so fingers crossed and i'm going to make sure i begin drying now and hopefully you'll get be able to see the end result if not just know that i'm going to make sure joyco is going to post it on their uh facebook instagram page you're going to see the end result i'm also going to do it on my instagram page as well you're going to see the whole thing the end result on maggie's hand it's going to look amazing that's what i really want to spend the next few moments doing is actually styling the hair because styling it is just as important as cutting it okay and i think the right products is what makes curly hair look really really good oops that's your mask i like her head straight when i'm cutting the whole haircut okay because that's what's going to give you balance at natural fall at natural movement so if i get a head tilted that's not the natural movement of her hair so by having her at natural fall it gives me the exact understanding of what to do with the technique and how it's going to sit hopefully that answered that okay come over this side actually you're going to come over this side cool okay point out and just make sure from the back it's all connected also without impacting the one length okay just going to connect that through phyllis said she's doing a virgin on a lot this week and she thinks she's going to use this technique i hope so yeah try this technique you know and then your twist cutting and your brick cutting can all be a little bit more aggressive or less aggressive depending on the actual type of hair that you're working on okay so it's just a touch longer through in here so i felt that i've got to go back in and cut there's a little bit here that i'm not i could feel this a bit longer okay so it's going to go like that and cut that a little bit more cool again check for balance make sure it's perfect the good thing is we got balance underneath the guideline so this makes it a lot easier all right let me just check one more thing from the bottom are you going to style her with her own girl yeah that's the whole purpose of today absolutely which one can you please provide the information i'm going to do it right now for you i love these questions so good all right so i've put lots of product lean back for me all the way back uh let me get the hair lean back and back back back cool like that yeah let me free all right cool are you comfortable for a second just for a second okay comfortable i'm gonna put water back in here okay water is what's gonna help promote this curl a lot more let's get moisture you can use the luster lock i put loads of luster lock in here and like i said it could be quite generous with the luster lock because i'm going to put about three products in here a nice mixture of three products for curly hair write these products down because i promise you i've used these combat this combination before and it works really really well but you could see what's going on i'm beginning to promote the curl a lot more okay look at that okay it's gonna be so good wait till i'm done all right cool now what we're gonna put in the hair let's make sure there's enough water in there okay because that's what's promoting this curl because i've combed it so much okay cool now let's have a look at the products we're going to use so first we're going to use the joy whip we're going to use the jared firm hold okay so come over oh nearly fell yeah old school moose okay and we're going to put that into the hair everywhere okay mousse controls the curl better than most things i could tell you right now but some of you going to say oh my god moose it's going to make the hair crunchy yes it is going to make it crunchy but then we take that crunch out afterwards but it controls the hair so much more hold that for us damp and wet hair like this i don't know this is damp or wet it's not dripping but it's definitely wet so i'm not sure what the difference is between damp and wet but i would say the way it is now i had to re moisture all the hair with luster lock and aqua water and what we're doing is putting the mousse in so that the water the dampness in the hair helps to have the product mixed in a lot better in here wow that's going to be so good you can see i've been generous with the mousse guys it's gonna make it crunchy don't worry about that you're gonna get the crunch out it's easy to take the crunch out what it's gonna do is begin to control the curl for me okay look i'm using my the best tools i have which is my hand okay and then what we're going to do is add another product in here all right the second product we're going to use it's a cocktail first we use the joy whip first we use the luster lock then the joy whip and then we're going to use these two okay defy damage protective shield and color therapy oil so if you can just hold that for me this is a new one one two three four five six seven eight she's got a lot of hair on wet hair cool lean back again a little bit for me all right working that through and then the remaining you put around the front and through the top put your head forward again for me there you go all right so we're getting a lot of moisture in here oil moose and now we're going to use the defy damage okay once you've got this in here okay and get the ends the ends are so important you get product on those and then we got the protective shield again this is new as well that much this is the defy damage protective shield i love this product you can use this on straight hair curly hair you can use it on all types of hair it's a really good product it's not too heavy that protects against the uv feeds the hair moisturizes the hair it's got uh arginine and keratin in there and rose hip oil which actually is really good for the hair would the brick cutting eliminate some of the hair that sticks out and breathes versus other texture techniques uh say that again actually sorry the bright cutting method you used would that eliminate some of the hair that sticks out and braids um i'm not sure because when i braid i i work with um like a waxy product so that it doesn't really affect that i don't i don't