Lonesome Dove 1989 (Full Mini Series)

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Two former Texas Rangers renew their spirit of adventure as they and several other residents of a small Texas town join a cattle drive to the Montana Territory.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saddetective87 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
uh uh oh get out of here ah ah a little early for you two to be  quitting ain't it girl or is it christmas girls yourself ain't christmas neither it's that hell [ __ ] he turned his back on  her and she went and bit a hunk out of him i'm glad you got here before fall  newt you've been in the mission   it's suppertime either that old bottle was  calling up bandits we hear you we hear you i got woodrow as long as you work around horses i  think you know better than to turn your back on a   car away mayor you want to fight something why  don't you thank that roof back up on the barn   instead of sitting in the shade all the  time well i'm glad i ain't scared to be late   i don't recommend you can we eat now or do  we have to wait till the argument's over   you will starve if you wait for that many things you ever get tired of loafing all right  can you get a job waiting on the table   oh i had a job waiting tables once it's on a  riverboat i want no older than newt there but   i had to give it up how come well i was too  young and pretty and a horse would let me alone listening to you brag don't improve the  taste of these mexican strawberries none   the only way to get better food  around here it's about shooting baller   and another thing bob i want you to quit whacking  that dinner bell for supper you see you can whack   it at noon if you want to but let off doing it  in the evening see a man with any sense at all   can tell when it's sundown without you whacking  that bell general robert e lee free the slaves   i can't walk if i want to it was abe  lincoln free to slay his ball not generally he didn't free mexicans anyway ball  it was uh americans that he freed   you're in over your head pete he was a  bunch of africans able to free no more   american than uh paul here i'm american by god  yes he was born in scotland as i would call   well he was still dragging on the  tit when he brought you over here i reckon i'm as american as anybody from tennessee well you boys can sleep easy tonight knowing  ranger captain woodruff paul was out there   guarding the river keep you safe from indians  and mexican bandits and that's what indians   there ain't no indians the more we clean them all  out of here how about blue duck i never got him   now we never got that half pretty blue duck ain't  around here nowhere his rangers but further north   well then how come the captain goes  to the river every night oh he just   misses a wild old days around here when  he had somebody to that with that's all i'll what that bell if i want to what's the matter with that  knife won't hold an edge it is like a wife every night you better stroke it that's the case your wife over in mexico  must be getting pretty rusty by now   she don't get sharpened more than what  twice a year does she ball she is old   like you well the older the  vile is the sweeter the music   you ought to bring her up here to meet me  sometime no i know you you tried to corrupt her   well then how about one of your daughters  hell you got what nine of them ain't you i don't see no scout this has been a good  night slip over into mexico across the stock   cross them and then do what would it ain't  against the law for you to work augustus   can't next time you go over mexico can  i go believe i'm getting old enough now   you get old quick you keep sitting around  all night talking best going to bed   still early captain you're on the bed now like  i told you to we gotta work tomorrow yes sir going to be so hard on that boy  would go hell let him set a wire   the only chance he got an education is listening  to me talk what kind of education is that you   think you learn more shoveling horse poop for you  i'll shovel my share of it it ain't hurt me now   well woodrow it's fine with me if  that's how you want to make your fortune   and i think i'll straggle out of that gin  battle to see if i can't scare me up a card game now you pigs you don't wait up for me now evening my good friend i missed  y'all guys come in come in   loan me two dollars all right guys  well why would i loan money to a local   you ought to be trailing cattle this time of  year dave i'm leaving next week to do just that   only two dollars i'll pay you back in  the fall all right even laurie so fine listen you boys me and laurie trying to talk here   this you sounded like you got a sour stone now  what you need is a good satisfying game of cards   ain't that right nippy now wait a minute  i didn't come in here to play no cards how about you won't put that rag away  let's play hell the people who come   in here wouldn't notice a dead skunk  on the table much less a few crumbs put you in a better mood nothing else to do around here anyway is there almost sewn up let anybody pretty use our wind  up and load some dove anyway   there's a gambler named tinker they  left it here a couple of years ago   before that he had her uh sparking the boys over  and san antonio to pay his debt damn him i was   all right with her she was a rat holding her  tips on him see trying to save enough to get   to san francisco so then he found her hiding  place stole it all so then she caught him   drunk one night tried to shoot him with his own  pistol he beat her black and blue fur trouble   bitter lift too that's how come she got that  scar a little scar i kind of like it don't you   you been with her sure who ain't even  once treats himself once or twice a week   of course she won't have nothing  to do with lippy at any price   oh here's that two dollars you wanted to  borrow go ahead take it i wouldn't want   to said i'd refuse a loan to a friend much  obliged then i'll pay you back in the fall don't need to ride off tonight dee come on  home with me now and throw your blanket on   our front porch if you like appreciate that  i i do i don't i think i may have left some   on the table in there imagine that it's all right  with you i won't wait oh no no need you you go on uh all right get from here you pig i ain't  giving you no business all right go on get what's this bogey doing on the front  porch or sleeping unless you woke him   how's that horseback oh hell i've been bit  worse by bed bugs down in saltillo well let   me pour some axle grease on it for you you tend  your biscuits i suspect you've been setting up   all night reading the good book well it's hard to  have fun in a place like this but i do my best ah biscuits are ready we've come to this place to make money  there wasn't nothing about fun in the deal   are you talking about your own lack money you like  money even less than you like fun that's possible wake up nuke poke yourself  in the eye with your own car   see what happens when you kicked  him up all night long talking all right p don't take a hacksaw  to cut them eggs while you   frying them up and coffee grounds ball they  don't care hey pies bad manners to go relieving   yourself in the sound of people trying to eat  their breakfast now what was your mama thing morning morning [ __ ] shout you some bacon thank  you all right you can work it off work it on hey come look who's riding up the road it  ought to be deets he's due back from the   bank of san antonio this morning ain't he  it's dates all right but you ain't alone that's deets all right i've got woodrow that's jake's phone thing  if you ain't right lord how long 10 years howdy boys what's for breakfast  yeah you're too late we done that you always was a hog gus kevin good to see you we've been all these  years jake arkansas almost recently looks   that horse she's ready to hurry to get out  of there too yeah that's true enough what'd   you think camp didn't i find the prodigal you  found him all right but it wasn't a no churchill b it's been a long time thank you jake this  here is dish bogged he just signed on with it   i did out of this jake spoon honey and  who's this don't you remember me jake   used to buy me hard candy hey you  gave me my first ride a horse back my god well that ain't nude little nude  i grown up huh you sure have he grown up   good nude thank you jake the woodrow  makes sure he gets plenty of sleep   they just give his horse a good feed i've  judged been a while since he's had one yes sir they didn't detail that same cat before i left  well you know deets he ain't wanting to quit   on a garment just cause he got a little age  we can't all be fine dressers like you jake b you best get these two boys work  digging that well well now captain   allen you don't mind doing a little whale  digging to pay for your breakfast dude don't guess so cleaning his gun on this towel don't complain  these worst things he wipes on at some time   where he been all these years jake see in  the country southern montana two years ago   the atlanta never was especially up there  on the milk river you smell a candy in there   i think you can smell the engines too yeah it's  worth it see all the grass grass everywhere you   boys wouldn't believe it plenty of water too i'd  go to knife i could sprout wines and fly be safe   with a wall you give somebody enough time to lick  the engine before you get there i'll tell you   this and that they are like there's going to be  fortunes made in montana what are you saying jay i'm saying let's just get to it first line up  some of them free cattle down here and drive   them on up hell we'd be rich in no time carl  it's cattle land like you've never seen before   jake if you ain't something we ain't seen you  in 10 years now you come riding in here want to   pack up go north just cow because i don't remember  you being afraid of a few indians we woke them   down here didn't we the hell that was comanches i  don't remember you being no lover of cows neither   pretty [ __ ] cards clean shirts was  more your line yeah but i can smell an   opportunity when it's right under my nose  what about that trouble up in arkansas   damn muleskinner threw down on me in a saloon  shot back at him with a buffalo gun and   killed the dentist a pure accident but i i killed  him he's just standing in the wrong place huh   no actually he was outside walking down the street   the plank wall won't stop no 50  caliber bullet but in dennis william drop tim daddy it's bad luck all  around well nobody likes a dentist   anyway this one was the mayor worse yet  his brother's his brother's the sheriff young fellow named july johnson  was out of town at the time   i wouldn't hang you for an accident not  even in arkansas see now they don't take   much shine to gamblers i wasn't going  to wait around to give them the option good to see you boys i hardly thought the  fight is still here after all these years   ain't nothing changed much  around here since you left a little neutral surprised me i guess i had in  mind it was still just a spud what about maggie maggie's been dead nine years jake nine years i swear you've had a little nude all this time watching a whole lot of people scrambling to  adopt a dead [ __ ] child jake the right woodrow hey i'll leave today in holiday listen to  me see if we can't help them boys out there i swear it was only the christian thing to do see   taking him into me after all one of  you boys is most likely his uh dad what july july you get out here i want to talk to you hello peach where'd you get the rooster pete   it's my rooster but he keeps running off july when  do you aim to start after that murderer jake spoon   well he'll get over to mexico or somewhere you  sit around here much longer like you've been   doing the thing is peach and everybody pretty  much agrees it was an accident stop that rooster   jenny was my husband and your brother and the  mayor of this town now that ought to stand for   something july well it does you're the sheriff  ain't you it's what you get paid for in it   well that's true but you can't get me i  never should have married that woman with   a little boy july remember i warned you about that what's that got to do with this peach  i think you'd rather stay home than   do your duty july that's what i think oh  no i never said i wasn't going after him guess that'll teach him to peck me what about jake's spoon i expect to find him down around  san antonio somewhere peach   i hear he has friends there you catch  him you hear me i will peach don't worry now let's see how you like the cook pot texas rangers that ever lived you know that i don't suppose you have a  sporting woman in this town do you   are you so rich that's all you can think  about i can think about it richard poor get from here you pigs go hunt you up  another snake or something now go on sit down jake let's talk folks at key pigs ain't no better farmers  i'm surprised you and carl at least stay   cattle after we quit ranger i thought  you'd own a railroad by now too jake   or at least a whorehouse i guess life's  been a disappointment to his boat   i mean i've made no fortune but by god  i never said a word to a pig neither and all your world travels jake you didn't run across claire nowhere did you she's  still married to that horse trader bob allen if   that's what you're asking you did see her then  just for a minute outside of store in ogallala   bob was uh with her so i wasn't asked for supper  any youngins good girls i believe i heard her   boys died how'd she look not as pretty as she once  was but hell it's been 15 years since we quartered nebraska huh i went by there on my way to montana bob's close to races you know that  army gets most of its horses from first he gets clear then he  gets rich i gotta imagine that   and himself dummy could hardly walk through a door  without bumping his head don't seem fair does it stop digging when you get to china you'll  know it when you get there because all the   men will be wearing pig tape had to loan me that two dollars  i'd be halfway to matagorda by now   you're welcome dee no need to thank me want some help not from you i don't where's jake catching a nap i ain't changed a bit has he well you're one  to talk when's the last time you changed still   breaking horse is when there's plenty of gentle  ones in this world i never seen a more intelligent   philly you just look at the way she's watching  well she ain't watching you cause she loves you guys what why not go up to montana to gentlemen's  paradise to hear jake tell it   sounds like a damn wilderness if you ask  me and we're a shade old to start fighting   indians all over again don't you think  i mean why not just go north with a hurt i tell you what you ride on  up there clear out the engine   build a little cabin get a nice fire going  in the fireplace and me and jake will gather   a herd and then we'll come on up i'd like  to see the herd that you and jake could get   hurt a horse maybe well you ain't no more  cattlemen than i am call and you know it too i want to do it guys i want to see that  country boy bankers and lawyers all get it   hey you boys got any water flowing yet it's  flowing out of me i figured i lost about two   gallons already well quick work catch a  little rest we're going to mexico tonight where are you off to look it's so pretty oh i   just uh thought i'd take a stroll  since we got the afternoon though dudes what do you do once you get over mexico oh  we ride around in the dark for a while strike on   some horses and cows and then we steal them it's  like the mexican stone from over here somewhere oh please oh great come on in here son anybody's  going to dig it away no she deserves a drink   i'm just the man to buy it for him well thanks anyway look at the captain do you think the captain's gonna let me go  tonight no you shooting her to get shot at any more horsebacks you quit pulling  on that jug i want you sober tonight   well speaking of soul there's  somebody who ain't leave it alone what in the hell happened  to you i wish i could say   well why can't you say i  don't believe i can remember jake