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welcome to our lesion studios and today we're talking about Logic Pro 10 and working with movies and all and working with movies is something I do every single day many times a day whether it's scoring commercials or films or documentaries are all kinds of different projects working with movies and logic is one of the easiest things you can do logic makes it so simple and so I want to show you a simple kind of tutorial kind of just the workflow that I use to work with movies now there's lots of different ways to do this and there's some deeper dives all over the Internet this is going to be just a simple overview of bringing a movie in doing a little bit of scoring maybe lining some things up and then exporting out a project for review by maybe a director so let's get started I have a project here I'm gonna call up a simple project with an audio track just to get started and I want to show you that my project is in 44 1 now movies are normally gonna be at 48 when we work with film when we work with production houses they're always at 48 and I know some audio-only studios at 40 for one we've just chosen across the board everything in our house is 48 however I want to put the session at 40 for once so you see what happens when you bring them moving in now I'm gonna go to file movie open and you can drag one in as well I'm just doing it this way for this tutorial now this is my preview movie this is a stock movie we bought it's a little scary kind of movie I want to bring it in and first of all a lot just gonna ask two questions do you want to open the movie yep that's why we're here and do you want to extract the audio do I want to play the embedded audio from the movie or do I actually wanna bring the audio in as a track so I can do some stuff with it and I do want to bring it in so logic then starts yelling your sessions at 40 for one your movies at 48 do you wants to change your session or you want to keep it to 40 for one I don't want to change I mean I want to change it I don't want to keep it I want to go to 48 when I see a blue box and logic I pretty much smash it then it's gonna ask about framerate now the default frame rate it's at 25 I could use a template and change it but I get all kinds of frame rates all day long so this frame rate is at 60 or 59.94 so we're gonna keep it at that frame rate so blue button hit it so here we go the movie comes in and we've got two things going on we have a movie in the middle that we can take this and we can put it on a second screen we can make it smaller we can make it bigger we could make it fullscreen also you can close it and it'll pop over to the left there and I'll stay tucked in right there until you're ready to do something else with it again so I'm gonna open it back up now I want to show you one thing about the audio in this movie if you right-click and go to movie project settings you'll see that you get a movie volume slider and a mute button now I'm gonna unmute it and I'm gonna mute this audio that got brought in we haven't talked about it yeah but I'm gonna mute that and you can see that we as we start to play the movie now we can hear it we can turn the audio up and down this is the audio that's embedded into the movie right and you can't do much with it other than turn it up and turn it down and mute it now for what we're gonna do right now I'm not going to use this audio so let's just leave it right there what came in when we imported it and it asked us to bring the audio is an audio track now you'll see that it also has a little lock on it right that means that this audio is locked to this movie if I move the movie track around up here in the in the movie area the audio stays locked in sync with it now if so if you have dialogue and sound effects and things like that you want it to stay in sync you can unlock it by going down to simply like and unlock and now I can move the audio and movie and the movie will stay in place now I'm also out of sync though like oh gosh I hate when that happens because I need things to stay in sync in this movie there might be reasons for you to move it around but for me I need this to stay in sync so I'm gonna undo what I did right and we're just gonna leave it like that now as you can see here I've moved the movie away from bar 1 so I'm gonna start to put it back I want to start at bar 1 now as I move over you have to be careful because well I just got this funny little thing as you start going to the left it'll just keep going you see the movie shrinking the time is getting crazy he's like what is happening well if you go the movie project settings you see now that you've gone past the the bar 1 you've now kind of started sort of and later in the movie you're not at the beginning of the movie anymore and that's kind of a kooky thing instead of shoving it over to the left like that one thing you can do is say okay I want my movie to start at the top of the movie on bar 1 so I'm going to click here and I'm gonna go one hour zero zero minutes second 0-0 frames timecode likes to start at one hour those long exhalations let's don't get into that right now but now I've started my movie at bar one at one hour and now I'm at the beginning all right now not a fan of this music don't like it so boom it's gone now I've got a nice blank movie but if I want to bring that back if I want to here for some reason I can bring the embedded audio back in alright but we're gonna get rid of that for now now so my movies in place and I want to bring in let's see a multi terrible instrument so let's do a software instrument Multi Turnbull of six parts and I'm gonna immediately make a track stack and I think I want to use omnisphere for this so I call that pom nee then I go to the first instrument here and I'm gonna call up omnisphere and this is a multi timbrel instrument so right now I have six tracks and so I can do six