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oh guys literally all i see seven days a week 24 hours a day is this face right here and today i'm sick of it i'm sick of this guy looking at me i'm sick of this guy looking at me and i'm thinking these guys looking at me when you're gonna track down the rainbow rare fat version of that vlog in a cardboard today but ladies and gentlemen today is gonna be the day today we're gonna find none other than rainbow rare pikachu if you believe in that literally demolish the like button and if you haven't seen yesterday's video we literally cracked open over a hundred and i'm not even making that up it is a 46 or seven minute video where we cracked open a hundred plus vivid voltage aka fat pikachu boosters and all we were looking for was the one rainbow rare pikachu v max card we didn't pull it and then that video got over 5 000 likes in the first three hours you guys were like ando we're not going to stop supporting you until you find none other than that famous v-max pikachu we've got pogba kiss v as the very first pull of the box well i mean boxes six six boxes aka one booster case don't worry endo did make a smart financial decision and purchase over a thousand dollars in biv voltage boxes to try and track down one 600 card but that's okay let's just do it let's just believe in the heart of the cards i just oh gosh the feeling if we finally track it down after hunting all of the end last year opening i want to say this is around 10 or 11 oh sugar that's what you want is that our second pack in okay today is going to be good i can literally feel it i woke up so excited but jirachi amazing rare and a colossal b-max that's a really good double header we always seem to get v-max's after amazing reds if we're getting the double cheeseburger and by the way amazing rays have really held up in price value like some of them especially the rayquaza one it's like a 36 38 card that's actually selling for that amount so jirachi amazing rare and colossal v-max wow that's unreal i know colossal's not a fan favorite similar to address like i don't know he gets a real raw end of the deal no one really likes him that much but that's awesome what a way to start it off yeah i just woke up out of bed this morning i'm like i'm gonna do it i literally first thing i did drive the coffee shop had a shower and now i'm here i was so determined all i could think about last night was if we can get this pikachu right here in the form of the shiny rainbow rare and you guys absolutely love my plan i'm gonna send it straight to beckett express if we end up pulling it and i'm going to grade it in hopes that we can get our first ever black label which is like beyond a psa 10 grading they put it under a microscope and they won't find anything wrong with it they'll give it a black label rating of our big giant fat pikachu everyone let's just pray for let's pray for the best i'm really hoping it comes out soon because my dream would be how to save a couple of these booster packs my personal collection this is a set that i really really enjoy i've got a 80b to the side which i really don't want to break open i want to keep this ecb sealed um and then same goes with a couple of these packs like i'd love to have a few open vivid voltage boosters in my collection room in my uh studio setup in the other room because i am building that out at the moment and it'd just be really cool to have a few of these pikachu booster boxes around especially pikachu packs because i feel like pikachu's my favorite i don't know pokemon to collect things off not necessarily like my favorite pokemon pokemon but i believe that the products he's on it's some of the coolest around and especially this set here it's an iconic set it's really really sick wow another solar grain so it'd be amazing to try and yeah just have a few left over so i'm praying we can get it today without opening up the rest of these 116 packs or whatever it is but knowing my luck we're gonna have to literally open every last pack dust clubs and a mudsdale oh no yeah i think we're gonna have to open every last pack and then knowing my luck as well it's gonna have to be like etb we're gonna have to crack that one open then i have to go down the shops in a part three and i don't know buy the whole shopping center out delphimize taylor yanma whoopa d danny beck then a matang and a flareon we're back on the eeveelution train guys it's ridiculous all right there we go back on the white and greens baby every time it's white and green i get a bit of a funny feeling it literally it could be that pack rocky helmet alistair mitsang execute like right here we could be ending it all this could be the final couple of seconds of our search of the pikachu it's a regular holo sacrum and don't get me wrong there's nothing bad about the hollow zekrom right here but it is just a hollow zekrom it's not the good old chunky chew himself all right it's a celebrity this time really hoping we can get another couple of uh requires or amazing rares because yeah as i said i i literally have no idea how these amazing reds have stood up so well in price but they're very sought after maybe it's because people right now this is the main like sort of release out everyone's trying to complete their collections so everyone needs like that requisite and