Massive Pricing Update for XinematiX on iOS - How To App on iOS! - EP 1232 S12

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e [Music] good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world my name is Jade and this is how happen I world today we're revisiting the amazing the incomparable the delightful Zin matics it's had a massive pricing update storage whole bunch of cool things we're going to do it now hello welcome to the show my name is Jade this is how to app on iOS I hope you are all doing doing okay I would like to thank and give a kind voly V whatever that means to our wart Warriors you can become a wart Warrior by clicking on the join button down below or uh the link that is down below as well or possibly in the side chat that you are seeing possibly in the next three two one I thought I was getting good at it but no you can do that there'll be a link somewhere if you want to do it's a dollar a month it helps support the channel and all that kind of stuff all right we had an exciting show yesterday didn't we taking a look at AI yeah and um what a load of fun that is so we're going to be talking a little bit more about AI because um there's some really there's a bunch of other cool stuff that I've kind of stumbled across here at is bom thanks Thomas you rock all right let's say uh yeah so we got some other really cool AI stuff coming up not so much around the music side of it but around video making and stuff like that which is pretty exciting uh I'll let you know when that is coming up on the show but today as I said we're talking about xaxs let's say hello to you all then we can get into it as a mentioned Thomas Christ the moderator with the mostest if only everybody could have this mod you'd be happy wouldn't you thank you Thomas for everything that you do Ally is here a able videos in the house Dwight Bailey Jim Shannon I saw um Leela covered by CQ uh Leela I sorry I I saw some of your show today but I had stuff going on here at home that needed to be sorted out real life stuff uh there we go so what are we doing again let me do this boom today's featured artist is Ed B medal and I'll be playing him yes I will this time be playing him at the end of today's show so there's that but we're taking a look at cinematics today Aaron hello welcome to you also where do we start I know where we start we start where we always start over in the beat Community because I mentioned a couple of days ago that um Harmony Bloom got an update on the desktop and said that don't worry folks it's coming to the iPad as well well boy did it get an update holy moly El Davis music hello to you so yeah look the iPad version of Harmony Bloom got a massive update look at all this now auv3 uh trigger bars trigger bars can be mapped and sent through to different independent mini midi channels really really good lots of really cool new features that have been added in here uh new bypass when active uh there there's just a whole lot of stuff so so if you are a a Harmony Bloom fan get ready because it's and and if if you're not subscribed to uh Mario's Channel he pretty much does a live stream every I think two days the developer from um Harmony Bloom and he just sits there for a few hours just making stuff and answering your questions so he's he's just a really Hands-On developer you should go and check out his channel go and check out the harmony Bloom show that I did and there's link to his channel in there if you want to find him uh nini's acoustic voice app is on offer koala sampler got updated Fab filter apps are on sale this clack digital thing which I haven't down should we download it now download it now um it is free it's not an A3 but apparently A3 is coming so here it is just pedals this is a guitar pedal effect rack I'm going to grab it now it is free let me come over here to the clicky bits DCH so apparently in the next month or two it's getting uh auv3 as well so that's cool so you may as well go and grab it now just pedals that is what that is called looks like it's an iOS only kind of thing uh chronicus currently on sale sample whz and a bunch of B apps are on sale Elliot garage celebrate 3 months of EG nodes with a price drop so there you go um and this is in beta too so if you come over here to the beat Community you'll be able to jump on these two betas modne and diffuse these two apps that are currently in beta if you would like to do that you can come over here click these little buttons here and you can jump on the betas have a test play of these things I've been playing with them they're pretty cool so that's exciting as well lots of cool stuff always on the on the horizon with iOS thank you Thomas there is Mario's channel it's it's worth a a sub if you uh you know are into the harmony Bloom app look at this all of the uh not I don't know if it's all of them a lot of them it is all of them maybe all the Fab filter stuff is on sale looks like down about uh eight bucks for each of them maybe about that close 10 to eight bucks that's pretty fair police sample Wiz is uh down to $12.99 so a bunch of stuff on sale but we're looking at cinematics now I've done a bunch of shows already on zinemax I've done tutorials on this thing you know I've covered it till the ninth degree but one of the sticking points with this particular app was it's free it was free to download and then you would have to buy the uh individual packs so you'd have to go in and buy the individual sound packs and when you added these things up guess what oh guess what it was about $1,100 to buy all the packs so there was a real sticking point with a lot of people um $1,100 is a lot of money for but the sounds are amazing there's no doubt