different MIDI channels in the same instance of omnisphere that's good so let's for the first track let's go to this triple spiral audio fish envision be man things I really like these sounds and completion I know I like this sound and so I've got the sound called up I'm gonna shrink this I'm gonna actually just get rid of the one I don't see it and just like with any project you can have four count so you start to go not bad not bad and like with any project you can just have four clicks and start to go here we go all right so this is my first sink point right there so you saw when the scene changed I played a note right but I played it a little late the scene changed there and you as you can see right in here I played a little later so let's open that up and move that to right where I want it so I grab I'm here in the piano roll I grab it and watch the movie move and it's mark it's moving where the beginning of this note is right there now let's see if this feels a little better that's good and now let's to play from the top good like that now let's have a second sound so I'm gonna go to instrument 1 channel 2 in omnisphere call it up go to the second multi terrible instrument and multi MIDI channel if you like hybrid instruments I don't know hmm clearing zones I'm even know what this is to see now that bi might be good let's put a little let's put a little uh on the foots on that first footstep let's see if we can make that happen okay here we go that's kind of fun I like that now I want to work with this a little bit but instead of working with the MIDI because you know sometimes if you don't get it right on and and you start here it won't you know it won't fire I'm gonna go ahead and bounce this in place so right click bounce in place and it takes that instrument and mutes it makes an audio file of it I'm gonna move it out of this track stack for a second and I'm gonna see if I can get this lined up a little better now let's find out where that foot hits right there yep and so maybe I think it's pretty good I'm gonna close that up and I'm gonna open this back end a little bit and let's see we got not bad I'm a little faint on it I like it let's hear from the top all right so now I think with some of the footsteps I'd like to put a plug couple piano notes so I'm gonna call up a new instrument and let's go to piano tech and on this instrument let's go for the cinematic instrument but I also want to throw some good verb on there so I'm gonna go to bus 2 here and I'm gonna throw up maybe Rob from Native Instruments and he's one of those big fat huge like ethereal acoustic let's see let's try something else here oh oh yeah it's got some nice core see stuff on there now see if we can get these some of these footsteps lined up you'll see how cool that would be all right back up [Music] that's pretty good let's check them out all right so I look at the different notes here oh yeah there we go this let's see that's a little that can go a little sooner I think right there let's try that look at that yep I can go soon all right Ben let's try that [Music] and now I do now that looks better [Music] oh the light so what happened there get in there right there let's try that there you go so everything's nice and lined up right so now we've got everything lined up I want to export it and I want to show a director right so I'm going to select this cycle and you can do this two ways you can just drag that cycle bar over or you can go to the custom transport and type in maybe I want to just do straight up you know ten you know bar ten when we go there you go ten one you know you want to do it like that or just open this guy up right there now I'm going to export this audio to a movie so that can be viewed by somebody else so I'm gonna movie this is how hard it is export audio to movie boom now decisions that you have to make here first of all you've got to name it and then the audio you put in it down here is you can have a AC for a smaller file or you can put in you know PCM audio 48 for a bigger file you can do 24-bit if you want I'm gonna just do a large audio file so get some a good quality on the audio now here's what it's asking me remember that embedded audio we talked about now do I want to put that embedded audio back into this let's say maybe that was just dialogue in this movie and there was no music now I haven't been listening to it but maybe I'd like it to put it back in if you click enabled on several tracks then it will put that dialogue in this movie I don't want any the old audio so I'm gonna deselect everything alright now it's gonna bounce it and then it's gonna put it in the movie so when we come out of logic and go here's my review movie and now you'll hear the new music [Music] and you have a movie that's only the length of what we spit out maybe you have a 20-minute movie I just need to show this 18 seconds right here so that's how that law that's how long that movie is you can pop that in Dropbox or anything else you want to send it on and get a nice review so that is working with movies and logic man I hope you enjoyed that if you have some questions throw them in the comments we'll try to answer them please subscribe to the channel we're gonna do more of these you guys stay safe thanks for watching peace [Music]
Channel: Auralation Music
Views: 15,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Auralation Music, auralation studios, recording studio, music studio, music studio knoxville, knoxville music, Logic Pro X, Quicktime Movies, Movies in LPX, Movies in Logic Pro X, Film Scoring, Film Scoring in LPX, Movies in Logic Pro X, film scoring, audio, film music, workflow, Logic Pro X, logic pro x 10.5, logic pro x tutorial, importing video into logic pro x, importing video Logic Pro X, music production, logic pro 10.5
Id: FpNdHMWWjeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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