Loki and his Funniest Myths - Norse Mythology Stories - See U in History

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the kingdom of Asgard had many enemies but these dreaded the power of the Mighty Thor the champion of the gods however during Thor's absence Asgard became vulnerable and therefore the gods decided that a fortification would be necessary its edification would eventually take several years but a strong traveler appeared someone who claimed to be a great builder willing to build the wall in record time but as a reward he wanted the beautiful goddess Freyja as his wife obviously the gods refused such outrageous proposal but the cunning Loki noticed that the Builder suggestion was not that bad think with me my friends he claims to be able to build this immense wall in just one year and that is impossible let's suggest the following turn if he does not complete the wall within that time frame he will not get anything and since the task is impossible when the time is up he will have to build a great part of the wall and then we will just have to finish the rest sparing great efforts convinced the gods presented the proposal to the constructor who promptly accepted the terms and started the construction he was very strong and piled the stones out with ease and relied on the help of a powerful force that brought him stones taken from distant quarries time was ticking and the wall was being built quickly the deadline was about to end but the gods noticed that the builder was almost finishing his task Odin was furious with Loki look at what you have done the wall is almost ready we will almost certainly lose our beloved Freya to this man and this is all your fault I said that this man could not be able to build this wall and I will make sure he does not look he realized that without the help of his powerful stallion the manufacturer would not have the stones needed to complete the task and ready to plan to push the great horse out of the working seat and using his powers of metamorphoses loki turned himself into a beautiful mare with the intent to seduce the great horse the powerful horse was fascinated by the God in disguise and went after the mayor thirsty with desire loki desperately ran as fast as he could and disappeared over the horizon but the stallion at his heels the manufacturer without the help of his force could not finish his work within the deadline and rebelled against the gods he tore his robe which revealed that the builder was actually a giant's furiously he yelled damn gods of Asgard you are simply cheaters and therefore you will meet you and the maddened giant launched an attack Thor also known as the destroyer of giants fought against him and crushed his head with his hammer the gods completed the rest of the wall and Asgard was safe nevertheless much time passed until Loki's resurgence who had disappeared after trying to flee from the parables of a Volare horse and in his return he brought with him an exotic eight-legged cult this follow Loki wherever he was the small cult grew and became the most powerful and fastest horse of all Loki gifted him to Odin with the following condition nobody could ever ask him the origin of the majestic horse that would be known as slay pannier sif the goddess and wife of the Mighty Thor had beautiful and long golden hair and from all the goddesses traits her hair was the one that attracted the Thunder God the most but one day Thor woke up and was faced with a bald woman in his bed and yelled who are you which and what have you done with my beloved SIF the gods stunned recognized his wife and shouted Loki the scream was heard throughout the whole kingdom of Asgard during the night Loki the god of mischief concoct innate it yet another of his pranks while the goddess was sleeping he cut her beautiful hair the Thunder God dragged Loki up to his room where SIF cried copiously look at what you have done how did you dare to cut my wife's hair what now do I have to parade with a bald wife right by my side have you ever thought about the possibility of making her wear a hat Thor lifted Loki from the floor and said if you do not find a way to make my SIF regain her splendor I will break every single one of your bones considering that threat the god of mischief started to think of a way to solve that situation until he had an idea so he departed towards fartole hime the dwarf land he was aware that these skillful dwarves were able to do anything but before that he would have to convince them then he looked for the brothers sons of Ivaldi who were skillful craftsmen and said you don't know the latest news the gods will conduct a trial to establish who the best craftsmen are and the brothers Brokk and Eitri said that you sons of Ivaldi do not have the slightest chance that's an outrage those pierced clumsy hands will not have the slightest chance against us very well but there is one condition you have to do three gifts for the gods and one of them has to be a long golden hair that never stops growing loke departed to incite the brothers Brokk and Eitri to establish a competition he will not believe this the sons of Ivaldi will participate in a contest promoted by the gods to decide who the best craftsmen are and they said you don't have any chance given that you are nothing but a bunch of clumsy guys clumsy guys huh that's quite typical of the sons of Ivaldi but we will not compete everybody already knows that we are much better so we have nothing to gain I bet that you are not better than the legendary brothers of Aldus son I would bet my own head on it the head of the most elusive of God seems a nice prize to me I accept the bet Loki tremble but did not step back and accepted the bet he also knew that Brokk and Eitri were better than the sons of Ivaldi but now he would have to use all of his cunning talents to untangle himself from that mess Loki was in a stalemate to retrieve the hair of the goddess SIF the god of mischief instigated a clash between two families of dwarves and these would compete to see who the best craftsman was and the gods of Asgard Odin Thor Frey would be the judges to enable the clash Loki's head was literally at stake due to a bet made with Brokk and Eitri the dwarves sons of Ivaldi started to make their gifts for the gods and Loki noticed that everything seemed to went well but the God realized that the other pair was doing something outstanding Loki then understood he had to intervene Brokk and Eitri had already built two beautiful gifts but they were certainly crafting the greatest of all works it was a powerful hammer to achieve