Logic Apps for Everyone - A complete guide for anyone!

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hey everyone in this video I want to provide a logic apps for anyone it's going to be it Pros originally but my goal of this video is to really walk through the complete set of functionality in terms of well what can I do and how do I do the things in logic apps it doesn't have to be an IT Pro this really can apply to anyone as always this is useful a like And subscribe is appreciated now this is a follow-up to the video I posted a week ago which was well what are the hosting options for logic apps because logicapped is one of the key serverless offerings we have available in Azure just like Azure functions we have something happening some trigger this could be a recurrence it could be some kind of restful call could be someone write something to a storage account or many many other things when I can integrate with things like event grid but something it's going to trigger it then it's going to do some work and I only potentially pay for the work it's doing but that's going to depend on how I host my logic app because there are different plans available which is what I covered in the other video now unlike Azure functions as you can kind of see on the screen here it's a designer it's very graphical I have this flow from the trigger through to performing various actions and I don't have to be a developer I don't need to know how to code I can use these really nice just actions and operations available to complete the set of functionality I want so I can think about really that citizen developer I anyone can create these things so we have a trigger hey this is what's going to make it run then I have a series of actions which are the steps of the workflow that it's going to actually perform now you may have heard of power automate and power automate is built on logic apps so once I know logic apps I really understand power automate formerly known as Microsoft flow as well there is some difference in functionality there's difference in licensing but the key thing to think about is hey if I'm trying to do a task for me I'll probably use power automate if I'm trying to automate some task for my department for my company well then I'm probably going to use logic apps now the best way for me to walk through the key goals and ideas around logic apps is we're just going to create a logic app completely from scratch so yes I've got one open here and we're going to recreate this from scratch now when I think about using logic apps I'm actually just going to pop out this for a second I'm going to mimic the Azure function I created a few weeks ago so we're going to shut down any running virtual machines now to that point I currently have one virtual machine running so if I go and refresh this I just have that middle VM over here this one is running so really I should just stop that one VM as part of my workflow so we're going to go ahead and create a new one so when I create my new logic app just like everything else it gets created in a resource Group so I'm just going to go ahead and create a new Resource Group we'll call it logic app Remember resource groups we use to group together different resources that share a common life cycle they create together they're going to run together ultimately get de-provision together I've already got that so we call that logic app demo I'm going to give it a name so I'm going to call it shut down VMS it's going to be a workflow I'm not going to use a Docker container which is going to contain the code I want to run it's just a regular workflow I'm going to go ahead and create it in a region just like everything else it's going to go in South Central us now for the plan this is where I went into that detail in the other video I want to just pay for the work it's doing I don't need more advanced features I don't need Network integration as such so I'm just going to use the consumption option and you get a certain amount of this free as well so I'm going to say hey it's consumption I don't need Zone redundancy I don't need any tags configured so I'm just going to go and create this very very simple consumption logic app and what we'll see here is it's one logic app per workflow so I can't have multiple workflows in one logic app so it's got created so now we'll go and jump over to that resource now the first thing here is it's going to open up logic app designer and straight away we can get an idea of what is the goal of this again that citizen developer it gives me examples so it gives me common triggers how your message is received on a service bus queue a HTTP request someone tweets so hey someone could tweet I could go and call machine learning services to do a cognitive sentiment analysis is it positive is it negative and then maybe sends an email or do something else hey a files created in OneDrive a file is added to an fdp server there are even complete templates that list together hey common types of flow I might want so this would populate the workflow with all of these built in I might have to give it credentials and details for the exact connections I want but it's going to set all of this up for me so it gives you straight away some nice ideas hey daily reminders emailed to me deliver an SMTP email on new tweets share my tweets on Facebook say I tweetsank just going to grab it and post it to Facebook so you have all of these just built in I'm going to pick that scenario of creating um where I just want to delete Sorry shut down any running virtual machines so I want to start with a blank logic app so here we're going to show you how to get blank logic apps for the design is going to be completely blank so the first thing I need well I have to actually trigger off of something now I'm going to do this as a recurrence so if we go through I'm going to choose an operation now the first thing from here I'm going to open up this side card is well I have to go and add what is this trigger now you'll notice I'm using this new canvas if I turn this off and then on again you'll notice now it's asking me for the connectors there's a few Auditors today unfortunately with this new canvas you notice it's not letting me actually choose something so if you hear a problem just turn that off and then I can search all of the different connections and triggers so straight away I can have