you put him after this hell no cam i found  him outside behind the alley there trying to   see how fast he could drain a bottle [ __ ]  i'll not have a man with me can't do his job   well i can rack up i can ride  ain't nothing sitting on a horse   you better not fall off dish  or the mexicans will get you you men won't suffer you best go  get it we'll leave it son down dude   yes sir you best go saddle your pony too i reckon that old mexican thinks it's the fourth of  july i'll give them a whip of firecrackers that's the foolish thing to do jake now you  might have hit the house instead of old baller   i wonder you're on the run evening joe evening how's your mama been today she was  sticking in this morning for a while don't you slush that milk joe i'm home supper's on the table   joe said you're feeling poorly again this  morning it's living in this town it doesn't you want some buttermilk no sir if he wants  buttermilk he can get it himself you don't have   to wait on him hand and foot i've been thinking  maybe i better go on and catch jake's spoon   dude what catch jake spoon for killing benny now  why would you want to do that it was an accident   as everybody with any sense knows well i know  that he's been bullying you again is that it wipe your lip july so run fetch bucket of water we only been married five months now you want to  ride off to god knows where and all because of   peach that's my job ellie that's what i get paid  for if i start now i expect i'd be back in a month well maybe you should at that july yeah i  think i should ellie take joe with you say joe   well he just a boy it could be a fight well  i doubt anybody shoot a boy even in texas   i was thinking maybe i'd take roscoe no  you take joe with you he's got to grow up   sometime it won't hurt him to see the world well  i don't know ellie well i know i'll go tell him here better to have that and not  need it than it is it's needed   please guard the place  while we're gone you're here almighty put a gun on hey i wouldn't be surprised  if you make your boss in his outfit tomorrow oh   you better hope not beats the first thing  i do is cut your wages josh me all the time hmm big camp is just a couple miles over that ridge  captain some people might think it's spoons to   try and steal horse pedro flory telly's only got  the best arm hundred vacaros in northern mexico   this spread all around most of them can't shoot  anyhow well most of this crowd can't either   look at this she's still about half  drunk knew they never spilled blood   i swear i guess you argue with the  possum beijing argue with you woodrow how many fair i'd say 40 or 50 head people  speak up gus talk a little louder and then   about carol is proud to bring the horse up  here to us of course they'll be riding them   and shooting their pistols off at us we'll  split up get ready to jump some gullies boys captain what are you singing white folks singing you hear anything well yes i do i  hear something but sounds like a bird   bird held these wouldn't stop no  bird no sir i guess him he wouldn't two of them they got a donkey and  a mule i don't make no sense too irishman and whiskey gave me a broken nose whisky  or johnny all rise above from down below   with scary scary scale open up this charm  must go john rise above from down below   i say with the donkey alan what else are you  gonna do with the donkey teach it to sit on   its arse and your sugar cubes that's what  else you mean just told steady there are that's why his legs won't work he's me brother but smart he ain't   i'm alan o'brien and that would  be young sean there on the mule meet you run get the horses yes sir you may know  where you are well we ain't in ireland i know that   much no but could you tell me how far we might  be from uh galveston sir galveston hell this is   mexico boys and where's the parts you're standing  on belong to pedro flores he finds you here he'll   hang you sure behind us oh yeah mr gustin  got the horses boys best packing up and gold we're packed we're being chased i don't know jake  shooting off his pistol like a dirt a bunch of horses coming this way from the river  captain big bunch petrol floor he's in his boys   yes sir i believe so no wonder we ain't been  chased while we was over here in mexico stealing   floor raising horses hell he was back in  texas he's stealing some others that's it   well you what we'll run straight at him turn  his heart in with ours and kick for the river   you're a good joke on that  old bandit you do it hang on yes guess here so uh uh not bad for a night's work 100 horses and  two lost irons all we need now is cattle   few more cowboys have to drive them north ain't been him but a day in already  boys make a damn horse thief out of me   well that's a step up for you ain't jake let's get them horses  hitting that thicket up first   don't even want your breakfast first wood roll i can kick you for giving him all him ideas about  montana now we're going to suffer for the rest of   our damn lives yeah i forgot how determined he can  get it once an idea takes root listen how about   loan a couple dollars all right a little early  in the day to go wiggling your bean ain't it jake   for whiskey in a tub that girl wouldn't  take money from a gentleman like me   that's because you don't really know yet um oh oh i told roscoe to give you a hand  if you need help with anything   i can do my own children this ain't exactly  a cotton plantation we're running him well you ready joe yes sir i  reckon now give her a kick let's go uh okay roscoe brown morning beach hello charlie i thought  you lied told you to look after elmira   she said she don't want no looking at her we just  got back from the cabin and she's gone did you   know that gone gone where maybe on that whiskey  boat left the other day you mean she she left town   well why would elmira do a thing like  that well who knows a woman like her   maybe got her another man somewhere but she's  july's wife and she's gonna have a baby too a baby   july never said nothing about no baby i doubt she   ever told him but i know she is i've  seen her with the morning sickness god own a whiskey bowl you lying got the sense  god gave a turkey or he never would have married   that woman in the first place the best go  find him and tell him his wife's run away july has gone to texas peach he left six days ago  well surely you can find texas roscoe i can find   texas but how do i find july now listen roscoe she  ain't hardly worth it but you lied dopes on that   woman he's gonna want to find her before she gets  up there somewhere and gets scalped by the indians   now you see to it you hear or you'll  be the one gets blamed all right peach i don't know nothing else to do come on charlie  don't stand in the sun like you ain't got no sense you give me a pull sure is a pretty thing over here here he would have taken advantage of that way he done it he fancies you says he's gonna  marry he can't marry me i'm already married the   fact is i'm going up to ogallala to find  my husband maybe he heard of him deeper big way he likes you he's going to marry  well you go tell him i already got a husband you go to stale oh boys died about a week ago what do you  do choke on the pepper just die so   i didn't know you like an old  bandit so much i'd say i liked him   expecting to die i guess well he was  a rough old cobb i'll say that's fine fun's all over down here for sure yeah fun   oh you know that fun woodrow you never had no  fun in your hole during life fun is my department   and now that you're back i think i'll ride into  town and see if i can't scare me up a little bit   of it we got enough to do right here without  you driving off the town i'm just trying to   keep everything balanced woodrow you do more work  than you got to so it's my obligation to do less where the hell is he going oh hello there jasper i ain't seen you in a  while that girl never gone and got married   or what every time i jingle my money she give  me a look like she's ready to carve my liver never was but one thing worth doing this  town anyway now man can't even do that i hear a you can call her raising a herd  well you're about half right paul is   he still taking on hands well i imagine  you find a place for you jasper you don't   look like you eat too much he's with  a hurt about five miles yonder ways glory darling lippy oh you and me how about a po i'm with jake now gus you know that yeah  i do know that honey the minute i saw   jake riding up the road to lonesome dover  i knew you and him were settling together   the call finally got him to do some work  this afternoon so there ain't no reason   you shouldn't sell me a poke i just told  you the reason jake takes care of me now   jake spoons never take care of nobody in  his whole life truth is he always finds   somebody to take care of him used to be  me and carl now it's you ain't that right game to marry we ain't talked about it he's  taking me to san francisco though think so huh   he promised i mean to hold him to it jake's  slippery like a neal my guess is he'll use a   cattle drive to leave you once the time comes well  if jake's going on the drive then i'm going to   uh you'd be welcome far as i'm concerned  but call ain't very tolerant to women   i guess i can go where i want it's a free country  well not if you were for what we'll call it i i tell you i give you fifty dollars for the poke fifty dollars i'll give you fifty dollars   even if you had fifty dollars  lippy the answer would still be no   i tell you what let's cut cards now if you're high  you win the 50 forget the pope now if i'm high   i'll still give you the 50 but i get the pope all  right what about jake i thought he was your good   friend i ain't trying to cut you a god i just  want a poke you might need the fifty dollars you cheated didn't well i wouldn't say it  yet i wouldn't say i didn't but i will say   this a man who wouldn't cheat for a pope  don't want one bad enough come on darling got a fine irish baritone to  sing to him he seems too sad well hello there jake uh way later  i help you down from your heart   i ain't getting down hand me up a plate i eat  on my way to town i jake you sound plum grumpy   i guess one day's honest work don't agree  with you of course it's just any work at all you're one to talk where you been all  afternoon i was playing a hand with lori   poor girl thinks you're taking her to san  francisco i don't see why that's any business   of yours i guess you'll go where i say go i'll  get left behind one why don't you bring your   own to dry i'm gonna drive yeah be a safer way to  travel and you two just striking out on your own   especially through indian country call nevada  woman in camp and you know it calling god   oh you would grow what i was just telling  jake here you ain't god yeah no are you   a couple more good drives through mexico  we'll be able to start up the trail on monday how does that suit you jake  don't need to sue me call   i don't know that i feel like pumping around these  cows no more anyway does that mean you ain't going   on the drive with us jake's got his own statute to  cultivate it don't mean a thing to him that he's   caused all this i don't see that i caused anything  but who was it said montana is a commons paradise   well it is you know the country jack we're  counting on you to be long let's cheese away   well i ain't decided for sure yet well that's  fine jake you let us know when you do i will think you'll go with us i tell you what i do think   i think jake's always been too leaky a  vessel for anybody to put much hope in to count jake what's wrong sean i miss my you mother in ireland well don't worry i'm sure  you'll see her again someday   no she died before me and me brother  left home otherwise i'd still be there   mine died too you know you miss her  like i've been missing mine sometime oh yeah yeah i do miss her what about your paw i don't know nothing about him nepal was  a drunkard fell down a well and droned it   he only came home when he had a mind to beat  me and alan anyway at least you knew who he was   ah it's me my miss so don't go up there with him please don't i have to darren i'm sandy basked in the river want me to feel your tail maybe later it was all gus up to all afternoon  you didn't come back till sundown he was here a while he offered me fifty dollars gus  always was a fool with his money   i turned him down though i  told him i was with you now i reckon he got a spoke if  i'm wrong you can hit me back we cut cards for it and i can't  prove it but i know he cheated i should have warned you about  cutting cars with that old cut it's been anybody but him and i shot you you going with the herd he decided they  don't leave the monday well you ain't   planning on leaving me here if you do go are  you jake hold them cowboys in love with you   hell i'd have to kill half of them before we  got to the red river vise to take you along   that won't bother me gus is the only  one with enough guts to even try it   yeah he'd want to cut the cards twice a day i'm going with you jake whether  you go on the drive or not   i'm going with you when you leave well maybe  we'll go up to san antonio and gamble a spell   we can do that i've already been to san antonio  i don't want to go back ain't you the harder one   i don't want that wait i just want to  go to san francisco like you promised me well that'd please me just fine i ain't gonna run off and leave you glory that's what you think i know yeah maybe i morning i wrap awful early jake let's leave today today go and buy me a horse will ya one's not too tall here's 50 this gus is money it was i better nickel you girls get ready to shed a tear  too i ain't afraid of you i ain't scared neither   how about you trapper big up jasper you're gonna play cards or just  sit there looking ugly what's he gonna do with   that thing that's supper ball will make a  good stew with that i ain't no rattlesnake   well i guess these don't want those  snakes up or neither hey it's jake miss lorena lori darling that's a fine  looking horse you're riding   jake bought it for me from mary pumphrey  well i'm surprised she'd sell her   well i had fifty dollars to spend  gus money well spent jake both times howdy carl you never met miss lorena wood did you withdraw  no we've not met well jake i see you've made your   decision yes we've decided to try our luck in san  francisco i believe we'll enjoy the cool weather   it's a hard trip oh jake ain't wanting to be put  off a hardship woodrow you know that we hope that   he's along with you boys as far as denver if you  don't mind free country jake do as you please   guess we'll find a ridge to camp on somewhere  upwind from these stinking beasts of yours   see you boys on the trail somewheres all right woodrow let's go on and go for going well you mean now i  think it'll make another run to mexico before we   left hell we got enough cattle to stock five  ranches now let's go on and go for going all   right all right you boys check your gear we'll be  leaving first light in the morning let's go now   pack it up captain how far is it up north well  up north ain't a place dude it's a direction   where we're going about 2 500  miles out of the way 2 500 miles now where are you off to   i forgot something now if i ain't back in  the month you girls going to start without me so uh pigs take care of the place it's all yours now nobody else um i see the morning rushing started yet  it will never start again not ever again don't take us a heart xavier  there's plenty of [ __ ] right up to san antonio recruit you another i would have given her money bought her clothes   i love her oh hell we all love her  every darn one of us you know that yes but i would have married her if it helps in it's my opinion she made a  poor bargain going with jake's phone thank you well goodbye my fine friend goodbye  to you my good friend goodbye what are you doing in my wagon jumped off the  roof and here's where i landed well you better   jump back up there then cause this wagon's  going to montana yes sir and i am too kiana   playing's finished around here well we've got  two irishman and a bunch