maybe it's the hotness one to paul genesect i swear this must be part of some sort of reprint i reckon this isn't the first print of vivid voltage i reckon this is some kind of reprint because i am definitely getting more holo cards than i ever have before and getting less full lock cards have you noticed that like yesterday what did we get like two or something we didn't get that many oh no boys did you think that was it every time i see a rainbow rare i swear i pooped my pants that is unreal though we got beauty rainbow red they do exist oh we're so close we were that close guys i just want to say thank you so much for sticking with me because holy smokes this is it just reinforces in any moment it could be popping up and holy that was it okay rainbow red beautiful up what do you guys reckon not a bad one it is miss cut a little bit like this is super thin and then that's thick as anything i don't know how they keep doing this i know how to keep miscutting the cards a little bit like centering wise i'm yet to see a really perfect voltage card so if we can get the chunky chew i'd be happy that is crazy though so that's our first rainbow rare out of a hundred plus viv voltage packs so that's me telling you guys this is a tough set to get anything out of let alone the one big pikachu card wow we got a beauty rainbow rare full lot what are the chances of us getting another one soon i don't know let's just go from everywhere you know what i'm gonna go booster box booster box booster box top top booster box that's how we're gonna do the ratio we're gonna do a little bit of everything because i think if we're going from the same position not going to get us anywhere so let's go booster box it's an orbeez right now let's open you up holy smokes i'm tossing up whether we start doing the speed opening method in a little bit i think we'll do it around i don't know maybe around like the 20 minute mark or something start doing like some mad speed openings because oh yes okay okay you know what you know what this could be it i got it it's happening it's gotta come up soon this is our second reverse charizard and i kid you not these reverse tourists are so popular right now there are websites that are legit selling them for 40 australian dollars i'm not making that up i was on a website last night that was selling it for that much i don't know if it actually sold because on ebay these sell for around 16 to 20 um but there's websites trying to get 40 bucks for these so that is an unreal paul reverse charizard coming i'll come back to all of these don't worry on the um on the recap at the end i've got all the yesterday's pulls there as well i'd love to show you guys because one of my personal favorite things to do when we open up ridiculous amount of boosters just go over the recap like aren't you fascinated don't you ever think about like hmm if i opened up a whole this is what i think about anyway i'm a weirdo if i open up a whole case of a voltage what's the recap looking like do i get i don't know x amount of hollows do i get how many amazing rares i feel like yesterday we really just outdid ourselves on the amazing rare train and yesterday it's dulled down a bit but yesterday at the same time didn't get a single rainbow rare and that was kind of weird so i'm hoping today the ratio goes up a little bit gives me a bit of hope for pulling that oh we're getting a lot of these toggy kisses guys i know i'm hoping that um yeah the rainbow ratio goes up a bit so i can try and get that pikachu but we'll see how we go man every single solar green slightly depressing a little bit put you to the side let's go go to watertight i'm gonna clean this desk up kramer ant drone rotum so many booster boxes in the background there's still a good chance every time you get that one of those b drills it's not pure depression because i still have not only just these three booster boxes but all the packs on the top the packs in the top bit of the uh that's like the big red button oh no oh no everything fell to bits what did i drop anything special no whooper and then a shift tree okay that's a sign that's a sign that's getting a bit too messy down here let me clean it up and we'll get back to you i read this amazing comment on yesterday's video and someone was like ando my favorite part when you do these big openings is how insane you go like you make the stupidest decisions you make some crazy mistakes and the phrases you use get weirder and weirder and it's so true like i in a 20-minute opening i feel like i'm always on i'm good to go but after like 40 minutes of opening cards and not finding the one thing you're looking for i agree i just go loopy i go crazy i'm sick of this scalarian dominant 10. i reckon total kiss and this one most doubled up card in the whole set but hey hey hey let's be appreciative we got a v card it's okay i'm just saying these are my most common ones i've got the most of easily six or five of them so far in saying that though little timmy i wouldn't personally worry about it because uncle lando's opened up a ridiculous amount of etbs and booster boxes as i said this set this food voltage set it's my most open set of anything on the whole channel i've never opened this many boosters of anything in my whole life let's go for a steal xv okay that's pretty good haven't seen too many