Logan Paul: Jake Paul beef, Aokigahara Forest and Floyd Mayweather Jr. | Full Interview

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I I want to do the Sate can I sit like this is okay put it across face towards this camera this yep see are we good Mike's got to see it too oh Jesus there we go project Arch scene one take one slate that was amazing nice so is there anything that you're not expecting me to ask you about that I should I have noing idea bro I asked that question of not expecting you to ask I asked of Mike Mack your mom and Jeff if there's anything they never heard you to talk about before the interview that I should bring up so I actually got a couple good stories on that FR but I think I'm going to save those for later okay okay I I was like Dad dude they're they're the people to get you some Intel holy smokes dude you really I mean this is alth although I was told to ask about um when you went to uh Pennsylvania on a Bluetooth Beer Run oh you're going to take me back huh that was fun actually you can tell me that and then we'll get going yeah yeah that was fun we were uh we were 18 years old seniors in high school and our one friend Brian and guic was doing like a pilot internship in Pittsburgh and four of us drove down there and we wanted beer one night and I I didn't drink at all but uh because you were kind of a like goodie T Sho was goody yeah yeah yeah and then uh I don't know why I think we played like rock paper scissors to see who was going to be the one to go get the beer yeah at the liquor store in Pittsburg and it was me and so we put like this is what we thought being an adult looked like we put like a Bluetooth headset on and like a polo and I tuck my shirt in with a belt and uh I went in and attempted to get beer to like three liquor stores and it never worked did they all shut you down they all shut me down yeah you know it that's that's a that's a lame story it's just it just it's funny to reminisce about the first time I tried to get alcohol illegally and it didn't work we never got it um all right so I want to start actually by talking I actually want to start cuz there's a bit of an issue here uh I understand that we both have the same good side oh do we I got to sit on that side gra just that I got to sit on that side because this is my good side bro you don't have a good I swear to God I do I'm like a ogre on this side and this side I look more like Jak Paul's brother I don't think there's much of a difference in fact that camera is actually shooting both sides which was the issue I had with it a moment ago what this one yeah so there's not like just kind of shooting so you're unwilling to switch sides with me we can sit on the same side no no that will this whole beautiful setup actually the issue I have with this side too I only cross my leg this way and so then like the sole of your foot I can't like cross my leg this way comfortably and so I always have my leg crossed this way with the notes I'm going to have to talk like this I think you look cute all right Graham I I like that it's stressing you out as much as the Engle stress me at are you glued to sitting on that side please Graham it's my one ask really please you could leave it up the chance you made a pouty face you start asking questions you might forget I won't forget Grant I'll never forget if it's really important to you how important is it to you I mean we this is just the way we always I'm always on this side I feel like people take me more serious when I sit on that side shut the god you you you think I'm joking I swear to God you know why cuz I can do this with my eyebrow on this side yeah but that captures it no no no no no cuz I'll be looking at you like this I'm I'm far less expressive and it and harder to read I just look like a cyborg wait do like a cyborg jackass like a cyborg jackass mud just one game one game one game and I'll shut the up and we can continue but if you lose we are switching sides just one game all right fine ready Rock Paper Scissors Shoot all right oh there we go you won God the amount of stress that just relieved is extraordinary I already don't fair and square fair and square gram carry on I think you were with me all along I I wasn't I was I swear to God um WWE sure in what ways would you say that's kind of the culmination of your life's work WWE is like the perfect concoction for everything I've ever done like every skill set that I've garnered over my what 18 years of being a dirty little professional media [ __ ] has has uh given me some sort of skill that I can portray in the WWE did you hear that when Triple H first heard that you were interested in the WWE that he left yeah he told me to my face I'm sure he thought there's no way this internet kid can hang with the toughness and very complex nature of this sport I think I'm much more capable than people think I'm prettying capable dude especially when it comes to physicality and toughness I work my ass off and I can endure a lot right and I was going to say because it's not just physicality and toughness it's work ethic and that's that's what seemed to be clear quickly to everybody in the WWE yeah no I'm going to fly I didn't get it can you give me a FL water I'm going to kill this thing I will murder this you have a fly water here for for [ __ ] like this oh that's no joke you really do okay on oh that he's he's on you bro he's he's on you he landed on you and I want you to know I'm not going to spare you I could tell this thing shocks it goes I'm definitely aware so now you're hoping it lands on me all right carry on sorry uh so you underestimated wrestling's difficulty yeah how so yeah it is the hardest thing I've ever done I've just never had to to think about using so many skills at once it's so hard like you don't it's it's not only about the physicality it's about uh your memory it's about the Showmanship it's about involving the crowd it's about telling a story it's like like I said everything I've ever learned storytelling physicality toughness memorization just sheer capability and you said Showmanship takes precedence over the mov 100% how so uh if the audience doesn't care about your performance you've lost you have to draw them in you you have to get these people to care and the mic skills that's something that you're like actively working on because that makes you a little uncomfortable I don't I'm not super comfortable on the mic yet because I I've found that I'm pretty good at being myself I'm not good so much at at reading lines that have been given to me does that make sense yeah sure but that's interesting because I mean while I know you decided you didn't want to be an actor years ago you you know played a handful of roles you went to acting class for a a number of years I think I would have thought that you'd be more comfortable with that no so that's how I discovered like I am not good at being anyone other than me I'm just not like I'm good at being me and when I wanted to be an actor in Hollywood the first couple years I was there I worked really hard at being the best actor I could be I went to um multiple improv schools multiple acting schools and audition uh drill circuits every single week audition for a load of movies and stuff and uh I just don't have it bro I really don't I'm not an actor I'm me and in the WWE I just to find a a crossover that works where I can be myself on the mic you know and where are you that where are you in that process now um I I I I every every event I do I can feel myself getting a little better it's it's just it's just it's just believing it's just believing that you are that person you know like I know who I am as a Creator I know who I am as a as a partner as a brother as a friend I don't really know who I am in front of 20,000 people yet you know what I'm saying yeah that's hard bro you're like trying to trying to convey some information and there's a bunch of people watching you and sometimes the information isn't something that's coming from here it's given to you by the writer 5 minutes before you go on stage that's difficult do you get nervous yeah I do and how does that like when you're nervous how does that come out in you I I I shell up a little bit and then that means what I I kind of go inward I'm a little quiet I'm reserved it's hard to talk to me um I'm on edge but it's so it's so interesting cuz like I get nervous to go speak on the mic in WWE but absolutely no nerves for the performance like like like zero just pure excitement you know I I I'm so comfortable physically in the WWE but that be being that that showman that Entertainer which is the thing I've wanted to do my whole life is the harder part for me most positive feedback that you've ever gotten before I understand from your work in the WWE it's just entertainment on the grandest stage that is almost guaranteed to to make you jump out of your seat every time I I it's it's it's it's undeniable that when I'm on that stage people pay the attention like I put asses in seats I put eyeballs in the television and it's cuz I'm good how has your body changed over the years from you know the work you put in yeah I'm a late bloomer I went through puberty much later than all my friends it was the last one in fact they called me shrimp in high school so I was used to being the small guy and then all of a sudden I have I have these muscles and I'm six foot2 and my body had caught up with just my natural like boy athleticism yeah I think I'm very blessed genetically to be able to do what I love my mom was a very good gymnast and I inherited some of those genes and the athletic ability in your heritage doesn't even stop there I think Don Meredith of you know the NFL legend was a relative your mom's dad's dad your great grandpa played pro football yeah so no no you you've done your research so my mom side was like fast fast twitch uh body torque lengthy athleticism and my dad's side was like the muscular uh physique side and in this weird world it