this idea of all so this is all of the different triggers all of the actions available across all these different connectors now we'll see there are built-in connectors this is where the functionality is just native to logic apps it's not having to wrap some other API to call some other service it's just built into logic apps then there were standard connectors so this is again a connector is a wrapper around a certain API so hey there's standard connectors for office for SharePoint for FTP there's a huge number of these and then there's Enterprise and I pay different amounts of money for the different connectors that I'm actually going to use I can even add custom connectors well for me I just need a built-in and notice I have it break down here of triggers and actions so I'm going to pick schedule and it's a recurrence now straight away here I can pick hey what is the interval what is the frequency so I might say well every day and it's every one day and then I can add parameters so a start time so when I want this to start so I can add that and then I've actually switched to new canvas now so now it's actually worked so now that recurrence is there it's just this is very new the new canvas you may not even see it yet so realize there's a few Oddities around that so it's just actually make sure you can see the screen so here I can go back to my interval every day and hey what's my start time so maybe I want it to start at a certain hour so I'm just going to set a date in the past maybe I want it to start at 7 00 pm and I can just do that but I can do other things as well maybe I only want it to run certain days of the week so here I could say well actually the frequency I want every week but now I could add parameters of on these days so now I'll say we'll just join the week for example I could also be more specific and say Well only at these hours and at these minutes so it could be even more exact to say hey I wanted to start at midnight only and minute only so I can be super specific about how I actually use that recurrence so this is now my trigger this is what's going to make this spring into life and then obviously what I want to do is add actions so now I have this plus to insert a new step so here we can see this so I'm going to hit this and add an action so once again I get this same list available to me hey I have all the built-in connectors I have standard the Enterprise but now there's things I want to do now in my case I want to actually track the VMS I'm going to shut down so I'm going to shut down all the running VMS but I want to make a note of well what are the VMS as I shut them down now the other thing to notice here is I have this idea of an inline code if I can't do something easily through hey the connectors for the actions I could just write JavaScript so I can always go and hook into JavaScript directly from here I can also call things like an Azure function but in this case I want to use variables so if I look at my built in and I click this little down arrow I actually have the option here of variables now also notice some of the other things you have here hey HTTP control operations batch data operations manipulating data date time flat files hey I can call other logic apps schedule XML so many things I can do just with the built in so I'm going to say a variable and what I want to do here initially is just initialize a variable so I'm going to say initialize variable and I have to give it a name so I'm going to call it list of VMS and my type well I want to have multiple entries so it's going to be an array I don't need an addition an initial value so that's it so the next thing I want to do is I want to go and look at well what are all of the virtual machines that I have in my subscription so I'm going to once again I'm just going to hit save when I do that periodically up here in the top I can go and hit save so I'm going to save that I'm going to add another step I'm going to add an action and this time it's one of the standard and I'm going to search for Azure resource manager and there it's found me my Azure resource manager connector and I want to list all of the resources in my subscription so I have this option of list Resources by subscription so I'm going to use that now notice What's Happening Here I have to authenticate to something so I have to sign in so if I just hit save for a second it's going to fail because I don't haven't completed this but if I quickly just come out of this I can add it back in a second if we go down to the identity of our logic app I need to actually go and turn on this system assigned identity I'm going to turn that on and hit save so now it's creating a new managed identity system assigned I could use user assigned for this particular logic app now what I'm going to do super quickly is I can add role assignments here but I'm going to go to my subscription Access Control and that the subscription level for that logic app I'm going to give it VM contributor so that's going to let it stop and start any of my virtual machines such as search for virtual machine contributor so it's this role and I'm going to give it to a managed identity and it's going to be from my logic apps and there's my shutdown VM so I'm giving that new managed identity for my New Logic app permission to be a contributor on any virtual machines so that's added that role assignment so now we're going to jump back to our logic app go back to our designer and I have to go and re-add that step so we're going to add it again and remember the benefit of a managed identity is I don't have to store a secret anywhere the fact that this workflow is running as this logic app means it just authenticates automatically as that identity so I can say list Resources by subscription again I'm going to connect with my managed identity so I've got this option right here I'll give it a name so this is going to be my easy um Dev managed identity I'm just going to call it that so it's going to create a new connection for my logic app which I can then use in other steps as well I don't have to continually recreate this connection so I hit create and now what it wants to know is well maybe that managed identity had access to multiple subscriptions in my case I'm just going to select the dev subscription and that's all I need to do so hey I've got my Dev subscription and it would Now list all of the