of adelbern cowboys   i guess we could always use a man where's  the chamber pot on his head come on mules um pick it up oh   all them cattle and nine tenths of the  horses are stolen once respected law man how many heads you think we're starting out  with all about 2 600 cattle and two pigs   that's a dang stupid thing to do bringing that  old sign along you'll have us at life in stock   this whole country with that we don't print pigs  park well we don't rent pigs and i figure it's   better to say it right up front because a man that  does like to rent pigs is he's hard to stop and   if that ain't bad enough you get all them greek  words on there too i told you woodrow a long time   ago it ain't greek it's latin what does it say  that latin well it's a motto it just says itself double feet your world you don't have  no idea what it says you found that in   some old book or something bro you know  it invites people to rob us well first   man comes along and can read a latin is  welcome to rob as far as i'm concerned   i'd like the chance to shoot at  an educated man once in my life stop that i didn't hit you did i   i was shooting at the turtle you're  lucky you hit the rivers trucks you are how's your thumb all this over little ole miss heath horn  ain't that somehow it's made you sick jake   i don't know why i think that you fancy  for you come on down here with me come on   come on why don't i make you pot of coffee instead i'll do this i'm deets captain sent me a head  scott a good place across the herd   mr jake napping huh he's got a mesquite thorn in his hand  it's made him sick i better take a look mesquite thorns bad poison these where'd you come from dudes we're  all right now laurie diesel see us through   the fever ah i'm gonna dig this dick out of here i shouldn't cut off my hands dig around there  with that oh no you wanna keep your hand   i might need you to shoot  a bandit one gets after me you two best cross the river  to the other side mickey camp   gonna come a storm tonight  be harder to cross tomorrow a storm when it hit about sundown blowing sand and  then lightning don't tie your horses to no trees jake's gonna want to rest up here a while he  can rest on the other side i help you cross their little floor now you  can be shuffling them cause oh all right miss let's get you  packed in across the river   i got to get back to that herd before  that storm come whooping in here all right you you sorry on this trip miss it's gonna be a  lot harder than i thought i can already see that   well i believe you're up to it ain't you i'm gonna  have to be if i want to make it to san francisco oh woodrow here's where we find out if he  was meant to be cowboys i reckon i reckon oh uh over here right now jake look what we gotta get out from under this tree no come on all right come back um that would be a lot easier for you  to get out from there you know what   maybe he's stuck dude hide  my gun i don't stick him oh yes captain lose anybody everybody's fine i ain't seen mr  gus nowhere so i seen him right off y'all away   but after sun come up this morning he  probably went off someplace to hunt   for his jug how about the cattle i think we  lost 20 maybe 25 could have been a lot worse   ain't no point in getting too clean boys you'll  be neck deep in the new asus river before dark   that's fine with you ain't it  nippy you could use a good watch how many rivers would there be  between here and where we're gone   oh i don't know it has a bunch of bet though yeah i'd be wishing we'd go around  them oh yeah that suit me all right too   i crossed an ocean i don't know why i'm  feeling afraid to be crossing a river is gus find your heart she got away last night in the storm so i  see here you go darling oh ah i don't see   young jake around nowhere he rode off a minute  ago track my horse rocky horse ellie couldn't   track an elephant if he's onto his tail see so  i best call him back before he gets lost himself oh you got here i bet you got some coffee  boiling in that pot i do i swear lori   it's as pretty as the morning i  guess traveling agrees with you   you get any prettier and i may be uh  forced to cut the cards with you again i'll do the shop the next time i don't trust you  who invited you to breakfast uh-oh jake you never   was grateful for nothing here i returned a 50  horse you couldn't have found in a week and   all you can do is gripe about my company this such  thing is too much of your company gus jake i swear   jake uh are you jealous why wouldn't i be when  you try to poke every woman i ever even looked at well jake as much as i'd like to stay  and discuss all the love you've lost   to me i best be getting on back to  the herd thanks for the coffee lori good idea to keep that mare hobble at night she's  on her way back to lonesome dove when i found her   i reckon i can hobble a horse without you  telling me well that's good to know jake back up we're going to stay in a tone for a while san antonio good gambling town  won't hurt us to stop for a week   we'll catch up with a herd later jake i already  told you i ain't going to san anton already been   there don't [ __ ] me i guess you'll go  where i say go not to san antonio i ain't turn it i wanted to gamble a little  bit between here and denver   go on and gamble if you want to  gamble then i never said you couldn't   just ain't going with you what just leave you  here sure why not because gus will be riding   over here every morning wanting to teach you card  tricks that's why not well that's true he might what was jacob oh jake's just up to being jake  it's it it's a full-time job you know yeah it   takes a woman to help him with it too don't it  i'm going to get some of the boys downstream   keep the cattle from scattering dates using this  just these old dogs off down there real gentle   i believe the cattle follow along all right  well old dog won't be no trouble he's like me   you mean lazy i mean mature he don't get excited  about little things like crossing the river no   more than i do well you don't get excited about  nothing self biscuits maybe you bet and [ __ ] he's over at the camp huh yeah me and miss lorena  always take our coffee together every morning   you know i hope the weather didn't treat her too  bad last night no she's fine just fine good good yeah we visited the better part of an  hour about various things people okay   well i can't recall if she  ever did uh mention you dish um so oh oh look at that pig swim hey it must have been too  bad i'll show them i'll go first all right right come on mouse come on over sean try it it's even fun come on   uh water moccasins john so ah oh my god oh so oh ain't nothing much we can do newt  i've been bit too many times no hey you snug that don't think so  i think i woke them off get your   clothes off desperate give him a good look  one of them might have been him down low he must have struck me next time i've crossed  this river a hundred times in my life never seen   more than a snake or two at a time so i almost got  him up holy wanda wants to go back from the island i don't see those bikes oh i had known that storm was  going to stir the snakes up   picked another place to cross wasn't your  fault deets life is short shorter for some   than others shawn here was just nothing like a  young sprout that's all nobody's fault nobody one of you boys best go find his brother i reckon um you won't sign or something go on and do it oh babe for the ready home i'll say a word that's the word this good brave boy he had a  fine tenor voice we'll all miss   his accidents in life and he met with a bad  now we may all do the same if we ain't careful dust to duck now that's the rest of us go on to montana he's right boys best thing you can  do with deb is right off from it   sean was the babe of our family i wish i could have finished a song for him twas's favorite   maybe you'll ride with me a while newt sure oh ball won't cross he don't want no part of  it after what happened sean here he wants to be   back and loan some club we can get close to his  wife and daughter so hell i i gave him a horse adios you old bandit you can go whack that during bell all you like now   well we're gonna need a new car i  gotta be cool but it's a bad start foreign howdy my name's roscoe brown is is this texas i'm looking for a fella mayor rolled past here his  name's july johnson he had a boy with him about   yay high i've been riding night and day trying to find him i'm from arkansas got any whiskey yes sir i got  a bottle right here in my poke   i'd be glad for you to share it if  you want to come get this farming girl you having possum for your supper are you ah  but you ain't unless you go catch your own i got a biscuit one cook that blossom like i said about this man that i was looking for i ain't  seen him you fixing to stay the night yes sir   if it's all right i've been riding real hard all  right you can sleep down the under by the creek thank you you leave that gal alone  she's mine bought and paid for sure what's going on in there don't go hitting on that girl all right i know somebody's out there in the brush  you just as well come on out and show yourself you i run off from old sam to go with you   go with me what what girl you  can't go with me genie's my name old sam use me bad i ain't really his anyway  he just traded some skunk pelts for me and i   expect he's looking for you right now nope no  why not pray tell because i broke his knees   with the pan this morning while they were  still sleeping that'll keep him a few days   goodness you're a rough customer ain't  you i ain't rough old sam was rough   well you can't go with me i'm headed  down towards san antonio to find a man   i seen that man you're looking for  two days ago when he come through here   him and the boy both which way to go i ain't  telling you unless you take me with you well girl i i can't take you with me i got  to travel fast you call this fast traveling   i've been following you six miles  and didn't ever do morning walk   i can keep up with you i reckon and i  can catch rabbits and possums to eat too i'm gonna follow you anyway if i  was to go back old sam to kill me yeah i expect he would i might just well jump on up here then which way they was riding that way yonder his  wife run off from that's why i got spanish took you a while didn't it  i've been waiting long enough rough little gum ain't that something you got  a buffalo tongue you're the one canadian too who is that luke what are you doing in this wagon man bugs way partnered up partnered up   we're going olgalala you ain't scared indians  huh well i don't like them much i guess   i already killed five of them won't bother  me none to kill some more well might not   hurt for you to come along with that you'd  be glad of it if the indians could answer big boy told me he was gonna marry you he did huh i can't as bad as some how would you know  you ain't never been married to him have you this nigga's way he ain't a  man will be put off you know it   i'm already married i doubt he even knows what  the word means anyhow i know what it means okay dear ellie we have come a long piece and have  been lucky with the weather it has been clear no sign of jake's spoon yet but we did cross the  red river and are in texas now little joe likes it   his horse has been behaving all right and neither  of us has been sick i hope that you are well   and have not been bothered too much by  the skeeters your loving husband july well what do you think it's a long letter you want me to write something on the bottom  of it for you you sure maybe put your name   she'll like it all right without nothing for me yeah we post it when we get to fort worth   i know i'm slowing you down but i'm glad  you brought me on this trip yeah me too joe i found your ass growth since the last time i  was here during people making towns everywhere   it's our fault too our fault well we chase out  the indians didn't we hung all the good bandits   never occurred to you that everything we've done  was a mistake me and you don't know work too well   we'll go hell we kill off most of the people made  this country interesting to begin with didn't we   nobody in their right mind would want the indians  back or the bandits neither one hell fire would go   if you like civilization so much what are we doing  riding off to the wilds of montana we ain't riding   off to the wilds of montana right now if you'll  recall we're in san antonio looking for a cup all right got it we're taking a herd of cattle  up to montana and lost our cook   yes i go with you my name is paul campo  can you cook our boys is all particular buy one of these i fried them only this morning dang that's tasty some kind of candy grasshopper grasshopper had a good point my boys ain't gonna take my steak  and bug i cooked could be steak too   and birthday pie just one minute  i'd be ready to go with you hey hang on there a minute you ain't gonna get off down the  trail a mile or two and go to   missing your wife or something  like her last good gun are you   my wife is in hell where i sent her she could  make good biscuits but her behavior was terrible   i think this is a man we need a cook i'll go  up a street and buy you a horse no i will walk   i do not ride animals you mean you don't ride  adam it is not civilized are we not animals also   how would you like it if somebody wrote you what i like about the man he's a philosopher  oh yeah i heard him give you somebody to   talk to that'll bring the rest of us  up mate we'll get a little work done   i like a shot of whiskey and so would  my companion it ain't too much trouble howdy boy you got a good game going there who the hell is that you got modern years of what briar will it be  old-timer rye will do provided to get you here quick darn cowboys oughta broom  yourselves off before you walk in here get all the sand we need without  the customers bringing it in that'll be a dollar now besides the whiskey i think  will require a little respect   i'm captain augustus mcrae this is captain  woodrow f carl now if you care to turn around   you can see how we look when we was younger and  the people around here wanted to make us senators   now the thing we didn't put up  with then was dabbling service   and as you can see we still don't put up with it now then if i could have a fresh glass  please you just broke my nose your son well here's to the sunny slopes long ago i wonder whatever happened to me willie montgomery  you didn't have to wax a bartender to get a drink   when he owned that saloon you're just  mad cause they didn't know who you was you lucky they didn't throw you to jail playing  much of a crime whacking a shirley bartender i guess they may have forgotten us though why  wouldn't they forget it hadn't been around here   in years no the reason is we never got killed  that's why they forgot that is a dang foolish   thing to say no it ain't if a thousand comanches  or corners was in the gully somewhere and wiped   us out like the sue just done custer why they'd  remember us sure hell they'd be writing songs   about us for a hundred years really there was a  thousand comanches one month in the whole world   you know it that ain't the point woodrow what is  it there another 20 years we'll be the indians   they'll be trying to stick us on the reservation  just to get us out of the way i'd say that's dang   done likely well maybe you're right i reckon i  am and i i i i that will last another 20 years now where in the hell is he going my yes what in the hell has come over you augustus  i doubt you'd understand i doubt it too when was you the happiest call happiest about what about just being a live  human being free on the earth i don't know it'd be hard to single out any one particular time   well it ain't for me i was the happiest  brought to you by this little creek   me and claire discovered it one  day when was out for a buggy ride   i might have known it had something to do  with clara that was a long time ago now oh god i expected the mistake of my life let me slip away like i did well you've always got your  [ __ ] yeah i guess i do i don't know why you sit down on horse wood