LONG EXPOSURE COASTAL PHOTOGRAPHY Unexpected results on a moody day in Devon - Photography vlog

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so hello everyone i have arrived at ringmore in south devon and i'm now making my way down to emma cove and westcomb beach two of my favorite beaches in this area they're quite secluded beaches and i have been here a few times recently however i've not managed to get all the shots that i wanted for the little guide video that i'm doing for those two beaches i did manage to get some great drone footage back in the spring so i'm determined to complete the video at the same time i'm going to see if i can get a few shots i'm not sure if there's going to be anything worth having today the conditions are really not good but it is nagging at me this location because when i was here in the spring the day that i got the good drone footage which i will include some clips of i actually missed the shot of a lifetime by by seconds and that's nagging at me a bit so i'm gonna go and see if there's anything i can get that makes amends i don't think there is if i'm honest just given the conditions today it's been like this down it down here in devon it's been like this for weeks uh gray cloud without really any break um it's not really not that great for landscape photography but we shall see i can can only try first glimpse of the sea there it looks like the tide is in it doesn't look particularly brilliant right now visually it's not um amazing but i have arrived with the tide in exactly the right place so i'm gonna get stuck straight in and have a go at shooting this rock here it's fantastic it's about three meters high maybe two and a half solid piece of what looks like slate just sticking straight up out of the water so gonna be a lot of grey sometimes that's good right i appear to have got off to a flying start i think i've just got some quite smooth minimalist looking long exposures there i started off with the camera quite low i've got a little stopper on there and an nd uh grading d sorry f 16 focus in the near ground and just give it about managed to get with the iso at 100 i managed to get about four seconds out of it without over exposing very very pleased with that start hope it continues i'm gonna swing the camera around and have a go in this direction it's got a little bit lighter i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not we'll find out shortly but uh there's a good view along the rocks if i move good view along the rocks that way and the waves are laughing perfectly at the edge of them so it might yield something it's uh definitely worth a try kinda need the sun i kind of need the sun which is just up there to stay behind those clouds for a moment otherwise it's going to be shining right down the barrel of the lens which is not going to help yeah i might have to hang on for a few minutes the sun has gone back behind the cloud thankfully so very rare you'll find me saying that sometimes i'll stand in the same spot for like an hour waiting for the sun to come out from behind the cloud so that's a change but i'm going to take the same approach here and just try and get a smooth long exposure looking along these rocks see if that works i'm not really feeling this composition we're getting some great waves now laughing at the bases of the rocks but you know something's just not she's not working and maybe reframe this same idea but work it from a slightly different angle and see if we can get something a bit better just need a big wave now to come in and cover this beach area here i've got what i hope is a couple of nice shots i don't think they're anything super special but kind of enjoying myself because i was expecting nothing today the weather's not great the lights not great it's very dull and i've got a couple of all right shots so i just feel like everything i'm getting is a bonus really it just shows you've just got to go for it sometimes you just got to say well okay let's just go and see what happens [Music] so my my missed shot story in this video you should see some drone footage shot on a crisp clear spring morning with blue skies and blue seas flown above the cliffs just stopped here on that particular morning i had all my gear ready ready to go uh for leaving the house at half past four in the morning but um somehow i think i lost my house keys i'm pretty certain it was my house keys out of everything else that i've got ready all the gear all the filming stuff the photography stuff the drone food maps etc had it all out of all that stuff i had managed to lose my house keys and it delayed me by maybe five ten minutes when i arrived i drove down here i parked in the car park and walked down the path there and as i came out at the top of the path i saw the most perfect scene the sea was roughly where it is now that the uh waves were lapping a little bit further in probably on the rocks that i'm standing but because it was so calm the sea was a silver silver color very sort of glassy effect behind that across the horizon there was a band of cloud but it was lit up pink by the light of the dawn it was it was perfect um but above that there was the most perfect full moon setting in setting over the sea and it was it wasn't illuminated too brightly as the moon often is it's sometimes a nightmare to expose it just look this this most idyllic scene and i raced across the beach here i i ran with all my gear as fast as i could i got to roughly this spot i got set up and in the minute or so that i manically set up my tripod and my camera and everything else the moon had sunk quickly behind the band of cloud and disappeared and my perfect shot disappeared with it regrets damn those house keys if it literally if i had been one minute earlier if i had arrived here one minute earlier i would have been like i would have got that shot so a little bit heartbroken and it's probably the reason why i've been back here a few times now this summer i've been i think this is probably the fourth time i've been here oh well there will be others there will be others that's what i'm telling myself i'm going to take a walk a bit further around now over towards westcom um and try and there's some stunning pyramid shaped rocks there that i want to try and get a better photo of than i have already so we'll give that a go the other reason is that the sunflies are really driving me mad now so i'm gonna beat a hasty retreat [Music] just had a bit of a rain shower there on the uh walk up the hill which you possibly deduce for yourself the sun is now trying to come out so that is progress apart from it is trying to come out in the direction that i want to shoot so that's not great but it's gone behind the cloud temporarily there might be a shot along the the coast here so that's what i'm now thinking about the pyramid shape rocks are the main sort of attraction there there is a little bit of light coming through the the breaks in the clouds along the coast and further out to sea so i'm hoping if i can get that in the back of the shot again a bit of a low ex a bit of a long exposure sorry