Logic Pro - 5 MORE Creative Arpeggiator Tricks! (As Played, Latch, Chord Trigger, Quick Sampler)

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hey what's up everyone this is music techel guy and in this video I have five more creative arpeggiator tricks for you that last video I did was so popular and I got so many comments asking to do more so I'm going to keep doing this until I either run out of arpeggiator ideas or you guys get bored of it and I think I'll maybe expand this sort of top five tricks topic over to some other videos and some other plugins and other midi effects and instruments so let me know what you want to see in the comments below Below in this video I'm going to talk about using the as played mode the latch mode the record midi effects option and I have one example where I'll jump into Quick sampler and I'll use Quick sampler along with the arpeggiator before I get into the tutorial I want to quickly tell you about the sponsor of today's video boom boox boom box is the ultimate cloud storage solution for Music Makers but cloud storage is only one small part of the equation designed by music producers for music producers Boombox offers a suite of features that revolutionize music collaboration from file storage to timestamped commenting every tool is meticulously crafted to enhance your creative process I love using boom box to collect mixing feedback from my clients especially when I'm working with bands and musical groups where each band member has something different to say rather than sorting through dozens of emails I can collect all of my feedback in one place visit boombox.com to get 4 GB of free storage okay so for this first trick I want to show you how to use this mode right here this is called as played mode and there's a few different ways um you can use this mode but my favorite way is using it to build arpeggios that move in a certain note order you can sort of choose the note order with this mode so by default it's going to load up like this 16th rate up and then live you're going to change this over to as played and then grid and then you can set whatever Tempo you want I'm actually going to go with an eighth note here now there's a pattern I want to play in and it goes like this so the chord is is this of course it's a monophonic instrument but it's a b c e so it's essentially an A minor chord with an added nine or added second whatever way you want to look at it it's really just a melodic passing tone and then I want to take that same sort of shape uh that same melodic idea and shift it around to different uh chords so one way to approach this is to play all all of these on the keyboard you just have to play all of the notes in the order you want them played so if I went 1 2 3 4 it's going to play them 1 2 3 4 if I went 1 3 2 4 if I went 4 3 2 1 if I go one down to the five up to the 32 1 5 32 and then the next chord so one way you can do this is just to use your MIDI controller and play in those chords and just really quickly press each note down in the order you want it played but if you're not great uh with a keyboard you can also just use the piano roll editor what I'm going to start off with is just my uh base chords that I want to use now what I can do here is I can just lay out um the general shape of the chord I want so AC e but I'm adding in that second and then here on the F chord I'm going to do f a c b so get the rest of the chords put in in the uh root position or inversion uh that you like and here I generally like to make sure that each of the chords has the same number of notes so all of my chords have four total notes right now it's not going to play these in the correct [Music] order it's going to do the same thing that these other modes do it's going to pick the no order you know based on what mode you're in um but if you're in that as played mode you can sort of delay the rhythm of each note so again if I wanted a first then I want uh e second and I'm going to go to division mode here and you don't have to do this at the same rate of the arpegiator I'm using 16th notes Here although it should be said that you have to enter in the note order at the rate of the arpeggiator or faster so in my case this was an eighth note arpeggio I'm entering these as 16th notes so that should work out [Music] fine you don't even have to put the no orders on the grid you can just make sure that each note enters uh in the order you like just by quickly trimming the front of each note and not even paying attention to the grid if you don't want [Music] to okay so after a little bit of work of just sort of offsetting the start of those notes we end up with the arpeggiation that we [Music] want [Music] and again the arpeggiator is following the order of the notes as they're inputed from first uh to last for each chord and you can also play around with the octave range here you can do some different things uh with the octave range that you weren't actually playing down here it'll just shift some of the notes up an [Music] octave and I'm pretty sure the variation is just sort of switching up uh which note is the first note so it may uh Shuffle up your pattern a bit if you use the [Music] variations and then with some instruments you can come in here to options and pull down the note length so that just lets you shorten those note lengths if you want you can also add swing to your pattern if you want it to be a swung pattern okay so for this next trick I'm going to show you how to use the as played mode along with latch mode and we're going to use this along with the record midi to track here function um in order for this to be here you have to have logic 10.7.5 or higher so what this does is it allows you to record