London rent crisis: what you can get if you leave the city behind

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after nine months of being back there I realized that actually London was the problem I think as a young professional like if people in London will will opt for something that they can just sort of get to at the end of the day some people are even sacrifice their their kitchen space as well they're just like I don't even need that they were just beat out the welkins my flat I paid twelve hundred pounds a month to live here including bills and it's a one bed studio flat and this is everything so this is a two-bedroom Muse house in the center of the old town in Margate I pay seven hundred twenty months for it with house prices it's a record high Millennials are calling themselves generation rents while many are moving out of London to avoid spending seventy five percent of their income on rent some embrace the high prices and lack of space Matt rents a studio flat near Notting Hill in London so here is my bedroom which is just a king-sized bed but it takes up the whole flat and moving through here there's my kitchen area and so I guess laundry area back here is the bathroom again just a normal sort of ensuite bathroom just barely small enough for for one person in Margate Gabby's venting situation is another story she moved out of London to Margate four years ago after her landlord tried to nearly double her rent so the first benefit of living here on my own is I've got my own front door which means that I'm not sharing letterboxes with random strangers and having just weirdos of potentially arriving off my front doorstep there's a downstairs toilet the kitchen although small is mine and my space alone so obviously there's the washing machine and everything else it's neat it's compact I would like it to be bigger but it's absolutely fine for just me moving down here is I guess what you'd call the living area so I've got my my record player my computer I've only got two chairs and my guitar yoga mat and my weights so this table actually extends to say ten people which is nice so we've actually managed to do it before where if because run it down the middle here so it's fine for me just on my own but then at the same time if you want a crowd here you can do it like it's snug but it works and then just in here there's like this cute little tiny space just to chill out and watch TV and relax I'm really lucky that I've got a little courtyard which is looking grim at the moment but it's really nice in the summer so just have some space outside we're all packed up for winter right now but yeah it's not huge but it's enough to like have a table and chairs out here and put some glances yeah enjoy this is essentially my attic for things I don't use too much in that upper cabinet and then like full-size wardrobe which is packs full and that's where my records have had to be stored because I can't carry anything more and also I have the underside of the bed as well which is used for just spare bedding I actually have enough space just to fit a blow-up mattress I've had a couple of people just stay over but it can only be one person time because there's just no other space this is the main bedroom I'm really lucky that it's a really nice big space in fact if anything there's too much space the wardrobes are all built in in the hallway which means that there's no hanging clothes and it's actually really nice to have a decluttered and killed kind of calm place to be in and it also has fantastic views of the old town which is really lovely so you kind of feel like you're in it and you're also out of it at the same time which is nice [Music] over there you can see the cheetah house which is a little bit of a Margate landmark and then at the weekend it quite gets quite busy birds in the week it's quite quiet they were quite fortunate and yeah and then one of the other purses that I have a spare bedroom which again is a really really nice big space it's really nice having a spare bedroom because it means that family and friends can come to stay so yeah Margate isn't far from London it's only an hour and a half but it's a bit of a trek for friends that have come down for the day to the beach I moved to London with a girlfriend had a sort of a flat of about the same price that we were sharing and it was a bit bigger and I knew after that I wanted to live alone I didn't want to go for a house share with people I didn't know and I knew I wanted to be in a different area so based a lot of thing on my location again and so I decided to move here and pays extra for the location rather than space when I moved back to London us living abroad for so long I did it because I realized that I wanted to be back in the same country as my family and my friends I'd missed and I thought automatically there had to be London because of my job and that you know like where are you gonna make decent money or have good opportunities or whatever else and then after nine months of being back there I realised that actually London was the problem as well I think as a young professional like if people in London will opt for something that they can just sort of get to at the end of the day and just you know they put their stuff down they eat their food some people even sacrifice their their kitchen space as well they're just like I don't even need that they would just eat out because there's so many options you know for me it was a decision I made because I was sick of having to constantly feel like I was running to make a certain amount of money or be in a certain job title or author like I was going to the right bars restaurants living in the right space I don't know just this feeling of like pressure all the time and coming down here you know it has alleviated all of that I appreciate the fact that I don't have to get on a commuter train every day near the tube I actually try and avoid it when I'm in London now I like the fact that if I just need ten minutes out or to reflect I can go and stand on the beach or you know my Sunday can be going for a five or six mile walk whereas I'm fine with London and I don't think I realized at the time when I was living there that I found it incredibly stressful because people were just constant like there was just no avoiding being around others and sometimes actually as humans we just need time out I really do actually really like living here and a lot of my friends when they see it they say hey it's so small I don't know how you can do it my my living room is bigger than this or like I know some people that have a bathroom bigger than this you know but they're they don't see it the way that I do I I I have everything I need around me as well all of the things that are small in the flat encourages me to both be organized so I have to be careful about my space and keep it tidy and then I'm surrounded by things that I want to go out and do like I've got a skate park around the corner and High Park is ten minutes walk away and you know there is plenty of restaurants bars just literally across the road or just down the street it's it's all right there and it's all really compact as well I barely need to travel for anything it can be depressing sometimes when it when I think about how much less some people were paying or how much more I could get for my money and like but also when you're not living in London there's less to do I I'm paying more they also encourages me to go out and do more because it's like why pay so much why should I do it and it's because there's so much things so much stuff around me that I find enjoyable that this right on my doorstep I have to make you song I'm buying this year it's a 40th birthday present to myself so excited but again as well that's different you know so for me to have bought in broccoli where I always lived now a one-bedroom flat there's five hundred thousand for me here in Margate I can buy a three-bedroom house at 220 so straight away I am looking at a home where I can knock the walls down I can put in the bathroom I want I can do the kitchen as I like it I could even put an extension on the back if I fancied you know there's a garden there if I want there's an opportunity to have a proper home you
Channel: JOE
Views: 496,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE, rental property investing, london apartment, london apartment tour, tiny house tour, studio apartment, tiny house, tiny house nation, tiny house big living, studio apartment tour, margate, seaside house bloxburg, house tour, rent, rental, rented, rented apartment decorating ideas, rented house decorating ideas, rent wars, tiny house living, london apartment tour rent, london apartment tour zone 1, studio apartment design, house tour 2020, rental review, beach house, london
Id: 9lTyaCRtP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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