though  you've had yours out of a call yeah that was the   worst mistake i ever made it ain't a mistake to  been a human being once in your life would bro   poor little maggie left you a fine  son before she quit this world   and you don't know that that boy could be yours  or jakes or some damn gambler yeah but he ain't   he jordan anybody with a good eye can see it  besides maggie told me we were good friends   i don't know about friends i'm sure he was  a good customer though well the two can't   overlap you know you're wanting to know about  overlapping with [ __ ] already you know what   hurt her most you wouldn't call her a name you  never would say maggie that's what hurt her most   i don't know what it amounted to if i had it would  have made her happy what are you talking about   she's a [ __ ] well [ __ ] got hearts woodrow and  maggie's was the most tender i ever saw well why   didn't you marry her then she didn't love me she  loved you you should have seen how she sat in that   saloon every day watching the door after you quit  coming around i reckon the man has got more to do   than to sat in a saloon with a [ __ ] like what  go down the river every night and clean his gun   maggie needed you you let her down you know it  too don't you no i don't know anything of the   dang kind and that's why you won't claim that  boy is your own because he's a reminder see   a living reminder that you failed somebody and  you ain't never going to be up to admitting that   how are you like i said maggie was just  a [ __ ] well i got woodrow at least you   finally called her by name i guess that  showed some improvement now don't it you sure you don't want none of  this prairie chicken i ain't enough   i might catch you a frog for supper bro i ain't never hit no pro their legs jump  out of the pan when you cook them no yes they do you gotta catch them and throw them  back in the pan no i don't believe that   how can a dead frog jump out of a pan what's the matter hey where you going eddie howdy howdy i wonder if we could borrow some  tobacco for you i ain't got none ain't got no   no sir i reckon you're lying well no i ain't  neither why would a man travel with nothing to   smoke because it never agreed with me that's why i  had to give it up well we might have to smoke you   what do you think of that   my name is roscoe brown i'm just going down this  road i ain't looking for no trouble you're just   going down this road here huh yes sir let's shoot  him and take his horse all right drop your gun now   wait just a minute here yes sir i climb her down  off that horse mister i'm from arkansas yes sir strip off them duds what you come into this  world naked i reckon you can go out the same way i i got some money there's probably   thirty dollars here oh god i'm gonna  pull this trigger on you for yourself oh there's somebody shooting wow why it's a stamina old girl   she's a rock joker little itchy jim i've  done all the rock chunking she's gonna do what are you gonna do with that stick mister you get her nah she's too fast  i've never seen anything like it that little gal put in here chunk you to  death she'll get hers before this days through   i'm gonna give her a bullet for every rock  she throw uh we'll shoot this in first   i don't tear up his clothes with my 10 gauge put it down july ah roscoe what in god's name you're doing in texas i  come for you july it's a lucky thing i found you   too who was that chunkin damn rocks oh that  is jamie janie you come on out now july's   here he's the man i've been looking for my god  on a whiskey boat well that's what peach thinks it just don't make no sense for ellie to go  running off like that it don't make no sense   at all does it joe mama always been like that  she never liked to stay in one place too long you got any idea where she might  have gone maybe to go find d d you mean your paw d boot well but ellie told me he died  to the smallpox over in dodge joe yo i don't reckon she'd lie to me   they never had no smallpox mama just  married you when they ran out of money they something else july ellie's gonna have a baby pete seen cena with the morning sickness a baby so i'm sorry to be bringing you this news  july but i thought you'd want to know joe yes sir where would you go to find dee he was  up to ogallala last we heard ogallala we better go find her i guess what about  jake spoon i can't worry about him no more ellie might be needing me howdy i'm joe that's janie she's shy but it  don't last long you ever had a frog so um looks like jake no it's just lori rested by a tree i bet  jake's going off the gamble somewhere and   left her behind well all i see is a puff of smoke   i think i'll ride on down there and  keep her comfy till that scamp gets back and we got to her cattle look  after oh what's keeping you so hello gus lori darden how long's jake been gone two days went up to austin to play some cards   and that's mad seems like he's been mad the  whole trip well he'll be yes i know back will he ain't going to take me to california though   nope don't be too hard on him you got  you out of lonesome dove anyway see at least i didn't get all down like this when  i was in london dub that's cause back there   you was never expecting nothing and then  here comes jake get you all full of hope   trouble is jake ain't a man to  support nobody's hopes but his own what'd you stop off for well i said the  nice day i thought i'd just ride over   we'd cut the cars or something yeah what do i get if i win this time well i'll  be your [ __ ] you can never folk on demand why would i want one all right then if you win you  can pretend you're a fancy lady in san francisco   and i'll bring you a glass of butter now i don't  even like buttermilk well what then you know i just want to go to san  francisco that's what i want lori listen let's do it now pretty little  thing you see life in san francisco still just   now if you want only one thing too much  it's likely to turn out a disappointment   now the only healthy way to live as i see it is  to learn to like all the little everyday things   yeah like what like i sip of good whiskey of  an eaten or soft bed or a glass of buttermilk   or say uh a feisty gentleman like myself  now you close your pretty little eyes go on   don't open until i count to 23. okay now no  cheating your chicken taste is over one one two   three what are you doing four don't open  your eye five six seven eight nine ten we better make it 27 21 22 23 24 25 don't  don't open them 26 and 27. oh my god   oh this water's cold i believe it should with my  pie but it wouldn't get no business today anyway yeah i'd go with you to california if you was  ever mine too you would would you i would i'm not   uh well i'm complimented by the company let's  go then all right jake can take his own chances   i can't honey i'm bound for ogle hey oh come on  where is that somewhere's up in nebraska what's   there a woman named claire he's the only reason  i ever come on this trip you'd go all the way in   the proposal for a woman you bet i'm a woman and  i'm right here you can have your folks if that's   all it is well i strike your deal we both make  it to denver i'll buy you a ticket on the train   to san francisco now then would you mind going  over there getting a pistol for me i see a fella   coming i don't know whether he's friendly or  not it's like an india well how can you tell well indians got their own  way of riding see this one's a   setting ole miss concider with the silver  concho directly stole it maybe even killed for you want the rifle no i shot me in the assassin  band it was just my pistol i'll be alright stay put like the water help yourself i hope you like a cold cause i ain't got  time to warm it up for you i like it wet i know you mcgray the old days i know you too blue  duck where's your friend call here here just now it's my bad luck he's gone if i kill you then  i would have to wait here to kill him too   he'd be back shortly you could sit  over there in the shade and wait   if you're able after you and me get through  there's plenty others need killing besides youtube   i can't wait all day just to shoot two wore  out old rangers with holes in their underwear   fine sadly you took off for some dead mexican  a little luck it'll last another mile or two   maybe if you ever bring that damned old  tongue of years north of the canadian river   i'll cut it off eat it to my whoop bumps there's a dern coming cheryl butcher  we should have hung years ago but we   couldn't because he was better at riding  long distances without water than we would but he may be after our horses though i  better go one call come on with me now   no i ain't going i don't like the way that  cowboys look at me well you girls sure are   hard on the boys that love you any one of them  over there got a truer heart than jake's spoon   i ain't gonna go i left all that behind me when  i left lonesome duh well darn it lori i don't   like leaving you here with blue duck around  jake i'll be back soon oh now it's jake again   well you were the one who said something about  going to ogallala after some woman didn't you still got enough like  attraction to see where he went i'm going to send somebody over here  to say with you to jake gets back   it'll be just a few minutes because the  herd's only about a mile away all right hey you yes sir i want you right over to jake's camp  keep an eye on this marina because jay getting   back miss lorraine or me the blue ducks in the  area blue duck oh lord show us blue duck hell yes   i'm sure i just exchanged pleasantries with a man  come on dude well yes sir i'll be glad to take on   the chore no doubt you would but we need you here  now get moving dude you know where she is yes sir   why didn't you shoot him if it blew up well he was  ready he would have been touching gold which one   of us got killed but me and deets were going  to track him i think he may be circling to to   steal our horses all right you boys let's get on  back with a herd now make damn sure you got your   pistols with you wouldn't surprise me and honestly  old blue duck come riding in here with a gang   i don't want to sit on that boy over that  [ __ ] well i'll try to send one of these   other rowdies jake probably come back and shoot  it but he ain't going to shoot newt she should   have stayed and lonesome and well if he was  a young guy with your whole life before you   would you want to stay and loan some  duh now maggie done it look how long   she left she would have died anywhere she just  happened to die and loan some dove that's all   i got woodrow you just don't ever get the point  dude it ain't dying i'm talking about it's living that's good folk campo that's all right okay let's see here newt um howdy miss lorena uh  miss wood howdy come on root um hello there miss   wood i'm i'm nude mr gus sent me over here  to keep an eye on you i hope you don't mind he didn't come out anywhere  on this side that i can see i don't find no tracks here neither i must have  stayed in the creek you might have doubled back um i don't see no blood we lost him in a crate what in  the hell is newt doing back i   told him to stay over there dude  ain't back just his horse back what in the hell happened to you somebody hit me all right guys where's laurie i know you're hiding  her over here from me somewhere blue duck blue god he's got her that half broods around here my   fault for not shooting the son  of a [ __ ] when i had a chance hope campo yup i'm gonna need some fresh water flippy grab me a box of  bullets from the wagon there i'm going with gus to say none  of your affair your dirt pup   i ain't no pup and you're a gambling lowlife to  let her get stolen my god we'll see about that   we'll see about that right now hey you guys  wrote that right there i ain't gonna have it hold me a horse mine's rolled down you ain't  going neither jake not with me you ain't i'll   go for damn please she's my woman you should  have stayed closer to her if she's a woman   the hell with you the hell the whole bunch of you you heard him jake he don't want you he was sent to watch her huh well i'd  say you've done a damn poor job of it   you ain't worth your turn away  sorry to give you a lick or two not another word jake ain't that boy's fault  you're the one that went off to town dragon gamble you watch yourself augustus so ah or drink so fast you found her oh monkey john will like that  yellow hair between him and the   others probably get most of their money  and all of their hides when they see you i hope that damned old ranger hurries along i owe him a few he won't come i ain't hit he's coming i don't  know if it's for me or for you but he's coming i've got a treatment for  women that try to run away cut a little hole in their stomachs pull out a  gut and wrap it around the limb and i drag them   30 or 40 feet and tie them down that way and  watch what the coyotes are having for supper so wow you're all welcome to a taste but she ain't  free understand we got eyes to try and horses and horses care she talks i wouldn't talk to you either you  damned runt oh my god we give all my hats for her   being off the talk even i say talk get me i'm on this world with you already got our hides and the horses good ain't one hurt she's iron we  don't wanna gamble with her   he's just half george irmo and his boys own  a half interest we're aiming to buy them out   by the time you raise the  money won't be much left to buy you'd do better buy a goat we don't  want no damn goat that's gamble   we want the woman if you win and let  you have your horses back come on bobby what's wrong with him you don't care about the  horses he wants to keep the woman that damn   holding up the game my god life is cheap up here on  the canadian is that to get cheaper let's gamble look like i win again you're a damn sheet thirsty  cheeses out of our horses many cheeses out of   the woman i don't want the woman you can  have her back as a gift and the horses too   it's an old man following  me i want you to kill him   you hear that air milk you kill the man you  can have your horses back and the woman too we take the woman the hell you will she's  half iron you ain't taking her nowhere   you shut up i'll kill you like i kill that [ __ ] if i were you i get sober so uh so us all i'm gonna show you some tough hell you ain't hitting him yet i'll get him he ain't got anywhere to go has he god that's enough that is enough look at that is it shooting at us he can't hit  nobody from there he's just wasting his bullets   maybe an old man like you need a better target what funky captain's pretty worried about mr gus ain't he me too i get to expect him to hear him talk and he ain't  here my ears started to get empty this gus could   be all right maybe so but he will not catch  blue duck do you know po campo yes i know him i once lived up on llano he killed my three sons after that i left her it's all jake's fault he's a bastard for  leaving her in the first place that's what   started all this you sure are smitten  ancient dish well i'll tell you this   if she's alive and gus brings her back well then i  aim to marry her marry her marry a [ __ ] don't go   calling her a [ __ ] in front of me jasper well  if you're so in love with her why don't you go   try to fetch your back yourself leave gus here  he's a damn side more entertaining than you are so is that [ __ ] first we're done with it captain  jasper yes sir i'm done with it too well boys let's uh get on back to the herd  captain don't take much of sitting around this one i made for you but thank you paul is it somebody  special like a little saint you know to help protect you on our journey hmm so i'm leaving right i can go find out you do and they  catch you they'll make soup out of you   i'd like to know what they were shooting at  when we rode up you're shooting me hey easy   i'm captain crate texas ranger i'm coming in don't know where to shoot howdy justin from craig eli johnson  this is uh july johnson   i got you the sheriff from over in fort smith  arkansas looking for jake's spoon ain't you   well i have more urgent business than jake  spoon now well i was about to say if