Logseq Mobile App (Android) and Sync with Google Drive. Logseq IOS App Coming Soon.

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hi everyone so with the latest release of the logseq mobile app for android i thought i would do a quick video just to show you how to install it what it looks like what it can do and also how you can get your notes if you've been using the desktop or the web app and google drive how you can sync your graph up um to use it on the go so first things first what we need to do is install the app so we'll need to go to the github page in the description below and we then want to click on the log seek android 0.1.1 apk so we'll click on that one and this will download the file for us once that's done we'll just click on open and we should get a pop-up just to say that chrome's blocked on the installation of the app because it's from an unknown source so to get past this we just need to enable a quick setting so we'll just click on the settings and we'll toggle the allow from this source on and this will then pop up do you want to install the log c cap and we'll click install so the installation should take about 15 to 20 seconds so once that's done rather than click done as i rather click open let's just click done first and we'll toggle this option off just for security settings um and then what we'll do is we will go to the home and we will find the log seek app so once we get the app open um we basically have a very familiar page if you use the desktop or the web app um you've got the other graph or you've got the description and then the join the community so what we'll do just before we get started let's have a quick look at the burger button at the top left now what we have is the journals flash card graph view and all pages as well as the favorite and recent and then the new page on the bottom left very similar again if you've used the desktop app on the web version in terms of settings or in terms of options that we have and then on the top right if we click on the three dots and we'll click on settings we've got familiar settings and the general we've got the the current version okay it says 0.5.1 i think the depth just need to change this to be 0.1.1 for the time being we can introduce the language and we can also play around with light and dark theme modes which leave it for dark for the time being under editor we can choose the file format whether that's org mod or markdown we can choose the preferred date setting that we that we want or the format so it's quite a lot to choose from there and then we can also choose our preferred workflow between the now later to do doing and we've got again similar sort of settings as we have on the desktop app in terms of brackets time tracking journals etc so once that's done what we'll do um we will open a local graph and it will ask you um to allow it to access your your storage and your files so we'll click allow i just need to enable the setting to to allow it go back and then we just need to click on it again and what we'll do is just as a test we'll create a new folder and we'll call this test and just think of this as the the graph name um that you set up so then we'll just use this folder and we'll click allow and then we get to this date and now we can start typing as if we so we'll just start typing click enter it'll move it to the line below if we click enter again it will do a new bullet point a new block and what we can do is we can indent it by clicking um this button on the very left uh we can out dent it so just go back we can move it up we can move it down we can do the return um so that it does doesn't do a a new block it just goes uh the line below we can turn into a to-do item so you can see it just changed it to a check box and if we can scroll through there later now done doing options and then we can we can mark that as done what we can also do is if we click on the two bracket symbols just over here and we do new page as an example and then we just click alt and if we click on the new page this will create a new page for us and again we can just do tests um so this is basically just um how obviously works on the on the desktops it's very good very it's basically a replication of it and then we can click on the december page and it just goes back to the to the page itself alternative what we can do is we can also click on the home button just up here in the top right and yeah you can also then play around with on the left hand side we can use the recent we can go to the journals and we can also view the graph which is a work in progress and go back to journals so that's all very well um and done but now the problem is that it's it's stored on the phone and i've been using log seek for the past year or so and i've got quite a lot of notes and that i've saved in google drive through the youth of the desktop and the the web version of logseek and what i want to do is be able to think the folder that i have in google drive so rather than use opening a new graph as we did when we started up through the options that came up rather than that i want to open my own graph and so that i can be able to use my notes that's already taken so to do that we will need to install an app called auto think for google drive um just go to the play store and you type drive sync um or auto sync it should be the one of the first ones that pop up so as you can see there's quite a lot of downloads of this app and a good star rating so we'll just install that so once that's installed we'll just click the open button this will open the application and okay we agree and it's okay that we wanted to access our device storage so we just need to enable the toggle and then go back and then you're presented with connect to google drive and then choose what to think so we can only connect to google drive so let's click that button this will bring a pop-up of the accounts that you have of google drive on the phone so we'll click ok and then it will ask you choose what to think so we will click choose what to think and what it will do is it'll create a test folder pair and this is because for whatever reason android and google drive you can't access the files directly from the phone from google drive and have a local copy that updates automatically so what this will do is basically create a folder in google drive and on the phone and it will keep uh keep it synced and up to date so anything that you do on the phone will then go back to google drive and vice versa so we'll just click create test folder and this will just basically tell you what it's done uh that you have two new folders one in your device one in google drive and they're both called google drive sync files so what we'll do is we'll click okay and we have the folder ready now what we need to do is we will go back to log seek and we will do add a new graph and we will go back to the settings and we just need to find the drive sync files one and we will choose use this folder and we want to allow it yes so then we're presented again with um what we need to do to get to the files that we had that we were using through google drive we need to get them in this folder called drive sync files and we just need to go back to drive sync and we will do a synchronization and as you can see it's syncing the files that we just copied over so once ozosync finally completes uh downloading the files so that they're saved locally all we need to do is we need to go to log cap in our file folders and if we just do a re-index and then we click ok and it might not look like nothing's happening but it is doing the re-index and we can see this the refresh button or status indicator is is moving so depending on the amount of notes you have it might take a little bit of time so once that's done uh you've got your knots and it should all be just i'll be here so what we can do is then we can just start typing as if as we're doing some notes and now we can indent as well and we can just do some more and we can do and then what we can play around with you can just indent this one and then and then this one as well and you can see it just does just like a normal outliner so i hope you found this video useful and if you've got any questions please just drop a comment below thank you very much
Channel: Ed Nico
Views: 19,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logseq, roam, roam research, research, pkm, notes, backlinking, backlink, transclusion, local, github, local storage, backup, outliner, how to take notes, tutorial, how to take smart notes, smart notes, journal, todo, app, personal knowledge base, personal knowledge, personal knowledge management, org-more, tiddlywiki, graph, visualisation, clojure, second brain, brain, learning, learn, mobile, android, mobile app
Id: mOzw8wrMeII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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