*LOGAN PAUL VS LEONHART!* World's BIGGEST Pokemon Cards Opening!

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what up heart squad i am here with somebody i think you all may know logan paul everybody hey and uh today today uh we're gonna be doing what has actually never been done this is gonna be the world's biggest pack battle pack battle where we are each going to be opening up not only first edition packs but they are heavy packs meaning there is more than likely a holographic card on the inside which could be a charizard card i want the 200 000 card i think i think we want to pull it but the stakes are ever so higher for this opening because we're not just opening up the first edition packs we are also going to be opening up a what is this heavy shadow this pack heavy shadowless pack and then last but not least heavy unlimited base set packs this is serious this is a big but is this like it's like 50 60 000 worth of packs oh this is at least at least okay and uh yeah and so i'm like i'm like already shaking right now usually i'm like fine but um but we're also doing this for a good cause as well for the national alliance and mental illness i'm currently doing a charity for them and uh what's going to happen of how we're going to be doing this rules wise it's like who pulls the lesser valuable cards yeah so i had this idea i was like okay uh it's a pack battle right so whoever pulls the least valuable card in each pack donates a thousand dollars to his charity yes and at the moment we're well over a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars raised today and so i'm really hoping that we can do some more good you got something coming up later this week i do i do uh so this friday october 9th 6 pm pst i'll be unboxing 200 000 box base that booster box first edition cards yeah it's real exciting it'll be live on my youtube channel and actually uh i will be what's the benefactory i'll be benefiting he's going to have to be buying providing awareness uh for the current charity for me right yeah for your channel yeah yeah it's gonna be awesome i'm very very grateful for that we're collabing in many ways we did a guest degree on my channel uh so it's all just exciting stuff and i'm glad to be here on your channel yeah and so be on the lookout for that but i think we should begin okay and uh who should go first for this uh all right i'm i'm i'm so nervous okay i've been waiting all week for this yeah we've been waiting uh waiting a long time for this so i'm gonna go first so this is an unlimited base set pack now this should be a heavy pack but i'm putting a uh psa out there that at the chance that it's not then i mean this auto round goes to you but you're still gonna have to open up your pack and pull something good no problem i'll do it i have a good luck lately perfect so uh let's go ahead with this obviously we want to pull charizard blastoise or venusaur from this okay and uh here we go you're really aggressive with the opening oh my god oh yeah yeah sorry what are you doing 100 500 down so i'm gonna do something called the car trick so you take three cards from the top put them in the front and away we go oh it's of course it's a magikarp so let's begin magikarp far-fetched oh i completely forgot you got to have sleeves ready so i got pokeball sleeves ready and then top loaders because if we pull something good i mean we're going gonna be going crazy keep it safe protect it machop drowsy energy removal tangula energy energy and oh man we're off to a great start wow and it looks like it's in like perfect shape oh my gosh wait why does it look like there's no stars in the am i tripping no it's barely like in the light yeah you can barely see it let's take a look at the back dude this is actually in great shape like there may be maybe just the light maybe a little like ding right there but the centering and everything watch for this is great so let's put it in a sleeve i mean i'm very happy that there was actually something in it that's strong that's a really strong uh card for you i'm pretty happy about it it wasn't a polygraph thank you go ahead and say that you know paul your rash though all right i think it's uh it's your turn take it away here we go wait is this like your first time doing like a on for a youtube video yes yeah i pulled yeah i pulled the blastoise on my podcast which was uh exciting that was pretty crazy i feel like i'm going to do it again are you putting a call in yeah yeah are you putting a call in ladies and gentlemen all right so he says blastoise i'm gonna say what if we pull another alakazam and we get a tie for the first one then we both donate and we both donate all right fair all right better be careful there all right so three cards all right here we go oh no i've never done it like this all right here we go yeah it's it's tough you have to be like paying attention and then multitasking at the same time yeah it's much tougher and then also making sure like it's centered on screen the lighting is good you guys have no idea what this guy puts his body through troubles all right revive card super cool poliwhirl yeah all right super potion magnemite pidgey poliwag just the way this is going i feel like i'm gonna get a polly wrath um uh bill we love bill