steel xps that's how i'd like it that's my like ideal pokemon ratio 210 on the attack though guys not even too bad i wouldn't even mind mega stealing shiny gold card coming soon ah it's another solar green come on rayquaza amazing rare that's what we're going for now it's almost a 40 card if we got 10 of them i could buy the one pink background pikachu card yo maybe that's our like what is it third episode ando uses all the money he's gonna sell if we sell everything that we get in today's uh and yesterday's opening right we put all the money into a kiddie pool and i buy whatever i'm missing the rainbow rare the pink background that would be hilarious like i didn't even know if we could afford it maybe we are just maybe we could just afford it but that loki be a pretty funny idea do you reckon we should do that okay who's with me if i don't pull rainbow red pikachu if i didn't pull pink background pikachu i will fund every uh ever like we'll sell every single card we got all the hollows and yo we'll do that on the recap today if we don't get it we'll add up all the money from all these guards and see if we can afford what we're looking for and then i'll go on ebay or something or maybe i can instagram dm a couple of collectors around here see who's got what we're looking for and we'll buy the card like this can be i don't know that could be a fun episode what a stupid ending i really want to pull it though i don't want to buy it i mean it would be a good meme but i'd love to keep all of my pokemon cards and i'd love to have a few spare boosters and to say i've got the rainbow red pikachu it's a colossal v-max no why is it another colossal g-max boulder an eruption shot all right it's a good old colossal b-max come on white green yes that's what i'm talking about that's it it's another chance it's like i can i can literally see the finish line i can make out the shape of it but i've got no idea what i'm getting there i'm stopped for a water break right now okay it's got a mud braid joltik weedle taylor sandile grap locked why is colossal literally haunting my dreams right now we're just about done we're just about done with the boosters on top of the left hand side booster box right now amazing reds seem to be few and far in between so maybe we really have dried up the old uh pool yesterday choo-choo riolu chimecho but today i'm not gonna stop opening pokemon cards until we find pikachu like even if i go through the whole lot we go through the whole i don't care today i'm going to open every pack if i need to i'm not making a third part of opening up this if you guys are down i just need you to go maybe go down to the hardware shop get your deck chairs big bucket of popcorn get some ice put your drinks in there it's gonna be a long day all right uncle lando's determined i'm gonna i've got a big old cup of coffee right here like i'm good to go so as long as you're set we're gonna open up this until the sun goes down even then we'll whack on some lights and we're going to keep going i don't know how long all this is going to take so i've got a couple hundred here and then i got my etb to the side and if he is really bad i've got i think i've got another etb oh i can open up i got some mail in the other room and i reckon we could open that up and there might be another etb sent from a company but i'm not too sure we'll go through it if it gets to that stage where endo's opening up mail to try and find this pikachu then it gets to that stage weedle dude i swear we're gonna have to go through all these aren't we all the top end ones it's oh it sucks because you know what i have flashbacks i'm literally i was just talking afresh um his fresh asian on twitter and he opened his first ever pokemon booster box like i kid you not never opened one in his life got it on his first box rainbow red pikachu and i'm out here doing this shrubbish oh it's not even too bad i was like i was so curious like hang on where's the reverse it's because it's an amazing rare my most doubled up amazing rare ever and a hollow leon what do you guys think a good old raiku actually our first one in this whole box opening pretty gnarly as i mentioned before i love the fact that these are textured i love the way amazing rares look and i'm really down to just double up on them as much as possible today i'm keen to build out another amazing rare kind of binder it's nuts to me how much uh yeah demand there is for them which also leads me to think i don't think they're going to turn out like brake cards brake cards i don't reckon ever took off i reckon when they first came out like the first of a set people are that's cool but no one really loved them so i already think amazing reds have a bit of an advantage over them widdle taylor sandile bro what is going on we're done that's just a box now okay let's do it let's go come on it's a white and green this is it this is it i'm finished after this let's go let's go come on pikachu let's get out of hiding at least give me the pink background one like if you're not going to give me the ultra valuable rainbow rare fat giant b-max pikachu oh that is sick that's so sick taiwan flame full of b-cod oh that's gorgeous not the carbon looking for but still straight flames quite literally that's awesome though i've never seen this up close in person what do you guys think i love