about it that the sounds are amazing so what has happened is the price is now a dollar to buy it and then to buy the packs inside it is now reduced from $1,100 to9 $ 19999 now I don't know how long this sale this price drop's going to be but if you are not on it quick you're going to miss out because the sounds are incredible they are just they're mint this is the equivalent of you know having desktop uh sounds on your on your um iPad they're just beautiful all right let me talk about this now there there's a few bugs so there is a few bugs and that's another reason why I'm doing this show today so we can get them on video and I can chop some stuff and send this out to Harry now Harry's a really on hands developer so um I'm sure he'll get these little bugs fixed there's some issues so I'm not exactly sure so the the way it says from what I've read is that if you already owned um two two or more packs that you paid for all you need to do is go into the app and hit restore and it will restore all of the sounds for you I've heard mixed results so it's hard for me to say I was on a beta forever I've never really downloaded until I got the beta until I got off the beta this week and um yeah but we'll cover all those issues as as we go on let's just quickly bug over to the verson website Harry's website over here hey Wild Bill what's going on good to see you cold acre get a get a get a and I think I got my I think I got you all all right so here's the website this is cinematics it's just it's beautiful I just want to bring your attention to this so this is vers if you want to know what is in each of the packs this is a really handy place to go because down here there is a little link that says sound list hey Ed you are today's featured artist welcome Ed Bal so there's this little link here that says sound list and if you click on this this will tell you what each of the sound libraries give you and what category you can find them in in what uh preset pack you can find them in so you can see here the starter kit has 20 sounds they're split across a whole bunch of sections here like vocal and choir where the Airy brass are all in the synth and Airy sections so this is a really good way to have a overview of where everything is how big the libraries are so you can see each library is varying between somewhere around 200 megabytes all the way up to like 1.7 gig all up if you installed these libraries you are going to take up about 25 possibly more gigabytes of sounds so you need to be aware of that now part of the update means that you not only can uh install this on your iPad the sounds but you can install them on an external hard drive so if you don't have a lot of room on your iPad you can install them on an external hard drive boom awesome stuff many Vibes hello I'm so damn confused well I can't have that hi Chad all right so let's open this thing up and show you some of the major changes and a couple CLE of the bugs that I've found with it that hopefully we can get sorted out uh it comes in an auv3 style and a stand alone so you can load it and interrup audio as well if you want to do that too this is not available on PC and Mac this is an iOS only app let's open it up oh you know what what am I doing that for I want to play you something because I've got a project ready to go that I made I made something let me hit play play and see what happens [Music] well that was ominous wasn't it let's close this down so we got what do we got there we got 1 two three four five uh of them running there nice and simple we'll clear this out let's open up the Standalone version and show you what's going on so now one of the bugs I'm going to get out the way straight away is this slider now I'm trying to drag this because you should be able to drag it and move it across but it's not allowing me to do it if I show you with my finger look it's not moving but it is moving cuz you can see when I tap in the middle the colors are changing so it is actually moving just it's not animating so there's something up there and I can prove what the issue is it's as soon as I move all my sounds across to my storage place so I currently have my storage place set to external storage let me show you if I move this to local storage and hit done and then shut this down and then reload it let's see what happens can I move it or would you look at that the little slider moves but I've got no sounds oh I do have sounds do I or do I not let's see it's still playing my sounds so apparently this is very confusing so Harry I'm going to make sure I send this to Harry today if I scroll down it's now saying my storage place is in local but I know it's not on my local cuz I've installed them all on my external hard drive how can I tell that because if I jump over to my files app and go to my external hard drive it loads and uh where is it here it is my rocket Pro and there's the zena folder that I made which has all of the sounds saved so that's a bug so there's definitely something up there uh hasn't been fixed in the latest update because I have the latest update oh you may be talking about this you can also use the external storage uh to download the library external drive yeah so in in creating that there's there's been another bug introduced so there's that that's what I've come across if you've got it have you come across this now remember the reason I'm talking about these bugs and bringing them up to the front because they will get fixed if the the developer is told right because if he's not told and you go instead go to the App Store and leave a bad comment that's not going to get it fixed that's just going to leave a shitty comment that's there forever and