onyx energy energy energy right you okay yeah i know i think i know i think i take this one i think so too i think i take this one but wait let's take a look at it let's see the condition of it though it actually looks like it has pretty good centering man maybe some print lines on it okay what do you think what do you do the expert extra this is a beautiful card i think it's a pretty good card man this is like a nine yeah probably like an eight or a nine i would say all right yeah so let's let's get it in the sleeve before we drop it and then uh there it goes this is fantastic man so there we have it ladies and gentlemen for the first two packs the heavy and limited packs and i'm already like shaking right now because of this yeah here we show both of them on screen real quick we can also let people just like kind of decide in the comment section who do you think won the first round yeah raichu let us know comment section below but i think it's time and i'm gonna let you do the honors of getting to the shadowless pack yeah i i have a shadowless 10 blastoise i have a shadowless pen venusaur i want to shadowless 10 charizard so bad this could be your chance i know this could be the chance to get it you ready to pull out confetti cannons yeah here we go and the lights and the lights here we go this is like it's like it was like here with the heavy unlimited now it's like i know really getting up there with the shadowless one um these packs are expensive they're really expensive packs i think these are 2500 each they may be more at this yeah but okay probably around that especially especially the fact that they're heavy packs the price is like amplified just because you know you're more than likely getting something so i'll move these out of the way these are yours uh he's so gentle with it it's so good yeah i like this i like to be super careful with it hey this i think my pack has actually came back in decent conditions you got to save the pack cards too people i know i know i've been saving them um all right here we go yeah just make sure it's more on this side that's a nice first pool i love rk9 like i think he's i think he's hella underrated he's a good dog he actually in a more easy guitar he's a good boy boy all right shadowless rknight strong jinx yeah oregon ponita all right wait quickly sorry to stop you oh no just so people know shadowless means there's no shadow on the side that in the hp font is a bit different that's it just wanted to say that okay ponita oh man starmie star you voltorb vulpix energy [Music] energy [Music] wow this is like almost like as much as like an auto round goes to me for this one unless i pull a poly wrap too but wait wait let's let's at least see it if it's psa 10 that's still a really big deal kind of maybe uh centering is a little off from top to right and left but the condition is the corner there's there's not many or anything so that's good let's check look at the back and uh one little thing one little thing up there but centering looks better on the back and the front and do you see anything on like the corners i i don't uh there's a little thing here on that corner on that corner okay well it's polygraph what can you do poly rat i jinxed myself i said i haven't i don't know i think i started it i was like oh what if we just want to avoid polywrath and then yeah you kind of did jinx yourself so but that's okay that's okay we don't want that for the first edition packs okay fine this is fine it's fine so this specific pack is logan's pack but this one obviously is going you know it's gonna be my pull so we have to see who gets the better pull and then whoever obviously he's already gonna have to pay a thousand automatically just for paul you're out no but we'll see we'll see what i can get in this shadowless one i'm really hoping that i if we get that charizard or even a blastoise for venusaur it's going to be amazing so watch us get polywrath but here we go all right starting off with a war turtle seal revive nidoran mail drowzee potion bulbasaur strong that's very nice wait look this also has the air wrong i mean the air for length and length it's supposed to be length and weight i didn't know that that's pretty crazy actually an error bulbasaur shadowless and it looks it looks it looks really good like centering and everything looks really good with this so onyx energy [Music] energy chansey very nice yeah that is a very very good one so chansey is actually very good so uh let's take a closer look at that one um i don't see dude i don't see any print lines or anything on this one uh centering looks almost perfect but it's still like really good centering no scuffs on that one and let's take a look this is fantastic that's a beautiful car this blows the pulley out of the water so uh yeah i think i got this one but let's gently put that in there and uh yeah that's cool that's actually a really good one chansey has such low populations whether it be in first edition or even shadowless so getting it just how it is right now it's in really good condition too that's a good one fantastic so um what are we at i think are we moving on already yeah we're here and oh my gosh i've lost twice so i'm i'm in deep two thousand dollars for your charity thus far uh hopefully