you're   looking for jake you missed him by about 300  miles or so the indians killed your horse   didn't they no she had to kill him myself to to  make a fort when them cayway's got after me see   but i appreciate you running them all we just  riding by they started shooting at us so we   shot back hey blue ducks boys i'm after him and  the woman he stole say the man stole a woman   yes sir a girl traveling with us he probably  counted on the river and sent them bucks back to   kill me it it's quite a ways  north of here i do believe well   our horses are pretty war out but if morning  is soon enough we'll help you track this outlaw there see it i see it that'd be them they don't know if the wrath of the  lord's about to stand on them come sundown i best go with you i don't know how many they  are thank you all i need a loan of a horse   i'll have him back for breakfast and maybe a few  others to vote you mean to go at them by yourself   there might be 10 of them down there maybe more  they scare easy at night i just hope mr duck's   there i intend to kill him look i can be some help  i'd rather you stay with your partner get these   two young people to look after roscoe can stay  yeah kind of chancy so you might stop a bullet   never get to finish that urgent business you  mentioned but that urgent business is my wife she left home look i know it's unlikely  but it might be that she got stolen too i guess you're no more fooling me  chasing a moment across the place   i might have got one you  know i don't know i doubt it go ahead shoot me you won't  catch me wasting a bullet on you   monkey can cut your damn  throat if he wants to yeah what she do is that what she do to  earn a kick don't mind your own stuff you're not worth selling the coyotes can have you   how come you're giving her to  the game coyote give her to me no i want them to cry her up i'll hell i'll  cover up maybe it'll put some spirit in them   so they can go out tomorrow and  run that old ranger to ground tournament hell i mean there you better  be if mcrae comes you better be quick well there they are have you ever killed mr johnson you do what i do then all right oh hmm it's me killed a whole bunch didn't even shoot  get on back to people mr johnson there's   a dangerous man loose on the river  and i doubt your deputy can handle it   i know this is a shock to you mr john you ain't a  bar room scraping arkansas so you got to choke it   down and get on back to your people i'll  be alone as soon as this girl can travel go mr josh go now shoot me sure was a lot of shooting i'll  be glad when july gets back what i heard something that brush might be  an indian i'll go see no no wait wait wait i wish july get on back it's likely  to be morning before they get back joe ciao where are you what see him shoot him where have you been girl   where's joe was that his name it's my fault i'd have done what you said  they'd still be life my god it's my fault yeah you told me to stay i know  i did something i'm sure you wish you had but   yesterday's gone we can't get it back are you  going with your digging and i'll tidy up the dead there that's all we can do i guess he took joe's horse yes in his life sure he had  more interest in the horse if you're going after him i'd like to  try and help better mounted than this these lives here lost good son giving pain for  pain ain't gonna bring him back let's go on and   try to find your wife if i ever run across  blue duck again i'll kill him for her too whoa we'll camp his way you go shoes  to turkey or something for our sucker   i'll help you build a fire i don't mean  any help it's wait you take luke with you howdy you're supposed to be his way   i told him we could hunt better if we split up  why aren't you hunting then i am a hunt right here   i'm gonna have a baby luke i can't be doing that  not for a while yet that you ain't having no baby   i only want a little it won't take for six minutes  i reckon this way catches you he'll kill you   that's why he ain't no smarter than  a buffalo i might decide to shoot him get off me oh god damn was he trying to marry you i guess you can  call it there he was trying to do me i want   him to let me alone how the hunting  goes way to shoot a turkey i got one that's real good you wanna go  pluck them feathers no i don't   i want you just to stay there i  wish you wouldn't be doing this   sorry this way i won't do it no more i swear next  time you go hunting just make sure he stays with   you he can't pester me if he's with you no i think  i better go on and kill him for being like this   noseway don't don't sway this enough  you'll kill himself wait when my name is he's alive you quit it now won't  he we're trying to marry you don't look funny with that ear hanging off i'll go [ __ ] that bird now  luke have us some separate hey don't be spitting on my floor rory spencer  he pleases as i can see he does that's why i   mentioned it spellbook go do it in the alley if  you want to give it away otherwise get that boy   on upstairs he wouldn't know him to give it  away herself about to break me too mr spoon ten dollars spoon you drink spoon the ranger i've done some rangering he's jake's spoon  the rangers never heard of him you run with   my crayon call ain't that right i'm not good  not anymore i don't crying call never met him   i hear they're tough man let a half breed steal  my [ __ ] that's how tough they are you can't   find her they lost her let them find her going  up to kansas me and my brothers frog up there kansas huh gonna rob some banks ain't that right  ain't no objection to robin banks happy spoon well i guess it would depend on the bank i  wouldn't enjoy it if there was too much loss   that could answer law damn look i want my money  back cause i want to clean lenny you can't squirt   your sport in two minutes you need a doctor  not a horse look i said i want my money back made her mad by guy didn't he well let's go i'm sure be  poking around here in a minute school boys stand up there's adobe walls there need to get inside this  lightning found it's a nice warm dry spot darling that'll about do it it should be quite a lively  place until the buffalo   run out a couple years ago they  ran north every darn one up so i got look what i found here gold coin there's  fives and tens there's even a handful of   50 gold pieces that's good luck now we can  play ourselves some high-stakes poker huh now we'll let on your is yours  and all this over yours is mine there you go put the cards in your hand darth don't you see him you've be careful because i'm mighty  tricky remember tricky old gus that's the idea but we hadn't  bet yet so we'll try it again this shouldn't have took me good i know honey but they did but they did they did you just gonna cry down you got a long time to live and you don't  want this thing dragging you backwards see   so you just cried on that old gus he'll  be all right right here you're safe now so i kind of never thought i'd see you boys  working naked i guess things just went to hell   after i left this river's deep we ain't exactly  overloaded with dry clothes hello boyd bye laura   guster i found her i'm actually sitting right  out in front of a tent right now looking at it i swear gus we near gave you up i'm glad  to see you're all still alive you kept   that bandit oh he slipped by me but i got a  few of his friends though she all right gus   she's going to need her  privacy a while yet uh she went   through quite an ordeal you always  get with these cattle boys scattered right over here i'm glad you're back because   i'm just listening to you yeah  me too gus i thank you fellas at least my pigs made it all right where are you planning to leave her i  believe i have no intention of leaving him what's the word on jake they got mad and wrote  off after you left said he going to fort worth   and now you have become this gal's caretaker yeah  i guess i have hell she's not eating one year   after neither is no she ain't that's true too  so what are you going to do when you get up to   ogle and find out clara's still a happily married  woman don't even remember you a hell i believe uh that'd break my heart would go dear peach roscoe brown was killed by  a bad outlaw and so was joe a girl named janey was also killed i don't know  much about her roscoe said he met her in the woods i am going on to ogallala to look for  ellie i do not know when i will be back so i'd have known them too big we're gonna be  so fickle to take up with that old mexican   i'd have made bacon at him a long time ago lori darling come here i god lord you smell as fresh as the morning miracle how you keep fresh out in these raw parts i'm a shameful side ain't it woodrow's fault  he wouldn't let me bring my tailor on this trip now here it is a beautiful morning  and you're about to cry why now lori we're an honest pair aren't we tell me what's wrong what's wrong i feel like you  don't want me no more gus   you ain't even asking me  for a pog since since then well come on well you can have one if  you want i won't charge you nothing   well that's neighborly in that case i'll  take what five or six or ten or twelve no truth is i thought you'd want to stay clear  i said doing for a while see that's natural you best take your time you best take your time it doesn't matter how much time hello there new good morning good morning  to you gus good morning miss lorena   uh paul made you some breakfast he  asked me to bring it over for you   what is bugs hugs a pole cooker anything  ain't that right oh yeah gus that's right huh   oh yes ma'am sometimes you'll  cook things like grasshoppers yes ma'am ain't that funny dude why don't  you sit and have coffee with us come on   oh no gus i best get on back to the herd all right  tell paul thank you for the breakfast okay i will thank you for bringing it over well yes  ma'am and thank you for thank you for go on nude before you step  on your tongue thank you so wouldn't be too hard to take that bunch i thought we was gonna rob banks i don't  remember nothing about stealing horses you got something against stealing horses don't have to be my line of work that's all oh  you ain't too old learn something new now are you   if you are we can leave you right here dead  in the ground i won't tolerate no sugars man's feeling a bit bloody today ain't he painting you coming i guess if you  watch you'll find out won't you they're headed this way eddie you hold the  horses come on when you hear the shooting   why can't i go makes you good  as roy hell that ain't much   roy couldn't hit his foot if they were tied to  a tree no we're gonna let jake shoot him anyhow ain't that right jake so so my what are you doing back there spoon fighting's  up here i got frog left frog your head i am where you going better go round up them horses  we stole we want them don't we best stay here   unless you think you're bulletproof roy  you and eddie go gather up them horses i never thought they'd get you frog shoot em  and go on shoot frog he's when the bulletin   is good ain't he shouldn't be done with it  well i hate to shoot frog you shoot him roy   dan told you to do it eddie would you like  to shoot him jake i've known him all my life   no i wouldn't care to no one's much help  oh damn it what a bunch of old ladies go on gather up them horses yes it was just frog's unlucky day huh yeah  i guess it can happen to anybody can it spoon oh now thought it was one of our boards but it ain't they   found him up the trail several miles been shot  twice still alive just barely what do you say   said horse these murdering horse thieves  but this just keep the cattle headed north   keep somebody out in front look water and get  this boy buried over and then cottonwood sir is it indian horse thieves hey you come back come on he's gonna track him i'm gonna have  to go too laurie i'm gonna go with you i can   keep up oh you'll be perfectly safe with  the wagon want to have dish look after you   gus nope i can't let a horse thief off  particularly one that's killed the ball   well you're coming back for me ain't you  absolutely you bet d they were there night and day so so hey you need to go looking in bushes yonder ah yeah there's another one over here when you're on the way have any way up again  four that's four well there's five of us   rods are in our favor so what are you  looking so down about mr jake he one of them   i've seen his horses tracked well these  are horse season murders we're dealing with   they might have stole jake's horse no sir i  know to track his horse make when he ride in it good dang hope you're wrong  dee yes sir but i ain't thank you what is it zod busters the boys wait here you two spoon dan hates sidebusties hates their guts and livers oh damn feeling bloody again ain't he ain't he come on you shot those two men for a watch shot em now  i'm gonna hang em hang em damn you beat all   i never heard a hanging dead man shot em  now i'm gonna hang em then i'm gonna burn em damn songbusters can't never be too dead  to sue me jake you and eddie go drag them   fellas over here under this tree no i  ain't no part of this the hell you ain't uh pretty side aim damn sod busters let's go gather horses before they scatter hello who is it it's me dish  i brought some food for you   well i'm not hungry i'll just wait till  gus gets back he might not be back for   two three days he asked me to look after you  i don't want nobody looking after me but guff well it was gus that told me well i'm setting the plate out here by the flap what are you doing i guess i'm  looking after you like gus said   i need no looking after you  don't have to stay i don't mind i got a great dude to make  a fortune in these parts gotta buy you a bigger  spade pen go in the business   i believe i'll pass on that it's a bad  bunch we're after as bad as i ever seen knew you all right girls jake  couldn't had nothing to do with this   jake's always just kind of drifting  dude see any wind can blow him come on let's get these poor fellas planted it's closed camp down by a creek you've  seen them i've seen them four of them well yes sir mr jake one up i wish  he'd had a good sense to stay with   lori she might have aggravated him  some but she wouldn't let him to this give me that save some of that for me dan why would i   you're lazy as jake neither you pulls  your weight in this outfit sit still boys we're horse trainers well hello gus kevin get his gun deep at least you don't think i'd try to shoot you  do you get your boots off boy damn if we will   didn't you hear me i should be with horse craters  we're more persuaded by the bodies we just buried   get your boots off i don't know what the hell  you're talking about you're a black liar sir   just ask jake we didn't buy them horses  you buy them three cowboys you shot   you buy them two farmers you burn  pay you newt get your ropes time up oh you don't need to die me i'm new to tell  i didn't kill anybody i just fell in with   these boys to get through the territory hell  i was going to leave them first chance i got   i wish you'd taken that chance a little earlier  jake man they'll go along with five killings   take me leave a little slow go ahead newt well pete you know me i ain't  no killer teach you know it too gosh i ain't no criminal now you know that   because dana killed them two sod buses i  didn't kill nobody get your damn outspoon put them on their horses where's he going pick out a  tree to hang your thumb son gosh how you know how it works jake you  ride with an outlaw you die with now   i'm sorry you crossed the line  i didn't see no lying guys   i was just trying to get through the territory  back in scalp that's all i'm sure that's true you're all yellow oh yeah oh she would've fought  me fair say goodbye to you brothers respect you   got them into this damn worth of rhythm because  i needed you i'll say this for you subs you're   the kind of man that's a pleasure to have if  all you can talk is guff go talk to the devil i should have been second  little eddie was the youngest   you're right i'm sorry never meant  to scare the boy's horse just then you ready yes let's go jake i like to know that i got lori back who i'm sorry