just created these two monsters named Jake and Logan Paul um ever use steroids what the no Graham ever any other performance enhancing drugs no I mean that's a normal question though I mean you're you're in an industry where it's not as if that's uncommon yeah for sure no so uh with boxing you're you're drug tested so we can't and it would be I think silly to try to like do stero roids in between there but like I I I get why why a wrestler or like an actor would do it if you didn't have anything else to do um but I've always proud of myself on being as natural as I as I can be and and pushing yourself I get asked this question uh all the time especially when I get into my routine like 3 months into the workout regimen um every single time people accuse me of being on steroids because you're chisels this can be and uh yeah I mean I don't know I think it's hard for people to understand that someone can look like that without having to use steroids what is the diet and fitness regimen entail today today yeah it's not it's not too healthy today I uh I was going to say I saw Popeyes in the yeah we had some Popeyes last night we had some Popeyes last night for sure I do what I love I do what I love and that includes popey but you go through periods where you're really focused on diet and Fitness and then other times when you you know you're kind of yeah it's uh I have like a mild version of ADHD and if I'm not stimulated I'm out I am going to move on to the next thing that stimulates me including what I'm doing in my life so if I'm not doing something in my life that excites me I'm going to find something that will mhm and sometimes eating health healthy doesn't excite me Popeyes excites me but eating healthy excites you when you're training for something for sure yeah I have a gold of mine for sure it's uh my life is my my my whole life has always been about waves uhhuh ups and downs switching the career path riding it swimming into it running away from it so when you're training for WWE or a boxing match how will you lock it down we'll do a regimented meal plan with healthy meals and a bedtime a cut off time for eating a cut off time for drinking it's pretty boring it's it's exactly what you can imagine a a very intense diet a very intense regiment and I just buckle down and do it injuries uh take me through what happened in Saudi and where you stand now in the recovery process yeah it's I'm I'm in I'm in really good shape so um yeah about about halfway through the match in Saudi Arab IIA uh I I felt something just rip inside of my knee and I had half a match to go through and in my head I'm imagining the moves that I have left and like I didn't know how I was going to finish the match I didn't see in my head how I was going to this one move in particular jump over the fing top rope out of the ring and land on the Uso brothers like I didn't and off off my my plant leg my right leg leg which is now in shambles let alone jump from the Rope to the table like I I I just didn't think I was going to be able to finish the match and there's one part where I was I was stomping and every every stomp I could just feel it RI more and more but everyone's looking at me bro by the way I love how uh you mid match at some point you go over and tell your manager Jeff and your guys that are in the front row and they all have like Smiles on their face as if like they don't understand what actually is going on yeah I told them my tet mid match and what's so funny about the WWE is you have to fake being hurt but then if you actually get hurt you need to act like you aren't it's the most absurd thing ever it's all backwards if you take a big bump that really hurts and you actually tear some stuff you you have to finish the match I can't like you you can't quit you have to act like you're okay and then if you are okay you have to sell like you're hurt so people believe the performance it's a it's a fascinating backwards world so so what did the doctor determine was actually wrong grade 3 MCL out tear which was truly probably best case scenario yeah uh almost a complete tear but not and mcl's recover themselves it's about a 6 to 8 8 we recovery uh as of today I'm four weeks out and I'm probably 70% wow yeah how many concussions do you think you've had three uh and the doctor has told you what with regards to how you should act because of those concussions uh they they they beg me not to continue boxing pleading with me please this is what they do please do not continue boxing please they made me promise then what do they say will happen if you do I mean I turn my brain into putty dude oh come on I mean if they really said that that has to be enough reason for pause to like not do it again right no bro they're they're medical professionals and they're dweebs bro like no offense guys thank you for taking care of me but I can't stop doing what I love just cuz there's a little bit of risk that's ridiculous what kind of life is that so it's not guaranteed to do that to you it's just it's dangerous there's it's I mean it's risky dude it's risky my my brother and I have pretty healthy young brains and we are Contin continuously putting ourselves in an environment where we're getting battered in the head right in fact my brain is my best asset if something happens to this I'm and I don't just like say that nonchalantly I'm so I have to be careful with it my boxing career is not going to be as long as my brothers no way it's dangerous and I know that have you noticed any impact the concussions having even present day you know a tiny bit like what sometimes it's it's it's it's harder to remember or connect thoughts than I remember it being in the past like give me an example just just trying to um just trying to collect thoughts or like remember uh some something specific that happened in the past like I don't know if it's cuz I do a lot and I forget a lot which is probably partially true but also like I I did notice that after I I I started boxing on the podcast it was a little harder to to to speak and make cohesive sentences but when I stop boxing it my brains are very regenerative like when I'm in Camp podcasts are harder for sure yeah get like getting in the head's not like can't be healthy right and brains are very regener regenerative until they aren't exactly so you're entering the eth grade it's August 24th you're getting ready to jump from a small trampoline onto the larger trampoline uh take it from there I was running at full speed towards a small trampoline that was right next to a big trampoline you jump from one to another in your dad's backyard we do it all the time I know it sounds unsafe we do it all the time I was probably going around 18 M hour I was at a full Sprint racing my buddy to be the last one on the trampoline there's a four person limit gram everyone knows that I'm going to be number four my foot gets hooked under the small trampoline and the momentum catapults me and I hit my head right here on the rail of the big trampoline I fall to the ground in the process I break my wrist and got a 7 mm skull fracture and they insert a titanium plate the size of a quarter with five screws in mome which I have to this day and it was the first time I had experienced like real real adversity in terms of injury anyway like I'm I'm 12 years old and I have a metal in my head eating food out of theing straw and ever since then I've continued to get pretty drastically injured every year I mean 7 mm isn't much right like a skull fracture probably about that big but how much more could it have gone before my skull hit my brain yeah and if the impact was an inch towards my temple does a 12-year-old survive that I don't know that yeah I could have died I could have di I was very close to like perishing that day I understand uh World of Warcraft and Magic became very important to you during the recovery very important to me okay elaborate on it I'm obsessive like when I find something I like I I dive in 100% And since I couldn't do anything I was just this 12-year-old little vegetable kid who had all these dream dreams of being this professional athlete and now I can't do anything I'm late in bed I started playing World of Warcraft and I started taking a magic and these two Hobbies became such an addiction for me I spent thousands of dollars on Magic trying to impress my friends and then when I wasn't doing magic I'd be playing World of Warcraft like I'm supposed to be outside you know throwing throwing the football with the boys and here I am stuck on my computer shooting Fireballs at Orcs in the woods with my level 7 no Mage named slaber first time I'd ever seen the sunrise cuz I was playing World of Warcraft do you remember when you came back wrestling with the helmet yeah of course of course of course so that was the first sport I was allowed back so I wanted to be a professional football player my life is over a year later I'm allowed to wrestle again I can do something great they put me in this stupid ass blue power ranger helmet and I go to uh join the football team the next year we're doing sprints and I feel this pop in my knee turns out I tore a piece of cartilage the size of a quarter in my left knee which is actually worse than an ACL tear because the cartilage doesn't grow back it's gone and I end up being laid up on this machine for like 4 months it's like an automatic motion machine for your knee that you're supposed to use while you sleep that moves it for you so for 4 months dude I'm 14 years old my dreams of becoming a football player are crushed again I can't sleep and I'm addicted to World of Warcraft it really was a tough spot for you all my friends are doing what they want to do I can't even get go out of the house I can't move my leg is atrophying to this day it's skinnier than my right like that like injuries have ruined my life bro how did it affect you at the time so this is actually where I started to create the version of me that was in my head Unstoppable at 14 