perfection the dwarves had to keep the Ford an ideal temperature not a degree more or less and Brock did his work by pumping the bellows with great precision Loki noticed he had to act quickly and turned himself into a large hematogenous mosquito he flew to Brock and painfully stung his hand the dwarf withstood the pain and continued his work then Loki attacked with an even stronger sting in his neck the dwarf unleashed painful cries but resisted the God then decided to attack the dwarves eyes he closed his eyes and the eyelids were attacked the agony was unbearable and the dwarf stopped pumping the bellows due to the temperature change the hammers handle broke loki considered his mission accomplished and went away the time for the great clash had arrived and the dwarfs sons of Ivaldi presented their gifts to the gods the goddess SIF wife of Thor was gifted with new hair made of gold seeing the goddess with her splendor back loki felt some relief odin was gifted a beautiful and powerful spear capable of piercing anything and every oath made under that spear would be unbreakable frey was given a huge boat which could be folded so many times to the point where it could fit into a pocket those were three impressive gifts much to Loki's relief the turn of Brokk and Eitri had come the latter still had puffy eyes because of the sting he gave bracelets made of drop near gold to Odin a material from which every eight nights new bracelets would fall from it like drops these could serve as honorary ornaments or a way to increase wealth Frey was given a huge bore with golden fur which could be mounted the creature could fly and never be tired and his shine drove the darkness away and Thor's time finally arrived and he was given a hammer this is a beautiful hammer but its handle is too short I understand your disappointment but don't judge this hammer by its handle its name is Mjolnir it is indestructible and its power is almost indescribable when thrown it never misses its target and always comes back to its owner such a marvelous piece with this powerful hammer no giant will be a match for me Odin Thor and Freya greed that from all those gifts the mule near hammer was certainly the best despite all the tricks Loki's plan collapsed and now his head was demanded as a prize now I want your head broke II said already sharpening his axe but Loki had one last play you can set my head as long as you do not damage a single piece of my neck the agreement says that you can only have my head you cheater how will I get your head without damaging the neck then Odin intervened if people paid more attention to the words used they would never negotiate with the cunning Loki the trickster god brokey to punish Loki sewed his mouth so that he would never deceive anyone again for a long time but at least the cheater kept his head on his neck and the gods of Asgard received magnificent artifacts [Music] Thor the God of Thunder had won the mighty hammer Mjolnir as a gift thanks to Loki's prank with this hammer Thor defended the kingdom of Asgard tackling any sort of threat but one day after waking up Thor sensed that his hammer was missing the god looked formul near in his room and only found a message which said if you want to recover your beloved hammer visit me and my domains so that we can negotiate you will get it back in exchange for an appropriate ransom signed Thrym Thor knew that nobody was a better negotiator than Loki the god of mischief T and therefore he asked him to go to thrills meeting in the land of giants loki arrived at rim's palace and choten heimer and facing the giant loki began the negotiations dear Thor come closer because my site is not as good as in the past you're now slimmer than the last time we met Loki notice that the Giants site was indeed impaired because the differences between him and the god of thunder were enormous after negotiating the god returned to Asgard with Grimm's proposal and presented to the Acer gods the giant was willing to give back the hammer if Freya the most beautiful of goddesses was delivered to him as a wife the gods considered the proposal outrageous but without the hammer Mjolnir Thor could not defend asgaard that was when Loki had an unusual idea to say the least before I need you to wear this it was a wedding dress how dare you insult me this way calm down calm down I will explain my plan later Loki knew that the Giants site was as good as a moles and so he wanted to take Thor tooth rims palace disguised as the goddess Freyja Thor without another alternative dressed as a bride and went with Loki also disguised as a servant of Goddess Freyja when they arrived in Jotun Heim the ladies were very well received welcome to my palace I prepared a banquet in honor of the beautiful goddess the giant would have to be deeply short-sighted to the point of confusing the bulky God dressed as a bride with a beautiful maiden soon after taking his seat at the banquet table Thor began to beret SH ously devour everything in front of him Wow such a voracious appetite you have my new wife I have never seen a goddess as gluttonous as you are then loki said i think she wants to finish the banquet as soon as possible so that you can consummate your union thor furiously looked at loki who appeared to find the situation quite whimsical let's toward them burning the hammer and we will seal this agreement and get things settled one of the giant's lackeys brought the hammer and placed it in front of the bride Thor grabbed the hammer and so he could finally unleash all of his rage the god of thunder smashed all the Giants lackeys with his hammer and Thrym had his head open like a melon let's go home Loki I can't wait to get this damn dress off of me don't you know that a good Widow must wear black with the return of Thor and his hammer Mjolnir the kingdom of Asgard was safe again and the gods never stopped to have fun at the Valhalla banquets telling the story of when Thor dressed like a bride [Music]
Channel: See U in History / Mythology
Views: 419,614
Rating: 4.9146481 out of 5
Keywords: history, mythology, Loki The Trickster God In Norse Mythology, loki, odin, thor, norse mythology, norse myths, norse myth stories, loki story, Loki, God of Trickery, see u in history, exploring norse mythology, norse god, the god of mischief, the god of thunder, loki the trickster, the wall of asgard, the hammer of thor, giants, jotun, mythology stories, mythology explained, best myths, best stories, funniest myths
Id: a5mBR6JCB3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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