resources however I don't want to list them all I just want to see the virtual machines so I'm going to add a new parameter I'm going to add a filter and now I can type in well what is that filter that I actually want so it's the resource type I want the resource type to equal from the Microsoft compute resource provider virtual machines so I'm just going to type in resource type equals Microsoft dot compute virtual machines and that's really all I need to do to list out all of the VMS so I can now hit save and one of the great things I can do with logic apps is I can test them and see what it's going to do at any point so I'm actually going to jump up to the top and I can do run trigger and from this hit run so it's going to go and run and show me the results so here we can see it executes it very quickly but it did list Resources by subscription if I select this I can see the details of actually what it did so I can see the value of the output well there's one VM demo Linux VM there's a second VM demo VM and a third VM demo VM SRV so we can see all of those values in the output is showing me exactly the output and that lines up because I have three virtual machines the challenge is it's not showing me is it running or not so I'm going to have to do some other things to actually get the detail that I need but it did give me this useful ID and if we look at the ID it's the subscription the subscription number the resource Group okay so all of the detail I need to go and get more information and also we know there are multiple values we have this array of values of these three different virtual machines so now I need to do something for each of them I need to go and look them up remembering I have this very useful ID that references each of the individual virtual machines so I'm going to jump back to the designer by hitting the designer button and this time I want to add another step another action and this is a control so I need to go through each of the values so for each of them I want to do something so I'll go to again this will be built-in control and it's a for each so I'm going to add a 4 each and then I select well what am I doing a four each on and it's a for each of hey listing those resources by a subscription so it's the value that it outputted so if I select this notice I have variables and I have Resources by subscription outputs I.E value I can also create Expressions so I can manipulate multiple objects or other expressions to get values but for now I'm just going to use the value of the previous step so that previous step was list Resources by subscription so for each of the values I want to perform this particular set of things that I'm going to do so okay that's perfect so now I've got this for each Loop I'm going to add a step within it now what I need to do at this point is get detail and the instance view of each virtual machine now if I look at the Azure resource manager there isn't actually a way to get the running status of a virtual machine there's no built-in task that's going to give me what I want to do so at this point well I need to do something else so I'm going to use the HTTP built in and just call the Azure resource manager restful API now this is useful if you're interacting with any kind of API that isn't a built-in connector for now if I was to go and look at just the documentation for Azure I can see hey there's a virtual machine get and it tells me well I have to call https management.azure.com okay and then slash slash subscription subscription ID resource groups well that's the value of ID remember that we got from the value I already have this this is from that previous step we ran I have this complete element here all of this slash subscriptions is sitting in that ID field and I just have to add okay question mark API version Etc so I can take this also notice there's optional parameters where I can expand out certain things and one of those is an instance view so I know well that's what I want to use so in my method for my HTTP well my method is get it told us that in the documentation and then what I need to call is that https management.azure.com and then well in that list Resources by subscription I want the ID that's going to give me that subscription slash subscription ID etc etc and I just need to add to this that expand instance View and the API version so I already have this tucked away so basically notice I can mix in static text with Dynamic content that it's getting from previous steps so at this point I need to do one other thing I need to add Authentication because I have to authenticate to the Azure resource manager the good news is I can just authenticate with that managed identity the audience is already by default management.azure.com so I don't have to put that in so that's they're going to go and get the detail for each of those virtual machines now realize if there was maybe a different API that needed a different secret I could also integrate with things like Azure key Vault where I can store Secrets certificates keys and utilize them from theirs there are other ways that I could get that and I'll quickly show you that built-in provider in a second so if I hit save it should now go and get for each VM the instance View and if I did want to use key Vault if I had some Secret in here you would give the managed identity permission to the key vault of the particular Secret so not having to store anything else to get to it and then sure enough we have Azure key Vault and I could go and get secrets and then I could use that in other steps so that's how I can actually go and leverage those types of things that I don't actually want to do that so I can right click and do delete and we could try and run this again so once again I'm just going to do run and now what it should do is for every VM go and call that API and notice now in the for each remember there were three records well notice we have three and what I can do is I can move through them I could move to the next or last failed I don't have any failures or just the next or last record so record one oh look here's the output the detail of that virtual machine and the thing we're looking for and what we're going to key off of there's going to be an instance View and in that instance view we have this power State now this one is turned off but we'll be looking for one where it's power state slash