i don't think i don't believe so no okay so i've just combed this through sorry if i didn't answer that correctly i'm not sure actually of how i could answer that i'm not sure um okay so i didn't understand the question so much sorry okay so working through if you can answer that i ask that question again i'll be happy to answer that guys i'm just randomly right now randomly just twisting i'm not going to twist the whole thing just randomly here and there so it's got that imperfection but it's also got a few nicer curls that are in here as well then just going through randomly come over look from the back just picking up hair not too thick and just having a wide end comb and just twisting sections through so you've got a few nice purposed curls with some natural curls as well and i'm just randomly going in both directions so one would be one direction the other will be in the other direction and we're just going to do the same through the back here as well do you follow or have you heard of the curly girl i have not and i don't believe i do and i'm sure i can learn from her absolutely him or her whoever it is um but thanks for asking i could i should check it out i'm guessing they do something similar or different which is awesome it's always good for me to look at different ways of styling and cutting because you know who as an i educator i'm the first to put my hand up and say i want to learn more you know so we're never too good to learn from other people so if this person that you're referring to is amazing i'm sure learn a lot from that person you know curly hair there's so many different ways of cutting curly hair guys this is not the way this is a way you know there's so many different ways it's just about learning different ways and then i guess applying the techniques and seeing what works for you what result you like and then going with it and that's the great thing about hairdressing is we've got so many people on social media to learn from but you're not going to like everyone's work you know one thing i suggest if you don't like someone's work don't say anything negative number one stay positive and be always complimentary if you don't have anything good to say maybe don't say it but the other thing is be open to learn and try different techniques not just for me or from one other person but learn different ways because all of us have had experience in different countries on different textures for many different years and you as a as an artist might like someone's work more than others which is fantastic that's where you want to learn from you want to learn from the people that you connect with and that you feel like you know what i like the way that person cuts out like the way that person styles hair just be open be a sponge learn from everybody you know but respect also everybody's work as well you don't have to disrespect people's work because you might not do it that particular way i hope that uh encourages someone and if someone is this you know giving you a little slack or giving you a little trouble on social don't take it personal just laugh i laugh at it sometimes they say they say at least 10 to 15 percent of comments are going to be negative so if you got 100 views or 100 likes 10 of those people which is 10 people are gonna be negative if you've got a thousand it might be a hundred so my question is do you want to be more influential do you want to reach more people well be prepared to have a little bit more i guess negativity on on social because people just they're like sometimes being a little negative on social media but let's lead by example and be positive with all the work that we see all around and about us that's a little motivational talk for today yeah that's that's that's exactly what i'm doing i'm not doing the whole head that's it now products are in there dryers here how long we got we got five minutes all right i'm gonna dry on full heat and half speed okay and this is the trick this is the trick get the hair and do not touch it just let it dry you've got to be patient and let it dry so i'm going to continue drying like this and the reason why i don't want to touch it right now the more you touch it the more frizzy it's going to get let it dry completely when it's dry completely it'll be kind of crunchy and then what you do you start to scrunch your hair it's called a scrunch dry you start to scrunch to dr scrunch the hair for the dryer scrunch the hair for the dryer and then you start softening that curl once that's soft all the way around and it's completely dry then you can put your fingers to it or you can blast the hair dryer on cool air just to separate it but you've got to be patient and you've just got to dry it like so without touching it because i know as hairdressers we want to touch it don't touch it leave it have the discipline just to leave it and let it dry completely this will take me about 15 minutes to dry and then once it's completely dry i'm gonna start to separate it stay tuned on my instagram on joyco's instagram because you're gonna see the finished result through pictures and also through an edited cool video version of this whole live that we've done today am i wrapping up or should i keep going so yeah so i want to just recap some of you maybe have just joined i want to recap what products i use today because i think this is a real major game changer when you use the right products on curly hair so i'm going to show you the hair come come closer it looks crunchy it's not dry yet don't judge it like this you've got to wait till this is completely dry then i start scrunching over my hand then i start separating it and it starts looking more and more natural but don't touch it until it's completely dry
Channel: Love haircut
Views: 1,120,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Long Layers, Long Haircut, Haircut For Curly Hair, Curly Long Hairstyles, Curly Hairstyles, Curly Haircut, Tips for Curly Hair, Curly cutting techniques, long layered
Id: 0AexoIXvgrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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