that blue in the background wow fast flight and bright wing this is why i love opening pokemon cards like you forget there's other cards i want to pull i mean there's amphoros fuller in this as well which looks gorgeous unreal i love it okay tail i'm playing v chord just letting us know there are still random footlots to get let's get one from the middle here i feel like you know what we got that full up from the top there the chance of getting another full light oh that's what i'm talking about chance again now the fallout from the top were a bit slim so let's just randomly pluck out a random booster from the middle what do you think wilma cottony and then oh did you think it was pikachu i didn't okay it's ambrose though that's okay i don't mind ambrose we got the marie in the background shout out to marie gang let's put our amphorace at the back let's go for another random boost pack another side oh yeah we're getting too lucky getting all those wine greens back to back what could possibly be in here unlisted leaf nuzleaf then a giraffe rig mod brave joltik weedle taylor sandal let's go for another one i don't care i think eventually it looks like we're gonna get all the all right let's just start speed opening these bad boys what are we getting on those solar greens it's a quagsire all right let's go for an all beetle if it's a white green we have properly open it but i think if it's a solid green we're gonna get through this let's go lucario right there and a crocodile oh boys literally i feel like a real professional opener right now this is where speed kicks in that's what i'm talking about that's why you're gonna do it and no matter what i'm always giving away the code card vaporeon and a garbadur i'm always giving away the code card so don't worry at all little timmy there will still be 216 codes given away holy that's about time all right fourth in the back everyone we got darkness type stone energy then we got electric cocoona got a whismur shrubbish sign mo come on tornadoes no hologenesics swear we've never got this many hollows in my life now definitely due for i reckon another couple of uh rainbow rares like think about it there should be one cigarette per box so we got six boxes so at least six cigarettes we've got the rainbow rare and we've got the gold obstagoon yesterday but really that's about it like i'm waiting for something else blitzel and a whale lord got a couple of those as well i've got this a rude i mean maybe if you want to count the fuller cards you can but i still feel like we're due for more than that another white green good news okay psychic type mariana pincurchen loudred wooper meowf kotni let's go that's what i'm talking about that's why that's literally why i get mad valerian dominican v cod again all right it's a celebrity pack can we get good old no celebrity amazing rare there's the code card for the giraffe rig and the charizard yes okay so this is the regular rare version actually pretty crazy we got two of the reverse versions and then we go and get the charizard regular rare version bit miscot like thick the earth in there but not too bad i'm the uh captain of picking out all the missed cuts now because i've just got pure anxiety that we're going to get one good hit and it's just going to be severely miscarried so this one's a piggy peck reverse with a lucario regular air come on or beetle it's worrying me because i've almost completed all the bulk on top of the booster boxes four from the back we got metal type we're just going we're literally gunning it i told you get your deck chair out because we're going through it we bat charmander taylor whooper add your slash be card the non-fan favorite okay so we got another chomping shirt this one's the pikachu pack and we might clean up the set again it's getting nuts i reckon there's something in this one even though it's a solid green no telescopic sight and a whimsicott okay zero plucking you from the shop right now these are easy to open i'll give you that these boosters are a bit thinner than normal we've got a ninja ask reverse and a clefable come on celebi even a celebrity amazing rare let's go for that that's what i like to see white and green four swinging around we got electric type once i get through the bulk i reckon at the top of these booster boxes i'll clean the set up and then it's all down to three boxes which aren't even full by the way that's funny goes back to the original snorlax right there these boxes aren't even full they're like half full of voltage so it's my biggest fear if it comes down those boxes and we don't actually get anything we're looking for how creamy right there this is difficult let me know in the comments who's got it who's actually gone yep that's it that's it who's actually gonna pull either one of the pikachus and if you have definitely tweet me let me know metal tie energy heroes metal stun fist whale my weedle beldum vampy dust goal genesis it's as bad as glaring dominance in tokyo kiss again i reckon that's our third one okay after this is our final booster pack that's it that's what i want to see i mean i know riku is easily our most doubled up card but whatever as i said at this point this is all i care about getting those amazing rants so they can look beautiful in the binder together i know it's a double up you guys probably don't care