in your arpeggiation Creations as midi so the notes are just there and you can just bypass the arpeggiator after you're done now you can do this without latch mode but what latch mode does is it latches onto all of the notes that you play in as played mode so if I turn this on and I play that same pattern you can see I can just completely remove my hand from the keyboard I don't have to use a sustain pedal I don't have to hold down the cord and it latches onto that cord until I play another chord and when you're done just turn latch off so this is a really cool way to play in those patterns and not have to hold down the keys so it just makes the Performing uh part of it a lot easier it gives you some time to think in between the chords so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over here to the arpeggiator and select record midi to track here turn on latch and what I'm going to do here is just give myself a couple of bars to get myself in the groove and I'm just going to hit record I'm going to play each of those chords and I'm going to let the latch mode extend each chord for me so I don't have to hold them down [Music] so I can turn off latch I can bypass the arpeggiator and what this has done is it's essentially printed or recorded um that EX act act arpeggiation motion directly into a new midi clip so now I have the arpeggiated effect sort of baked into the midi recording rather than just being chords um and you know letting the arpeggiator do the work now you don't actually have to bypass the arpeggiator here because all of the effects before this option will not be interpreted uh in real time but I just like to bypass it just to remind myself that that's uh how I created this [Music] okay so this next one I know I've shown on the channel before but I want to show it again because I just think it's super helpful um and it's especially helpful again for people who don't really play keyboard very well or don't know all of their chords or just maybe don't have the muscle memory M um to play the chords and so one thing I like to do with the arpeggiator is I like to use the chord trigger before the arpeggiator and what you can do is you can either create your own custom chord presets you can use learn mode to type in uh your trigger keys and your output notes if you want to see a more detailed tutorial of the chord trigger I do have a like a full tutorial of this plug-in but for this uh video I'm just going to go down to uh multi and I'm going to go to keyboard voicings and I'll go to dionic actually let's go pop right hand and so what this will do is by default it'll it'll load up in C major or a minor and what this uh instrument actually does is it allows you to play one note on your MIDI controller but actually play a full chord so down here in the in the orange range it's just going to play one note at a time but if I go up [Music] [Applause] [Music] octave so what this is doing is it's giving you dionic chords in the key of C major or a minor now fortunately for me the song is an A Minor if you're not working in a minor you're going to have to maybe add like uh a transposer uh to the track to shift it up or down to the key you want or just create your own custom chord set here in in chord trigger now all of these [Music] chords yeah some of these chords have more than three notes and that's totally fine uh but you're what you're going to end up having to do is go into these and add an extra note because again you want in order for the motion of the arpeggiation to stay consistent you want each chord to have the same number of notes so I got four four four let's learn that one add a seventh in there so I'm basically just using a g a minor G major F major E minor so the 1 7 six five chords um but you can you know you can change this up in any way like so now that I have my chords I'm just going to add the arpeggiator after the chord trigger and I'm just going to play single notes so I'm literally playing one note on my MIDI controller and getting a fully arpeggiated Triad so I'm going to do up down let's try the second variation and second octave [Music] range and what I can do is I can take that and I can either just record in those long tones or I can type them in if I don't want to to play them in with a mini controller let's try uh muting this one here and I'm going to sort of Follow That chord progression and that was a minor FG and then e so a minor FG e so 1 1675 and so I'm just going to play those four notes I'm going to hit record and just play those four notes and nothing else [Music] [Applause] [Music] or another way you can go about this is you can use the record midi to track here option that I showed you before and now we're just going to be printing all of these arpeggios into into a new midi region I am going to go into the arpeggiator and maybe pull back the note length a touch yeah so let's try [Music] that [Music] and there we go all I got to do is trim that up and all of those arpeggios are baked into my new midi [Music] region okay and one last way I want to show you how to use latch is for cords so you can use this for things other than arpeggios and you can use this with and without the chord trigger right now I just have the arpeggiator pulled up on a sampler instrument and I've created my own uh grid Rhythm down here the key thing here is you want to make sure that the chords are on for each of the notes where you want to play the full chord now if I were to just hold this I could do something like that but I'm going to have to hold each of the chords with latch [Music] mode with latch mode I can just simply play the chord before the First Step so essentially I need to either change up the chord here or change