with them sort of gray vibe to it then that might yield something [Music] [Music] so i've got set up on the cliff edge here and the sun can't decide whether it's in or out which is presenting a little bit of a challenge i'm actually trying to be really careful the cliffs here are um can be quite unstable you will see areas along the south devon coast where the cliffs are collapsing on just about any section that you of the southwest coastal path where you walk you will see that this has just caught my attention because i was here as as mentioned i was here in april at the beginning of may as well and i was stood just over there and the section where i was stood flying my drone uh is there's suddenly an enormous dip in it that goes down about five meters deeper than it was when i was last here kind of looks a bit like a sinkhole so i'm a little like okay be careful i am always careful i think it pays to be careful on the edge of cliffs but in this shot i'm trying to get the view along the cliffs but i'm also trying to get the curve of the of the bay below with the waves so the choirs are being quite close to the edge trying to do that sensibly without endangering myself or my camera or any rescue people who have to come and save me if i fall off oh someone's gone in let's give it another go [Music] so i've been stood on the cliff top here snapping away and actually realized that my focus was in completely the wrong place it needed to be on the cliff in this bottom right corner because whilst i didn't realize how far that was creeping into the shot and i thought everything in the shot was therefore at infinity beyond the range of the depth of field but at least i've realized now rather than getting home and finding out that the finding that that's not in in focus when i'm back at home and can't do anything about it so i've spotted that now at least that's a good thing i'm getting some quite atmospheric shots along the cliffs here it's uh looking quite good i'm enjoying this kind of the uh the gray cloudy aspect of it i'm getting an exposure time of about four seconds with the little stopper at f-16 so yeah i'm still feeling like these are all bonus shots so skip i'm enjoying myself and south devon it's beautiful whatever the weather whatever the weather even just now when it got rained on it was still like yeah i'm out and about on the southwest coastal path [Music] i've only got the 24 to 70 mil lens it's it's my all-rounder that's what i tend to use i would like i will probably invest at some point in a 70 to 200 mil but this is my main lens uh i am gonna try and get a bit closer in now see if we can really sort of frame the pyramids make them i keep calling them the pyramids pyramid shaped rocks they're not actually pyramids obviously for the avoidance of doubt i'm going to try and frame them a little bit better it'll make them a little bit more in in the shot but i'm i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to achieve that with 70 mils but it's worth a try here goes nothing i feel like the composition is there but i'm not getting quite the same atmosphere in the shot that i'm getting with the wider shots um also whilst i've been yakking away to this camera i've actually realized that the the camera that the matter should we say um is actually quite unstable on the uh soft ground beneath me which isn't ideal if i want to get pin sharp images at full size shooting on a camera that produces a reserve over 8k so i should have maybe thought about that earlier but it's hard doing this and doing this my brain doesn't have that many functions i've gone out a little bit wider about 45 mils and it's definitely an improvement in terms of the atmosphere of the shot amazing but i'm just enjoying myself so it's okay i'm happy [Music] so i've just been stood here filming for my other video and [Music] there are hundreds and hundreds of seagulls settled on the cliff uh which you might just be able to see at the back of the shot i'm wondering if they know something i don't about the weather not sure why they've all come in land and settled down now i'm not sure i'm not sure what's going on there seems to be i think there's a farmer over there throwing out animal feed so i think they might be stealing that as well be part of the course with seagulls many of them aren't bothering so i'm starting to wonder whether i need to make a run for the car if it's about to hammer it down or get really windy not sure [Music] i think this video is about to get cut short i am just setting up a quick shot here looking out towards bigbury from the cliff top above emma cove however behind me where i have been filming for my other video for the guide to these two beaches and there is what is most definitely heavy rain heading towards me over the sea i did actually think oh there's some in the other direction as well now i did actually think that it was miles away and wasn't going very fast but it suddenly looks a lot clearer so this shot might end up being a little bit rushed uh it's just gonna be another cliff top shot but i think there's uh the features in this direction are very interesting particularly with burr island so that's what i'm working on i'm not really that bothered about getting getting drenched but it's not great with camera equipment so i'm gonna try and make this quick yeah this isn't happening i've just fired the first shot and whilst i'm thinking about the rain that's behind me that way another uh sweeping bank of rain is coming from the other direction which is also getting into my shot behind burr island so it's going to be time to pack up and run away quite quickly in a minute not not much going on in the shot either yeah it's not looking good i was thinking pretty much along the same lines of the the shots that i was doing back over there of the pyramid-shaped rocks uh along the cliffs but um looks like my time and my lock has run out so i'll be uh running for the car i think in just a moment in the 30 seconds since i recorded the last clip saying i was the the rain was uh headed this way burr island has just disappeared out of my shot it swept across the bay really quickly so i think this is the end of my video thank you very much for watching uh hit the like button if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you haven't already because i will have a few more of these videos for you um but not right now because i've gotta run take care guys bye you
Channel: Mawby Photographic
Views: 973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devon landscape photography, landscape photography, long exposure photography, smooth water shots, landscape photography tips, photography vlog, landscape photography vlogs, seascape photography, landscape photography gear, photographer lifestyle, landscape photography settings, english riviera beaches, devon beaches, seascape photography tips and techniques, coastal photography, uk coast, south west coastal path, best devon beaches, secret devon beaches
Id: gqsWiXlkOlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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