running so now we know okay we have this huge Json that's going to give us the details if I go to the next record this should be my running virtual machine now this has got a bit more because it's a bigger VM and there's a bit more to it but somewhere in all of this mess we would see that provisioning state and we would see it running there we go so this one we can see okay power State running now notice there are many of these code entries in here among many statuses entries so once again we're going to have to kind of enumerate through to find out what it is there one that has power State running in it and I can see the next record as well so we need to pause in my case all of this Json so I'm actually going to take this body and copy it for a second because now what I need to do is I need to actually go and look at the content but right now I'm just going to have this one big output which is not super useful to me so let's go back to the designer knowing we've nearly got what we want I'm going to add another action and this time what we're going to need to do is pass some data now one thing I will actually point out that I've not been doing notice these steps the names are not super useful I could absolutely go to for each and I could say well for each VM for this http I could say get VM detail so I can absolutely rename these to be more meaningful so I can see well a for me what everything is doing but also other people that may come and use this workflow later on they can more easily see well what did this thing really doing so now I'm going to go back to my built-in and what I want to do now is a data operation and I want to pause Json what is the content I want to pause well notice I can see all of the different outputs from the previous steps well I want to look at the get VM detail and the body so I just want to go ahead and pause the body output of getting the VM detail now it needs a schema to be able to parse this but the good news is I had the output from the previous step so I can use a payload and I'm just going to paste in the body from the previous step and it generates the schema for me so that that was nice and easy and hit save so now for every VM it's going to go and get the detail and now it's parsing the Json there's going to be a certain code which if it has power State running I want to do something so I need to now check is it running or not so if I do add an action well it's going to be a control and it's a condition Now what is my condition this time well my condition is a certain value and notice now it's past the Json and it's broken it down into all of the various elements of the Json and what I'm looking for is code so if I keep score there's code there we go but notice what is it suddenly done well it knows there's multiple elements instances of code in multiple instances of statuses so it's automatically added a for each for me it added the four each because it knows well I can't just look at code because code is part of multiple statuses you need to go and look at each status so I can go and find the code you want so we're just going to put in a for each so I'm going to say for each status and it's outputting and if I hover over it notice it's telling me Oh it's a bit slow it's showing me hey it's that instance view as I hover over its properties instance view statuses so now if I go back to my condition now I can use the code and what do I want or I want it if it's power State equals running and I'm going to say contains because there's multiple of them so hey if for each of the status go and look at all of the codes does it contain power State running okay so then what do I want to do so now I've got this nice check what can I do well I know and this is an easy quick test to see if my logic is right if it's true I'm going to add an action remember I had that variable so what I want to do is I'm going to append to an array variable so I'm going to append to array variable but we'll say add VM name to um list of VMS there's my variable and my value is going to be well I've got different ways of doing this but the name of the VM was all the way back at the start from my Azure resource manager list there was name so I'm just going to use that I'm going to hit save and let's see what it does so if I now run it again obviously I'm not shutting it down yet but it should if it's running add it to that variable so we can see well for my first record for each VM action branching condition was not met it never went to true because remember my first VM is stopped only my second one is running so if we move to the next record the next VM action branching not met either ah but there's two statuses remember if I move to the second one I would have expected one of these to show maybe it's the next one let's keep looking at all of them see so it was skipped skipped skipped so we're gonna keep going sometimes this doesn't exactly show I do think that would have worked so let's just keep let me check my condition though expression result false one check it's definitely running yeah okay so maybe I did something wrong actually in my condition so let's go back and look at my condition again go back to my designer oh so this is strange my value is gone so that's odd so again there are some little bugs you might see so I'm actually going to go back and re-add codes that's why it didn't work is because for some reason and I've seen this happen before when it automatically adds in that for each it seems to lose what that code was so let's try and save it again okay so now we know it's there let's select R for each of each sure enough is our statuses our condition definitely has code in it this time let's run that one more time okay so fingers crossed this time so our action branching is not met if we go to our second VM actually blockchain condition not met still saying not map oh but not on this one now notice this one has just got a tick I think there's a little bit of a refresh delay so if I select it list of VMS now has a value of demo VM so it has added that value to that array because this condition evaluated to true this time so okay that's good sign it means our code is working if we look at the other status that was false if we look at the other VMS these are all false so none of these evaluated but now it found that one time it is running so we're almost there we basically just now need