up the chord here before the first step and then the following First Step will have the chord change and so again this is a great way to play in chords if you have the general feel for what the chords are like on the keyboard but you just struggle with you know uh playing them in in real [Music] time [Music] [Music] or if we want to take this one step further you can add in that record midi to track option on this and then we can just bake all of these directly into the midi recording so I'll just turn latch on again let's give this another go [Music] [Music] and there we go all of those rhythms are baked right into the midi recording okay so for this next one I'm going to show you how to use the arpeggiator as sort of like a loop Chopper or a vocal Chopper it all depends on what you know type of information uh you add and for this we're going to use this along with quick sampler what I will preface here is that this technique will not always work out the way you want it to uh and it's going to take a significant amount of toying around with different samples and toying around with quick sampler along with the arpeggiator to get something that works um but I'm going to show you the basic process and then you can just use this to sort of experiment in your own time first and foremost you want to start with an audio Loop of some kind it doesn't necessarily have to be from logic's Loop library but if you do use logic Loops take a look at the Key of the original Loop and then take a look at what key your song is in what I recommend doing is setting the key of your song so by default logic uh you know goes to C major but if I drag this E minor Loop into my project with the key set to C major it's actually going to transpose this down to C minor um because it only really accounts for the root note so this song so far all the other parts are in the key of A minor so if I drag this E minor Loop in it's going to automatically transpose it to a min and this actually should fit with uh you know the beat that I have here uh pretty well [Music] already yeah other than being a little out of time the the notes sort of match up with the key roughly so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to drag this into a new quick sampler instrument just like so I'm actually going to delete the original Loop track because I don't need that anymore and what I recommend doing is coming in here in slice mode and deleting any slice markers that are not on a transient you know so some of these are kind of off so I really just want one slice marker per transient and you can remove these just by double clicking and I'll show you how to fix a couple other things in here in just a bit too okay so I got a couple of them off if you go to snap and set this to transient note you can snap these directly to the transients and at the very beginning here if I look at this very first one it's a little bit off so I'm going to pull that back in okay so there's all of my slices what I recommend doing here is setting the start key to something like C3 instead of C1 and then setting this to white keys and so basically C3 through G4 are going to trigger each of these [Music] notes [Music] so you could use this just like this to create your own Melodies you know so you could do that if you wanted to um what I'm going to do is add to this the arpeggiator and I've already in advance come up with a little chopped up Rhythm here so you're going to want to use grid mode you can use any of the no orders you can any use any of the variations or octave ranges and what's going to happen now is the arpeggiator is going to trigger the notes inside of quick sampler but I have to just make sure I only use these [Music] notes [Music] so the notes I'm playing on the keyboard really mean nothing in terms of what chord uh is being played in the song They're simply just trigger keys for the quick sampler so if I then wanted to I could come in here and I could take a couple of these uh shapes here these [Music] patterns [Music] and just change it up a bit and then just record those [Music] in [Music] and again try out different no orders try out different variations and octaves for sampled instruments you're probably not going to be able to go above the second octave range because if you don't have enough slices in the instrument um you're just going to start losing notes you know you're just going to get notes that drop out and then you can add whatever other effects you want to this maybe I'll add a little bit of a tape delay to this maybe a little Reverb as as [Music] well and again you can play around with this in any way you like to get you know the sound you want but like I said it's sometimes tough to get certain samples to work like certain Loops that have pretty identifiable transients are generally going to work best uh Loops that play kind of one note at a time rather than playing cords will generally work best for this okay so those are five more arpeggiator tricks in logic pro let me know if you want to see more of these um I have plenty of ideas for other arpeggiator tips and tricks if you want to see more of these videos please let me know and I'll keep making them I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please leave it a thumbs up and subscribe subcribe to the channel to see more content like this as always thank you so much for the support and thanks for [Music] [Music] watching
Channel: MusicTechHelpGuy
Views: 6,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boombox, music tech help guy, musictechhelpguy, logic pro, Logic Pro x, tutorial, arpeggiator
Id: JHt0imkkPj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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