at this point too much i still find it really cool i love amazing res celebrity time okay hopefully i'm really hoping you guys are still having fun watching these videos i know they go forever that was so great though oh but it's all about the hunt i love the hunt shed ninja okay all beetle time guys and then i can the final eight on top of there i'll clean up and it's down to the final three booster boxes fourth in the back it's a white and green this could be it this could be it this is probably the end all right you ready everyone set metal go go colorless then we got stone energy meowth chimecho blitzel slugma this is gonna be it this is gonna be it this is gonna be our white and green right here oh yes that's what i'd like to see give me the white and greens i'm so curious though where's our other hyper reds or secret rares at least like really is this like a reprint and really ruthless or something because this is nuts blitzel no another colossal it's just those pokemon like colossal togekiss we're doubling off left right and center on okay another chance i'll be fair does give us a few but i'm pretty sure i think it's the colossal something goes for 2.50 one of those v cards is so common the resale is like 250. okay sandal oshawa pineco clefairy sign mo bro dustnor hollow card the final five then that's it i've done all the bulk at the top what made it look like such an epic opening i don't even care whatever that was no i think that was a solid green but let's do it metang mariana beauty oshawott got a pineco clefairy synmo grap locked regular rare please please i'm being you'd be so cool to be able to keep three open booster boxes but it's not going to do it to us is it yup charmander reverse which is a good one i like keeping my charmander reverses in my charm aliens because i just feel like having that set especially it's so rare to get the charizard reverse so when you get the charmeleon the charmander save them up and you can have that whole evolution line which looks nuts unlisted leaf energy to start it off double up on the unlisted leaf energy that's always good sign yanmar i'm gonna find my reverse and then okay let's pull this one here and ladies and gentlemen i'll see you in the next universe what's going on that's ridiculous holy spikes i actually i mean literally i'm in literal disbelief right now like you can you see the physical tears in my eyes i i oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this look at this look at this look at this oh holy aunt jemima in west virginia this is literally the definition of like success of if you put your mind to it you can do it if you open it up boost backs it'll get there eventually i can't actually physically believe i pulled it i've done it i literally pulled rainbow rare shonky chew aka rainbow rare pikachu v-max card look everything about it is so sick look at these shadings though like crimson sort of pinky red then dark blue light blue green yellow red oh it's so good looking and this is actually not that miscot i reckon this might be a like the smidges bit thicker than that but who cares this is probably a psa 10 i don't know about a black label um oh gosh i can't i'm fizzy i actually can't believe i've done that and okay i think you know what i reckon we'll open these ones i'll clear this off do the recap and we'll open these ones and then i'll keep these three boost boxes for my personal collection i am so happy i get the keep boosters sealed i mean if we find pink background pikachu i've got so many more vivid voltage products down the road that's cool but this is really what i was looking for this is the cream on the crop this is what every pokemon card collector right now wants and i've done it oh this is so good honestly might actually be the best day of 2021 so far i'm not in making that up i think it is i also banged my knee so hard on the desk out of shock that i pulled this card it's bruised i don't know if i can show you guys that's physically my whole kneecap is killing me right now i need to ice it oh my god i'm getting so much pain but i couldn't care less this is unreal oh there's a there's a spider web up there that's interesting anyway let's uh let's clear this desk off i want to do a recap of what we got out of our 216 booster opening and then we can stare at this card some more dude we did it we pulled pikachu rainbow rare chonkychoo [Music] so guys i just want to extend the biggest thank you to every single person to watch the video all the way up until now like i honestly know it's such a big adventure but that's like that's how you gonna do it that's how you do pokemon cards um it's not gonna be quick and easy like we've definitely had moments where it's been quick and easy but i knew this would be a struggle like that it literally has a ratio i think of one in a thousand packs so the fact we even got it on this one is incredible and i'm so blessed and fortunate i can't believe it but let's have a recap this is what we got so far and i don't even know i'd be in the rest of these but i really don't think another pikachu's in there definitely like that was already too hard to get but we did get a good amount of charizard look at this reverse regular rare reverse that's almost like 80 bucks worth of charizards now let's go through the hollows because i don't know about you guys