Does a DIRECT DRIVE make you faster?

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[Music] right this is a topic that i find it to be very very interesting in sim racing we have this pursuit of spending money to be faster we have this idea that we spend money we could probably get a couple of tents here and there so i would like to test this in a very big gap between equipments we're talking about the logitech g923 and the fan attack dd1 but before going there i have to talk about the disclaimer the disclaimer is really important for this video the equipment you're going to see here at least the main equipment the logitech g923 and finantec dd1 they were sent by review by fine attack and logitech i also have a fan attack affiliate link below that means if you spend money with that affiliate link on fnatic i'll be financially compensated so this disclaimer might give you an idea that i might be painting the results one way or the other and while you're there don't forget to leave a like and consider subscribing that helps the channel massively but why am i doing this video today i've been doing a string of videos in the past in regards to budget uh experience in sim racing what is important in terms to buy and do you really gain any speed if you spend more money last year i've done a video comparing the wheel i was using at the moment the finitex csl against another wheel that i was using before that which was the t300 rs the csl ended up being faster in my tests but the result was so small that would be compensated if i spent more money on the t300 rs so i didn't think that it was worthwhile spending more money to get more speed the finance csl does have other advantages it has like a smoother wheel and more power which would be good for drifting for example but in terms of advantage like i said i didn't think there was too many of them so my idea was to compare two ends of the spectrum one on the lower end of the spectrum the logitech g923 even though it's more expensive than g29 but then again the result i think it would be exactly the same and then on the other spectrum the top dog or one of the top dogs in the sim racing department which is the fan attack dd1 there are other that are more expensive and more force-feedbacky whatever direct drive wheels but you get the picture there they are up there one supposedly is over here and the other one is over there here's the experiment we're going to do we're going to test my setup direct drive 1 dd1 ps4 with the v3 panels then the logitech g923 set and the logitech g923 with the v3 pedals i'm going to do seven laps two worst will go out of the window we're gonna check out the average time and then the deviation from the average so we can check out consistency we're gonna do this in laguna seca with the same setup 36 degrees celsius track we're going to do a hot lap so the ferry oil and tires won't matter we're just going to do the driving i'm going to give myself 10 minutes warm up on the dd1 and then for the g923 in both sets it will be 15 so it's a wheel that i'm not really used to so i want to get that also out of the equation of course technically this dd1 has the superiority it has a better force feedback much more torque it reacts faster it gives you more options as a driver but if you level up the field does it make any difference at all the drive with my setup is familiar the wheel is using the recommended settings by fnatic though there was no surprises from what i was accustomed to my main issue is with this setup is lacking a bit of understealing feel it's something that i've complained a bit in a set of course competition but other than that it's a combo that i've been using for the last four months and i've been using the dd1 since august all things considered it's not too bad we have a lap under the 23 and if we take the two slowest ones were actually very consistent now it's time to test the g29 with the stock pedals with this setup the drive was far more challenging the lack of load cell made it a challenge to give enough pressure in the break for corners that require a little bit of a tap like corner 6 and corner 10. trail braking was also more difficult which resulted in the times not being as good as i want them to in terms of results these are quite shocking now with the logitech wheel and pedals uh main reason for me is that i couldn't feel confident to reliably break into heavy corner areas and also in areas where i just need to fetter the break of course with more training that would disappear there's quite a difference between pace and consistency between the set that i'm usually running and this one but i'm very interested now to check out how the fanatec v3s with the logitech pedals were going to work together with the lotel a lot of the reliability came back to the driving but the g923 works fundamentally different than a direct drive in terms of what force feedback is concerned which brings some interesting results now isn't this result interesting with the load cell in the logitech g923 i am faster than with the fight attack dd1 in the v3s i'm a little more consistent i think i will have to crunch the numbers with the fan attack but in outright speed this one is being better for me at the moment so how many of you were actually expecting this result uh i was somewhat expecting a close enough result i thought that the d1 will be slightly faster and the logitech g923 was just going to be slightly slower i wasn't expecting the logitech was going to be faster of course this is a very small result but it shows you something that a cheaper wheel as long as it has a decent enough force feedback to give you the information that you actually require it's going to be as fast and as reliable as the one that costs five times more in terms of consistency the logitech g923 was slightly more consistent not too much but in terms of average time it was three tenths of a second faster than this first run i did a second run with the logitech dd1 um trying to get the the hints that the force feedback of the g923 has but related to the dd1 so i lowered even more the force here back into something like 20 on the wheel and 60 gain on the game and raised quite enough the road effects so it can give me more of a seat of a pants approach and the result was basically no difference between the logitech g923 and the finitetechdd1 in terms of pace and in terms of consistency [Music] because i've read the unholy texts here is my hot take that is very likely going to attack this channel but at this point in time i don't really give a damn if you want to be really fast or you want to be faster in sim racing the things that you need is spend time behind the wheel spend time practicing after a certain point and that point comes really really soon there is no reason whatsoever to spend more money unless you want to get more immersion you are not going to get more speed out of more expensive equipment there's a reason why logitech wheel drivers beat everybody else they're probably more interested in the driving and trying to be faster than trying to fight figure out what is the next biggest thing in terms of equipment in sim racing and if you like this hot take don't forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel have a good one
Channel: random callsign
Views: 24,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fanatec dd1, logitech g923, g923, dd1, fanatec dd1 vs logitech g923, logitech g29, sim racing, direct drive wheel, simracing, sim racing wheel, load cell pedals, load cell pedals fanatec, random callsign, logitech g923 review, trueforce logitech, fanatec wheel setup, logitech g923 assetto corsa competizione, logitech vs fanatec, logitech g920, best sim racing wheel, fanatec direct drive wheel, g29, sim racing setup
Id: dfu3tDwuHZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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