so that's got to do this jake  i wish it had fallen to somebody else what hell boys a dance i'd rather be hung by my  friends and by a bunch of damn strangers no what else boys hope you won't hold it against me never meant no harm oh   i swear yes sir he died fine didn't he let's go digging my grave i thought i heard cattle look out jake wasn't no killer jake what   jake liked to joke he didn't like the work  i got exactly those same feelings myself mama i see it senora someone is  coming we already told her   want me to kill him for supper mama no not  yet they might not be in the mood to stop   you girls go on about your chores like i  said that wagon won't be here for a while   mama has daddy talk vinnie today no not today are  his eyes open yes they're open well why can't he   talk then if his eyes are open because his head's  hurt on the inside honey that's why you couldn't   talk neither if a horse kicked you in the head  now you girls go on and do your chores erase yeah i wish our boys would lift up wouldn't  that be something still have all hello i'm clara allen these are my  daughters sally and betsy and this is cholo   are we in nebraska yet yes won't you get on down  and rest a while yeah do you know a fellow named   i'm going to ogallala to find him well you missed ogallala by about 20 miles but  you're welcome to stay the night here if you'd   like you can get on to town easily in the  morning i've come all the way from arkansas   to fandy why you're pregnant quickly take  her in the house go on draw some water go on girls hurry up this woman's  gonna have a baby a baby come on it's a boy it's a miracle we got here on  time she'da had this baby out   on the plane so that either  one of them would have lived which one of you is the father will have a  gift neither one her husband's a sheriff down   in fort smith arkansas but it it's this fellow  d boot she's looking for can can she go now go   oh no she won't be going anywhere for at  least a week she's lost a lot of blood and that baby wants to suffer excuse us please goodness you shouldn't be up there how's it well you got a fun baby boy  here and a hungry one too ma'am don't you want a baby mama sally you go on board some milk betsy you help her you just rest now we'll take  care of this baby for you tonight you'll feel better tomorrow all right what is it they leave feel bad about not bringing the baby what do you  care it ain't yours look ellie we're in ogallala   i'm cold you got her the  fever well i ain't no doctor hold up dwight hey you we got us a sick woman here where's  your doctor live i don't know there is one   what's wrong with her she's got the fevers where's  dee boo ma'am dee boot she's looking for him   you know dee boot i don't know him i know  where he is he's right over in that jailhouse wake up dee you got visitors boys it's matey ellie ellie i left july all i could think about was you big  swain luke brought me in the wagon you're gonna   hang me ellie next friday they're gonna  hang if they don't lynch before hang ya d   before i killed a boy what do you do aggravate you  no just a settler's boy i was just trying to scare   him off for some cow man that hired me and this  boy he just jumped the wrong way and i killed him   what's wrong that you got to be carried in  like that ellie i had a baby but i left it   so i could get here to you all i've been  able to think about is getting here to my god she's bleeding leah leah will you girl stop that yellow mama mama  did you put a glass over down my dress   i don't care what she did you don't  have to do all that screaming around   the house you got the whole prairie if you  want to scream i see a grasshopper girls we have another visitor senora pardon  the commotion sir we're a loud bunch   won't you get down well i thank you but uh  i wouldn't want to trouble you oh we grow   our own troubles around here her names  are sally and betsy i'm claire allen   i'm july johnson i come from arkansas well  come on in i'll fix you something to eat sorry i forgot my manners   all right i like to see hungry manny say  you're from arkansas mr johnson yeah fort smith how's the sheriff there not now mr johnson are you looking for your wife by any chance yes i am what's your name elmira your wife stopped here a couple of weeks  ago in the company of two buffalo hunters ellie was here she had this  baby we left the same night what's the matter with him mr johnson you'll excuse us we'll  leave you alone a few minutes why is that man crying i guess he's been looking  for his wife a long long time   but he's a man men have tears in them same as you your past showed up didn't he mr johnson i know you're tired and i  expect your heart sick over your wife   but i'm gonna say a terrible thing to you i used to be ladylike but this country's made me blunt i don't believe that woman wants you this  child either one she left here to go find a   fella the name of dee boot nagalala she never  even looked at her baby oh she had a hard trip maybe she was just addled i like young things mr johnson i get attached real quick   i'm getting real attached to martin here i  know he ain't mine but ain't your wives anymore i don't know what to do oh it's been so long since i've done  anything right can't even remember it i lost my three boys i'm only took them i'll date young martin here if you don't want it  but if you do want him i wish you'd cried out and   take him before i get too attached i can't go  through the heart sick of losing another one   i would like to write into ogallala  first and see if i can't find ellie if you would allow me that getting all worked up thinking  about [ __ ] and ogallala you too i imagine you mean clara what are you going to do when you go see her leave  me in the tent i'm going to take you along and   introduce you properly clara don't see another  woman once a month she'd be happy for feminine   conversation she'll know what i am yes she'll  recognize right off you're a fine human being   you don't duck your head to nobody laurie  not the clara not to me not to nobody i bet she's always been a lady huh well a lady  can slash your jugular as quick as a comanche   claire's got a sharp tongue she's she's  time to hawk me uh many a time in the past   you'll like her because i'm afraid i'm gonna  lose you i'm afraid you're gonna marry her   laura you're working yourself into a sweat for  nothing clara had two or three chances to marry me   and she didn't take her  she'd like to marry wouldn't yes i would i would hello girl i hear you're planning  an orgy when we get to ogallala it's fine for you to laugh you got lorena what's  good for me ain't necessarily good for the weak   mind oh i understand you tell fortunes i can tell  some fortunes i don't know if i can tell yours   i don't want nobody telling mine i might find  out i'm going to drown in the republican river   we'd sure miss you too when we boys which river i  drown in don't matter to me just i'd like to know   my matrimonial prospect how many more times am i  likely to marry all right you spit in the wagon no more words for you that's  disappointing i've only had   two eyes so far and neither one of them  lived that long figured i'd do one more no   feeling better he's just faithful as any dog isn't he you've been  sitting out there ever since they brought you in   i'll bet he's asked me a thousand times if  you're gonna live and it's a wonder you did of   course with all the blood you've lost well got my  rounds to make i'm looking on you when i get back um found yelling the doctor said he's strong enough to talk you don't have to talk though if you don't want to i got a piece of bad news it's real bad joe got killed him and roscoe and girl outlaw killed him and i ought to stay with them but that baby is finally i didn't know it was art she named him martin it if  that's all right with you   they hang d i only got to see him for  a minute and then i fainted   and when i woke up they'd already hanged him you just rest now i'm looking  on you again in the morning good morning uh come see ellie she's gone they're gone they left last night heard  that big fella i tried to dissuade him well where to st louis i told him they  might as well leave their scalps here   if they're going that way but it's  the sioux army's got them stirred up they're damn fools to go east and i told them so  too she was set on leaving them he didn't argue well mr johnson did you find your wife yes i did i guess you were right she's  gone on to saint louis now you mr johnson you made your plans well i always uh lived in arkansas  how are you with horses horses well cholo's been doing all his own work and  bob's too i guess that can't go on forever off your job right here if you want it well i'm not sure i know  all that much about horses   no and you ain't lived any place but  arkansas either have you mr johnson   jaint nailed down and you ain't stupid are you  you can learn can't you yeah yeah i guess i could he's sick or no he's fine i guess he's just punishing you  for ignoring them all this time here mr johnson meet your son that's a good sign i guess he'd at least  catch him if somebody threw him off a roof who knows might even come  to like you there you are how you look just like a preacher in that croc get those water bells paul on it yeah  let's go go i thought as long as we're   in town we'd have us a meal and talk  some philosophy i don't know a philosophy   now let's go i don't like being away  from the herds most of these boys in town   i'll tell you well your philosophy is you worry  too much now jake would have gone with us quick   enough if we had no hunger oh damn it he broke  that on itself augustus well i know that woodrow   it's just i remember what a fine companion  he always was around suppertime what's all   that right there thanks for lori i see what you  got to wear combs brushes and the hand mirror   women like to see what they look  like ain't that right wood roll   i guess you're the one that know about  that throw me in the parasol too would you look there's this yonder we'll  ask him yeah i bet you he'd know we're looking for some porn but  we really don't know where to look you see that's a little yonder there's  plenty of oars in there thanks dish i gotta put my silver point how much well what's keeping you boys i thought you wanted  a [ __ ] they don't know how much they cost   depends on how long you want to  stay with them long enough i reckon   how much for that i'm very from girl girl i met  a nice one a minute ago over there named mary   she's got a friend they call her buffalo heifer  i reckon they do for you boys can't expect top   quality first time off afternoon gentlemen  i'm captain weaver this is dixon our scout   we're looking for fresh horses ours are  putting their war out chasing red cloud   that's a nice looking animal you got right  there well thank you i like them myself   i'll take him and uh any others  you got he's not for sale i ain't asking i'm telling you i'm requisitioning  that horse for the government i'm telling you   he's not for sale you defy the us army that's  treason you cowboys can be hung for treason now how much for that gelding he's not for sale you damn cowboys are too fun to your horses are you gonna dismount or do i have to drag you  off that pile of cell phones settle with you huh   now ain't you a tomcat they'll teach you to ask me  cowboy go on get his horse no sir this horse ain't for sale this just  told you that you cowboys are pests even   your pups pal give me that horse no sir i said  give me that horse no sir damn you no sir give   me that horse oh sir give him something for sale  give me the horse let him go give me that heart i quit oh he's killing him gus all right now where you hurt no sir he just quoted me a little  bit newt wouldn't let him take dish's horse a bunch of blacks to you for that nuke  sorry i did come in and go right now there ain't much left to go with  just get what there is sergeant you bring the wagon i'll bring it i hate rude behavior in a man i won't tolerate it all right everybody don't do the anger woodrow  f call does it i never seen the captain so rob   before gus he was likely to kill that man why  wouldn't he him beat you like that his own son   his own son here you boys to build a frolic  before we start out from the far north here here here hey champs welcome yes here we are who's gonna knock me ain't gonna knock   well you know maybe we ought to have us  another beer at you first jordan allen young fellas best time see well they just let you out of school well what can we do for you boys want to ride the [ __ ] boat do you set it  well yes ma'am i reckon we do well can you play   cause this pony don't block for free was this  enough whoa why mary looks like we got us a   bunch of rich cattlemen here after all well you  boys now you come on in and i'm gonna take you   honey uh maybe you will maybe you won't  and i seen him first ought to have dibs   well have on then these two heroes  took me just fine come on boys hey jimmy where you going  not me i ain't going in there come on cowboy skin them pants off we  ain't got all day for you little tassels mr johnson sure is a hard work granny mama   yes he is he sure has learned a lot  about horses since he's been here too   his wife ought to have loved him instead of  running off and getting killed by the indians   body ain't worth as much as annette  when you're talking about love   she loves somebody else do you still love  daddy you know like that can't help how he is   got his head kicked is she  get well is he gonna die mama doing everything he can for him somebody's coming i'm going to carefully mark me in the stick of wood come on mama let's see who it is you work hard your mama works you  hard where's your mama right now well pretty as ever   wow well you know woodrow how do  you do and this here is uh   miss lorena wood she's come all  the way with us from lonesome dove well i don't know whether to envy or to pity  you miss wood riding all this way with mr mcrae   here i know he's entertaining but that much  entertainment would break a person for life oh and uh that there's new got it man newt who newt dobbs ma'am captain mcrae hey sheriff johnson i thought i'd see you again   well i guess as they say it's a it's a small world  i guess you must know everybody in the by now girls you go on fetch three bullets i thought  we might have a picnic later oh my let's do i understand your husband has  horses for sale bob's upstairs sick   july you and charlotte show the captain  what we got i'll come down later and   price them after you made your  picks all right come on in you're that sheriff from arkansas ain't  you want to come looking for jake's food   well it seemed like a long time ago now  i guess i'm not looking for him anymore   well that's good because he fell  in with the bad bunch we hung him what happened to sheriff johnson's wife   indians got her so you adopted them both father  and the baby you would always want to grab clara   listen to him he hadn't seen me in 16  years and still feels free to criticize   no it was really young martin there i wanted  as time goes on i got less than this use for   grown men well the years haven't taken  you bloom sarah i'll say that for you i have to forgive us miss wood  gus and i were sweethearts once i know gus told me uh little spot down in texas where we  used to picnic you remember that   of course i did i even stopped there  for a few minutes on my way up here   claire's orchard that was a happy  place for us wasn't it yes it was so ghost you achieve all those years and want  some dove not much shot a few mexican bandits   drank a lot of whiskey that's all you  did you could have done it right here i didn't think it proper i was never so  married i couldn't have managed a friend well i wish you the rope told me that i did right i yeah up the letters though i figured  if you didn't come at your own accord   i didn't have any use for you anyway i like you young girl what  was she doing in lonesome day   doing what you could but don't hold it  against it oh i don't judge women that harsh   i might have done the same myself under  