Harry's really quick on fixing these things so there we go that has solved that the sounds are still [Music] playing but for some reason it's saying it's pointing to the uh external hard it's pointing to my internal hard drive and if I change this back now what will happen see I've choose open so so now it's and the slide is still [Music] working but some of the sounds are missing look at that so it's an issue it's definitely an issue let's come back over here and choose so these are working but never fear it will be fixed because this is a huge update I can't get my keyboard controls pitch band wheel to work with this now mine is all the pitch band doesn't really do anything but my mod is working [Music] but these are all things I will send off to Harry and we'll we'll you know so the problem is with something like this it's been a huge undertaking to try and change the pricing model so just so you have an understanding of what the the original to move all this across and change this is a really big job so the pricing model was individual like if I wanted to do a show on this and Harry wanted to send me codes then he'd have to send me individual codes for each pack there's 62 packs right that's huge there's no one code for me to unlock them all and now we have this availability of $19.99 to unlock all the packs but there's been a little bit of a you know uh I think when I initially got least there was a bug and there's been an update H and it looks like you know to be able to save your sounds on the uh external hard drive see now it's it's gone back to the external hard drive for me CU I changed it and the this little wheel is working now the other thing is too and I see coffee Kev kind of mentioning this the mod wheel defaults by moving across the sound AR to the top but the pitch doesn't bend a pitch Bend doesn't work well the pitch Bend doesn't really don't is there a pitch Bend in here oh yeah pitchbend 48 so yeah that's not working as well and I'm not getting any pitch Bend as well oh that's an MP pitch Bend so there we go MP pitch band I guess these are just things the best way to uh this is the thing I ask people all the time have you have you emailed the dev and told them about it because guess what going to the audio bus forums and doing this and I'm not having to go at anybody don't do right it just gets all the crybabies together to cry about something and it doesn't get fixed so if you discover something always please please message the developer and send a video or a quick like screen recording just to let them know so they can get on and fix it like commenting on like like even my videos or whoever is doing a tutorial it doesn't fix anything because like I'm not the developer and I I say this a lot on the comments I get um that I'm like hey I can't fix it here's the developer's email address so it it only takes a little bit of homework just by going to the de the actual app page and finding the developer website and just send them an email from there or most of the time in the app there's normally is there anything in here for that I don't even know and normally a way to get in touch with the dev so there's that but yes um straight off the bat there are some bugs that hopefully will get fixed and they will they always do that is the good part so now that we're kind of getting out of this murky stuff one more thing is when I'm finding when I uh save something like so for example let me show you we'll close this out here and I'll open up AUM um no I'm not I'm not listen you this is why I took your moderat moderator away anyway I don't do tutorials where I I very rarely I do this and and talk about these things on here because I try to do it for you guys I do try and send as many bug reports as I can to developers so people don't do it nice one Russ he deserved it big time see you audible wouldn't want to be here um but there is another little bug in here too which this has been around for a while though so hopefully we can get this one sorted out so if I now open a this project I made earlier hey Pooky I missed you there Pooky hello Pooky Pooky um and I did see someone El say hi coffee Kev and uh man I'm sure I saw somebody else here that I've missed I hate that I hate not saying hello to everybody and leaving people out hey Valerie good to see you I I'll catch up but look here's one of the things so when I load up this preset when I load up this um what I had made if I go in here it it is not saving the settings of my little slider and as you can see now my little slid has stopped working again right it's stopped sliding around again again so there's that if I go into storage I can't let's try doing this so this is the fix right now I think if your slid is not working go into your storage this now this is only happening if You' you've got your sounds on the external storage so if I go to local now which it's not even letting me do look at that so I don't know so you can only I guess change it from within from not as an auv3 but from what I see when you load up uh an instance that you've saved just say in logic or in AUM it's not remembering the placement of this slider and that's really important and I know when I was making my um utensils dread Circus song every time I opened it back up it was forgetting the patch that I had loads loaded in so that's another little thing but don't worry I will contact Harry after this show and kind of mention this stuff but you can see the slider is working it's just not moving and if I connect this to a keyboard are we connected to a keyboard let's just make sure yep so you but you have to touch with your finger see how I'm touching it you can see the colors are changing