years old was so determined to come back stronger than anyone I knew that was my mission in life in fact this is when I started manifesting and your mom uh I I believe taught you and Jake about affirmations it was her yeah she taught us about this book called The Secret and it was just willing the reality that you want to exist into existence by your speech right they read you're 15 years old and what are you saying every morning and night in the mirror my my mission was a to be better stronger faster and healthier than I was last year and then B be more successful than anyone I know I don't know what that meant I'm 15 years old what does success even what does success look like but I don't know I I was I was on the couch riddled with injury for two three years of my life addicted to this game and I had to come out on the complete opposite asde your brother actually told me um about how you guys didn't really have the best road map for relationships growing up uh your parents got divorced uh I understand it was quite nasty um what made it that way I just don't see how my mom and my dad ever meshed energetically that marriage in my eyes was destined for failure the moment they got engaged I I just don't they're so different and you you'd spend one week at your dad's house and other week at your mom's house and you guys just went back and forth yeah we went back and forth my dad was adamant about seeing us 50% of the time um as harsh as he is he loves the out of us my dad loves us so much and I was able to ask him recently about his desire to be a father and it turns out that's all he wanted to do his whole life like the only thing Greg Greg wanted was to be a dad now as an adult I get to have these candid conversations with my dad like you know what did you see in Mom how did you guys love each other uh what did the positive part of your relationship look like and I think they both connect on how free-spirited and fun they are they're both they're both they're both a lot of fun and um my dad's a lot of fun and I think my mom was raised in a really strict household and dating Greg was the antithesis of that she got to be free she got to be herself um but when when you know my my my dad is also very intense he's a he's a really really difficult human he just is I can put Greg Paul in a room uh I could I could I could put my dad in in in most rooms with people and by the end of it I think people will have a problem with him he's difficult he's very difficult if you do not agree with him or don't see something the way he sees it I I think it's hard for him to get on board with you as a human what do you think you learned from him about work ethic everything everything I I I attribute almost all of My Success to my dad why you can do anything with hard work we'd be 10 years old working 12 14 hour days renovating a house that my dad was working on for no pay our pay was Wendy's for lunch and I remember at the time like I hated this scraping gunk out of Corners like 4 in thick I don't even know what this is is and like he put us through the ringer then all of a sudden I'm 14 years old and I'm wrestling and my ability to endure the 2-hour workout is much greater than everyone else's I was working that hard on something I didn't love so when I found something that I loved no anyone's going to stop me and I think he lives in pretty much Solitude now at the the ranch one of your have this is strategic GM I swear to God strategic I put Greg Paul in the center of a mountain basin away from everyone in society so it doesn't piss anyone off a place you own on 80 plus acres in in California how does he help you on the ranch now he's my groundskeeper man When We Were Young my dad would joke he'd say uh he'd say you know when you guys get older you're going to be rich and famous and you're going to buy me a plot of land and I'll be the groundskeeper I don't know what I don't know what he meant then all of a sudden I I I bought this Ranch and I was able to make our childhood dream come true probably one of my proudest things having my dad work for me at my Ranch kind of salvaged our relationship really yeah for sure like how so I have not always been the most communicative with either of my parents but now there's a dialogue that has to occur and have a reason to communicate with his son you guys have spoken about how he was physical a little bit like what would he do um you'll hear different stories from Jake and I Jake's memory seems to include a bit more abuse which I don't recall I recall my dad being stern and a lot of projectiles he loved to throw things books buckets pens like when we were loud and he was on the phone um there were a couple times one time he he like tossed me down a couple stairs uh but it wasn't child abuse it was it was it was more just like a a really Stern parenting there are kids who have really been abused like you know really been abused this was not us dude my dad is a very loving guy with a temper sometimes The Temper would flare up but he'd never do anything that was incredibly out of line uh and correct me if I'm wrong but you guys were kind of locked out of the house 13 hours a day and then what does uh yo-yo mean yeah yo-yo um yo-yo means you're on your own so we we go you know Dad what's for dinner and he'd be like it's a yo-yo night you're on your own figure it out kid my mom's not aing angel either bro she's not like she is she's a she's an angel she's she Pam she's a sweetheart but like she made a slew of errors as a as as a mother just like all mothers do like like what dude she um she threw me she threw me um onto my bed once and I I was a kid and I bounced in my head head hit the wall and there's a dent in the wall where my head hit but there's there's Grace in this because as an adult I was able to have these candid conversations with my parents and one time I asked my mom about the bed throwing incident and she started crying and she couldn't believe that she was in a spot in her life where she was okay with throwing her kid your mom said and this was I I mean when she was telling me it I thought it was kind of brutal she said uh you know you haven't been home for the holidays in at least a couple years you didn't get her a Christmas present last year and you aren't one to do something unless you have a motive like a vlog she said yeah I mean in the past I I can't I can't lie that's been true I haven't always prioritize family first or second or even third like when I moved out to Hollywood I was on a mission that I was sure as hell I was going to complete and no one was going to get in my way not my family not my enemies not uh a girl like like I was going to I was going to do what I set out to do and that was become the greatest entertainer on the planet and and in that I think I lost sight of what was actually important in life do I regret it no but like there there my dad would and Mom both would beg me to get on the phone with them like it was hard to to get me to talk to them just cuz I didn't I didn't I didn't understand what we we would talk about right I just catch them up on what's happening in my life well you you just saw that online that was like the daily Vlog you know exactly what's happening in my life priorities shift depending on where people are at in their lives I noticed mine shifting family is making its way up the the ladder for sure I I've been told that you struggle with relationships that aren't transactional that's not true I struggle with relationships that aren't mutually symbiotic if you want to call that transactional fine but I struggle with relationships where one person is giving and one person is taking I won't do that no matter what I think in any healthy relationship both people are receiving there's a give and a take that occurs on both sides that keeps a relationship energetically balanced most people give so they can feel something makes them feel good few people give without expectation in return if you can live in that space you're you're a decent human I've not been good at uh giving in a way that the traditional human seeks for fulfillment right like gifts to me I don't I don't get it I have everything I want can you give me your time that's plenty for me let me ask you this since we're doing therapy yeah is that my fault are we doing this is therapy yes look at us this is therapy is that my fault because when I was growing up yeah do you know what my dad would give me for Christmas Pop-Tarts Pringles in socks wrapped a newspaper and he put it under a tree and me Jake and him and our dog do would open up our gifts every year and they were the same every year and guess what best Christmas in my life was [ __ ] unbelievable wouldn't change it for a thing yeah because it wasn't about the gifts it was about the fact that we were together what role does Jake play in your life he's my my equal and opposite he's the yin to my yang he's the antithesis of me and yet the same thing as me when I have no one to talk to because of an unrelatable problem that only someone in my position would understand I called Jake I love the of him and I am overly blessed to be doing this this this thing called life with uh my brother by my side and it wasn't always that way for the two of you um when was the relationship at its worst uh it it it would have to be YouTube Circa 2017 that was an early era for the Paul Brothers how so uh we didn't like each other and we showed our resent for each other through online content tell about these diss tracks bro Jake and I were both vlogging at the time it became really competitive there was no one else putting up the same numbers that we put up and he made a diss track about me one day I rebutted with a diss track about him I took his girl bro his ex-girlfriend I got her in my video well and then not only that you slept with her oh yeah yeah Jake and I may have differing stories here he seemed to think they were girlfriend and boyfriend but was unwilling to do it publicly