Logo to Art Tutorial. Stable Diffusion Optical Illusions.

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I'm gonna show you how to take something like this and turn it into this oh and something like this and turn it into this Hello friends today we're going to take another look at control net within stable Fusion I'm gonna show you how to make any logo into very cool looking art or anything for that matter doesn't have to be a logo it could be an illustration of a skull or a banana or whatever let me show you how oh and here's a tip for you don't trust atoms they make up everything hey we are going to be using automatic 1111 today and if you don't have that installed check my previous video on how to install up here I'm just going to think how to install control it up here now if you have everything sorted you're gonna get the control net QR code monster model all the links are going to be in the description below I'm gonna go to files and versions here and you want this one the save tensor file and the yaml file I'm just gonna download them by clicking the little arrow here and then you're gonna go into your table Fusion folder double click extensions here then you're going to go into control net models and just drop them straight in there once that's done you're gonna see them inside stable Fusion here so you have control it down here and your model is going to be down here so you can either see what we have or we can type QR you can load the QR code monster now if you don't want to do this locally you can do it in a cloud as well you use Cloud solution like think diffusion for example now I've prepared some logos here so I got some logos here and they are black and white as you can see and that's necessary or at least that's going to help us you can do it without doing them black and white but just gonna give you a different kind of result so let's say that we take the Twitter logo here for example we drop that in then we're going to enable I'm going to put in Pixel Perfect and depending on how you want the image the preprocessor here can we set To None or invert and you can press the explosion here you're going to see invert so our image the logo here is going to be mainly white if you wanted to keep the black we're not going to use invert so that depends on how you want the image in the answer let us look at that in a bit we're going to go back up here I'm going to change this to 2m Keras this is not necessary you can use basically any sampler but it's a sampler that I like and I'm going to use it with 25 steps and we're using a 1.5 model here as this is control net model is not available in sdxl and I'm using 512 by 512 and I am using high-risk fix but first let me show you why I'm using the Epic realism model but it it works with any model so just put in beautiful landscape Paradise Island with mountains gonna wake that up a little bit with control Arrow up then I'm gonna load let's load my cinematic Styles which are sdxl specific but works great with 1.5 as well now we have everything set up to run one image in five twelve by five twelve and this will not be fantastic and I'm going to show you here so let's start the render if you can see here the logo is coming in fine initially however by the end we've lost most of it you can see the Edge from the bird here and back here I mean it's there ish but it's not really working and I've noticed that when you use the hi-res fix it kind of fixes that so we're going to use hi-res fix I'm using the nmkd CX 200k you can basically use whatever if you don't have that you can use ESR Chan for example I'm going to upscale by two I'm gonna do 25 five steps and we're keeping the denoising about 0.7 I would say between 0.5.7 here is pretty good now if we were to render this again with the same seed let me show you what we get we can see our initial our original image coming in and now the high res steps or the highest part of the image start and as you can see the lines are more clearly defined however this wasn't a great image so let's run this for four new images now we'll start in a second render here for New Image we will see if we will get enough of a logo in here if we are not I'm going to show you how to fix that and that will mainly be from racing the control weight we are using a control weight of one now and I've noticed that in a lot of images it's not enough it's a little depending on how much of the logo or the input you still want in the image here we have four new image is rendered and you can see in the first here on the fourth Twitter logo is clearly defined but the second and third it's so so I would say and you can make sure that they go even further and that's by erasing the control Nets we're just going to go super high here we're going to raise this to the Max and then we're going to render four new images and you're clearly gonna see the change so you can see here now in all of our images the bird is now much more clearly defined in these examples well you can see it's the Twitter logo that's because we erase the control light up two two so depending on how much you want or how detailed your input is well consider the weight that you might need now let's try a different example here we're going to load in Mr Beast logo here and I've made this black and white because the original isn't and I'm now not gonna use pre-processor here so what we see is what we get so now the black part is going to be on the inside we're now going to try sci-fi building in a cyberpunk neon futuristic world or actually sci-fi yeah let's let's go with that I'm gonna remove cinematic I'm gonna try instead here digital art we are going to run four new images uh we are keeping the control at pretty high so we have two here these styles by the way they can be found for free in the description below and for the people that still support me through patreon even though that content is free every little bit helps thank you very much so here we have the Mr Beast logo as a Sci-Fi building in a cyberpunk neon futuristic world and as you can see from the input that we had black on the inside and white to the outside the image is were similar so most of the content is where this black is um we got some sky here around which is uh pretty cool now you don't have to use logos for this you can use anything let's say you find um a scholar here so we have this image of a skull and we're just gonna put in Street alley with neon sign I'm gonna choose the Cinematic one and I am considering inverting this just to see what we get I'm gonna try both I think we're gonna run two here that are inverted I'm gonna render that so we actually just got the one neon sign and we're gonna try to change this so we're gonna lower the control weight here let's go with one point three maybe let's do 1.5 and we're gonna just say three with multiple shops and neon signs pissy cyberpunk neon Tokyo Street I'm gonna raise that up just a little bit Ctrl R up and we are generating two new ones and after that we're gonna see if we need to change something else and I see straight away that we're getting some better results here that's not just one neon sign so that's going to be pretty cool we can see the street coming in here now we have a building here with a lot of neon on it and the skull the bones here are the more lights in the shop and Reflections here in the street so turning out much better than our first images I think and also with the second one here we're actually seeing something else it's not a skull but it resembles a skull you know what I mean so here we have it I think our first one here was actually the coolest one we can see the outline still a little bit of the skull here in the markings on the road and also on like the lights shining on on the road here and we can see the lights here are actually from the skull so clone result this also kind of nice even though it's kind of blurred out and you got a car here in the foreground instead still very nice so let's uh skip the invert here none and plus around two new ones and let's see what it does now so now everything is going to be inverted well inverted from before not inverted from this one so here the results are completely different and I think actually the other ones were better but still you gotta see it so go out there and create some cool looking stuff and uh in the meantime I'm going to change this Apple logo into a beautiful landscape so we're running beautiful Nordic landscape with few words and mountains and clouds running the Cinematic pre-style I have inverted it so white is on the inside and I raise the control weight to 1.9 I think we're gonna get some beautiful looking images here and we sure did we got some mountains here to get the shape of the apple and we got some dark clouds coming in here and uh beautiful light clouds and some scenery there in the background so I'm pretty happy with that as always have a good one see ya
Channel: Sebastian Kamph
Views: 52,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7PpYsaAoYF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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