but i definitely feel that we got more hollows in this opening than i have on any other big giant one i got a weird feeling that this is some kind of reprint or like this is one of the newer reprints i've just done because there definitely wasn't this many holocausts in the first slot of the voltage we opened up but let me know has it always been like this and maybe i had my like rose-colored glasses on or something but it is pretty hectic a bunch of whale or dust goals now we are under the good stuff the v v-max and cigarettes and amazing rares so let's have a look at these and the full lots so we got togekiss v which seemed to double up steel xv and galerion dominant set and colossal those three are the ones we got the most of agile slash as well was pretty common colossal togekiss pikachu we did get a stack of these actually yesterday and you already know like it was sort of hinting towards it there's at least one pikachu in every single booster box got one zeroed and then colossal v-max this is where the v-max's start agile slash and colossal are the poopy v-max's of the set but then you go and get that pikachu v-max colossal togekiss another pikachu and the fact we got look at this let me get my rainbow rare version it's the same dude just rainbow rare and colored unreal that's so cool um and then we go and pull this i'm gonna make sure i don't damage that cause we're gonna get that bad boy graded then we got the amazing rest okay so how many did we get we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven we got eleven amazing rares that is awesome then we went and got drapey on v full art tail on flame be trainer for lot then we went and got golden gallerian obstagoon on the first was it the first pack the second pack out of this whole opening and the rainbow rare beauty secret lot two gorgeous cards which probably you know what if i wasn't looking for the pikachu would be the highlight the whole opening it's the coolest thing ever this is unreal that we got that but check this out that is both of them second tier to the greatest thing on planet earth right now which is the rainbow rare pikachu v-max for lot ladies and gentlemen search for chunky chew is finally over he's got his cousin at the back who's looking a bit sad at the moment this is unreal now let me put these to the side i need to sleep them all up in a second and let's actually open up i want to do the final four actually it's the final five let's open up the final five top of these ones right here and see if we can't get i'm fully addicted but i feel like they're on top for a reason let's get rid of this bulk right here and once we get rid of the bulk i've got my booster boxes and i'm going to take these straight to the collection room and have them on display forever shed ninja wow gallerians i'm going to attend v-max there's always something spicy in those ones and we didn't even get that one that's our first ever gallery in dominican b-max this has to be a new method you know ando opens up the remaining packs at the end of the recap i'm loki getting around it though i love spicing up the recap you know rewards everyone that watches it evie c dot clefairy leon and a b why why it of course it has to be a b drill doesn't it another regular grain this is just like it solidifies why you don't want to open up more those regular greens are lurking everywhere let's try execute and then not even an amazing rare second to last pack oh my gosh it finishes on a chunky chew that's so fitting i love it i love it voltage hands down it's another one green this is awesome guys what an episode give them to a martial like button let's make this one of the best and most liked videos ever i don't think i've ever been more satisfying pulling something shielba oshawott skiddo oh i thought it was pikachu for a second everest v again i wouldn't mind an ampharos fuller card okay shonky chew time for the boys no way did you see that did you actually see that bro bro we just got a double coded booster oh my god please be an error please please please please please please please be an error pack or something that's unreal what are these codes let me know let me know who can let me know if you catch this in what you get oh my gosh this is sick this is sick this is sick this could be anything this could be anything dude oh sure do you what sorry mageena oh my gosh that was unreal what a way to finish it off with an error pack ladies and gentlemen thank you again for watching and without further ado from pikachu and me and other pikachus gonna keep on gaming i'll see you in the next upload click subscribe we got the rest of the year it's gonna be a good one 2021 off to a great start keep on gaming guys
Channel: UnlistedLeaf
Views: 1,163,862
Rating: 4.9295769 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Cards, New Pokemon Cards, Pikachu Pokemon Card, Pulling the Rainbow Rare Pikachu, New Pikachu Card, Full Art Pikachu, New Pikachu, Vivid Voltage Pokemon Card Opening, Pikachu Vivid Voltage Card, Expensive Pokemon Cards, Vivid Voltage Booster Box, New Pokemon Card Booster Box, Pikachu VMAX, Pulled Pikachu VMAX, Full Art Pikachu V, UnlistedLeaf, UnlistedLeaf Full Art, Pokemon EX Card, Pokemon VMAX Card
Id: 2ug7SLSirnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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