to actually shut down the virtual machines we need to do a deallocate and once again there's no built-in Action Now I want to add this before I add the name to the list I'm going to add a new action and once again I have to use HTTP because the Azure resource manager does not have that ability to deallocate a VM it's not built in so we go HTTP http so my method is basically exactly the same thing that I did before so once again I want to post that HTTP management so this time it is a post I'm going to use the same ID that we used before from the previous step the resource ID and this time I'm going to do a slash deallocate so again that's just from the API delicate the allocate once again I have to authenticate and I'm using the managed identity and I can hit save so at this point it should actually do something so if we were to go and look at our VMS remember the middle one is running so now if I run it well firstly it should take longer because it's not asynchronously shutting it down and notice it's not finished so now it is taking longer to actually run so this does give us a good indication that hey it's actually trying to shut down the virtual machine and the key point is it should only try and shut down that second virtual machine it shouldn't try and shut down the first or the third because it's not running because that would just waste time which is why we actually went and bothered to do the check well is it running or not so it should really give us a an intelligent flow so that's running running running running takes about 40 45 seconds so it should be much longer okay there we go and it's finished so here we can see for the first VM so that was the for each for the first one that for each status only took 0.9 seconds I it didn't do anything this branching condition was not met it never got to true for either of the statuses for our last VM he only took 0.9 seconds for our second VM the one that was running it took 41 seconds and here the branching condition if I go to look at the different statuses okay it takes a while to refresh sometimes let's try this again okay so now when we move between them we can see this step took 40 seconds the stop if we go and look at it we can actually see the method was post status succeeded so it shut down the virtual machine and if we actually go and look at my VMS now and hit refresh it stopped so I'm going to now go and restart two of them just to prove that it does actually work and meanwhile well wouldn't it be nice if we could get an email telling us hey what we shut down so I'm going to add one more step all the way at the end so let's go back to our designer now I want to do this I'm doing it outside of my for each VM outside of the for each so I'm doing this plus all the way down here at the bottom so I want to add an action and the action I want to add is simply to send an email so what am I interacting with well I'm interacting let's have a look let's search for send email so under Office 365 and yes I have an Office 365 account we have an option we have lots of options here but I can just send an email notice there's also things like send approval emails where I can have a list of options if I wanted someone to check something I could send them an approval email and then based on the response I could choose to proceed like a check gate but actually I didn't mean to do that I didn't want to send an approval email there was a click the wrong option delete that quick I want to just send a regular email so here we'll go back to send an email we know it's in the standard so it's a standard Office 365 and we would do send an email it has to authenticate to someone my managed identity does not have an email account so at this point I would have to put in a credential that I want the logic app to authenticate with to actually use the email now for this I'm just going to be lazy and use my email account so I'm just going to use my dummy John at saviletech.net account so here I just select my account which is fine ordinarily you'd probably create actually some kind of automation account and I'm just going to send it actually to me um VMS shut down I remember I could do other things here remember we still have Dynamic content we still have expressions so I could maybe add things around there's conversions there's math date and time so what's the current time so I could add in VM shutdown at whatever the time currently is and now I'm just going to say hey VMS shut down and then the list now notice it's not showing me my list of VMS variable because my list of VMS variable is an array but under big Expressions one of the things we can do here is convert the parameter to a string so now it's filled in there and in the content of the string expression I can then add in my list of VMS variable now it should add in hey those lists of virtual machines and I can hit save so now if we run this again my VMS hopefully have started by now let's just double check that Yep they're running so let's just shut down two VMS if I hit run now remember it's going to take longer now it's shutting down two VMS so if it took 40 seconds before now I'm going to expect it to maybe take over a minute so it's going to run for a period of time and through the magic of editing it will finish okay so that finished and if we look actually finished pretty quick so I'm a little bit concerned so we can see let's go and check so if we look at our VMS and refresh okay so one of them is still delicate in and if I look at my email okay VM shut down I've got a timestamp and I've got the two VMS it stopped demo VM and demo VM SRV so my email was sent successfully it is deallocating and that stopped both VMS and it just completed my first VM that one wasn't running so it never got to the condition my second VM since we have to move back and forth to get it to refresh it did meet the condition my third VM a little bit curious about this one oh it did as well 30 seconds I think maybe this timer is not correct because one of them took 30 seconds one of them took 47 so maybe I'm adding my math is wrong somewhere it doesn't seem quite right so there we can see them actually running through and it did stop um both for the virtual machines now again this is this new canvas if I switch to the old canvas for a second and you can go back and forth well then it actually shows you the results without doing those pop-out