What is Microsoft Fabric? | New Data Analytics Platform!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another video today we're gonna be talking about the all-new Microsoft fabric [Music] now Microsoft is just on a roll they're announcing things left and right and one of the new things that they just announced is something called Microsoft fabric now Microsoft is calling this a unified data analytics platform but honestly it covers a lot of different areas like data engineering data science data governance all in one place I myself have used Azure for many years so I'm really familiar with the Azure ecosystem so this got me really interested right when I saw it now there's a lot to it there's a lot of things that they're changing and updating and it looks really really good but before we jump into anything I'm going to show you the one minute trailer that Microsoft actually released that talks a lot about what Microsoft fabric actually is introducing Microsoft fabric a unified data analytics platform one product one Experience One architecture one business model unified data is stored in one link a SAS data Lake for the entire organization data is integrated and stored in an open format allowing one copy to be used to train machine learning models visualize data and run SQL queries on the lake and data warehouse a unified experience brings together all the tools data professionals need pipelines for orchestrating data movement experiments for training machine learning models semantic models for defining key metrics and much more and for business users fabric brings together data for collaborating and doing ad hoc analysis in Microsoft 365. unified governance security and compliance is built in for all your data and with copilot the Microsoft fabric AI helps everyone be more productive whether it's writing SQL statements building reports or setting up automations based on triggers all your data all your teams all in one place this is Microsoft fabric so that looks pretty awesome and at the beginning they called it a unified data analytics platform I don't know if that's exactly how I'd categorize it it really is an end-to-end solution for a lot of people just in that quick video we hit on a lot of things and I'm going to show you a lot of things that weren't in that video as well some of the things that I am the most excited about so let's start from the ground up with how you're going to be able to access your data so you're going to be able to access your data in just about any Cloud platform whether it's Azure or AWS Google Cloud platform or another cloud service now this comes with a big change to their data architecture something they're calling one Lake and I'm gonna get to that in just a little bit but they're doing this with something called shortcuts it's going to allow you to access your data wherever it is and query it without having to migrate that data over from another cloud service that in and of itself is going to be a huge upgrade something that every large company deals with it is a huge issue and there's a lot of really small third-party companies some of which I've worked with in the past that solve this issue but Microsoft is going to have this natively in Microsoft fabric now this the data is going to be read in as a virtual file from those Cloud providers but if the data is already stored in a parquet format you'll be able to read it in as a virtual table and actually query that data that parquet format is actually really important in this whole one like architecture that they've built now that really leads me into the next thing that I wanted to talk about which is just one leg as a whole they've made some really big changes of how they're going to actually store their data within one Lake they're going to store all of their data in something called an open Delta parquet format this means that no matter what service or tool you're using within Microsoft fabric it's all going to be using the same data in one link all in that same open Delta parquet format so every service engine is going to be able to access the exact same data because it's all standardized in one link Microsoft says that they chose the parquet format because it's really efficient at storing a lot of data and it's also really flexible so it can be used with a lot of analytics tools something else that I wanted to show you that they didn't talk about in that promo video is that you can access this data basically anywhere so I have OneDrive and I have multiple computers and devices and I can save something on this computer and then I can go on to this computer log into my OneDrive and I'll be able to access it on this computer one link is essentially going to have the exact same thing where you can put it into one leg and then you can access it via one Link in your file explorer now this by itself is really cool but it gets even better because like we were looking at before with those shortcuts you can access data from a different cloud provider within your one like in file explorer so you don't have to go to your Amazon S3 bucket you can just go to your one Lake that's connected to your S3 bucket and view it in your file explorer which is just it's kind of mind-blowing now not only can you view files and open files you can also upload files via your one link and file explorer so you don't have to go into one like and log in and upload something you can just go into your one Link in file explorer drag over the file drop it in there and it's going to upload into one like honestly to me this seems like one of the coolest things although it's kind of a small feature but it just would make life so much easier which when you're working with this kind of stuff that's really what you're looking for just ease of use not really having to log in and do all these things they're just making it really seamless and that's honestly what it's all about next let's take a look at their AI Integrations that they're going to have within Microsoft fabric first they're going to have llms built in so you can just chat with your data especially if you're writing python or you're doing some modeling with data science this is going to be really handy it's very much like using chat GPT within Microsoft fabric they're also going to have co-pilot in there which they're basically going to be integrating across all of their services and all their products through the entire company so this isn't a huge surprise but copilot is going to be really great for writing things like SQL queries and just asking questions about your data so when I was digging into Microsoft Fabric and just really trying to figure out everything that it does these are some of the biggest things that I saw honestly there are a lot of really great updates and great ideas we'll see how they actually work once we're able to get in there and start testing it out but it looks really really good in my opinion so honestly they're not really Reinventing the wheel here I mean a lot of these products are already Standalone products but what they are doing is they're bringing everything together in a really standardized way which is honestly just a fantastic thing for the end user so someone like me who's used Azure for many years I can attest that you would have a lot of data in silos that you'd have to do a lot of data migration for and something like this might solve that problem now again we have to wait and see how it actually works how well it works but if it works well this could solve a lot of headaches around getting all your data into one place so overall this looks like a really great product I'm super excited to get my hands on it I wish they had this three or four years ago when I was using Azure a ton but if all these things come into fruition that they all work really well I think we'll be seeing a lot of people switching or using Microsoft Fabric in the next one or two or even three years we'll see a lot of companies start to use it so I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you learned something I try to keep you guys updated on a lot of these new data analytics related stuff because these new technologies just rolling out here and I'm just trying to keep you up to date so you can know what to learn next or things that you might want to learn in the future with that being said thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate it if you like this video be sure to like And subscribe below and I'll see in the next video [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Alex The Analyst
Views: 202,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Data Analyst, Data Analyst job, Data Analyst Career, Data Analytics, Alex The Analyst
Id: 5l2d_Rv0odE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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