here so it is working but it's just not animating so yeah this is an issue and hopefully it will get it fixed there's that and so it's not saving my sounds cuz I had this set all the way up here so little things that can be fixed very easily while we're in here this is one of the things I really want to touch on that has made me happy with the update that I don't see anybody talking about when you would load this up let me just close out this project okie dokie when you load would load this up as a standalone version you had these wonderful little pads down here which you could uh choose a bunch of sounds with I could tap on it and can go to my [Music] Orchestra right and these are really fantastic I love them they're nice and big and easy to skip through you've got a whole lot of them all pre-made multi- timbral sounds multi effect sounds so they they have three sounds connected to to them and you could just select them like that these those pads are the same as this drop box here so all of these are also the same as all of these right but when you would open this up as an auv3 these weren't filled they were all blank they were pretty much blank and it was really frustrating but now it looks like when you load up zinemax as an auv3 they're in there now so that's really good so if we go over here cinematics load up an instance and now click on these pads all those sounds are in there so in the old version you only had I think it was a piano you just had a piano and all of these were blank like this they're all just blank but now the auv3 version has it thank you thank you thank you that's one big thing for me that I really love so the thing as we've mentioned is you can store these sounds on an external hard drive now I'm not sure about removing sounds I saw Jim Shannon ask about that um I know if I like open this up as a standalone again and um go over here to my so here's your sample store this is how you purchase it now apparently if you own two or more that you've paid for all you need to do is come in here and hit restore and you should get this little complete access pass ticked and then you come in here to download sample libraries and install all of these now let me just preface some things I mentioned earlier that I was on a beta for this and it was a special beta that had been made for YouTube people like myself so we could continue to demonstrate this app and I don't know if because I was on that special beta it's causing some problems there's some dirt you know there's Left Behind data from when I uninstalled it I'm not sure if people are experiencing the same bugs so I mean if you have this please sound off down below in the comments or whatever and we can all come together to get this thing finished is there another point of the rainbow slider besides blending between sounds um I I well we have this little in here so remember if you a lot of people don't even know about this either so if you tap in the middle here did you know that um if you tap on the middle you've got these little options so you've got a master tune and Herm modic Sho oops I don't even have the screen up do I God get it together today so if you tap in the middle here you've [Music] got these middle things so this is and you have a master tune and Herm modic tuning so this is down here as well um I don't think it I think it only just the slider controls the multi sounds which can be stacked over here [Music] yes so that is my knowledge on this but we're going to go through some sounds for the rest of the show I think um I'm not sure if you can remove sounds because every time I go in here and click on the sound Lobby say I click one of these it starts reinstalling again so it would be nice if we could swipe or something to to delete I don't think you can no see if we could have a swipe to delete and then remove the sounds that would be really cool so that I don't know how possible that is to have in there I sound like I'm winging today and I hate sounding like that but um I do love this app this is one of my favorite apps it really is I I've used it so much so I guess all we got to do now is go through some sounds and mess about but we we are at our halfway point today and uh we're going to run out ads every day on the show I run an ad just to keep the algorithm happy and all that stuff and so it doesn't take you out of the show when the ads auto run and you all get ads at different times cuz that's how YouTube works so I choose to do it manually at one point like this the ad's been run you may or may not get an ad we'll wait for you to come back while that's happening if you did get an ad and in the meantime I can tell you about some stuff that's happening on the channel which is tomorrow we're finally good God finally getting a chance to take a look at uh this really cool app that I've just been sitting on for way too long uh this async sampler this thing's so much fun so we'll take a look at this tomorrow and and uh then our interview this week is with a fascinating musician by the name of Mark Wade so Mark Wade is coming on the show you may have seen him around Metalhead hippie show he does many many collaborations with people original music he's been playing music since he was 15 years old super talented dude so we'll have him on the show very excited to have Mark on the show and let me remind you of one more thing there is no opening hour this week week instead there's something special if you go and have a look at the upcoming shows in the on on my channel this is happening this week asking for a friend it's a brand new uh series that happens once a month where there's a form on the actual there's a form if you go to the uh