and she seemed to think that they were on like free terms or whatever I talked to him about it and he was okay with it but he seemed to change his mind when it actually went down I think Jake was way more hurt than um he'd like to let on but that was the thing that was the thing I had this relationship with this girl and so did he and she became like the Crux of the dis tracks so what was involved with repairing the relationship Jake basically called me up after that diss track and was like Hey dude this is this is going gone too far and I think he noticed far before I did that it was headed towards a nasty really nasty place um meaning like pretty soon there was going to be no coming back from the place and he told me that he said listen dude we're we can ruin each other's lives right now or we can like cut [ __ ] out and be brothers through a series of Misfortune Jake and I realize that at the end of the day we will always have each other and that will always remain true as long as we're both here what do you think would actually happen if you and Jake boxed uh because a family does not want that right no no my my parents don't want us to box and obviously not um but I'd win I'd win he's done a amazing job with his career but I would have beat every single fighter that he beat just the same I often ask myself how Jake would do against Floyd you know I I guess that's the only comparison and I just don't see him making it out of eight rounds do you think you guys end up fighting no you don't think so no why not if it's not for money which we don't need like why would I do that it's my brother and but then the answer would be it' be to do something that's never been done before and probably never will be done before and that excites me that would be one of the greatest boxing exhibitions of all time there's so much history between Jake and I and if there's anyone that knows how to tell a story that's going to get you roped in or make you care it's him and I uh all right here's one for you Jake tells me uh he's actually smarter than you that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life that's really stupid he did not say that swear on my life why would he say that he knows that's not even remotely true he uh yeah he says he's not going to beat around the bush and even though uh you know you got better grades than him in school that he's smarter than you you know I I guess I guess my rebuttal would would be rooted in logic what's the metric for that you know like what's the metric for intelligence is it uh is it the amount of money you made is it the amount of followers you you have is the amount of lives you've been able to change is it your IQ on paper is it how street smart you are like I don't know but like let's put it to the test I'll beat him in every single category you qualified for mental level yeah and explain what that means um I actually don't know what that means I just know I qualified to it as far as I understand s i I think it's I I believe Mena is a IQ above like what 135 what do you know what it is is an IQ above 135 oh and what does a cal God mean Cal God yeah so uh when I was in high school like I'm a nerd dude make make no mistake I'm aing nerd and in high school I love calculus I love math I love numbers I love Analytics I love logic when things make sense I'm a happy guy yeah I got it and I proud of myself at how good I was at calculus so I called myself the C God then the the scholarship offers you got coming out of high school were what full full full academic ride to college and you could have for sport as well right um I I I I could have gone to a D3 college on a full ride for sports but I was really good at school I was very good at school and I knew that and I liked it more take me through if you could the different verticals of your business as it stands I think I have about five or six wings um you got impulsive the always on every single week podcast talking which I did There's Maverick so the clothing brand that was built through the Vlogs which is probably the third wing the media creation the content creation Wing that is my YouTube channel that is my Instagram the Tik Tok let's put Athletics into one basket WWE and boxing there's my artistic side um which I've been able to do in in the later years of my 20s um photography with with originals and then the business building Prime and liquid Marketplace on the podcast front Mike says he doesn't think you would be Logan Paul today if the podcast hadn't started when it did absolutely not it's one of my biggest blessings in my life I think the ability for humans to sit down and have long form conversations day after day after day is highly underrated how much can you discover about yourself by just conversing you know with with with with acceptional people you learn so much and then you learn a lot about yourself as well by just being able to AR ulate your thoughts yeah and impulsive has given me a forum where I can speak freely and people can understand why I am a little better the BLM speech that you gave I'm very proud of surprised by the extent to which it resonated it is the most important piece of media I've ever made in my life that 3 minute BLM speech I felt was the first thing I did that actually had a real life real significant impact in how people act and that did what for you uh just just just open my eyes to the the idea that I could I don't always have to be a fool to get someone's attention yeah you know I don't know if but prior to that video I don't know if people heard me actually like say anything important Alex Jones um that was a few years ago yeah um if you were offered that today would you still have him on no no uh that's a good example of someone we probably shouldn't have had on the show he's he's a crazy conspiracy theorist said a lot of fed up [ __ ] about Sandy Hook we hadn't really had our moral Constitution set yet or our rules as to who we host we learned more about ourselves we got feedback from the audience we got feedback from the platforms that we were on and like okay there's a guideline that you probably should follow for best practices and that's what for you guys you would say don't bring porn stars on your podcast if you want advertisers how well do you recall the first time you got a still photography camera at 8 that was the beginning of my arc as a Creator like I think if you boil me down to the most basic version of who I am you will always come back to Creator when I was 8 years old and I found out that you could capture a moment that happened in real life on a screen I was captivated that was that was all it took so I had been taking uh Stills for two years of flowers I love taking pictures of flowers that was like my thing and I had been begging my dad for two years to get a camcorder a video camera finally he got one and I would record everything I love I love the idea of documenting I also think it's incredibly important like like human brains are are are incredible incredible machines but at the end of the day this like very feeble you're not going to remember most of the stuff that occurs in your life but if you die document and you capture you can relive these moments forever and I think that's really important I love recording and then this platform called YouTube comes out my first video that I ever posted on YouTube was stunts me doing stunts what was the moment that you guys realized the content that you were creating digitally was taking off it was online I I I was a failed YouTuber for eight years like I had been trying to do YouTube for eight years and what was happening nothing 10,000 views we had 4,000 subscribers after 8 years and I was happy with that that's a lot of people but something about the short form content that took place on Vine was way more attractive to Jake and I than YouTube what I think it was such a new medium that suited our very rudimentary storytelling and comedy at that point in time better than YouTube 6sec looping videos anyone can do that convincing your parents to let you take the solo trip to New York what was involved with that yeah I know I had never been to New York i' never really been outside of Ohio I was 18 years old I don't know what the world is like and I'm going to go to New York by myself to make videos with a stranger on paper it's odd because you'd been invited by another big digital star yeah his name was Jerome jar um who worked with Gary ve just got a involved in a circle of Internet creators where collaboration and verality and ideas were spread and next thing you know I'm a Vine guy in college I gained like 100,000 followers in 4 days on Vine which was which was big I went from like 400,000 to half a million and I got to learn from some of the best and I found that I had found probably the thing that I would love to do in an Ideal World I'd love to make content and you know get get paid to do that but that's not that's not real life you know like that's what you're thinking yeah I got to go get a job I'm sitting in these e economy classes and business classes and chemistry classes like doing well but just not having nearly as much fun it wasn't as much fun to me and I made the decision to to take the leap drop out of college with a 4.0 I took academics very seriously and pursue media what did your parents say when you told them you wanted to drop out uh they supported what whatever decision I wanted to make my parents have have always been very supportive and I think it's because they they just believe in me what was that environment like where you're living in an apartment complex with a whole bunch of other top Vine creators it was incredible I mean it's like a it's a creative environment where amplification is the next door you know a knock on my neighbor's door we make a Vine gets 10 million views and I can do that again right away in the next 30 seconds were you at all concerned uh for your success to translate to other platforms beyond the sixc finds I don't