the tables turn now maybe and now oh wait so is it am i going first with this one yeah oh my gosh okay dang all right ladies and gentlemen we're at the main event uh heavy first edition base set pack each of these goes for well over 10 to like 15 000 now at least uh we're gonna be opening up four of them now i'm gonna go first obviously the top four cards you want to pull the charizard the man himself blastoise venusaur and last but not least a chancy uh because chansey has such a low population now we pulled it in shadowless form that chansey that was awesome very cool uh but now we're going with these and i have pulled the first edition face that charizard before rest in peace yes rest in peace it was either stolen or lost in the mail thank you usps but enough on that we are gonna pull another one today one of us at least so okay i you have to save i need to save the pack art because even the packards are worth this oh man look at that if you don't shred it to pieces you think like i would know how to do this no so the first edition pack arts are actually thinner like they're not as strong as the other ones so you do have to be a bit more careful but i mean obviously i don't mean so oh man so this is potentially a holographic and it looks like it has good centering and everything cool so now i'm definitely shaking a bit more and uh here we go okay deep breath every single one of these so we're not just looking out for those hollows there's air cards red cheeks pikachu if we can get a red cheeks pikachu yellow cheeks any of the starters uh bulbasaur charmander squirtle all right here we go kakuna and also look out for grey stamps because i pulled those before too magmar first energy diglett star you energy oh i thought that was a bulbasaur are we getting on to it no all right switch and i think after this should be another energy oh my god oh man all right getting really nervous about it all right and all right holographic all right all right all right all right let's take a look centering is a tad off from right to left uh this gives you a good chance to win this round man i'm a big fan of raichu but at the same time as far as cards and value-wise it's it's like in the middle range uh looks like there's a little ding at the top up there some dings over there but the bottom looks good i don't see any print lines or surface okay so that's a really good thing for that so i'm gonna get this in a sleeve and we're wanting the big four everybody so and not a polywrath so all right putting these to the side and uh take it away on yours here we go i'm not nervous i'm so nervous i'm so nervous and you gotta be careful like you know when i'm ruining the cards man it's like thousands of dollars i know josie uh send me your your good luck she uh asked me if i wanted her to wear her charizard costume it's dedicated usually i've absolutely do absolutely destroyed this pack oh no uh it's fine you know i think yeah let's just uh just pretend like that didn't happen let's just pretend like that didn't happen okay all right the cards are safe cards are safe that's the most important i still going to uh yeah three cards i got i'm gonna be honest with you just looking at the back of the holographic card yeah it's pretty strong it looks pretty good all right here we go all right careful with them we got jinx jinx hi jinx okay it's a nice card full heel polly you win that round man yes that's a really good one that in perfect form goes for over ten thousand dollars fantastic how does it even even in eight and nine it still goes for thousands and thousands of dollars okay let's take a look at it though to see uh centering wise it looks like it's it's decent centering it's not perfect but i don't think i see any do you see a mark on there i i don't see any marks or anything on the front so that's really good actually besides the centering this is this is pretty strong i feel like yeah what do you see on there i don't see anything that's pretty good man yeah that's potential psa9 right there okay cool that's really good so uh thousand dollars from charity for me this is the first round you won yeah wait so the best we can do is either i get this next round then i win the whole thing or then we just tie it right yeah we're gonna try it if you get it the last one but okay congrats on that man so wait can we let's just show him real quick yeah so he got the mewtwo i got the right shoe so fantastic i can see that round he got that so man i wait i can't believe though we haven't pulled any uh bulbasaur squirtle or charmander or a pizza you had that one bulbasaur the air air ball oh wait wait dude uh yeah it was in the shadows oh it was the shadowless one but i'm talking about like first edition ah so uh yeah all right now we're moving on this is uh final pack that i have first edition heavy basset pack i'm gonna i'm gonna put a call in i'm gonna say like venusaur yay venus but i want the charizard and uh let's go so i'm gonna try to see when you were opening it it kind of just like melts like butter when you're trying to like open up these packs and it's just wait is this a good one oh i did a decent job with this one very happy about that all right pass on back for that oh that looks good that looks really good like centering-wise