video the that's waiting to happen this week send your questions in Auntie gladus Worthington will be here to answer all your questions about music love relationships politics whatever you like this is happening this week uh on Saturday in the US and UK God we're letting glad us out of the cage so there's a there's a form if you'd like to leave questions seriously we need more questions right we need more questions ah who cares really are you exciting are you excited about that Pete more money that they want from us yay yeah yes I didn't if you go back and have a listen to watch my last show I did this on um cinematics and I it was on zinemax and um audio layer how they've been combined and you'll notice too if we come back welcome back to everybody if you come back over here to zenem matics now you'll notice that um up in the top here if you click the Cog there's a little link that takes you straight to audio layer right so these things now work in tandem with each they have for a while now butth you can export the sounds from zinemax into audio layer you can mess with them and then import them back in so really really good stuff I've done a show on this you'll have to go back and watch that I'm not going over it all again because it's out there in the wild and uh repeating myself is something I do far too often so glattus is upset man she's upset at the entire world she wants everybody to get off her lawn so here we are this is as I said works auv3 these are the so I've moved everything across all my sounds I've moved across to the hard drive which is freed up at least 30 GB on my iPad so it's worth your time to do it has it slowed things down a little bit because you're working now if you're going to use a hard drive please use an SSD it'll save a lot of headaches I'm using S [Music] SSD the beautiful thing on here the beautiful thing about uh the cinematics is you can switch sounds while you're playing a current sound what does that mean let me show you if I choose an orchestra here show an overhead view and I play a cord I can change the sound this is why I love this pad layout this is just great I can change to a choir and now while these two notes are still being held I can go ahead and use a choir so it's really good for holding down notes let's go to this astonishing Orchestra and again we'll hold down some uh Accord and I might want to change this to like a [Music] guitar so essentially you're kind of tricking it to have two sounds going on as well but as soon as I let go of this chord and try and play another one it's now guitar but really really handy it's one of my favorite things about ztics so love love love and you know you can't go wrong 20 bucks for all these sounds let's just go through these pads today so this is a multi uh effect uh setup here and um with this little slider which I can't show you today because it's not sliding properly over here let's show you this so when you select this this just gives you the individual sounds you can have three sounds per multi sound right so in here we've got an acoustic uh Empire X choir and a suspense atmo strings so if I move this to the middle and hit a [Music] key I don't know you are doing that let's do this and we'll go over here uh guitar nice and I love it I shouldn't have changed uh to my hard drive while I was using that that was stupid of me hello Brad example I'm going to try and see if I can fix this wheel see if this works again for me restart [Music] good God all right I can move my wheel yay let's choose a sound in here like the uh singing choir [Music] okay so now I can show you so now we're on this singing choir patch and when this line is flat and there's three lines next to each other this means that each uh sample is assigned each sound is assigned to a color so if I hit a key now we are playing this sound if I bring it into the middle we are playing the slow R choir and if I bring it over here to the end we're playing the choir rr2 so they're all three different sounds and if I tap down here and it becomes stacked on top of each other turning using the slider means down here will only be one sound in here will be two sounds and here will be three so they'll stack [Music] and each of these colors each of the three can be changed as well so they have their own individual colors here so when I move this around I love that that's uh awesome there we go man I'm doing well with finding bugs today let me tell you that because this should be changing color as I move this around but it's not so there's definitely a huge bug with this uh this thing because if I tap here you can see the colors change you can change the volumes of these individually [Music] and as I've shown in tutorials before you can go through here and you can just choose any sound you want I can go in here I can pick a string I can pick a woodwind or a re I can pick a flute so now this middle one is a flute and then I can stack them all I can go into this one and we can change this to whatever we want again we can change it to Brass we can do a brass section three and now [Music] we have a brass a choir and [Music] [Applause] flutes now you can save your own presets as well just by hitting save and you can give it a name whatever you want and then you could take this preset and take it over into audio layer something I've covered on another show I'm just for the fun of it now just going to run through these patches here and maybe when we get these things uh sorted these little bugs will come back and do this again but um I'd already set up the show so that's why we're talking about the bugs today normally I wouldn't all right this is tast of cinematics this is uh the what you get