think concern is the right word if there's a platform to be understood and media Grace is that platform I'm going to figure it out so even though at the time you had eight years on YouTube only 4,000 subscribers or whatever it was You by by the time Vine was starting to shut down your confidence had changed where you knew like you got this for sure for sure I was I was getting better at my craft I was getting better at my craft and after Vine we would post our our content on Facebook and Instagram where things would go just as viral um and refining that short form storytelling became a really useful skill for me attention SP Bans are so short nowadays and I happen to be able to create create within people's attention span I could Captivate and tell a story a beginning middle and an end in 6 seconds and then Instagram came out with 15-second video and now you're making 15-second video then you can you post even longer on Facebook now I can do 60-second sketches and it's the same thing um I was able to I was able to I was able to practice media making on Vine and Syndicate that everywhere else because I had an engineer brain and I was going to figure it out um by the way I was meaning to ask you this your best friend from childhood Mac uh said pointed out that you didn't have a smartphone till your senior year of high school and he says he thinks that caused your brain to develop differently for sure I've never had social media as a as a consumer as a user I've only had social media to create and share my content I would not use social media if it wasn't for like this that's what I'm saying I I create for you um in the in the past and it's for you too though because it's you enjoy it I love it I love it it's my outlet for sure for sure and excuse me in the past I would I would make videos and and you know the the the Judgment was the the trophy M do do you like it do you not like it that's that's going to affect me now while I while while I create yes for an audience um I'm I'm much more interested in making stuff that makes me happy you know how attentive are you to detail in terms of like the execution timing the content everything I'm so thorough scarily thorough and how so I just pay attention to every detail and movement and micro expression that exist uh especially if it comes to something I'm trying to make I I think I think attention to detail is incredibly important and ask ask my dad about that as well he will see where I got it from really yeah being thorough attention to detail a lot of people don't give a and which is so interesting then when you consider you know we were in Austin and I'm watching you shoot the YouTube video I think I've would have come into the day thinking okay this would all be planned out uh you know Etc and then uh you just show up and uh I I mean wing it but that's that's how you you know have had most success in content creation yeah absolutely um what what which you you know they're like almost contradictions yeah I know so this I mean what you're describing is is Art you're like what you're trying to do right now is to explain a creative process good luck I and I and seriously like that's so hard every creative does differently like like it's odd it's weird sometimes I wing it sometimes it's plan it in advance sometimes I give [ __ ] about the details sometimes the the lack of attention to detail makes the piece like what like everything's different and trying to describe how each ABC is made is going to change depending on what it is want to talk about Japan suicide forest I think you said 90% of your life you were putting on the internet at that time what does that do to a person it completely shifts their moral compass and I think personal soundness I was at a point in my life where I was willing to compromise every part of my character if it meant more attention on YouTube or I thought I was invincible what's going to happen to me you're then girlfriend yeah gave you some sort of warning yep what was that she said your behavior right now is completely inappropriate and if you keep this up something horrifying and very bad is going to happen to you you're going to shoot yourself in the foot 7 days later I did what was the original plan for when you went to the suicide forest the original plan was to was what happened when you actually got there yeah I do have to preface this with it's hard for me to rationalize any of the decisions I made back then but I remember the original plan being trying to play on the haunted aspect of the forest I seen it go viral on Facebook once I I saw a vice documentary about it once um and I happened to be in Japan and I needed some content for the day so we got a bunch of camping equipment we're going to go camp out in the forest and pretend like it was haunted we made the the grave irreversible decision to keep the camera recording and still act like Vlog idiot instead of being a human and you said deep down you knew what you were doing at the time was wrong I knew it was wrong I knew it was wrong you don't go into suicide forest with a video camera and one of the guys you were with can even be heard on the video saying like let's shut off the cameras and get out of here what are you thinking when you're like in that mindset at the time I don't know Graham I don't know I I don't I don't I can't I can't relate to that kid who decided to keep recording the version of me that existed then I I I I don't understand his actions um but you know the head space you were in like back then yeah I mean I mean I I I know I was in a head space of ego and invincibility you know that New Year's Day explain what you were doing then I mean um the Vlog machine is just that it's a machine um so it was post a video on to the next M don't don't even think about it and it has to be that way you making uh 15minute Vlog every day for 460 days straight is not easy make a video post it move on so we had we had we were shooting the next thing already and then you know there's this um Global backlash occurring online that I that I I don't know I just I guess thought it would go away I don't even I know um and then it it it the the the gravity of what I had done started to really set in and I realized I had made it didn't really really grotesque error and was there a moment where you realized that oh this is bigger than I thought I think when the video started to transcend YouTube and make like Global headlines um the reality of that whole situation started to set in and you're thinking what at that time I didn't want to be cancelled I just didn't want to get in trouble like I wanted to save face my first reaction was like no this this why is this happening to me and I didn't get it I had the emotional wherewithal of a child you're a kid you know I mean like you're a kid with you're a kid with a big audience yes but F man like how come every other 22-year-old knew that that was wrong what the happened in my life where I thought that was okay I can't um sit here and rationalize like any of my behavior around that time it was it was it was I don't know how else to put it it bothers you now even talking about it yeah it's disgusting it'sing disgusting bro what about it works you up I just feel bad dude I feel bad about the victim his family the the the the kids on YouTube who had to see some like that dude that that flight home that you took yeah and then the meeting that followed um what was going on I just remember thinking like this this can't be happening how is this happening why is this happening there was a perfect storm of circumstance and where I was at personally that led to you know one of one of the largest like public cancellations in history do you know what it's like to be the most hated person on the planet cuz I do and that sucks yeah and Jeff your longtime manager yeah you almost fired him during that that period right multiple times why the would he let me do that where where was my team where were my friends why did no one tell me to stop no one did you ever consider hurting yourself no no um I've I've never been suicidal I've never been um chronically depressed uh I've had bouts of some pretty dark times but never to the point of suicide how did you get out of that period um man like attack you know like like attack life I had to ReDiscover and change who I was CU I didn't know how I got there like where do you go when you're at Rock Bottom where what do you do there's no manual for that so I just started trying I just started trying that I thought would make me a better person I got a girlfriend I became vegan I uh took a break from the internet I took up boxing I knew there was a fork in the road somewhere in my life and I went down the wrong path and I was deep down the wrong path so I had to reverse engineer my decisions and find out who I was and why you call having gone through all of that like the biggest blessing of your life took me 5 years to be able to say that um why do you think five years character change at least for me doesn't occur overnight I was able to take the necessary steps to become a decent human being I learned so much from that incident and I learned so much from the course correction that I took upon myself personally and the journey of of of change has been a beautiful one for me and I can sit here today um pretty pretty comfortable with myself and and say that I that I love myself and uh I I haven't always been able to say that uh Inner Circle who do you uh consult when making a decision whatever might be everyone and what who's everybody uh Jeff my girl Mike sometimes more I'm pretty candid like our team's our team's really open I have conversations about in the open I'll ask opinions like I I clearly have not done well in the past deciding by myself so like let's get a Brain Trust of of people we each have an opinion weigh them measure them and then make a decision and you'll still ultimately do what you want to do but that process helps you in just coming to an