that does look really good okay well here we go nidorino magikarp professor oak switch vulpix that almost looks like a gray stamp that kind of does actually grayish stamp grayish energy that's a sign charizard voltorb machop energy is it coming up is poliwag which is actually another little bit of a gray stamp i think it's after this is this sevdos all right okay that's not bad zapdos is actually one of my favorite pokemon growing up so zapdos this is stressful dude it's very stressful thing is this looks absolutely perfect on the front i'm very happy about that actually because this still gets psat let's see is it a 10 there may be some whitening at the top right yeah it looks like there's a little bit of whitening the other corners look fantastic nothing on the edges all right so this is at least a psa9 back at 9.5 so i'm very i'm happy about that obviously it wasn't the charizard but this leaves room for you to uh clean up this round basically that we got so i'll let you take it away yo this is this is a big deal uh my girlfriend's sitting behind the camera with a confetti cannon ready let's give it a hand that's right uh yeah i i really want her to be able to use that yeah and the lights do you know why still lights are so great they make you feel great ah good luck are you sorry i'm like it's still like shaking like i know i didn't pull the craziest ones but still sitting here doing what we're doing for charity and just being sitting here with you man too oh this is really awesome i'm i am honored to do this with you as my first like card pool cool before all right it just makes so much it gets you like warmed up through the livestream exactly all right so three cards oh man good luck man at this point i want to see you pull something crazy uh uh did you eat three right yeah that back looks perfect okay guys yeah i'm really happy the conditions have been good too okay pokemon gods i hope you hear me send me your strength bless me with the magic of the charizard there does your work far-fetched ivysaur that's a good one to get good fantastic pokemon center gotta heal up it's important energy yeah great drowsy you stay sleepy poliwag you stay wet energy there you go yeah that's a good one that's a good one yeah yeah he's good he's real psa that's about several thousand yeah right okay cool potion onyx that's actually a really really good one like like even i know it's on the charizard but alakazam is incredible in the first edition i love this guy the center we get can we oh my gosh uh his centering is just atrocious entering off i mean oh we'll still get some confetti sweet sweet but still uh no that's it's still pretty good minus the centering i don't think i see anything else or anything like that uh so so so i i i think i won the round eh set uh charmander and alakazam alakazam yeah you did man okay so wait is this a tie i guess so yeah that's a tie battle yeah all right so that was still pretty crazy logan thanks so much for coming on now you're gonna you know kind of take it over with the first edition base at box opening yeah anything you want to say before we head out uh thank you for having me on your channel yeah guys uh we're gonna be benefiting leon's charity uh on the live stream this friday october night at 6pm pst i don't know if this is my place i do have one heavy shadowless pack that we can open for fun if you want sure yeah all right you know it's maybe a little bonus yeah got a little bonus content yeah especially if you want to get uh more confetti out if we get like if uh yeah i don't know what else i'm going to open it you know what i'm saying all right so we're going to open up the shadow this one now yeah a little extra this is my it's my last pack and we want the big three flash toys venus or charizard yep yep let's see what we can do yep and uh yeah nice uh we got the nice background now with the confetti yeah so it makes it nice here we go here we it's a little go all right here we go here we go full heal cocoona plus power all right abra i like him one energy right after this again two shadows chances two shadowless chances is that one in gracie it's good shape too i'm no greater but that looks beautiful nice i mean that's like like the fourth best one that you can pull so fourth best one so that's pretty good so we'll take it um let's get that in the sleeve and once again logan thanks so much for opening up these packs with me uh everybody leave a like and let us know in the comment section like was it a tie do you think we should eventually in the future try this again i think so probably oh yeah i don't think we can leave it as a time my name is lean heart stay also stay positive this is hey i'm jake paul's brother and we will see y'all in the next video peace you
Channel: Leonhart
Views: 2,724,298
Rating: 4.8434396 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, pokemon cards opening, logan paul, logan paul pokemon cards, pokemon logan paul, logan paul pokemon, opening pokemon cards, vintage pokemon cards, rare pokemon cards, pokemon packs, charizard, base set pokemon, opening pokemon, pokemon opening, pokemon, leonhart, leonhart pokemon, leonhart54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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