some circumstances well i doubt that claire you think you know so much about women gus but  you don't you're way overrated in that regard   i got that you're sassy no i'm honest  you didn't take that for being sassy   that newt's about the same age match anything newt's a fine boy he really is so you know captain  calls his father yep i told him just the other day woodrow wouldn't yeah you know woodrow yeah  i know woodrow not to test him i always have wrangles me got so much you and  i got so little over the years i think i had a better plane well i wish i had to come clara i wish i'd  have come a long time ago i really do i should leave that girl here you know what guess  got my business taking her through a wild place   like montana well i doubt you'd stay well she  might if you'd stay out of it she'll only die   or get killed aged before her time like i  have well i can't see that you've aged that   much well i have and so of you although i  doubt you'll admit it well the older the   violin the sweetest music now you ever hear  that yeah i heard it gus many times before watch woodrow when she names her prize oh wait a minute let me know  woodrow finally met his match   she didn't budge a penny  did she nope she sure didn't see that little sorrow over there with the star  in his forehead i want you to have him captain   see that little sarl over there with the star  on his forehead i'm giving him the news giving   him the news i'm making him a gift of that  horse you can deduct him from the price later   i feel better knowing he was well mounted up  there in montana thank you very much ma'am   and thank you for that picnic too i mean it was  very special i've never been on one before oh we   enjoyed having you i want you to know montana  don't suit you you can come back here any   time you want i'll give you all the work you can  stand i like that i'm just going to help captain thank you i do believe you'd adopt a whole bunch if  you could i like that boy sally likes him too   you should be about ready to marry  when sally comes to age oh my god clara come on guys i want you to see bob before you go why don't you give you that horse well  i don't know she just did she wouldn't   give a nickel on these turn around gives you  one for free that don't make no sense at all women so why'd you come here with call truth  is i hope not find you a widow claire   and i didn't miss them much  either you missed by years gus   you had a long ride for nothing there was  happiness itself to see you clara i'm surprised   you dare bring that man into my house i thought  you liked lori i do like her i'm mine though she's so young and pretty i told you what happened  it's an accident she's even on this trip oh   i never noticed you having accidents with ugly  girls well just been lucky i guess i don't know you were my dream gus all these years you've been my dream i used to think about you two or three hours a  day i wish i'd known that i didn't want you here not really i knew you for a rake and a rambler but it sure was nice pretending you loved  only me well i do only love you clara   i will not find a lorry here but it  ain't like this feeling i got for she you you don't you know it would destroy her if you  were to stay here with me yeah i do know that would you destroy her if i said stay i expect so that ain't an answer gus you know i would clara  i'd smother volunteer and send lorry to prediction   stop i would bob will die when he has a mind too   i'll probably have to sit back and watch you  father four or five children in your old age i'm sorry it's just her beauty that set me up well  pretty ain't everything you're still pretty clear   you're still the deceiving  man you've always been gus with your permission bob i'd like a kiss come on now stop it that's where you beat any woman i ever saw for   taking the starch out of a man he's  still in the mind to marry me guys i don't know clara i really don't no i won't marry again i haven't got enough respect for men and  i've met very few who are honest because you ain't one of them i'm about  half honest that's the truth come on lori to be sad enough so soon gus miss wood i wish you'd stay  here montana's no place for lady lady do you miss work please do please dude  we can sell some new cars will you come back   you bet i'll be back ladies man like me can't  be expected to resist such a battle of beauty   i better warn you though  these girls will wear you out   you're gonna wish you're back in cow  camp by the time this is over well all right good that's settled then come  on girls let's go fix miss wood's room i'll come with you guys if you want it's just  that it's real nice here and she's so friendly i'm happy for you to stay you spend  enough time in that dirty old tent   i never even thought about staying until she asked you still want to marry her well i don't see why not  well time to change us lori   me and clara both i can't imagine  anything changing you guys   you will come back won't you  yeah sure i'll come back and   probably won't walk with him why wouldn't  i well you discovered by then if there's something in this whole world besides  me you'll find that there's others   that treat you decent well  there's none like you guys well ladies i reckon uh it's time to be going   it's cheap land not three days ride from here gus   i don't see why you have to go up to montana where  the indians cannot fight you yeah where we started in woodrow always like to get where we started  for even if it don't make a damn bitter sense   well i know it don't i'd like to see at  least one more place that ain't settled   before i take up the rocking chair god this  part of the country well you're here claire   pretty soon it won't be nothing but school house lori darn it lady oh dang wins bad luck what if jake lied to  it what if montana ain't the paradise he   said it was what if it's all like  this no grass no water no nothing that needs find any water yes sir well 80 miles captain all right well we ain't turning back i'll go tell the boys count is determined be interesting to  see if that determination can get us in   the next 80 miles with no water what are we  doing way up here mr gusties in our country woodrow set on being the first man to graze  cattle in montana and ain't no changing his   mind about that man on not to leave his  own country go wander around like this me captain wake up we're here hey foreign morning girls 12 of our horses are missing  indians got them gates found their tracks   they come sneaking up here on foot last night  yes it was just their charity they didn't steal   a whole bunch i doubt any of you sleeping  beauties would have noticed them during   indians got our horses they might decide to  come back and get us your boy's gonna get the   drizzles if you don't relax well they got custard  didn't they he fought indians his whole life let's go gus we got some  horse thieves tracked down   i got him just when i was getting comfortable  this you keep these cattle grazing right up and   down this little creek bottom i don't want to  moor out before we strike for the powdery river you ready guys well hell yes i'm  ready woodrow don't let look ready yes you sure this is worth it for 12 horses well  we can't start putting out with horse theft   you know that camps are here draw with a little water how many  couldn't be too many hella a [ __ ] could live in   this country uh mostly women and children i didn't  see no more than a couple young boys fighting age   two don't have to fight anyhow i say we wait until  night and then steal the nags back the starving   captain did uncut up one horse already i got you  mean they stole our horses for me the real paw hell they're just having a picnic we had  one ourselves the other day without nobody   shooting at us i ain't going to shoot them  just going to scare them off so we can get   our horses back we'll leave them too you  neck maristad in there they need them little boy's blind you can't  see nothing these don't don't all right oh these are gonna take care of you   what you're crying about here you want you  want to play with something yeah play with that he's all right now he just spit  everybody run off and left him   he set that baby down they think they're trying  to steal him here take him i just help him [ __ ] easy he's i guess it's our fault we should have shot sooner i don't want to start thinking woodrow   about all the things that we  should have done for this good man i think old deep know this time was up   he just stood there let that boy kill him but gus  why'd he have to die i mean he was just holding   that little blind baby he could have dropped  the baby but he didn't he just stood there i've seen your father bury many a man but  i've never known him to carve a sign before let's go see what he wrote   what's it read guys it says josh dietz served with me 30 years fought  in 21 engagements with comanche in the cayaway cheerful and all weathered never sure to task splendid behavior that's what it says my lord oh this is god oh lord i think we ought to let them pigs ride the  wagon let the pigs ride in a wagon i never   heard of such a thing yeah they need  history ain't they they're the first   pigs to walk all the way from texas  to montana that's why they're people   well once you've got them there will  probably eat them or we will this winter time them rabbits and ducks you got  there i'll make a fine meal p.r   need some out too how about engine see any of  them carry one well you probably won't neither   not until they're reaching to lift your scalp oh jake is right i've never seen it  for your country in this montana yeah gus i never thought i'd see so far ain't  nothing better than riding a fine horse   into a new country that's exactly  what man woodward's meant for i don't tell you paul said that i like to keep him  thinking he's caused a peck of trouble so he don't   get too sassy i ain't mentioned it but there's  my paw well it wouldn't be his way to mention   see woodrow ain't much of a  mention of when he can avoid it what gus is that he don't like me no no he's just  he don't want to meet his human like the rest of   us new that's all they ain't human like the rest  of us yeah but he had a chance to be there once   way back there with your mama but he turned his  back on it though and he ain't about to admit he   made the wrong choice see that's why he's never  admitted he's your paw because he'd be admitting   that he's human and he ain't ever gonna admit  that not to you not to me not even to himself   i'm glad you told me well i don't know  what you can do with the information but   there it is i just know it means something i guess my ah uh sometimes it seems like grave digging's  all we do around here donatello what do you think happens when we  die not too much you are just dead maybe it's not as big a change as we think  maybe you just go back to where you lived or   your family or wherever you was  happiest only you're just a spirit now   and you don't have the troubles to live  and have i don't know maybe so well what the hell you gonna do with those log  cash jasper i'm making me some floats when   we hit that yellowstone hello they come  all this way to drowning that last river   who says yellowstone's the last river missouri's  up there somewhere and after that the milk   i'm only crossing one more river i guess you'll  cross 40 more captain says too i don't see why   we got to keep going ain't we travel enough i'd  like a town myself it don't have to be st louis   as long as it has a saloon or two tell you what  i'd like i'd like to see my home again while the   old folks are still alive what's the matter with  you boys don't you know carl hired you for life   hell will probably all be bear crapping in the  week anyhow well i don't think that's funny ready gus how long you figure it's going  to take you to travel all the way up to   yellowstone scouted out a couple of days  probably something like that so long girls   don't let the indians get you while we're gone  you always got a joke don't you gus who's joking pretty ain't they all right let's chase them you want to  shoot us one for our supper no i mean   chase them just for the sport what to to run  them off no you don't get the point do you   pee i mean chase them because before long  there won't be any buffalo left to chase well them bulls are hooky do you remember  old man barlow that buffalo hooked him back   old man barlow was a slow thinker kind  of like uh somebody else i could name   well he was a slow walker too and  that buffalo got through with him i wonder what ever happened to him he married a   fat witter over on the blanco  river and had a pass of a kid   now you might as well have done the same thing  yourself since you don't want to chase buffalo   well i don't believe i'd want to chase buffalo  even if i was married forget i even mentioned well   i like being a bachelor gus well that's good p i'm  sure it's all part of god's plan that you are one um foreign so you all right down there right oh ah they're one to surround us i guess we won't hear from them till dark now hey shoulder well it went clean through i don't  like the idea of waiting around here till dark hey pull them out for me would  you oh greatly all right all right the other one pull harder god god oh lord it won't budge mary an inch guys yeah where's your long through there  go ahead b do it now come on oh come on oh horses that's what i have to do we're now free what indians is it we're fighting now  yeah they didn't introduce themselves maybe they give up trying to get lucky why we didn't stay in texas  the british wolf down there   it's a bad piece of luck we're having all right  running into this little bunch of fighters do you reckon we can hold them off till  the captain comes looking for us yeah well   he won't miss us for a week that i don't  fancy squatting here in the dirt that long you're gonna have to go for  help once it gets dark p.i   go for help we might catch me then what  yep probably start by cutting your cojones ah a little bit probably never heard comanche before you too it's going to be nice shortly yeah we're going to try sneaking up on  us in the dark can't take that yeah   taking a chance at the deal a  couple of sharpshooters like us ain't no sharp shooter i usually miss if  i ain't got time to take care of the lame   i god but it's depressing to talk to you pee yeah brian you're feeling poorly good yeah four hours ago a frog could have waited  across the street kind of look at it   it might give us just the chance  we need we float right by him   get on back to the herd for help i ain't  going to leave you guys not like this   but i can't walk and you can't  care it's a whole change yeah you reckon you can hold out a spell  well a day or two left to me i believe   so you better get started that joe  would roll color running i will what if i get lost just head south  south south by where you're under   you run into polar bear you know  you went the wrong way now go piano oh go huh so what dates yeah yeah i'm coming dates wait  for me dave just i'm coming peace you intend to stab me with that knife   about to have a go at that riding a leg  of yours before you woke up it's room india what didn't it bought a lot of people  from him at the beaver days beats all i didn't   kill you we sure give it a good try love you  all down miles city they call me old hugh   i doubt i'm eating yet justice for cry i had me a  saw i'd take that leg off here that rock's gonna   get another one for a long you're gonna lose them  both have to scoot around your ass to get anywhere   as far as mile city say 40 miles see any  doctors there two both of them drunkards   i don't believe you're going to walk no  40 mile august matrix i might fool you got yourself a bad back oh there's a dead ball  fell over over indian's family thought it was   funny as hell more magnificent right now yeah  well we all have our misfortune you better ride   my horse i don't believe you're going to get  more than a mile of walking on that rotten leg   i appreciate it where are you from anyhow  a little fart of a town down in south texas   