opinion for for sure for sure I I've um this has been really hard as a creative but separating my my personal beliefs and attachment to an idea is is is is is tough you shared the same publicist with the rock tell about the call you got yeah yeah this this it was one of the saddest Moments Of My Life um my publicist called me and she was like hey uh uh Dwayne wants you to remove every picture and video that you've ever taken with him you guys collaborated multiple like three four times I had always considered us pretty friendly I was a disappointed um in myself right because I had let my hero down and a guy who I respected and emulated a lot and then B I I I I just wish I would have like gotten a call or something and I was I was sad because I UND I understood like you sleep in the bed you make and I understood that I up royally and so it was it was like a double whammy of disappointment in getting that call and and that being his wish and that I had put myself in a position where um I let I let him down you know and he reached out not too long ago yeah when I was in South Africa this this monkey took my Prime this video went crazy viral Dwayne sent me a voice memo uh afterwards and he and he was just laughing about the video he's like ha monkey took my Prime that's funny man hope you're doing well always wishing you success from a distance and I was like oh it's just funny how that works why didn't you respond I mean if we boil it down Graham it's because of my ego bro it's like he he hurt me at a time as a result of my actions and and I I guess I just you know what it was actually that that it's not neego thing you know what it was that was a big moment in my life when I got that call from my publicist that was the first time I cried like really cried After Japan when I realized like okay holy I've let everyone down I've let every single person down including my hero time to fix this but I couldn't just forget about that phone call you know how do you go from from me being at like the lowest point in my life to it's all good that monkey took your Prime video was funny yeah thanks man hey what about when you blacklisted me from your life I could I can't bridge that Gap without some sort of conversation that is going to need to take place in real life but also no it doesn't because like Dwayne doesn't give a [ __ ] about me he's the biggest movie star in the world why why should he care I made a mistake and he doesn't want anything to do with me and that's that's kosher that's how it's going to be but obviously if he didn't want anything to do with you now he wouldn't have reached out those are the dots I can't connect why and why in that way I don't know I don't love talking about it cuz like I don't like like outing him like this he's a good he's a he's a great guy yeah we're just and he pre prevented his mom from suiciding that's that's why by the way he had a personal experience that that that that video affected him yeah very different than you know the average human and so I get it I I I totally get it um and and you know time heals all wounds and I'm sure we'll get to it you said one of the best decisions of your life was deciding to fight uh KSI yeah why KSI gave me a forum to begin my Redemption Arc I don't know where I was going to go after Japan how do you come back from that I had to fight my way back literally I had to fight my way back combat was the only way I was going to get out of that and have people be willing to at least listen to me I made this deplorable mistake but give me one second to to to refresh myself and then maybe open your mind a little bit and allow me to potentially be back into your life somehow and the the fight in terms of pay-per-view draws was only marginally less than Canelo Triple G which is yeah one of the biggest fights of you know this generation Mike Tyson has spoke uh positively about you and Jake and the impact you guys are having on the sport what's your perspective on boxing's Embrace of the Paul Brothers I think it's great you know uh we entered this territory without asking for permission kind of just barreled over the traditional format and made as much noise as we could and especially with Jake like I got to commend the kid he's he's he's flipping boxing on his head Jake said he was with you in Miami Mii uh when you found out that Floyd was in fact happening uh what do you remember from that Instagram post I think there's a video of my initial reaction somewhere and I and I just remember thinking if I can if I can just survive with this guy my life will be drastically different forever in what ways were you thinking I think my whole life I've craved uh respect and I don't feel like I got that respect that I wanted from making media online and I knew that if I could weather eight rounds with Floyd Mayweather you'd have to respect me you know like you might not like me but you have to respect me when Jake took his hat was that was that was there any planning between the fall camp and the and what about between and Mayweather no no oh my God no no no no Floyd was pissed dude Jake has not been without a security guard since that moment I think I think Foy is going to try to kill Jake like real threats in Miami what we know about Miami bro Floyd's Floyd knows Miami he's been around the block he got he got goons who kill him man for 200 bucks and and you were initially pissed off at Jake for doing that yeah yeah cuz he told me he was going to do it I didn't think he was going to do it he did it and I felt like Jake had put me in Jeopardy you know what I'm saying why cuz because he's my little brother I love him like he took Floyd's hat a skirmish breaks out go to protect my little brother and if I break my hand or get a concussion or get up by Floyd's guys a month before the biggest moment of my life trying to save my little brother's ass that's stupid in the locker room after that fight you got really emotional super what was it about that I think the ju the position that existed in my head from where I was post Japan to where I was post Mayweather was too hard for me to comprehend emotionally bro my life was over and then after Floyd some somehow I I I I felt personally like I had done enough course correction and and and had worked my ass off um both physically and and emotionally in a personal way that I that I just achieved something I had wanted to my whole life you know that night I felt like I was one of the biggest entertainers on the planet and I and I did it that night now he says uh if it wasn't an exhibition he would have knocked you out in the first round um what do you think Floyd talks a lot he he worked harder than any of his championship fights for our fight and in every press conference he told everyone I guarantee a knockout June 6th The Narrative changes after you can't get that knockout though right oh I would have done this I would have done that well guess what Floyd if I had another two rounds I would have knocked his [ __ ] ass out so I understand you're owed somewhere between Millions to tens of millions by Floyd still yeah it's not that much explain that it's it's between 1 and 3 million um but I thought it depends on what comes of the lwuit person personally and because that could stand to make it more yeah correct correct it would probably be between one and three regardless yeah deals were done using my name and likeness where cash was paid out without me taking part and eating from the plate and was done behind my back without my permission using everything I've built and I believe I'm o a piece of that actually I am contractually yeah the likelihood you end up having to take him to court to get that is what 50/50 50/50 lawsuits take forever dude I will say it's exciting that I finally get the Su some one instead of being sued and and your gut tells you what my gut tells me that he's gonna pay me upwards of $2 million in one way or another wanted to ask you about Jake's boxing um any thoughts on just his boxing ability um yeah you know what you know what he's pretty good he Jake's a pretty good boxer he he's he's and he's better than I thought he was and I realized it after Anderson he's much tougher than I expected which I guess makes sense like he wanted to be a Navy SEAL his whole life and I thought it was like a joke but he's really a tough kid he's really tough I think Jake wants to be World Champ which I find Preposterous do you I think it's I think it's good that he wants to be World Champ I just like I don't see how he's going to do that okay why not he's not that good he's good he's not that good you think he has the capacity to get that good I do I do if if if he devotes his life to this I don't see why why not you ever get nervous for him uh yeah yeah real nervous way more nervous than my fights oh do you yeah for sure I don't give a about my fights I but when my brother my little brother's fighting like that's my blood and I'm not in there to protect him he got to do it himself uh what do you think of what he's done with female Fighters I think it's I think it's so commendable and historic um it takes a disruptor to make the kind of attention and noise happen that he does and I'm not sure I'm not sure female boxing would have gotten this surge that it's gotten without Jake I no it wouldn't have no one gave a about it no one no one cared even the top dogs in the business were making no moves to actually make people care about female boxing but that's what Jake Paul does he makes you care uh here's one for you thoughts on his desire to unionize UFC fighters I think it's incredible I think it's incredible I don't I don't know why there wouldn't be a union for one of the hardest Sports and occupations on the planet Fighters are incredibly durable and go through so much so much man it's a furnace being a fighter they like hot a lot and hard and Jake wants to do everything he can to help them earn the money that they that they should be making true was awesome so how does this