cards so it gives you more information on the canvas but it can get a little bit overwhelming so the whole point of this new canvas is I go and select each item to actually go and get the details around it and I can of course use that both for the designing and for the viewing of the executions as well now at any time firstly if I go on this left menu we see there's versions so I can go and see the different versions as I was actually authoring this logic app yes it's I started this at 4 20 this morning on a Sunday designed my brain has to warm up a little bit at first so I can see all the different versions of my logic app so I can see how you're building out over time from really basic all the way through just a little change control built in I can also under overview see a run history so here are all of the executions we did and I can always go back and see the values and again any of these I can go and get the detail of the outputs of what it was actually doing so I can go and really easily go back and troubleshoot and work the things out if something isn't behaving exactly as I wanted it to so this is really useful to leverage this there are also some workflow settings available I can use things like controlling who can access it there's options around integration accounts which is a more advanced capability that I'm not going to cover in this video there are also the idea of parameters so I could actually Define parameters and I can set default values but then change them four different maybe clones of the execution so I have ways of doing that as well but my goal of this was to really just walk through some of the key basic things now obviously my workflow here is best case I never handle well what do I do if something failed for example I could maybe have another variable if things fail and just to show you what I would do is remember this HTTP again that's not a very useful title so I'm like rename that to de-allocate the VM and coming out that and I could hit save and again remember when my condition didn't work it was just because it had lost that code I've seen that happen quite a few times when it goes and adds the four each automatically so just go back and recheck that code hasn't got removed I think there's a few bugs in this new canvas right now but they're working on them but maybe what I should have had here after I deallocate what if something goes wrong so I could add in a new step but I'm going to add a parallel branch and one of the things here is one of the built-in options for a control is called a scope and what I can do in this scope is I have this run after so I could say well after running deallocate if it's timed out is skipped is failed but is not successful so everything other than successful and I could change it to scope um if problem and now what I can do is hey if there's problems add things as part of that scope now it's got this warning again this seems to be related if I flip out and flip back to it again now the scope is working correctly the other thing I could have done is if you switch to the code view so there's a Code view of all of this I can write this just in code is if I flip to the code View and then back to the designer that seems to fix it as well so that code view is actually really nice to maybe go and take a little backup for it but now I can see the scope hey it's only in these scenarios where it didn't work maybe I've got a different variable of failures and I would add the name to the failures because by default all of these actions that I have going on right here so here we have these settings the code view testing but if I go and look at my ad VM name to list my run after is only if it's successful so it only gets its name added if there is a successful after that previous step and now if that isn't the case I have a parallel Branch where it would go if it's not successful and I do have that for some of the other things notice here my pars Json is only if it's successful so if that get VM detail had failed it wouldn't have passed the Json it would have just basically broken out of that for each and gone to the next one so this the allocate could fail very easily if I manage identity for example didn't have the right permissions maybe only had read so the allocate would have failed and it just wouldn't have written the name to the list but now I could actually go and it's like a try catch I can go and add particular things I wanted to do if that didn't work so I would now go and add maybe another variable at the start initialize a second variable then go and add hey failures then in my email I could add oh well these ones didn't successfully fail to shut down so hopefully you get the idea of this it helps you just plan out the things and I did a pretty picture scenario where I had to use a combination of things so hey I could use variables hey I could use some built-in connectors I can use some logic oh there was an API that didn't have a wrapper I connect her around so I had to do a HTTP but then it was still pretty easy I was parsing data using conditions we used Expressions when we converted the name of the variable list of VMS into an actual string this connector we added for the Azure resource manager well that will now actually show up as an API connections on this left here we have API connections we should have two we should have one for Azure resource manager and we should have one for the office 365. so when we added those connectors the use of them it automatically added an API connection which is now Associated and used by the logic app but that was it a a super high level I would have run through which I think is a pretty cool um scenario they're actually built-in tasks for shutting down VMS I basically recreated something that exists already but I wanted to walk through the same thing I did with the Azure function so you can see what are the parts involved and it does give a nice overview of the different pieces of functionality that I have so it's always um I hope that was useful and until next video take care foreign
Channel: John Savill's Technical Training
Views: 39,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure, azure cloud, microsoft azure, microsoft, cloud, serverless, power automate, microsoft flow
Id: 8cFNtL538lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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