called on some duh you're a traveling son  of a [ __ ] ain't you was what i'm afraid oh so yep that's why i lost my clothes where's  these i guess you just missed him   where's guys creeks up i had to swim all  them indians and then old deeds found me but where's dudes look at that wagon i'm going after gus this you're in charge  keep him cattle training north yes sir   captain you don't want no one to go with you no good god here we are in montana and there's  indians and bears and winters coming on now   the captain gus are both gone it'll be  a wonder if we don't all get massacred hey mister what are you doing just sitting there   yeah come in here and buy some drink  phil first broke his old grandma what's the matter with you you asleeping hi he  is asleep any sleep in hell looking here at this thank leg right over here yeah right here foreign i don't want you getting the whooping cough not so loud that's a lot my bandages are leaking i can see that ah there now fresh bandages hope you didn't throw my leg away  i may want to make me a walking stick out of the   bone i can see your man of spirit that's good i  fear you've a few fractuousities yet to endure   a few what got to take that other leg off you  should have done it while you're unconscious   but the fact is this one exhausted me you  hacked them both off i'd have shot you dead i can understand your attachment to your  own appendages sir but the fact of it is   he'll die if we don't take it off who's playing the piano she does play beautifully  doesn't she they say she studied music   in philadelphia when she was younger   name's dora go get me some more  whiskey there's money in my pants there is she a [ __ ] of course she's  a [ __ ] she's consumptive too   never see philadelphia again i fear give her  twenty dollars tell her to keep on playing you ain't getting my other leg saw  bones if that's what you're thinking   i assure you sir the alternative is gloomy  you seem to have a feeling for music   why don't you give yourself a few more years  of listening to [ __ ] play the piano why   don't you just shut up and go get me my whiskey  i shouldn't operate today within the hour in fact i could have that leg off in 15 minutes no  sir don't forget to tip that [ __ ] for me you that's slow mature took you  long enough to get your woodrow i told him it should come off i  would still take it off no sir you wouldn't kill me for trying to save your life  no but uh darn sure to save me you don't boss me   i'm the one man you don't bother i  never figured you for a suicide guys well you want legs for anyway you don't like to  do nothing but sit on the porch and drink whiskey   i like to kick a pig every once in a while how  would i do that it's much too late now it wouldn't   bother him about it anymore of course a drink  woodrow arguing with you always makes me thirsty i'll leave you now why don't you relax you can't save me you ain't gonna become a drunkard over here no go ahead and die if you don't i don't  care so you act like you hold it against me i walked this earth my whole life with my pride  see now if that's lost and let the rest be lost   with it because there's certain things my  vanity won't abide your god damn vanity well i guess you're going to want a fancy  funeral too ain't you i've been thinking of that i have a favor to ask you and i'll  do you favorite return what favor i want you to bury me down yonder clara's orchard  claire's orchard i don't recall seeing she had one   you remember that little grover the cons by the  creek we stopped at back in texas back in texas you let me haul you back to texas well we just got the montana i know where we just  got to woodrow i'm the one dying here ain't i well i imagine claire would be glad to give you a place  in that little family cemetery she's got there   that'd make you feel better you mean you'd bury  me and actually that dumb horse trader she was   married to hell why don't you just throw me  out the window right now and be done with it texas yes texas that's your favorite of me and that's my  favorite you too i'm giving you a reason   to go off on another adventure so you don't get  bored being a rancher would you eat one anyway   you're one of a kind augustus  we're gonna miss you even you even me well you only do your half the cattle i want  you to buy them for me buy them from you hell   fire you ain't putting in a day's worth of work  in them on this whole trip you ought to just   give them to me if you don't want them you just  said it was half mine or they have mine or not   yes they're half yours all right then i want  you to buy them from me and give them money too maureen what is there anything else are you  sure you don't want me to hold you   down in the south pole and bury you down there   all you gotta do is ask yeah there is something  else i want you to tell newt that you're his daddy   i've already told him myself but i want him  to hear it from you y'all not told him that what do you do shoot me for it it's time you stop  mistreating that boy i don't know that i ever have   mistreated him well not giving him your name is  mistreat me now he's the only son you'll ever have i don't know that he is my son i know it and you don't turn you're stubborn  no wonder women don't like you reaching that   drawer there finally something to write off  i'll leave a couple of notes for lori declare can we do anything about them ending that shot got no call to be vengeful  they didn't invite us here it's a dangerous business riding  two women at the same time i'm so light-headed like hard  to remember which one's which yeah this one this one and this one here god when you only help you there you know augustus i got withdrawal it's been quite a party yes sir hmm well i reckon you will be needing an undertaker he asked me to take him  back to texas for his barrel people do have their whimsies don't they your friend had his share all right you  going through it oh i said it would although   i hadn't counted on this weather when i made  my promise well you could let him winter here   take him back to texas next spring when  the weather breaks down in mind to stay easy there he'll do just fine here for the winter   i'll come for him next spring now don't worry  if you change your mind about the trip we'll   bury him for you why would i change my mind well  people promise all sorts of things to the dying   it's been my observation they generally forget the  whole business in a few days i don't no sir i can   see you don't i didn't mean you in particular  i'll come for him next prank he'll be here you want me to wait on you no i'll pick   up that poaching blanket you  bought just creep along behind dead gus is dead yeah you best go tell the boys to   gather at the wagon i don't want  to have to tell this story but once oh no be alone shortly girls got the blood poisoning in his legs   from the marriage the indians shot  in him doctor cut one of them off   wouldn't let him have the  other he's stubborn about it that's what kelty before he died he asked me to take  him back to texas for his barrel and   i intend to do it come sprank so i bet the captain said more than  a word of you the last few weeks   yeah well he never did talk much anyway well we're gonna build a ranch this little  valley right here you know tell the boys as soon as that wagon is unloaded you best take   some of these boys and go  to cutting logs for a cabin yep kevin i signed on to drive  these cows up to montana for you   but i don't remember signing on to stay once we  got here the winners are hard in this country   you'd be better advised to wait and go in the  spring i guess if i could have my wages i'd   take my chances i got a coat well i won't hold  you back if you're determined to go this i am oh careful you don't get lost i'll point  this herd all the way up here needle   i reckon i can find my way back all  right soupy give texas a hello friend texas hell he ain't going to texas he's riding to  nebraska for that little blond-headed [ __ ] now   that gus is out of his way lori ain't no [ __ ]  you take that back off box your ears for you well i just meant she's a [ __ ] in her younger  years i don't know what she does for a living now well boys newt i swear dish thanks well army needs a little beef for the wintertime dude i want you and jasper and p cut out about  a hundred head and drive them over fort benton   dude you're in charge i'll expect  you to make a fair trade to both   parties bring the money back here yes  sir well now captain just a minute   that ain't right what ain't right you're  putting that boy in charge over me   i'm a top hand i ain't taking no horse no boy  you will or you'll draw your wages right now what captain i ain't got nothing to go back to texas forward  and i don't much like the idea crossing all   them rivers again anyhow behave yourself  then i'll say who does water around here yes mate you got any questions no sir well let's go you must be hungry newt  trying to eat all that dirt come on yeah there you go all right get up come on get there you up all right get on your horse jasper we got cattle to drive okay boys come and tell you gonna  bring that big one here we go oh   give them to me oh newt he's got away with our  stoney cap yeah he does just like you which you want next newt oh  let's get that little bait you going i reckon captain see how your saddle fits this gray the  hell [ __ ] put your saddle on here hmm you're the range boss now newt i told him other boys he you happy gonna need a steady man yes the captain i will that was my father's no yes sir oh you're newt you acted like you just can't no i  ain't keen to nobody in this world lord you're gonna go crazy sitting  up here every day like this   how do you know captain carl's even  gonna come back this way he will what good is that gonna do you because he's dead i know i guess you wished you'd gun off with him  instead of staying here i should have no   you'd be stuck up there in montana with a  bunch of men all wanting you to love him he wants you to love him so bad he rode through  blizzards to get him he wasted his time too did you love cuss yes i did he proposed to you didn't he about  30 times on and off over the years   but he was a rambler i knew i'd  never be able to keep him at home   i used to act so disappointed when i'd say  no i could see the relief all over his face   i think he knew what a  struggle it'd be if he won me and he didn't want to not deep down clara well captain carl i see you're doing it i told  him i would gus was crazy and you're foolish   to be dragging his corpse all the way back to  texas the whole countryside is talking about it   i reckon that suit gus i wish you'd  bury him up on the ridge with my sons i told him that told him that very thing that's  not what he asked of me he wants to lay in that   little picnic spot you and him had back in  texas i remember that spot we quarreled there he wanted what i wouldn't give   and i wanted what he didn't have well he  felt tender about the place i give him a word they wrote you a letter he wrote you each letter he left you his half of the herd too   i put the money in the bank up in mile  city for you you can draw on it anytime it's a fair amount captain call he's coughing in the wagon looks like  he's gonna do it i never doubted he would martin will you behave i wasn't hurt nothing  mama you hush up and eat your dinner salad hey maureen mama gloria's spending  a little more time with mr mcrae   before captain carl takes him up to texas i would i would find dinner  your excuse dash thank you man so dear clara i would be obliged  if you'd look after laurie i fear shall take this hard i'm down to one leg now and  this laugh is fading fast so i can't say more good luck to you and your gals i wonder if you want me to read that letter to you no i'll just keep it and put my name  on it i can read that i'll just keep foreign then i'll forget you  guys they got their own doings but i won't whenever it comes  morning or night i'll think of you i'll never forget you cuz not ever darling   listen up she just kind of crumpled and fell she  just fainted bring her up to her room dish she just fainted that's all spending  the night up with miss mccrae   july you and chola guan hitched the wagon for  captain call i see he's eager to be on his way   for that girl's sake i wish you'd bury  him here just meant the world or her i agree it's foolish and i told him so myself  but i give him a word i'd take you back   give him your word did you give that  boy your name before you left montana   give him a horse gave him your horse not your name i'll put a lot more value on the animal  and i do my name look at me captain cole i'm sorry you and gus mcrae ever met all you  ever did was ruin each other not to mention   those closest to you i love gus but i wasn't  going to fight you for him every day of my life   i despised you then for what you were and  i despise you now for what you're doing you that fella was taking some  crazy man back to texas for barrel   yeah we heard about you well listen i give a real  nice ten dollar funeral right here in oklahoma   of course uh tombstone's extra not in the market ah come on got a bad wheel i can see it i guess  i've heard of you you're captain carl this here is your friend  still got a long way to go huh can you fix the wagon well sure let me look at it looks like we may have replaced the wheel a lot of people in town what's it hanging yeah everybody wants to see this one hang on who is it some politician no it's a man caught  butchering a family down the bosque redondo   they got him up there his name is blue duck all right here he calls considerable  trolling down here cap that's true well   them days is over for him now what you've been doing nothing you're sitting  there here you're bringing your stinking old   friend of my hanging you'd enjoy seeing it all  right should've caught him and cooked him when   i had the chance i'd killed you for it if you had  i raped women and stole children and burned houses   and shot men and run off horses and killed cattle  and robbed who i pleased all over your territory   and you never even had a good look at me until  today i don't reckon you would have killed me   it don't matter much now though does it you're  rangers i expect i'll kill a person i doubt it not unless you sprout wings and  fly through the hangman's news oh wait i'll give you my word on it foreign foreign so your hands waiting are you ready well i guess i don't want to  teach you how to fly after all so so   ah ah wow you so so well there you are just   i guess this teach me to be more careful  about what i promise in the future oh i'm surprised to see you here i thought  you went back to mexico beating family   i did go but my daughters  they were all married and gone   and my wife she was harder to get  along with than ever so i came back where are all the others jake's buried up in kansas deets montana gus's and a little stand-up pecan trees alongside  a creek where he used to picnic with a woman the rest of the boys up in the  north country building a ranch they say it burned down about a year ago are you captain call captain woodrow f call  what started the bar the way i heard it the   owner a man named once i believe xavier watched  he was apparently in love with some [ __ ] but   she left him so he locked himself in a  room and burnt the place down around him   they say he missed her i swear  you are captain call aren't you oh you won't i work for the  newspaper up in san antonio i   wonder if i could talk to you for a few minutes no they they say you carried your friend 3  000 miles just to bury him is that true they say that both you were  texas rangers back in the old   days did you clean the comanches  out and the bandits is that true   they say you started the first cattle ranch  up in montana they say you're a man of vision captain call a man of vision you say um you you
Channel: ★Johnny Rokker☆ Vanraven
Views: 1,072,413
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Length: 366min 12sec (21972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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