one work uh you are you know actively in talks with the UFC to partner with them and you and Dana have a good relationship yet Jake and Dana hate each other yeah how how does that Dynamic work yeah so I I I I had to make a decision um a couple years back that Jake's beef were not my beefs you know cuz he creates beef with everyone that's what he does right like he'll make a video about a b c d e f g all the way to the end of the alphabet saying whatever the I'm pissing everyone off he's the problem child it's what he does um but that doesn't mean that doesn't that doesn't mean I have to change who I like and what I like yeah because my brother has under taken this weird agenda to piss the entire world off I love Dana White and the UFC and I have my whole life and getting the opportunity to sponsor them with prime is a dream come true and because my brother has picked Dana White as the figurehead for his fighter pay movement doesn't mean I have to like die on that hill with him so did you tell him about the talks you're having no do do you want do you want me to tell him on this program sure when you guys come for Christmas oh that'd be amazing live it would be great he's going to be pissed bro you really have not told him I have not told him and why not uh because it's a hard conversation hey man I understand you're trying to take down the UFC and un unionize the fighters using Dana White as the vehicle to do so but I'm actually partnering with them and while you do that I'm going to be boosting them up and making sure that our product and thus the UFC gets the most viewership and exposure possible hey but good luck by the way it's a hard conversation how do you think that's going to go down I think he's going to be pissed because I'm already partnered with KSI who he also hates but this is what I'm saying he hates everyone he he he causes a problem with everyone what about my journey what about my life bro I like Ki I think he's awesome he's a great business guy great Creator great boxer what the it's not my beef bro figure your out that's where Jake and I are Yin and Yang bro like I'm not here to make war with everyone you know you said before I've come to realize I'm a hopeless romantic yeah and I may never find love uh explain that thinking yeah uh that's how I felt that's really how I felt I'm complex I'm complicated I have a chaotic lifestyle that is very hard to understand I'm extremely unrelatable I have a short attention span I in the past thought I would just be hard to be with do you think you are yeah for all the mentioned reasons yeah I do I think I think I'm I think I'm I think I'm a difficult person to be with yeah Nina would tell you the opposite cuz she thinks I'm incredibly easy be with but I think that's probably why I'm with her and you created a long list of what you were looking for in a partner right yeah yeah the girlfriend list what okay what was on it you want to hear it yeah sure ideal girlfriend qualities wit confidence intelligence opinionated empathetic self-aware active listener sexual deviant talented worldly cultured foresight insightful attractive curious and probably the most important one not a lunatic which you said you haven't mastered yourself what being not a lunatic oh I'm a lunatic I'm I'm a hypocrite too I'm half of this okay and a lunatic means what to you uh uh I'm really logical so when things don't make sense it's hard for me to understand and a lunatic to me is someone who doesn't make sense what are you saying I don't understand how you connected these thoughts or why you're upset about this thing or why this has to be a passive aggressive day versus just talking through a situation like I don't get it like uh tell about the first time you met Nina agel I think it's the Hard Rock in New York City I was actually supposed to work with her for Originals she's a model and I thought I I I liked her eyes I thought they were nice looking and as a professional I wanted to um feature her in one of one of my photos and we got to the one yard line on the contract and it fell through and so because she said you were too cheap with the offer yeah she said we were we were cheap with the offer and we were fast forward I think six seven months later we're both being hired to walk the red carpet for the O opening of the Hard Rock Hotel in New York and I got a text from her agent she's like C with nah were upstairs and in my head I'm like hey like I don't give a you blew me off for the project of my life like figure it out I'm downstairs have fun and then nah took her phone and was like can you come upstairs I broke my back and I'm 30 and I was like okay she's she's funny I love a good like witty banter so I walked upstairs and I have not separated from this girl for six 7 months now what do you think caused you guys to hit her we're we're kind of the same person we're just like perfect together we get along we get each other we have so much fun we listen she makes sense to me like I can understand her I think she's incredible she's one of the most amazing humans I've ever met and I I find myself very lucky to be with her and and I don't know if I've really felt like that before she fulfilled all the list of qualities on my girlfriend list I couldn't believe it in my head this was an unrealistic expectation and then I would notice things about her that I loved even more that weren't on my list so I started adding to my list and it says additionally since I met Nina and she raised the bar AKA wife qualities so the list goes beyond just being a girlfriend now cuz you know eventually you know I help this I hope to settle down and share my life with someone Nina I love you so much you are the love of my life you're the girl of my dreams I never thought I'd find you and now that I have a never want to let you go baby girl will you marry me [Music] yeah and you started talking about having a family together yeah and where you'd want to raise kids and we're shopping right now for a potential area to raise kids I'm sure they'll be partially raised here and partially somewhere else how many kids three two boys and a girl and there's a alignment on that yeah there's alignment on that dude we're the same person it's it's odd how well do you remember your first brand deal that you got and then your mom teaching you about taxes uh very this is a scary conversation the first brand deal I ever got was for this product right here it's called The Fly grip okay I got offered 20 000 to make a Vine including the fly grip in my video back in 2014 I said $2,000 for a piece of content that I was going to make anyways yeah you mean $2,000 I'm rich now like I'm rich dude I just made two grand and one of my boys from college comes into my room and he goes $2,000 huh well good luck you're going to have to send like 700 of that to the government I said what what what are you talking about my mom pays taxes I'm 18 I just made $2,000 he goes what are you what are you talking about bro you have to give a portion of your money to the government because that's how taxes work you to tax on your income so I call my mom I go Yo Ma Sean is saying I have to give some of my money that I that I made to the government she's like yeah you pay your taxes bro I'm 18 years old unable to compute how I didn't know about this so fast forward to where we are now your place in Puerto Rico yeah I pay my taxes gr don't worry what did you learn about what Puerto Rico offered on that front the tax incentive program here is is great it's one of the best in the world what do you remember from what you first heard about that and then the process from that moment to actually moving here yeah I mean seemed ridiculous it seemed ridiculous that someone would move to Puerto Rico to pay 4% taxes like who does that weird and yet here we are because you were paying what in Taxas before 50 50% Plus in California yeah you and Jake both relocated down here this wasn't just overnight so um Jake and I have always been pretty strategic uh Jake and I were both done with California I felt like I had gotten everything that I needed from Hollywood I realized the amount of noise in these big cities La New York Miami it's just Temptation it's distraction I remember I had heard about this Puerto Rico thing uh a couple years ago from a buddy and I was like all right I'm going to go to Puerto Rico just see what it's like I came here and I fell in love with it Jake was scouting in Miami at the time for houses I called him I'm like hey dude I'm driving around Puerto Rico right now I really think you should check this out like this place is beautiful and then he came and we both fell in love with it it was perfect for our lifestyle no noise no temptation no distraction we can lock our ourselves away in a paradise for our 3 four months boxing Camp intensive like I don't want to see anyone I want to work out four five six hours a day hit my recovery eat my meals go to sleep wake up do it again it was a change of lifestyle that I that I needed it was very fitting for my life style that is now that of Athletics and and locked in Combat Sports and then yeah the tax incentive is just an incredible cherry on top what about Bad Bunny what about Bad Bunny I mean he seems to have inserted himself in in that conversation as well with regards to you guys right yeah he has man the Bad Bunny has inserted himself in the conversation and I don't know why and I don't know why cuz it's it's up he has a act 20 meaning he's benefiting he's taking advantage of the same tax law that the rest of the tax decree people are it's and it's all online it's government information it blows mying mind how people don't want to believe that it became an issue when uh he he he put my face in a video that was like an anti-foreigner sentiment music video of his like I didn't I don't understand like I thought we were cool why are you making me like a poster child for a regime that you're a part of how's uh life changed since you've been living