Lonestar Grillz el Patron First Cook

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this thing on how's it going everybody Remember Me this is Will evil Tex and barbecue I haven't posted a video in a little while I've been doing a lot of cooks on on my large IBS and uh be honest with you after a little while I was like how many briskets do these guys want to see me cook so uh lost a little bit of Interest I suppose anyway I've got something that that's a little bit more interesting now so this is the Lone Star grills El Patron there's only a handful of them out there right now it's a new product um ordered what I was ordered number 13 I think at the beginning of December um I went and picked it up uh on Friday it's Sunday now um and uh we're going to do our first cook we'll be back so here it is got a fire starting right here um went ahead and burnt it in I used a couple of cans of this this pan right here um got the larger Wheels got the hooks right there got the large wheel right here so it can you know lock things into place um first off fire management you can see there's some dust in there um I'll get that out here in a second uh if I turn the wheel it goes up and then I can lock it into place right there I want it to come down gravity will do my work for me and you can see it's back down uh I don't think I need to go over functionality too much um but you can build a fire on the bricks you can build a fire on the uh on the great um you can use the uh the vents right there for airflow or you can these are the door we want to open that a little bit more little bit less we got our pizza shelf which is an option uh they could make it without the pizza shelf and then opening it up uh I've got the top great uh I've got the rotisserie it's not on here yet uh I don't know if you can see the patina but it's uh been kind of seasoned um found a couple things that are interesting with this I don't want to say they're bad things or whatever but when you put the handle on this bolt right here is too long so if you close the door and you go to bring the fire up you can see I'm hitting the handle there so be aware of that if you're bringing the fire up or down can need to cut this or uh leave the door open um when seasoning it uh you know if you put any oil up here it's going to come down I used a uh you know like a paper towel and just got got some stuff on it I'm not real worried about this is going to this is going to be getting a lot of a lot of action I've got the Plancha board the La Plancha I I threw it in here after a couple hours just to just because it was raw steel um got the pizza board that doesn't really need to be seasoned as far as I know just throw some flour on it or something um these grates are well all of the cooking Services um make sure you clean them off before you use them this is um half inch stainless it was just cut welded put together and and brought to you it is not suitable for cooking until you you clean it off so clean it off and then do the seasoning so clean first before you do the seasoning all right clean first before you do the season um I think there should be a [Applause] tool maybe we'll have to uh talk to Chris the uh if you put fire down there you can use a small chimney right here to to get your base down then you could just toss stuff up or you could use a scoop and if you've got an external but you know the main way to put fire in there is is through the grat right here um don't really have a good way of taking dirty grates out I've got a tool here hold on let me pause this for a second okay I'm back so these are Big greates um to get the fire in there uh you're going to want to if you've got a anything smaller than a scoop or a uh a small chimney you're going to have to take these grates out first off these are heavy and they're going to be dirty as hell I've got this tool it's not really the right size if it was a little bit bigger be good to take this out so I can put them over and then I could dump the fire in so Chris if you're watching maybe a nice tool great removal tool would be useful um the the tools that blon star has our our Beauty great uh there's a nice um place to put them on the back I don't use them here cuz I can just put them on my fence and you know it just meshes with the fence anyway you're going to want to you know something to scoop with um and you're going to need something for fire management too um you know you know the the fire is going to get all over there you're going to want to put it in a pile put more logs on it that kind of stuff um what I'm talking about with the grates so I've got this charcoal grate basket if you put that in there there's no way you're going to get charcoal in there other than the top of the grates so great removal tool would be great or light it inside inside the basket either anyway I've got a fire going here I'm just going to do a a small cook just some some chicken thighs um just to kind of get this a little bit more seasoned just to get a little bit familiar with it uh and I'll show you guys how it goes all right we're back it's about 12:30 right now uh I've got this thing rocking it's at about 300 uh I threw my chimney in there not a enough for a cook I don't think so I threw some mosquite in there that I've got lying around um kind of a door guy so I've been using the door which is good because if I feel like bringing the fire up uh the the bolt won't hit hit the fire um also if you look right here we've got some runoff right there that might be from the seasoning it might also be some condensation um but I feel like I need to learn Fire Management on this a little bit um I've got a flame going right now uh that's to heat the bastard up probably close it a little bit um it's it's warm so small cook I'm just going to do some some chicken thighs with some duck fat uh nothing special on here I've got Uncle Chris seasoning from Fiesta which is pretty great steak seasoning if you ask me and some uh rub from saltlick their chicken rub you know it's not not a barbecue type paprika rub obviously uh and I think it's probably one of the best out there add some duck fat uh we're getting a little warm so I'm going to have to wash the temperature but let's put this let's put this on there we go Sizzle Sizzle right above the fire looking pretty good to me right there hit this guy with a little bit of duck fat and you can see that fire is kind of raging down there so be careful when you open this because it's going to add oxygen and you can see that thing's raging now so I don't want that uh it was getting to be about 350 before I opened it so I I put it down on the the first Notch so we'll let that kind of kick down a little bit uh we're nice and warm one thing you might guys might be wondering is there's a table right here next to um the Box does stuff get hot here um anything you put on here is going to be about this level it it's not going to get in the way of this unless you're putting something really tall and obnoxious right next to there uh this does get hot but there's no heat right here not enough to do anything so uh the table does not appear to be too close so so you got that going for you and we're just going to let this guy go for I don't expect this to to take very long chicken thighs aren't very big so I'll just come back in about a half hour flip them and bring them off all right [Applause] all right here we are it's about 1:30 it's been in there just over an hour we're rocking a little over 250 so 255 260 um this thing's a little holig again not going to lie you're going to you're going to have to keep an eye on it so I flipped it put some some duck fat on the other side and I'm about to take it off right now uh one thing you're going to want to pay atten attention to is this remember I said I was a door person yeah well door person is over 300 apparently so I wanted to get it just under 300 it it was under 300 it's just it's slowly starting to to go down a little bit now uh I've got the door just barely touched open uh I've got the vents at about a quarter of the way but watch what happens when I open this thing no fire well last time this blew up on me so we're temping pretty good actually these are a little bit hotter these are about 195 these are look at that see I'm not a real big fan of smoked chicken I think it needs some heat I think it needs some fire to get that good crispy skin anyway last it didn't do that right now but last time this sun biscuit blew up on me there you go the Flames are starting uh it it it's died down a little bit so so maybe that's not not why it's coming up but if you've ever cooked with like a a barrel or or any other kind of hot box you know when you open it you're on a timer that that's absolutely the case here so uh I'll go ahead and take these guys in look at that looking pretty good we'll go check it out so there you have it first cook on the El Patron look at this not going to lie really looking forward to this anyway um It's Hot Box you got to watch O oxygen flow it's a little hooligan um no complaints uh I mean good good job Chris uh looking forward to a lot more Cooks on there let's give this bad boy a go doesn't get much better than that have a good day good to see y'all bye now
Channel: Evil Texan BBQ
Views: 3,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: longstar grillz, el patron, bbq, smoker, hotbox, longstar grillz el patron, direct heat, lone star grillz, lsg, smoked chicken, texas bbq, texas smoker, texas hotbox, grilled chicken, texas direct heat, direct heat cooker
Id: V39PcykljqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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