I think when you initially just buy it for 9 beautiful [Music] [Music] I've got a multi-layered piano here and you can see at the top there's a a concert grand piano FM mixed dynamite dynamite 4 again you can change these to how you like so a ballad piano and strings hey Ed what's happening cinematic piano and pad [Music] [Music] so this is a motion grand piano and we've got this cinematics motion piano here on the end and it's doing its own thing so you hold down a chord and it just keeps motioning in the [Music] background I mean really nice sound [Music] the choirs in here are just freaking amazing [Music] [Music] GL [Music] so we got a multi stado choir listen to these [Applause] [Music] wonderful strings [Music] so these are orchestras and I love this one because the lower down the keyboard you get so you're going to get tempy in there as well [Music] of [Music] [Music] I mean this is only the first page of multi- instruments you've got b c d e f g all these pages full of stuff so strings lots of sound effects and pads [Music] so just for the last few minutes I'm going to close this out open up as an av3 we're going to probably lose our ability to uh do the slider till that gets fixed it is what it istics hey ja okay [Music] now we set here I don't even know man let's see guess I'm going to have to restart it now lovely jly I really should have done [Music] for some reason the multi- temporal stuff's not working when I go to auv3 so yeah what can I say it's a bug um I hate doing shows with his issues swear to God it pisses me off all right let's close that out [Music] I think we're good [Music] now we'll try again huh this hasn't gone how I wanted [Laughter] today what are you going to do guys someday the the apps just don't want to work and this has been one of those days good God so we've got this working [Music] [Applause] [Music] now yeah there's definitely an issue with the slider for sure needs to be sorted [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so a huge selection of sound effects as well [Music] as I said you're looking at 62 packs and about 25 gab sometimes so guitar as well few more choirs here [Applause] [Music] ultimately can't go past it at 20 bucks really [Music] because it was worth 1,00 to get all the sound packs so um we'll get out of here for today I wouldn't get too stressed out about the bugs I'm going to send some messages and try and uh do this behind the scenes as well for you guys because you know it's no point me just being here and doing these shows and and not being active behind the scenes as well and reaching out to developers and try and get this these things out there because people don't seem to do it themselves they just complain elsewhere so we'll do that and then I'll give you an update on how that goes but I would say hopefully there's probably already been a few people complaining about it and this uh has you know already I do believe there is one there you go there is one uh in um uh many Vibes there is a band enjo [Music] that's a banjo and again you can go in here and throw some strings in you can do whatever you want you can throw in an orchestra Choir in [Music] strings so if you want a banjo and and a [Music] choir it's up to you awesome yeah normally I would throw it through black hole but for some reason I'm having issues with the uh the uh auv3 and being able to use this slider so I don't know what that is but we'll get to the modom of it all right let's get out of here tomorrow we're taking a look at acing sample it's really fun uh today's featured artist is uh so just to remind you of the price one last time of this it is 99 cents to buy it I think you get a few sand you get like three sand or something like that and then $1 1999 will just unlock everything all the gigabytes of sound and 25 GB over 25 gbt of sound so now you have the option to store it on an external hard drive or the iPad itself I seem to be having troubles with it on the external hard drive I think that's where the issue is that's the problem I think so once that little thing is worked out we should be good Al righty today's featured artist is EDB medal and he's got this really cool song called hope it's Edition 24 and uh we're just going to play it because EDB medals rad there's a pinned comment with his music there so go and support him if you haven't uh subscribed to him go do so it'll make you happy and make me happy so let's cue this up get it ready and you guys can bang your heads as we go out let's do it Ed B metal hope OE do the things that make you happy mistakes make you better and we'll all rise together and stay awake whatever you do don't fall for the stupidity [Music] in Quiet Moments When the world seems too still but there a whisper all feeling to fulfill [Music] [Music] in these tries we all come through with the tears we all shout there a power de with that dis placees all this [Applause] [Music] When the Roll is and the seems to there's [Applause] [Music] a my head I want to show you what I made live like aent there is [Music] [Music] to let us all hold look at the beauty of all this world keep your faith in tomorrow we will continue to grow [Music]
Channel: Jade Starr
Views: 541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: app, app ipad, app ipad pro, app iphone, apps, how to, how to app, how to app on ios, ios, ios app, ios apps, ios ipad, ios ipad pro, ios iphone, jade starr, jade starr dreadcircus, jade starr how to app on ios, auv3, xinematix, virsyn, harry gohs, xinematix ios, xinematix ipad, xinematix iphone, xinematix ipad pro
Id: lTRql3gtyOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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