here much happier living here what I don't I got to deal with [ __ ] bro I'm an introvert I don't really like people the more I got to know people more I didn't like people I got my circle got the people I love but if you're not in it off I want to talk you about uh collecting first we see the dinosaur skull behind your head prize possession it's my prize possession for sure number one buy is it yeah yeah yeah didn't you have like an 8ot leg at some point yeah I have a dinosaur leg as well that was my first foray into dinosaur fossil collecting and Gary ve got you into Pokemon Pokemon yeah I love Pokemon I have since I was a kid I played the games all growing up I still play every now and then I'll pick up a Game Boy Color and get addicted to it for a couple months and uh Gary urged that I get into the TCG the trading card game when I can do something that I love that is good for business and that I can make content out of that's it yeah that's my that's my Trifecta the most you've spent on a single card 5.2 million how about what you spend all in on Pokemon cards probably like seven and correct me if I'm wrong but you lost 3 and a half million I got it back I bought a sealed case of first edition boxes they're the rarest kinds of Pokemon boxes that exists and when we went to check the authenticity and by the way the reason I bought it was because an authentication company wrapped and sealed it said this is real that's why I bought it it wasn't real gr being in that room was devastating you saw $3 million get lost in one second and a man's entire business credibility get destroyed in one second and you saw it all on camera how did you get the money back uh I was lucky that the guy who was selling it to me is a homie and obviously wasn't going to like it's a fake box so he he unfortunately is dealing with the legal repercussions of that how did you get into nfts I had heard about the idea of nfts right around the time I started collecting Pokemon and I just liked it like I i' had never been into crypto but nfts were a vehicle that I could understand to get into crypto most you ever spent on a single nft 62 $23,000 uh what do you think you put into it all in two 2 and5 million and what do you think that's worth today a couple bucks really no I'm just kidding but not a lot probably half million and what do you think that experience was tght you I've gotten the privilege of learning a lot about where to park your money you know I had a lot of money to play with and I spent it like a reckless 26-year-old highrisk Investments intrigued me and I did a lot of them and I lost a lot of them but I won a lot of them too so going from collecting to creating your 99 Originals project take me through that sure yeah so um uh I I got to visit the the first Passion I ever had once again still photography on a Polaroid the idea of capturing a moment in time something that doesn't exist it's a moment in time into a physical piece is really fun to me um and then stamping that on the blockchain and truly having that that piece live forever was even more fun so I found a medium nfts and in in collecting that really worked for my uh artistic output um I traveled 84,000 mi in 99 days and tried to take as many Polaroids as I could I ended with 99 finals and then sold them one by one auction Style on the blockchain over over a period of 99 days the project grossed I think like $4 million we have uh a group called The Originals down now that decides what to do with the money and it's set the foundation up really nicely for me to continue any artistic Pursuits I want to as I get older because I I I get bored of I'm not going to be boxing forever I'm not going to be doing WWE forever um but I'll definitely be creating forever for sure and that Medium my canvas will change explain liquid Marketplace liquid Marketplace okay what it is is fractional ownership fractional ownership so if you want to be a collector and you can't maybe afford an original or a Triceratop skull you can buy a little piece of it if you believe in the Triceratop skull market right and then trade and buy and sell and trade your um your pieces with other members in the long-term goal with that whatat not sure I have a goal for that in my head I think there's a spot in the market where it works you know if I was a kid at home I was 15 16 years old and I can't afford a half a million dollar Triceratops skull but I think the dyo Market's cool like yeah I'll own a little piece of it or even my my my Pokemon card that I bought the $5.2 Million Pokemon card that's insane to buy it out right but if you want to own a little piece of it cuz you believe in where that illustrator is going you can now do so uh consider yourself a role model do I yeah yeah I guess I guess I do now have I wanted to be one always no but I have to be now so like I I guess like whatever fine and why do you say you have to be because like it's undeniable that children and young people are watching my stuff and are going to look to me as some sort of example you know it was after Japan that I that I that I realized that whether I like it or not I was a role model was that something that you initially embraced or even like listening to you talk about it a moment ago seems like you're kind of a little reluctant when I'm reluctant to call myself a role model but that's the position I'm in no matter how you look at it so there okay that's sure because there's a distinction between calling yourself a model and knowing that that's the position do you think at any point in my career I stood on a pedestal and said do as I do this I'm the quintessential human who's got everything figured out and this is how it shall be no dog I was like I'm I am discovering everything with you in real time for the entire world to watch and judge including myself it I'm 27 years old now and only this year have I finally realized who the [ __ ] I am and so what is it about this this year though I mean like what did what did you learn I I stopped living for everyone else think about it bro this whole conversation I've been talking about how my my media dreams have existed since I was 8 years old I've been making for you since I was 8 years old and at 26 I decided to create for me and in that I found out so much about myself and about what I love and what makes me happy and how I feel fulfilled and what makes me at the end of the day go I'm I feel accomplished and that's what for you I think it's just happiness dude I think I think um I think my my my number one priority is my my happiness and my peace of mind and if I don't have that I'm not going to do anything else that would take a backseat 5 years ago I would do anything for views I would do anything for clout I would do anything to make my audience happy you know and now if I'm not mentally right I'm not going to I'm not going to move for anyone else but me and the people I love your goals today would be what it's a really hard question man and I'm actually I don't know how to answer this because I'm so goal oriented and for the first time in my life I'm not sure I have a goal which is interesting because For the first time in my life that I don't have a goal this year has yielded the most success I've ever felt it's it's a bit backwards I'm not sure what the's going on gr I was going to say like why do you think I think it's cuz I I stopped chasing while while it is a beautiful thing to look at the top of a mountain say I want to go there it's also a beautiful thing to feel like you've climbed that mountain when you're still at the bottom of it and you're so happy and confident and fulfilled with who you are and what you're doing in your life that you don't feel like you've fallen short because of a mission and I've laid a really good foundation I've laid a really good foundation for for success in my late 20s uh when we were talking about doing this you thought it was important and like the idea of doing it now at this point in your life why I feel like I'm about to catch my stride like in a big way young adult made a lot of mistakes learned from them made a lot of good decisions and kind of have an idea of what I'm capable of doing and how I'm capable of doing the things I'm I'm I'm very comfortable with who I am now and I think I'm doing a lot of stuff that may prove to be pretty significant in years to come and I think it's cool that you guys are along for the ride like the vision that I see for myself and for the entities that I built and if this is the first place to capture all of it I think it's cool um like I want to have a sick WWE run you know I want to be one of the one of the the best foreigners in the WWE space to to come into the company and disrupt it I want my matches to be uh remembered for the rest of time and hopefully I have a pretty entertaining Arc in the WWE I I want Prime to be uh a household name you know a a lifestyle Legacy brand um I want to be doing impulsive for the rest of my life you know I want to be I want to be at the table with my friends and guests that are exceptional human beings talking about interesting stuff like I'm I'm I'm warming up I'm warming up I'm simmering and it's cool to capture this moment agreed thanks bro
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 18,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Bensinger, In Depth with Graham Bensinger, Sports Interview, Feature Interview, Sports Journalism, logan paul, jake paul, Logan Paul, Youtube, influencer, social media influencer, WWE, wrestling, boxing, Jake Paul, CryptoZoo, Nina Agdal, Logan Paul relationship, Logan Paul parents, Logan Paul childhood, Pam Stepnick, Los Angeles, LA, California, Wrestlemania, entrepreneur, Prime, KSI, Maverick, Impaulsive podcast, podcast, Logan Paul controversy, Suicide Forest, NFT, Puerto Rico
Id: foJwDOif60A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 53sec (5633 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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